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韓天成:博士,特聘教授,碩士生導師。1984年5月出生,甘肅寧縣人。目前主要從事變換光學理論及應用(Transformation Optics)、超材料(Metamaterial)、超分辨成像(Super-resolution Imaging)等方面的研究。先后在Phys. Rev. lett.,Adv. Mater.,Adv. Funct. Mater.,Energy Environ. Sci.,Sci. Rep.,Appl. Phys. Lett.,Opt. Lett.,New J. Phys.,Opt. Express等國際知名期刊上發表SCI論文23篇,其中第一作者18篇,多篇論文均被廣泛引用。
Ø 學習和工作經歷: 2001. 09~2005. 06,攻讀蘭州大學通信工程專業學士學位 2005. 09~2008. 06,免試保送蘭州大學無線電物理專業攻讀碩士學位 2008. 09~2012. 06,攻讀電子科技大學電磁場與微波技術專業博士學位 2010. 08~2011. 08,受國家公派研究生項目支持在新加坡國立大學聯合培養 2012. 12~2014. 06,在新加坡國立大學做博士后研究 2012. 06~至今, 被西南大學聘請為特聘教授 Ø 主持的科研項目: 1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(11304253):2014.01-2016.12 2. 教育部博士點新進教師項目(20130182120024):2014.01-2015.12 3. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金(XDJK2014C078):2014.01-2015.12 4. 西南大學博士基金(SWU112035):2012.10-2015.10 Ø 近期發表的代表性學術論文: 1. Manipulating dc currents with bilayer bulk natural materials T. C. Han, H. Ye, Y. Luo, S. P. Yeo, J. teng, S. Zhang, C. W. Qiu Advanced Materials, accepted (2014) (IF:~14.829) 2. Bilayer thermal cloak using bulk homogeneous materials T. C. Han, X. Bai, D. Gao, J. T. L. Thong, B. Li, C. W. Qiu Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 054302 (2014) (IF:~7.943) 3. Full control and manipulation of heat signatures: Cloaking, camouflage and thermal metamaterials T. C. Han, X. Bai, J. T. L. Thong, B. Li, C. W. Qiu Advanced Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201304448 (2014) (IF:~14.829) 4. Theoretical realization of an ultra-efficient thermal-energy harvesting cell made of natural material T. C. Han, J. Zhao, T. Yuan, D. Lei, B. Li, C. W. Qiu Energy & Environmental Science6, 3537 (2013) (IF:~11.653) 5. Homogeneous thermal cloak with constant conductivity and tunable heat localization T. C. Han, T. Yuan, D. Lei, B. Li, C. W. Qiu Scientific Reports3, 1593 (2013) (New Journal of Nature Publication Group) 6. Broadband all-dielectric magnifying lens for far-field high-resolution imaging W. X. Jiang*, C. W. Qiu*, T. C. Han*, Q. Cheng, H. F. Ma, S. Zhang, T. J. Cui Advanced Materials 25, 6963 (2013) *Equal contribution (IF:~14.829) 7. Creation of ghost illusions using wave dynamics in metamaterials W. X. Jiang, C. W. Qiu, T. C. Han, S. Zhang, T. J. Cui Advanced Functional Materials 23, 4028 (2013) (IF:~10.2) 8. Adaptive waveguide bends with homogeneous, nonmagnetic, and isotropic materials T. C. Han, C. W. Qiu, and X. H. Tang Opt. Lett. 36, 181 (2011) (IF:~3.385) 9. Homogeneous and isotropic bends to tunnel waves through multiple different/equal waveguides along arbitrary directions T. C. Han, C. W. Qiu, and X. H. Tang Opt. Express 19, 13020-13030 (2011) (IF:~3.546) 10. Gain-assisted transformation optics T. C. Han, C. W. Qiu, and X. H. Tang Opt. Express 19, 8610-8615 (2011) (IF:~3.546) 11. The general two-dimensional open-closed cloak with tunable inherent discontinuity and directional communication T. C. Han, C. W. Qiu, and X. H. Tang Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 124104 (2010) (IF:~3.794) 12. Distributed external cloak without embedded antiobjects T. C. Han, C. W. Qiu, and X. H. Tang Opt. Lett. 35, 2642-2644 (2010) (IF:~3.385) 13. Isotropic nonmagnetic flat cloaks degenerated from homogeneous anisotropic trapeziform cloaks T. C. Han, C. W. Qiu, and X. H. Tang Opt. Express 18, 13038-13043 (2010) (IF:~3.546) Ø 所獲獎勵: 1. 2009年,獲得“電子科技大學優秀博士論文培養基金”支助 2. 2010年,獲得“富通”一等獎學金 3. 2010年,獲得“國家建設高水平大學項目”獎學金支助 Ø 聯系方式: 地址:重慶市北碚區西南大學物理科學與技術學院120信箱 Email:tchan123@swu.edu.cn |
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