西南大學化學化工學院教授簡介-向 云
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向 云, 博士 Yun Xiang, Ph.D.
For English version, please visit: http://sites.google.com/site/yunxiangswu/ 教育經歷:2005. 1~2008. 10 美國亞利桑那州立大學 分析化學 博士學位 2003. 8~2004. 12 美國新墨西哥州立大學 分析化學 博士研究生 2000. 9~2003. 7 四川大學化學學院 工業催化 碩士學位 1995. 9~1999. 7 四川大學化學學院 儀器分析 學士學位工作經歷: 2011. 7~至今 西南大學化學化工學院 教授 2008. 12~2011. 6 西南大學化學化工學院 特聘教授 2005. 1~2008. 10 美國亞利桑那州立大學 助研 2003. 8~2004. 12 美國新墨西哥州立大學 助教 研究方向:生物傳感器(Biosensors)、生物電分析化學(Bio-electroanalysis)、納米生物技術(Nanobiotechnology) 研究內容: 1. 基于新型納米材料分析信號放大的疾病標志物高靈敏電化學生物傳感 2. 生物分子的可視化分析 3. DNA自組裝及DNA納米結構在生物分析中的應用 主持課題: 1. 國家自然科學基金青年-面上連續資助項目(2013–2016) 2. 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃資助項目(2013–2015) 3. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目(2010–2012) 4. 留學回國人員科技活動資助項目(2012–2014) 5. 中國博士后科學基金特別資助項目(2010–2012) 6. 重慶市自然科學基金一般項目(2009–2012) 7. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金重點項目(2009–2011)、團隊項目(2012–2014) 8. 西南大學博士基金(含引進人才計劃)項目(2009–2012) 代表論文: 1. Cuiyun Yang, Kai Shi, Baoting Dou, Yun Xiang,* Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan, In situ DNA-templated synthesis of silver nanoclusters for ultrasensitive and label-free electrochemical detection of microRNA, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, DOI: 10.1021/am506933r. 2. Ying Chen, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan,* Yaqin Chai, A restriction enzyme-powered autonomous DNA walking machine: its application for a highly sensitive electrochemiluminescence assay of DNA, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 981–986. 3. Yunying Xu, Wenjiao Zhou, Ming Zhou, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Toehold strand displacement-driven assembly of G-quadruplex DNA for enzyme-free and non-label sensitive fluorescent detection of thrombin, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015, 64, 306–310. 4. Xue Gong, Wenjiao Zhou, Yaqin Chai, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Terminal protection of small molecule-linked ssDNA for label-free and highly sensitive colorimetric detection of folate receptor biomarkers, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 6100–6105. 5. Cuiyun Yang, Baoting Dou, Kai Shi, Yaqin Chai, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Multiplexed and amplified electronic sensor for the detection of microRNAs from cancer cells, Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 11913–11918. 6. Wenjiao Zhou, Xue Gong, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Target-triggered quadratic amplification for label-free and sensitive visual detection of cytokines based on hairpin aptamer DNAzyme probes, Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 953–958. 7. Ying Chen, Mengli Yang, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan,* Yaqin Chai, Binding-induced autonomous disassembly of aptamer-DNAzyme supersandwich nanostructures for sensitive electrochemiluminescence turn-on detection of Ochratoxin A, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 1099–1104. 8. Xue Gong, Jinfu Li, Wenjiao Zhou, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Target recycling amplification for label-free and sensitive colorimetric detection of adenosine triphosphate based on un-modified aptamers and DNAzymes, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2014, 828, 80–84. 9. Yulian Wei, Wenjiao Zhou, Yunying Xu, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan and Yaqin Chai, Graphene nanosensor for highly sensitive fluorescence turn-on detection of Hg2+ based on target recycling amplification, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 39082–39086. 10. Yunying Xu, Bingying Jiang, Jiaqing Xie, Yun Xiang,* RuoYuan, Yaqin Chai, Terminal protection of small molecule-linked ssDNA for label-free and sensitive fluorescent detection of folate receptor, Talanta, 2014, 128, 237–241. 11. Cuiyun Yang, Qiong Wang, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Target-induced strand release and thionine-decorated gold nanoparticle amplification labels for sensitive electrochemical aptamer-based sensing of small molecules, Sensors and Actuators B, 2014, 197, 149–154. 12. Mengli Yang, Bingying Jiang, Jiaqing Xie, Yun Xiang,* RuoYuan, Yaqin Chai, Electrochemiluminescence recovery-based aptasensor for sensitive Ochratoxin A detection via exonuclease-catalyzed target recycling amplification, Talanta, 2014, 125, 45–50. 13. Mengli Yang, Ying Chen, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Target-induced structure switching of DNA for label-free and ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescent detection of proteins, Chemical Communications,2014, 50, 3211–3213. 14. Qiong Wang, Cuiyun Yang, Yun Xiang,* RuoYuan, YaqinChai, Dual amplified and ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of mutant DNA biomarkers based on nuclease-assisted target recycling and rolling circle amplifications, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014, 55, 266–271. 15. Wenjiao Zhou, Xue Gong, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Quadratic recycling amplification for label-free and sensitive visual detection of HIV DNA, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014, 55, 220–224. 16. Wenjiao Zhou, Jiao Su, Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan, Yun Xiang,* Naked eye detection of trace cancer biomarkers based on biobarcode and enzyme-assisted DNA recycling hybrid amplifications, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014, 53, 494–498. 17. Jin Xu, Qiong Wang, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Cascade signal amplification for ultrasensitive electrochemical DNA detection, Analyst, 2014, 139, 128–132. 18. Yunying Xu, Jin Xu, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Target-induced structure switching of hairpin aptamers for label-free and sensitive fluorescent detection of ATP via exonuclease-catalyzed target recycling amplification, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014, 51, 293–296. 19. Jiao Su, Wenjiao Zhou, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Target-induced charge reduction of aptamers for visual detection of lysozyme based on positively charged gold nanoparticles, Chemical Communications,2013, 49, 7659–7661. 20. Mengli Yang, Ying Chen, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, In situ energy transfer quenching of quantum dot electrochemiluminescence for sensitive detection of cancer biomarkers, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2013,50, 393–398. 21. Ying Chen, Mengli Yang, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan,* Yaqin Chai, Ligase chain reaction amplification for sensitive electrochemiluminescent detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2013,796, 1–6. 22. Qiong Wang, Bingying Jiang, Jiaqing Xie, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Coupling of background reduction with rolling circle amplification for highly sensitive protein detection via terminal protection of small molecule-linked DNA, Analyst, 2013, 138, 5751–5756. 23. Ying Chen, Qiong Wang, Jin Xu, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan,* Yaqin Chai, A new hybrid signal amplification strategy for ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of DNA based on enzyme-assisted target recycling and DNA supersandwich assemblies, Chemical Communications, 2013, 49, 2052–2054. 24. Jiao Su, Jin Xu, Ying Chen, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Sensitive detection of copper(II) by a commercial glucometer using click chemistry, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2013, 45,219–222. 25. Qiong Wang, Bingying Jiang, Jin Xu, Jiaqin Xie, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Amplified terminal protection assay of small molecule/protein interactions via a highly characteristic solid-state Ag/AgCl process, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2013, 43, 19–24. 26. Ling Kong, Jin Xu, Yunying Xu, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, A universal and label-free aptasensor for fluorescent detection of ATP and thrombin based on SYBR Green I dye, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2013, 42, 193–197. 27. Ying Chen, Jin Xu, Jiao Su, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan,* Yaqin Chai, In situ hybridization chain reaction amplification for universal and highly sensitive electrochemiluminescent detection of DNA, Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 7750–7755. 28. Jin Xu, Bingying Jiang, Jiaqing Xie, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Sensitive point-of-care monitoring of HIV related DNA sequences with a personal glucometer, Chemical Communications, 2012, 48, 10733–10735. 29. Jiao Su, Jin Xu, Ying Chen, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Personal glucose sensor for point-of-care early cancer diagnosis, Chemical Communications, 2012, 48, 6909–6911. 30. Jin Xu, Bingying Jiang, Jiao Su, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Background current reduction and biobarcode amplification for label-free, highly sensitive electrochemical detection of pathogenic DNA, Chemical Communications, 2012, 48, 3309–3311. 31. Bingying Jiang, Min Wang, Ying Chen, Jiaqing Xie, Yun Xiang,* Highly sensitive electrochemical detection of cocaine on graphene/AuNP modified electrode via catalytic redox-recycling amplification, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2012, 32, 305–308. 32. Haixia Zhang, Bingying Jiang, Yun Xiang,* Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* Label-free and amplified electrochemical detection of cytokine based onhairpin aptamer and catalytic DNAzyme, Analyst, 2012, 137, 1020–1023. 33. Qiong Wang, Jiao Su, Jin Xu, Yun Xiang,* Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, Dual amplified, sensitive electrochemical detection of pathogenic sequencesbased on biobarcode labels and functional graphene modified electrode, Sensors and Actuators, B 2012, 163, 267–271. 34. Yun Xiang, Mingyi Xie, Ralph Bash, Julian J. L. Chen, Joseph Wang,* Ultrasensitive label-free aptamer-based electronic detection, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2007, 46, 9054–9056. 35. Yun Xiang,* Haixia Zhang, Bingying Jiang, Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* Quantum dot layer-by-layer assemblies as signal amplification labels for ultrasensitive electronic detection of uropathogens, Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83, 4302–4306. 36. Ying Chen, Bingying Jiang, Yun Xiang,* Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* Target recycling amplification for sensitive and label-free impedimetric genosensing based on hairpin DNA and graphene/Au nanocomposites Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 12798–12800. 37. Jiao Su, Haijie Zhang, Bingying Jiang, Huzhi Zheng, Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan, Yun Xiang,* Dual signal amplification for highly sensitive electrochemical detection of uropathogens via enzyme-based catalytic target recycling, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2011, 29, 184–188. 38. Yun Xiang,* Xiaoqing Qian, Bingying Jiang, Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* An aptamer-based signal-on and multiplexed sensing platform for one-spot simultaneous electronic detection of proteins and small molecules, Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 4733–4735. 39. Yun Xiang,* Xiaoqing Qian, Ying Chen, Yuyong Zhang, Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* A reagentless and disposable electronic genosensor: from multiplexed analysis to molecular logic gates, Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 2080–2082. 40. Ying Chen, Bingying Jiang, Yun Xiang,* Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* Aptamer-based highly sensitive electrochemiluminescent detection of thrombin via nanoparticle layer-by-layer assembled amplification labels, Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 7758–7760. 41. Haixia Zhang, Bingying Jiang, Yun Xiang,* Jiao Su, Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* DNAzyme-based highly sensitive electronic detection of lead via quantum dot-assembled amplification labels, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2011, 29, 135–138. 42. Yun Xiang,* Xiaoqing Qian, Yuyong Zhang, Ying Chen, Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* A reagentless, disposable and multiplexed electronic biosensing platform: Application to molecular logic gates, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2011, 26, 3077–3080. 43. Haixia Zhang, Bingying Jiang, Yun Xiang,* Yuyong Zhang, Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* Aptamer/quantum dot-based simultaneous electrochemical detection of multiple small molecules, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2011, 688, 99–103. 44. Yun Xiang,* Yuyong Zhang, Bingying Jiang, Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* Multi-enzyme layer-by-layer assembly for dual amplified ultrasensitive electronic detection of cancer biomarkers, Sensors and Actuators, B 2011, 15, 317–322. 45. Yuyong Zhang, Yun Xiang,* Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* Xiaoqing Qian, Haixia Zhang, Gold nanolabels and enzymatic recycling dual amplification-based electrochemical immunosensor for the highly sensitive detection of carcinoembryonic antigen, Sci. China Ser. B 2011, 54, 1770–1776. 46. Yun Xiang,* Yuyong Zhang, Yue Chang, Yaqin Chai, Joseph Wang,* Ruo Yuan,* Reverse-micelle synthesis of electrochemically encoded quantum dot barcodes: Application to electronic coding of a cancer marker, Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 1138–1141. 47. Xiaoqing Qian, Yun Xiang,* Haixia Zhang, Ying Chen, Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* Aptamer/nanoparticle-based sensitive, multiplexed electronic coding of proteins and small biomolecules through a backfilling strategy, Chemistry-An European Journal, 2010, 16, 14261–14265. 48. Yun Xiang,* Yuyong Zhang, Xiaoqing Qian, Yaqin Chai, Joseph Wang, Ruo Yuan,* Ultrasensitive aptamer-based protein detection via a dual amplified biocatalytic strategy, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2010, 25, 2539–2542. 49. Yuyong Zhang, Yun Xiang,* Yaqin Chai, Ruo Yuan,* Aptamer-based competitive electrochemical assay of small biomolecules, Sci. China Ser. B 2011, 54, 822–826. 50. Siriwan Suwansa-ard, Yun Xiang, Ralph Bash, Panote Thavarungkul, Proespichaya Kanatharana, Joseph Wang,* Prussian blue dispersed sphere catalytic labels for amplified electronic detection of DNA, Electroanalysis 2008, 20, 308–312. 51. Apon Numnuam, Karin Y. Chumbimuni-Torres, Yun Xiang, Ralph Bash, Panote Thavarungkul, Proespichaya Kanatharana, Erno1 Pretsch,* Joseph Wang,* Eric Bakker,* Aptamer-based potentiometric measurements of proteins using ion-selective microelectrodes, Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80, 707–712. 52. Apon Numnuam, Karin Y. Chumbimuni-Torres, Yun Xiang, Ralph Bash, Panote Thavarungkul, Proespichaya Kanatharana, Erno1 Pretsch,* Joseph Wang,* Eric Bakker,* Potentiometric detection of DNA hybridization, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 410–411. 53. Zong Dai, Abdel-Nasser Kawde, Yun Xiang, Jeffrey T. La Belle, Jared Gerlach, Veer P. Bhavanandan, Lokesh Joshi,* Joseph Wang,* Nanoparticle-based sensing of glycan-lectin interactions, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, 128, 10018–10019. 54. Jacob A. Hansen, Joseph Wang,* Abdel-Nasser Kawde, Yun Xiang, Kurt V. Gothelf, Greg Collins, Quantum-dot/aptamer-based ultrasensitive multi-analyte electrochemical biosensor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, 128, 2228–2229. 55. Karin Y. Chumbimuni-Torres, Zong Dai, Nastassia Rubinova, Yun Xiang, Erno Pretsch,* Joseph Wang,* Eric Bakker*, Potentiometric biosensing of proteins with ultrasensitive ion-selective microelectrodes and nanoparticle labels, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, 128, 13676–13677. 56. Anchana Preechaworapun, Zong Dai, Yun Xiang, Orawon Chailapakulb,* Joseph Wang,* Investigation of the enzyme hydrolysis products of the substrates of alkaline phosphatase in electrochemical immunosensing, Talanta, 2008, 76, 424–431. |
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