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劉光遠,男,漢族,中共黨員,四川人。西南大學電子信息工程學院教授,博士生導師,信號與信息研究所所長,工學博士,心理學博士后,國務院政府特殊津貼獲得者。研究領(lǐng)域包括:情感計算、模式識別、計算智能等。先后主持主研國家自然科學基金、教育部重大重點科技項目、重慶市科學基金等項目20余項,在《中國科學 (F輯)》、《計算機研究與發(fā)展》、《電子科學學刊》、《SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences》等國內(nèi)外學術(shù)期刊及學術(shù)會議上共發(fā)表學術(shù)論文80多篇,其中40多篇論文被SCIE\ EI \ ISTP等檢索系統(tǒng)所收錄。研究成果《計算智能及其在控制中的應用示范》獲得重慶市科技進步三等獎。現(xiàn)任I EEE CA會員,重慶市人工智能學會常務理事,中國電子學會會員,西南大學學報(自然科學版)編委,國家自然科學基金委、教育部和重慶市科委有關(guān)項目評審專家;曾任重慶市物理學會副理事長,重慶市知識產(chǎn)權(quán)研究會副理事長,首屆重慶市政府信息化帶動工業(yè)化專家組成員,有關(guān)國際會議組織委員會或程序委員會委員,擔任多個學術(shù)期刊審稿人。 主要承擔電路原理、電工學、模擬電路、信號與系統(tǒng)、數(shù)字信號處理及智能信息處理等課程的教學任務。 聯(lián)系郵箱:liugy@swu.edu.cn 學習和工作簡歷 1979.09-1983.07 西南師范大學物理系物理專業(yè)本科,學士 1992.09-1995.07 1992.09-1995.07 2000.10-2005.12 1983.07-1997.11 1997.12-1999.05 1999.06-至 科研項目(主持) (1)教育部重大科技項目:基于生理信號的人機情感交互理論模型及應用研究(NO.311032),2011.—2014.7 (2)國家自然科學基金面上項目:用計算智能提取情感生理信號重要特征及其組合的研究(NO.60873143),2009.1-2011.12 (3)教育部高等學校骨干教師資助計劃:禁忌搜索算法及在神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡中的應用(教技司[2000]65號),2000.06-2002.12 (4)重慶市科委基金面上項目:基于Tabu Search模糊神經(jīng)計算(2003-7881,2003.8-2005-09 (5)重慶市科委基金面上項目: 禁忌搜索算法應用(99-5775),1999.01-2001.06 (6)重慶市科委基金面上項目:混沌神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡及應用研究(99-5909) ,1999.06-2002.11 (7)重慶市科委基金面上項目:協(xié)同計算機的學習研究及在生物圖像識別中的應用(CSTC,2004BB2083),2004.10-2006.09 (8)重慶市科委基金面上項目:基于生理信號的情感特征分析(CSTC,2006BB2328),2006.10-2008.9 學術(shù)論文(部分) (1)en WanHui, Qiu YuiHui, Liu GuangYuan*, Cheng NanPu, Huang XiTing. Construction and cross-correlation analysis of the affective physiological response database. Science China: Information Sciences, 2010, 53(9): 1774-1784. (2)Xu Ya,Liu GuangYuan*,Hao Min,Wen WanHui,Huang XiTing. Analysis of Affective ECG Signals toward Emotion Recognition. Journal of Electronics, 2010, 27(1): 8-14. (3)Cheng Jing, Liu Guangyuan*, Yang Zhaofang. Construction of Human-Computer Affective Interaction Assistant. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 4(17), 83-90, 2012.(EI檢索) (4)溫萬惠,邱玉輝,劉光遠*,程南璞,黃希庭。情感生理反應樣本庫的建立與數(shù)據(jù)相關(guān)性分析。中國科學:信息科學,2011,41(1):77-89。 (5) 熊勰,劉光遠*,溫萬惠.基于智能算法的生理信號情感識別,計算機科學,2011,38(3): pp 266-268. (6)郝敏,劉光遠*.基于進化策略的生理信號情感識別[J].智能系統(tǒng)學報,2009,4(4):352-356. (7) (8) 陳紅, 劉光遠*, 賴祥偉. 相關(guān)性分析和最大最小蟻群算法用于脈搏信號的情感識別[J].計算機科學, 2012.39(4):250-253 (9) 曹軍, 劉光遠*, 賴祥偉. 量子粒子群和相關(guān)性分析在心電特征選擇中的應用[J].計算機科學, 2012.39(3):209-211 (10)張洪強, 劉光遠*, 賴祥偉. 隨機森林算法在肌電的重要特征中選擇中的應用[J].計算機科學, 2013.40(1):200-202 (11) 楊敏,劉光遠*,溫萬慧.兩類情感狀態(tài)下心電與HRV信號的非線性分析[J].計算機應用,2012.32( 10) : 2963 -2965 (12) Jie WEI, Guangyuan LIU*,Wanhui WEN. Dynamical models of love with the decay of the appeal.Appl. Math. Comput.(Under review.) (13) Liu Fengru, Liu Guangyuan*, Lai Xiangwei, Wen Wanhui. The model about the affection regulation based on partial least regression in the human-computer interaction. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Natural Computation, Chongqing, 2012, 1: 1060-1063. (EI Compendex indexed, No. 20123815448819) (14)Hong Chen, Guangyuan Liu*, Xie Xiong. A Novel Feature Selection Method for Affective Recognition Based on Pulse Signal[C]. 2011 Fourth International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID 2011) . vol.I, Oct.2011, pp.110-113. (Indexed by EI and ISTP). (15) Hong Qiu, Guangyuan Liu*, Fengru Liu. Affective recognition from EMG signal: An approach based on correlation analysis and adaptive Tabu Search[C].The 2011 International Conference on Mechatronic Science, Electric Engineering and Computer,V.10,pp.913-916,2011.08. (16) Fengru Liu ,Guangyuan Liu*, Xiangwei Lai ,Wanhui Wen. The model about the affection regulation based onpartial least regression in the Human-computer interaction[C], 2012 8th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2012). May.2012.pp.1060-1063. (17)Biying Liu , Guangyuan Liu* , Zhaofang Yang. Analysis of Affective State from Galvanic Skin Response Using Correlation Dimension and Embedding Dimension[C],2012 Fifth International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design. vol.I, Oct.2012 .pp.7-10. (18) Zhengji Long, Guangyuan Liu* and Xuewu Dai.”Extracting Emotional Features from ECG by Using Wavelet Transform”,Proceeding of the first International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science(ICBECS2010),P404-407,2010. (19) Guanghua Wu,Guangyuan Liu*,Min Hao. The analysis of emotion recognition from GSR based on PSO. The 2010 International Symposium on Intelligence Information Processing and Trusted Computing (IPTC 2010). (20)Huiling Zhang, Guangyuan Liu*. Research of Emotion Recognition Based on Pulse Signal. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering,vol.3,Aug.2010,pp.506-509 (21) Wen WanHui, Qiu YuiHui, Liu GuangYuan*. Electrocardiography Recording, Feature Extraction and Classification for Emotion Recognition. In Proceedings of the 2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, 2009, 4: 168-172. (EI Compendex indexed, No. 20094712464745) (22)XU Ya, LIU Guang-Yuan*, “A method of emotion recognition based on ECG signal,” proceeding of the 2009 international conference on computational intelligence and natural computing (CINC’09), IEEE computer society, 2009, pp.202-205. (23)MA Chang-Wei, LIU Guang-Yuan*,” feature extraction, feature selection and classification from electrocardiography to emotions,” proceeding of the 2009 international conference on computational intelligence and natural computing (CINC’09), IEEE computer society, 2009, pp.190-193. (24) LIU Guang-Yuan, HAO Min, “emotion recognition of physiological signals based on adaptive hierarchical genetic algorithm,” proceeding of the 2009 WRI world congress on computer science and information engineering (CSIE’09), IEEE computer society, Los Angeles, California USA, 2009, pp.670-674. (25) WEN Wan-Hui, QIU Yu-Hui, LIU Guang-Yuan*,”electrocardiography recording, feature extraction and classification for emotion recognition,” proceeding of the 2009 WRI world congress on computer science and information engineering (CSIE’09), IEEE computer society, Los Angeles, California USA, 2009,pp.168-172 發(fā)明專利 國家發(fā)明專利: 已申請4項
(1) (2) 指導教師)
(1)計算智能及其在控制中的應用示范,重慶市科技進步三等獎,2006年度 (2)2001年,被重慶市教育工委授予“優(yōu)秀共產(chǎn)黨員”榮譽稱號 (3)2011年,被重慶市教育工委授予“優(yōu)秀共產(chǎn)黨員”榮譽稱號 |
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