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廖曉峰,教授,博士生導師,教育部長江特聘教授,新世紀百千萬國家級人才,全國優(yōu)秀博士后,教育部新世紀優(yōu)秀人才,享受國務院政府特殊津貼的專家,重慶市“322”人才工程一層次人才,重慶市學術技術帶頭人,IEEE Senior Member。 廖曉峰教授于1986年和1992年分別在四川大學數(shù)學系獲計算數(shù)學專業(yè)學士和碩士學位,1997年在電子科技大學電子工程學院獲電路與系統(tǒng)專業(yè)博士學位。廖曉峰教授于1986年7月至1989年9月在四川大學任助教,1992年7月至1999年4月在電子科技大學任講師、副教授、教授,1999年至2012.7在重慶大學任教授、副院長。目前在西南大學電子信息學院工作,曾先后在香港中文大學、香港城市大學、日本腦科學研究所、英國的Warwick大學以及美國的大學等做訪問教授。 廖曉峰教授近年來從事人工神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡、無線傳感器網(wǎng)絡和混沌密碼學及其應用研究,主持國家自然科學基金項目4項(均以“優(yōu)秀”結(jié)題)、教育部新世紀優(yōu)秀人才資助項目1項、重慶市自然科學基金重點項目1項、其它省部級科研項目5項。以第一排名獲得教育部和重慶市自然科學二等獎4項、三等獎1項、科技進步獎1項,獲得國家發(fā)明專利4項。出版專著3部,SCI檢索論文百余篇,SCI 他引3390次,到2012年止其H因子為33。目前是兩個國際期刊的副主編。已經(jīng)培養(yǎng)博士畢業(yè)生40余名,其中1篇獲得全國百篇優(yōu)秀博士論文提名獎,4篇博士論文獲得重慶市優(yōu)秀博士論文,6人獲教育部新世紀優(yōu)秀人才計劃資助,1人獲重慶市杰出青年基金資助。他也是10余個國際會議的程序委員會主席與委員。
學歷情況: · · ·
大學職位: · · · · · ·
· · · · · · · · · · · 獲得的科技獎勵
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研究經(jīng)歷: · · · · · · · · · · ·
研究項目: · · · · · · · · · · · · 著作: 1、 2、 3、
1、 2、 3、 4、 2009-1-8.
2012年發(fā)表的論文: 1. Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qing); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Collision-based flexible image encryption algorithm”, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE Vol.85, No. 2 , pp.400-407, FEB 2012, (1.293, Q2, 0); 2. Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qing); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Liu, J (Liu, Jun), “Design of image Hash functions based on fluid dynamics model “, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS Vol.67, No.3, pp.1837-1845,FEB 2012, (1.741, Q1, 0); 3. Li, HQ (Li, Huaqing); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Xiao, L (Xiao, Li), “Comments on: "Melnikov analysis of chaos in a general epidemiological model" [Nonlinear Anal. RWA 8 (2007) 20]”, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, Vol.13 pp. 39-41,FEB 2012, (2.138, Q1, 0); 4. Chen, F (Chen, Fei); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-Wo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Xiang, T (Xiang, Tao) , “Period Distribution of Generalized Discrete Arnold Cat Map for N = p(e) “, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol.58 , No. 1 pp. 445-452, JAN 2012, (2.728, Q1, 0); 2011年發(fā)表的論文: 5. Chen, F (Chen, Fei); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Xiang, T (Xiang, Tao); Zheng, HY (Zheng, Hongying), “Security analysis of the public key algorithm based on Chebyshev polynomials over the integer ring Z(N)”, INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol.181, No. 22,pp.5110-5118, NOV 15 2011, (2.836, Q1, 0); 6. Li, HQ (Li, Huaqing); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Li, CJ (Li, Chaojie), “Chaos control and synchronization via a novel chatter free sliding mode control strategy”, NEUROCOMPUTING, Vol.74,No. 17,pp.3212-3222,OCT 2011, (1.442, Q2, 0); 7. Liu, C (Liu, Chao); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Variable-time impulses in BAM neural networks with delays”, NEUROCOMPUTING, Vol.74, No.17, pp.3286-3295, OCT 2011, (1.442, Q2, 0); 8. Li, HQ (Li, Huaqing); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Huang, HY (Huang, Hongyu); Li, CJ (Li, Chaojie), “Edge detection of noisy images based on cellular neural networks”, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, Vol.16, No. 9, pp.3746-3759,SEP 2011, (2.698, Q1,1); 9. Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Dang, CY (Dang, Chuangyin); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng) , “Distributed resource allocation with fairness for cognitive radios in wireless mobile ad hoc networks”, WIRELESS NETWORKS, Vol.17,No. 6,pp.1493-1512,AUG 2011, (0.958, Q3, 0); 10. Chen, F (Chen, Fei); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Xiang, T (Xiang, Tao); Zheng, HY (Zheng, Hongying), “Security analysis of the public key algorithm based on Chebyshev polynomials over the integer ring Z(N)”, INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol.181, No. 22,pp.5110-5118, NOV 15 2011, (2.836, Q1, 0); 11. Li, HQ (Li, Huaqing); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Li, CJ (Li, Chaojie), “Chaos control and synchronization via a novel chatter free sliding mode control strategy”, NEUROCOMPUTING, Vol.74,No. 17,pp.3212-3222,OCT 2011, (1.442, Q2, 0); 12. Liu, C (Liu, Chao); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Variable-time impulses in BAM neural networks with delays”, NEUROCOMPUTING, Vol.74, No.17, pp.3286-3295, OCT 2011, (1.442, Q2, 0); 13. Li, HQ (Li, Huaqing); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Huang, HY (Huang, Hongyu); Li, CJ (Li, Chaojie), “Edge detection of noisy images based on cellular neural networks”, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, Vol.16, No. 9, pp.3746-3759,SEP 2011, (2.698, Q1,1); 14. Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Dang, CY (Dang, Chuangyin); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng) , “Distributed resource allocation with fairness for cognitive radios in wireless mobile ad hoc networks”, WIRELESS NETWORKS, Vol.17,No. 6,pp.1493-1512,AUG 2011, (0.958, Q3, 0); 15. Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Dang, CY (Dang, Chuangyin); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Joint opportunistic power and rate allocation for wireless ad hoc networks: An adaptive particle swarm optimization approach”, JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS,Vol.34,No.4,pp.1353-1365,JUL 2011, (0.660, Q3, 0); 16. Duan, LL (Duan, Lili); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Xiang, T (Xiang, Tao), “A secure arithmetic coding based on Markov model”, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, Vol.16, No. 6,pp.2554-2562,JUN 2011, (2.698, Q1, 0); 17. Li, CJ (Li, Chaojie); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Huang, TW (Huang, Tingwen), “Impulsive effects on stability of high-order BAM neural networks with time delays”, NEUROCOMPUTING, Vol.74,No.10,pp. 1541-1550,MAY 2011, (1.442, Q2, 1); 18. Wang, ZX (Wang, Zhengxia); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Wu, HX (Wu, Haixia), “Mean square exponential stability of stochastic genetic regulatory networks with time-varying delays”, INFORMATION SCIENCES,Vol.181, No. 4.pp.792-811,FEB 15 2011, (2.836, Q1, 0); 19. Li, HQ (Li Hua-Qing); Liao, XF (Liao Xiao-Feng); Huang, HY (Huang Hong-Yu), “Synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems based on neural network and sliding mode control”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.60,No. 2,: 020512,FEB 2011, (1.259, Q2, 2); 20. Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Dang, CY (Dang, Chuangyin); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Distributed algorithms for resource allocation of physical and transport layers in wireless cognitive ad hoc networks”, WIRELESS NETWORKS, Vol.17, No.2, pp.337-356, FEB 2011, (0.958, Q3, 0); 21. Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Wu, SC (Wu, Sichao); Feng, GG (Feng, Gang Gary); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Stabilizing Effects of Impulses in Discrete-Time Delayed Neural Networks”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS, Vol.22, No. 2, pp.323-329,FEB 2011, (2.633, Q1, 2); 22. Han, Q (Han, Qi); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Feng, LP (Feng, Liping), “Complex Dynamics Behaviors in Cellular Automata Rule 35”, JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AUTOMATA, Vol. 6, No. 6,pp.487-504,2011, (0.475, Q4, 0); 23. Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qing); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-wo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Hu, Y (Hu, Yue), “On the security of multiple Huffman table based encryption”, JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION, Vol.22, No. 1,SI,pp.85-92,JAN 2011, (1.101, Q2, 0); 24. Wang, Y (Wang, Yong); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-Wo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Chen, GR (Chen, Guanrong), “A new chaos-based fast image encryption algorithm”, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING,Vol.11, No.1 ,pp.514-522, JAN 2011, (2.097, Q2, 3);
2010年發(fā)表的論文: 25. Yang, HQ (Yang, Huaqian); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-wo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Wei, PC (Wei, Pengcheng), “A fast image encryption and authentication scheme based on chaotic maps”, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, Vol. 15, No. 11,pp.3507-3517, NOV 2010, (2.698, Q1, 8); 26. Zhong, SG (Zhong, Shigang); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Global stability of discrete-time Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with impulses”, NEUROCOMPUTING, Vol.73, No.16-18 , SI,pp.3132-3138,OCT 2010, (1.442, Q2, 0) ; 27. Duan, LL (Duan Li-Li); Liao, XF (Liao Xiao-Feng); Xiang, T (Xiang Tao) , “Image encryption based on arithmetic coding with order-1 Markov model”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, vol. 59, No.10. pp.6744-6751, OCT 2010, (1.259, Q2, 0); 28. Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Chen, F (Chen, Fei); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-Wo) , “On the Security of Public-Key Algorithms Based on Chebyshev Polynomials over the Finite Field Z(N)”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, vol.59. No.10, pp. 1392-1401,OCT 2010, (1.608, Q2, 0); 29. Wang, Z (Wang, Z.); Liao, X (Liao, X.); Guo, S (Guo, S.); Liu, G (Liu, G.), “Stability analysis of genetic regulatory network with time delays and parameter uncertainties”, IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, Vol.4, No.10, pp. 2018-2028, OCT 2010, (1.283, Q2, 1); 30. Wu, HX (Wu, Haixia); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Feng, W (Feng, Wei); Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei), “Robust stability for uncertain genetic regulatory networks with interval time-varying delays”, INFORMATION SCIENCES,Vol.180, No.18, pp.3532-3545,SEP 15 2010,(2.836, Q1, 3); 31. Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Lai, SY (Lai, Shiyue); Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qing), “A novel image encryption algorithm based on self-adaptive wave transmission”, SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol. 90, No. 9 . pp.2714-2722, SEP 2010, (1.373, Q2, 5); 32. Xiao, D (Xiao, Di); Shih, FY (Shih, Frank Y.); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “A chaos-based hash function with both modification detection and localization capabilities”, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, Vol.15, No. 9, pp. 2254-2261, SEP 2010,(2.698, Q1, 6); 33. Zhao, L (Zhao Liang); Liao, XF (Liao Xiao-Feng); Xiang, T (Xiang Tao); Xiao, D (Xiao Di), “Color image degradation algorithms based on Z-matrix map and selective encryption”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol. 59. No. 3,pp. 1507-1523, MAR 2010, (1.259, Q2, 0); 34. Guo, S (Guo, S.); Dang, C (Dang, C.); Liao, X (Liao, X.); Liu, D (Liu, D.), “Linear matrix inequality-based novel stability criteria of the primal-dual algorithm with heterogeneous communication delays”, IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 4, No.3, pp.461-471,MAR 2010, (1.283, Q2, 0); 35. Xiao, D (Xiao, Di); Peng, WB (Peng, Wenbing); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Xiang, T (Xiang, Tao), “Collision analysis of one kind of chaos-based hash function”, PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 374, No. 10, pp. 1228-1231, FEB 22 2010, (1.963, Q2, 3); 36. Liu, Q (Liu, Qun); Liao, XF (Liao, XiaoFeng); Wu, Y (Wu, Yu), “A Novel Clustering Algorithm Using Hypergraph-Based Granular Computing”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, Vol. 25, No. 2, SI pp. 155-164, FEB 2010, (1.331, Q3, 0); 2009發(fā)表的論文: 37. Wu, HX (Wu, Haixia); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Feng, W (Feng, Wei); Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei), “Robust stability analysis of uncertain systems with two additive time-varying delay components”, APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol.33, No.12, pp. 4345-4353,DEC 2009, (1.371, Q1, 2); 38. Xiao, D (Xiao, Di); Liao, X (Liao, Xiaofeng); Wang, Y (Wang, Yong), “Improving the security of a parallel keyed hash function based on chaotic maps “, PHYSICS LETTERS A, vol.373, No. 47, pp.4346-4353, NOV 23 2009, (1.963, Q2, 2); 39. Zhao, L (Zhao, Liang); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Xiao, D (Xiao, Di); Xiang, T (Xiang, Tao); Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qing); Duan, S (Duan, Shukai), “ True random number generation from mobile telephone photo based on chaotic cryptography “, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS , Vol.42, No. 3, pp. 1692-1699, NOV 15 2009, (1.268, Q2, 1); 40. Liu, Q (Liu, Qun); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Liu, YB (Liu, Yanbing); Zhou, SB (Zhou, Shangbo); Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao), “Dynamics of an inertial two-neuron system with time delay”, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, Vol.58,No. 3, pp. 573-609 NOV 2009, (1.741, Q1, 1); 41. Wang, ZX (Wang, Zhengxia); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Mao, JL (Mao, Jiali); Liu, GD (Liu, Guodong), “Robust stability of stochastic genetic regulatory networks with discrete and distributed delays”, SOFT COMPUTING, vol. 13, No. 12, pp. 1199-1208, OCT 2009,(1.512, Q2, 5); 42. Yang, XF (Yang, Xiaofan); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong); Tang, YY (Tang, Yuan Yan), “Local stability and attractive basin of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks “, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp.2834-2841, OCT 2009, (2.138, Q1, 1); 43. Yang, HQ (Yang, Huaqian); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-Wo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Wang, Y (Wang, Yong); Yang, DG (Yang, Degang), “One-way hash function construction based on chaotic map network “, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 2566-2574, SEP 15 2009 (1.268, Q2, 4) 44. Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qing); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-wo); Hu, Y (Hu, Yue); Xiao, D (Xiao, Di), “True random number generator based on mouse movement and chaotic hash function”, INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol.179, No.19, pp. 3442-3450, SEP 9 2009, (2.836, Q1, 5); 45. Wang, Y (Wang, Yong); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-Wo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Xiang, T (Xiang, Tao); Chen, GR (Chen, Guanrong), “A chaos-based image encryption algorithm with variable control parameters”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, vol. 41, No. 4, pp.1773-1783, AUG 30 2009,(1.268, Q2, 16); 46. Zhong, QH (Zhong, Qishui); Bao, JF (Bao, Jingfu); Yu, YB (Yu, Yongbin); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Exponential stabilization for discrete Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems via impulsive control”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol. 41,No. 4,pp. 2123-2127, AUG 30 2009, (1.268, Q2, 5); 47. Wu, HX (Wu, Haixia); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Feng, W (Feng, Wei); Wang, ZX (Wang, Zhengxia) , “Stochastic stability for uncertain genetic regulatory networks with interval time-varying delays”, NEUROCOMPUTING, Vol.72, No. 13-15,pp. 3263-3276, AUG 2009,(1.442, Q2, 19); 48. Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Liu, Q (Liu, Qun); Wu, HX (Wu, Haixia), “Linear stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis for exponential RED algorithm with heterogeneous delays”, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, Vol.10, No. 4, pp.2225-2245, AUG 2009, (2.138, Q1, 2); 49. Liu, Q (Liu, Qun); Liao, XF (Liao, XiaoFeng); Guo, ST (Guo, SongTao); Wu, Y (Wu, Yu), “Stability of bifurcating periodic solutions for a single delayed inertial neuron model under periodic excitation”, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp.2384-2395, AUG 2009, (2.138, Q1, 4); 50. Yang, DG (Yang, Degang); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Wang, Y (Wang, Yong); Yang, HQ (Yang, Huaqian); Wei, PC (Wei, Pengcheng), “A novel chaotic block cryptosystem based on iterating map with output-feedback”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 505-510, JUL 15 2009, (1.268, Q2, 3); 51. Zhou, Q (Zhou Qing); Hu, Y (Hu Yue); Liao, XF (Liao Xiao-Feng), “A key generation algorithm for biometric cryptosystems based on TD-ERCS”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol. 58, No.7,pp.4477-4484, JUL 2009, (1.259, Q2, 0); 52. Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Liu, YB (Liu, Yanbing); Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Mai, HH (Mai, Huanhuan), “Asymptotic stability of delayed neural networks: A descriptor system approach”, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, Vol.14, No.7, pp.3120-3133, JUL 2009, (2.698, Q1, 3); 53. Xiao, D (Xiao, Di); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Wei, PC (Wei, Pengcheng) , “Analysis and improvement of a chaos-based image encryption algorithm”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol. 40, No.5, pp.2191-2199, JUN 15 2009, (1.268, Q2, 22); 54. Hu, Y (Hu, Yue); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-wo); Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qing), “A true random number generator based on mouse movement and chaotic cryptography”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp.2286-2293, JUN 15 2009, (1.268, Q2, 3); 55. Yang, HQ (Yang, Huaqian); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-wo); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Wei, PC (Wei, Pengcheng), “A new cryptosystem based on chaotic map and operations algebraic”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol.40No.5, pp.2520-2531, JUN 15 2009,(1.268, Q2, 2); 56. Deng, SJ (Deng, Shaojiang); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao), “Asymptotic stability analysis of certain neutral differential equations: A descriptor system approach”, MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION, Vol.79, No.10,pp.2981-2993, JUN 2009, (0.812, Q3, 1); 57. Xiao, D (Xiao, Di); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Wang, Y (Wang, Yong), “Parallel keyed hash function construction based on chaotic neural network”, NEUROCOMPUTING, Vol.72, No.10-12, pp.2288-2296, JUN 2009, (1.442, Q2, 9); 58. Zhao, L (Zhao Liang); Liao, XF (Liao Xiao-Feng); Xiang, T (Xiang Tao); Xiao, D (Xiao Di), “Multidimensional Z-Matrix with Control Parameters and Its Applications in Image Encryption”, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol.26, No. 6, 060502, JUN 2009, (1.078, Q2, 3); 59. Li, Y (Li, Yang); Wong, KW (Wong, K. W.); Liao, XF (Liao, XiaoFeng); Li, CD (Li, ChuanDong), “On impulsive control for synchronization and its application to the nuclear spin generator system”, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, Vol.10,No. 3,pp.1712-1716, JUN 2009, (2.138, Q1, 5); 60. Yu, YB (Yu Yong-Bin); Zhang, HB (Zhang Hong-Bin); Zhang, FL (Zhang Feng-Li); Yu, JB (Yu Jue-Bang); Liao, XF (Liao Xiao-Feng), “Stability Analysis and Design of Impulsive Control Lorenz Systems Family”, COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Vol.51, No.5, pp.869-875, MAY 2009, (0.488, Q4, 0); 61. Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Feng, G (Feng, Gang); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Liu, Q (Liu, Qun), “Novel delay-range-dependent stability analysis of the second-order congestion control algorithm with heterogonous communication delays”, JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, Vol.32, No.3, pp. 568-577, MAY 2009, (0.660, Q3, 1); 62. Xiang, T (Xiang, Tao); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-Wo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “On the security of a novel key agreement protocol based on chaotic maps”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol.40, No.2, pp.672-675, APR 30 2009, (1.268, Q2, 2); 63. Yang, JY (Yang, Jiyun); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Yu, WW (Yu, Wenwu); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-wo); Wei, J (Wei, Jun), “Cryptanalysis of a cryptographic scheme based on delayed chaotic neural networks”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol.40, No.2, pp.821-825, APR 30 2009, (1.268, Q2, 0); 64. Liu, XM (Liu, Xiaoming); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Necessary and sufficient conditions for Hopf bifurcation in tri-neuron equation with a delay”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol.40, No.1, PP.481-490, APR 15 2009, (1.268, Q2, 0); 65. Yang, HQ (Yang, Huaqian); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-wo); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Wei, PC (Wei, Pengcheng) , “A new block cipher based on chaotic map and group theory”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol.40, No. 1, pp.50-59, APR 15 2009, (1.268, Q2, 0); 66. Mai, HH (Mai, Huanhuan); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong), “A semi-free weighting matrices approach for neutral-type delayed neural networks”, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol.225, No.1, pp.44-55,MAR 1 2009, (1.030, Q2, 8); 67. Yang, DG (Yang, Degang); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Hu, CY (Hu, Chunyan); Wang, Y (Wang, Yong), “New delay-dependent exponential stability criteria of BAM neural networks with time delays”, MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION, Vol.79, No.5, pp.1679-1697,JAN 2009, (0.812, Q3, 1); 2008年發(fā)表的論文: 68. Yang, DG (Yang, Degang); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Chen, Y (Chen, Yong); Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Wang, H (Wang, Hui), “New delay-dependent global asymptotic stability criteria of delayed Hopfield neural networks”, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS,Vol.9, No.5, pp.1894-1904,DEC 2008, (2.138, Q1, 1); 69. Zhong, QS (Zhong, Qishui); Bao, JF (Bao, Jingfu); Yu, YB (Yu, Yongbin); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Impulsive control for T-S fuzzy model-based chaotic systems”, MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION, Vol.79,No.3, pp.409-415, DEC 1 2008, (0.812, Q3, 7); 70. Mi, B (Mi, Bo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Chen, Y (Chen, Yong), “A novel chaotic encryption scheme based on arithmetic coding”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS,vol.38,No.5,pp.1523-1531,DEC 2008, (1.268, Q2, 13); 71. Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Feng, G (Feng, Gang); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Liu, Q (Liu, Qun), “Hopf bifurcation control in a congestion control model via dynamic delayed feedback”, CHAOS, Vol.18, No.4, 043104,DEC 2008, (2.081, Q1, 2); 72. Yu, YB (Yu, Yongbin); Zhang, FL (Zhang, Fengli); Zhong, QS (Zhong, Qishui); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Yu, JB (Yu, Juebang), “Impulsive control of Lurie systems”, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol.56, No.11,pp.2806-2813,DEC 2008, (1.472, Q2, 1); 73. Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qing); Wong, K (Wong, Kwok-wo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Xiang, T (Xiang, Tao); Hu, Y (Hu, Yue), “Parallel image encryption algorithm based on discretized chaotic map”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol.38, No.4,pp.1081-1092,NOV 2008, (1.268, Q2, 9); 74. Mi, B (Mi, Bo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong), “IDENTIFICATION AND REALIZATION OF LINEARLY SEPARABLE BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS VIA CELLULAR NEURAL NETWORKS”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS, Vol.18, No.11, pp.3299-3308,NOV 2008, (0.814, Q2, 0); 75. Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Yang, JY (Yang, Jiyun); Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao), “Exponential stability of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with delays”, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, Vol.13, No.9, pp.1767-1775,NOV 2008, (2.698, Q1, 16); 76. Xiang, T (Xiang, Tao); Wong, KW (Wong, Kwok-wo); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “An improved chaotic cryptosystem with external key”, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, Vol.13, No.9,pp.1879-1887,NOV 2008, (2.698, Q1, 8); 77. Yang, XF (Yang, Xiaofan); Yang, MB (Yang, Maobin); Liu, HY (Liu, Huaiyi); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng), “Bautin bifurcation in a class of two-neuron networks with resonant bilinear terms”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol.38, No.2,pp.575-589, OCT 2008, (1.268, Q2, 3); 78. Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong), “Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis in a novel congestion control model with communication delay”, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, Vol. 9, No.4,pp.1292-1309,2008, (2.138, Q1, 12); 79. Guo, ST (Guo, Songtao); Liao, XF (Liao, Xiaofeng); Liu, Q (Liu, Qun); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong), “Necessary and sufficient conditions for Hopf bifurcation in exponential RED algorithm with communication delay”, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, Vol.9,No.4, pp.1768-1793,SEP 2008, (2.138, Q1,9); 80. Zhou, Q (Zhou Qing); Hu, Y |
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