相關院校:重慶大學研究生院 熱點關注:2021考研輔導班上線 如何自考研究生
提問者:vae0117 - 2017/01/04 05:40
1. Where do you come from? I come from Zhouzhou, Hunan province. 2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? My hometown was surrounded with hills and trees, so the air is quite fress there. 3. What do you do during the Spring Festival? I spend most time staying with my parents, and I also reading some books at night. 4. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown. Like most other places in China, in my hometown, we should go back home and stay with our families in spring festival. 5. Could you tell me something about your family? There are three members in my family,my parents and me. 6. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take? As a post-graduate, one should have a good master of professional knowledge, so he or she can make contribution to the society in the future. 7. Which kind of professor do you like best? I like those professors who are knowledgeable and ready to help students. 8. What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with? Good friends should bear several qualities. First of all, a friend indeed is a friend in need. A good friend should be willing to help you when you are in trouble, comfort you when you are frustrated. Furthermore, good friends should also be honest people, who can open heart to others and never refuse to acknowledge their shortcomings. I feel comfortable and safe to get along with these types of friends, and they can always offer their opinions for your goods. So I think friends like this deserve to be credited as the good ones. 9. What is your major? How do you like your major? (你覺得你的專業怎么樣?) My major is surveying and mapping engineering. I like my major very much ,because I think it is very useful. 10. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained? I will graduate and receive my bachelor\' degree from Jangxi University of Science and Technology in this July. 11. What impressed you most when you were at university? The most impressed thing is that we classmates study together and play together. 12. What is the best university in your opinion? In my opinion, the best university should have many excellent professors and advanced laboratories, and most importantly, students who graduate from this university can make great contribution to the society. 13. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ? I think most we learned in school are relevant to present-day society directly or indirectly. Because when we study those subjects we not only acquire the knowledge, but also learn how to study, which is very important to our life in the future. 14. What do you do for a living? I will work hard in the future to support my family. 15. What are your job prospects? I like those jobs that I am good at, and the salary should be decent. 16. If you had the opportunity to change your subject, what would you do with I will not change my subject, because I like it very it much. 17. What are your spare time interests? I like playing basketball with my friends in my spare time. 18. Where have you been traveling to? Which place interested you most? I have been to Jinggang Mountains last year, and the old home of chairman Mao interested me most. 19. What kind of differences in the system of higher education between China and other countries? In western countries,university concentrate more on encouraging students to do creative thinking.22. Why did you choose our university? It is a prestigious university in our country. and there are many expertises of my major in this school. 23. If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do? I will seize the opportunity. 24. Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please. I think we should do more practice, because only through practice can we strengthen the knowledge of theory. 25. What do you intend to do after you finish studying? I will find a job, and learn more knowledge of my major in practice. 26. How serious is unemployment among young people and what will you do if you cannot find a job after graduation? If I can\'t find a job,I will attend a job training program. 27. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life? In my opinion,environmental pollution is the most serious problem. 28. What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5 years? 29. How do you afford your tuition? I will earn my tuition by myself,I will study hard to get the scholarship and I will take a part-time job. 30. Does your family support your decision on studying? What help do they offer? Yes,my parents quite support my decision on study,the not only support me not only economically but also
spiritually. Q.請簡單介紹你的情況。 A.有的同學以為很容易答,馬上介紹他的姓名、年齡、父母、出生地等等。其實這是浪費時間,請想一下由上述情況能給你什么高分!考生應該是重點介紹能展現自己水平能力的一面,如學習成績、獲獎、特長等等。其實老師想知道的也是后者。 Q.請談談你所在學院或系里的情況。 A. 其實老師是想了解考生對所在院系的了解、是否關心其院系老師的科研或參加什么課題等。有的同學就說說所在院系大概有多少學生和老師,就沒有別的話了。如果學生能夠講出所在院系的研究特色、條件和老師們的典型課題等,效果就不一樣了。 Q.請講講你正在做的畢業論文(或設計)的情況。 A.有的同學直率就回答“還沒有開始”。開學已經兩個月了畢業論文還沒開始,再過兩個月就要畢業了,畢業論文還沒有開始。這種情況看出該生在所在學校肯定沒有接受過多少研究或設計訓練。有的同學簡單說了一個題目就完了,這種情況也看出該生沒做多少工作。有的同學講的是一個十分科普題目,這種情況可以看出該生所在院系的研究水平的檔次,也看出培養的學生的研究能力不怎么樣。 Q.請談談你做畢業論文(或設計)的技術路線。 A.有的同學回答是“網上查查資料、整理整理什么的。。。”。對檢索什么數據庫、采用什么方法、運用什么工具、設計什么實驗、等等一概說不出或沒有可說的,一聽這種學生即使畢業了其論文也是等于沒做和沒有什么創新可說的。 Q.請談談你查閱過什么數據庫和學術期刊。 A.有的同學只講個CNKI或一兩個常見刊物名,這種情況看出學生的學術視野和接受的訓練非常一般。如果能夠講出一些國外著名數據庫和學術期刊,那效果就完全不一樣了。 Q.請介紹你專業的培養方案。 A.此問題老師是想了解學生的整體知識體系等。但一些考生無層次、無結構的羅列幾門課程的名字,甚至幾門骨干專業課的名稱都說不出來,這種學生考分再高也要打問號。 Q.請講一講你學得最好的一門課程的內容。 A.有的同學就把考試的課程說出來,但進一步問及該課程的知識體系或里面的一些重點,又回答不出來或不正確,那該生就很難說優秀了,因為學的最好的課程也是如此而已。 Q.你對那些研究方向感興趣。 A.有的同學把一個大專業大學科就當作興趣來提,比如我喜歡安全管理、交通安全、等等,這種回答就看出該生對所在專業的前沿方向一點不知,也沒有聽過這種講座,等于沒有回答問題。 Q.你打算具體做個什么研究課題。 A.有的同學把一個非常科普的常識性題目就說出來,有的把一個大專業的名字就說出來。從這就可看出這種學生就是沒有做過什么科研訓練的。
spiritually. Q.請簡單介紹你的情況。 A.有的同學以為很容易答,馬上介紹他的姓名、年齡、父母、出生地等等。其實這是浪費時間,請想一下由上述情況能給你什么高分!考生應該是重點介紹能展現自己水平能力的一面,如學習成績、獲獎、特長等等。其實老師想知道的也是后者。 Q.請談談你所在學院或系里的情況。 A. 其實老師是想了解考生對所在院系的了解、是否關心其院系老師的科研或參加什么課題等。有的同學就說說所在院系大概有多少學生和老師,就沒有別的話了。如果學生能夠講出所在院系的研究特色、條件和老師們的典型課題等,效果就不一樣了。 Q.請講講你正在做的畢業論文(或設計)的情況。 A.有的同學直率就回答“還沒有開始”。開學已經兩個月了畢業論文還沒開始,再過兩個月就要畢業了,畢業論文還沒有開始。這種情況看出該生在所在學校肯定沒有接受過多少研究或設計訓練。有的同學簡單說了一個題目就完了,這種情況也看出該生沒做多少工作。有的同學講的是一個十分科普題目,這種情況可以看出該生所在院系的研究水平的檔次,也看出培養的學生的研究能力不怎么樣。 Q.請談談你做畢業論文(或設計)的技術路線。 A.有的同學回答是“網上查查資料、整理整理什么的。。。”。對檢索什么數據庫、采用什么方法、運用什么工具、設計什么實驗、等等一概說不出或沒有可說的,一聽這種學生即使畢業了其論文也是等于沒做和沒有什么創新可說的。 Q.請談談你查閱過什么數據庫和學術期刊。 A.有的同學只講個CNKI或一兩個常見刊物名,這種情況看出學生的學術視野和接受的訓練非常一般。如果能夠講出一些國外著名數據庫和學術期刊,那效果就完全不一樣了。 Q.請介紹你專業的培養方案。 A.此問題老師是想了解學生的整體知識體系等。但一些考生無層次、無結構的羅列幾門課程的名字,甚至幾門骨干專業課的名稱都說不出來,這種學生考分再高也要打問號。 Q.請講一講你學得最好的一門課程的內容。 A.有的同學就把考試的課程說出來,但進一步問及該課程的知識體系或里面的一些重點,又回答不出來或不正確,那該生就很難說優秀了,因為學的最好的課程也是如此而已。 Q.你對那些研究方向感興趣。 A.有的同學把一個大專業大學科就當作興趣來提,比如我喜歡安全管理、交通安全、等等,這種回答就看出該生對所在專業的前沿方向一點不知,也沒有聽過這種講座,等于沒有回答問題。 Q.你打算具體做個什么研究課題。 A.有的同學把一個非常科普的常識性題目就說出來,有的把一個大專業的名字就說出來。從這就可看出這種學生就是沒有做過什么科研訓練的。