考研英語 - 話題

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    • 積分:5145
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    1. superior to others高人一等

    2. The large scale development of West China is of profound significance西部大開發具有深遠意義 3. revitalize our nation實現我們民族的偉大復興 4. lag behind(發展)滯后

    5. the opening-up policies 開放政策 6. lure more foreign capital吸引更多的外資

    7. leave… far behind 把…遠遠地甩到后邊

    8. In addition, the west’s unique unfavorable geographic positions greatly limit its development 另外,西部極為不利的地理位置限制了其自身的發展。

    9. subsistence problem溫飽問題

    10. If left unchanged, the underdevelopment in the west will greatly affect overall prosperity and even social stability.這種狀況若不改變的話,西部的落后將極大地影響共同富裕的目標甚至社會穩定。

    11. However, the western region development is a long-term systematic project.然而,西部開發是一個長期的系統工程。

    12.It calls for tremendous efforts of several generations.它需要幾代人的共同努力。

    13.economic prosperity 經濟繁榮 14. social progress社會進步

    15.political stability政治穩定 16. beautiful landscape風光秀麗

    17.a deep-rooted concept一個根深蒂固的觀念 18. materialistic society物質社會

    19.be concerned about關心 20. the sense of achievement成就感

    21.in terms of從……的角度 22. a sound attitude一種正確的態度

    23. strive for為 …… 而努力 24. bookworm書呆子

    25. the pursuit of our ideals對我們理想的追求 26. material well-being物質財富

    27. utilize the natural resources利用自然資源 28.meet the future needs滿足將來的需要 29. Competition exists everywhere and it is one of the motive forces of the development of


    30. However, we often find competition exists together with cooperation.然而,我們經常發現競爭與合作共存的情況。

    31. While we are advocating competition, we can’t forget cooperation.我們在倡導競爭是不可忽略合作。

    32. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failures.純粹排他的競爭會導致一事無成。

    33. Only competition together with cooperation helps us a great deal in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs.只有既競爭又合作,我們才能實現目標,才能滿足自身需要。

    34. The current education system現行教育體制 35.(be) aimed at致力于

    36. the practical application of what they have learned他們所學知識的實際運用

    37. challenge examination-oriented education挑戰應試教育

    38. advocate quality-oriented education倡導素質教育

    39. focus on the students’ ability as a whole重視培養學生的整體能力

    40. play a key role 起到關鍵作用

    41. contribute to solving the problem of 有助于……問題的解決

    42. bring up a new generation培養一代新人 43. on a large scale大規模的

    44. compulsory education義務教育 45. a top priority最優先(事項)  

    46. water loss and soil erosion水土流失  

    47. Evidently, the deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind很明顯,環境質量惡化會危及人類的生存。 

    48. Therefore, the best solution is that we should devote to the protection of our home while we are developing our economy. 因此,最好的策略是,在發展經濟的同時致力于保護環境。

    49. sustainable development可持續發展

    50. Both the government and ordinary people should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.政府和百姓應攜起手來,一起打造更好的生存環境,不僅為了自己,更為了我們的子孫后代。

    51. Some academic works are full of plagiarisms.一些學術作品里充滿了剽竊來的思想和文字。 52. money-oriented salespeople惟利是圖的商人 53. fake commodity假貨   

    54. achieve success取得成功   55. impart knowledge(to)傳授知識

    56. the soul engineer of mankind 人類靈魂的工程師 

    57. raise teachers’ social status and improve their material welfare提高教師社會地位,改善教師物質待遇。

    58. an empty slogan一個空洞的口號 59. international prestige國際地位

    60. promote the unification of China促進祖國的統一 61. in the long run從長遠看來 62. 62. make every citizen aware that 使每個人都意識到……

    63. take the lead起帶頭作用 64. deforestation森林砍伐

    65. ecosystem生態系統

    66. According to its definition, the purpose of sustainable development is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.根據定義,可持續發展戰略提出的目的是在不損害子孫后代的利益的前提下滿足今天人們的需要。 67. The fulfillment of one’s duty and obligations履行某人的職責與義務

    68. maintain the stability and unity of our country  維護我們國家的穩定和統一

    69. Children’s love for their parents is the latter’s best reward.孩子對父母的愛是對父母最好的回報。

    70. vigor and vitality生機與活力 71.an age of awakening覺醒的時期 

    • 積分:5145
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    72. lay a good foundation for the future為將來奠定堅實的基礎

    73. lack of awareness of time’s passage不能意識到時光的流逝

    74. go sightseeing出去觀光 75. remain fresh in one’s memory讓某人記憶猶新

    76. It turned out that結果表明…(接從句)

    77. lengthen people’s life expectancy延長人們的壽命

    78. If science is properly used, it will benefit mankind, while if it is misused, it will lead to tragic result.如果正當利用,科學將造福人類,如果利用不當,科學將引發災難。

    79. So it’s up to us to make science a blessing rather than a curse to mankind.讓科學造福而非引發禍端,這是我們的責任。

    80. propagate endangered animal species促進瀕危動物種群的繁衍。

    81.produce replacement organs for transplant patients 為病人制造可用于移植的替代器官。

    82. The same applies to robots.機器人也存在著相同的問題。

    83. The concern is good for it calls for adequate attention to the problems of modern technology and the steps to be taken to guide the direction of its development.此類想法不無裨益,它能喚起人們對現代科技技術帶來的問題的足夠重視,同時促使人們采取措施引導技術的發展方向。

    84. come up with 想出,找出(答案,計劃等)

    85. Tools are the milestones of technology as well as human being’s progress.工具是科技進步和人類進步的里程碑。

    86. medical breakthrough醫學上的重大突破 87. eradicate根除

    88.(be) popular with…受到……的歡迎 89.(be) enslaved使淪為奴隸

    90. greenhouse effect 溫室效應 91. decisive factor決定因素 

    92. serve the interests of… 服務于…利益的需要

    93. I miss very much our traditional culture whose loss is too high a price to pay.傳統文化令我十分留戀,它的缺失意味著高昂的代價。

    94. Gone forever are not only…, but…永遠失去的不僅是……,還有…… 

    95. I treasure traditional culture, for it embodies the very customs and values that sustain our friendship, family and spiritual life.我珍惜傳統文化,因為它代表了維系我們的友誼,家庭和精神生活的固有方式及價值觀。

    96. lift intellectual property竊取知識產權 97. e-commerce電子商務

    98. cause great financial losses導致巨大的經濟損失

    99. It is high time for us to take all the effective measures to battle against hackers.我們應立即采取有效措施,制止黑殼犯罪。

    100. Spot some weakness on the Web.窺探到網上的一些漏洞。
    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    72. lay a good foundation for the future為將來奠定堅實的基礎

    73. lack of awareness of time’s passage不能意識到時光的流逝

    74. go sightseeing出去觀光 75. remain fresh in one’s memory讓某人記憶猶新

    76. It turned out that結果表明…(接從句)

    77. lengthen people’s life expectancy延長人們的壽命

    78. If science is properly used, it will benefit mankind, while if it is misused, it will lead to tragic result.如果正當利用,科學將造福人類,如果利用不當,科學將引發災難。

    79. So it’s up to us to make science a blessing rather than a curse to mankind.讓科學造福而非引發禍端,這是我們的責任。

    80. propagate endangered animal species促進瀕危動物種群的繁衍。

    81.produce replacement organs for transplant patients 為病人制造可用于移植的替代器官。

    82. The same applies to robots.機器人也存在著相同的問題。

    83. The concern is good for it calls for adequate attention to the problems of modern technology and the steps to be taken to guide the direction of its development.此類想法不無裨益,它能喚起人們對現代科技技術帶來的問題的足夠重視,同時促使人們采取措施引導技術的發展方向。

    84. come up with 想出,找出(答案,計劃等)

    85. Tools are the milestones of technology as well as human being’s progress.工具是科技進步和人類進步的里程碑。

    86. medical breakthrough醫學上的重大突破 87. eradicate根除

    88.(be) popular with…受到……的歡迎 89.(be) enslaved使淪為奴隸

    90. greenhouse effect 溫室效應 91. decisive factor決定因素 

    92. serve the interests of… 服務于…利益的需要

    93. I miss very much our traditional culture whose loss is too high a price to pay.傳統文化令我十分留戀,它的缺失意味著高昂的代價。

    94. Gone forever are not only…, but…永遠失去的不僅是……,還有…… 

    95. I treasure traditional culture, for it embodies the very customs and values that sustain our friendship, family and spiritual life.我珍惜傳統文化,因為它代表了維系我們的友誼,家庭和精神生活的固有方式及價值觀。

    96. lift intellectual property竊取知識產權 97. e-commerce電子商務

    98. cause great financial losses導致巨大的經濟損失

    99. It is high time for us to take all the effective measures to battle against hackers.我們應立即采取有效措施,制止黑殼犯罪。

    100. Spot some weakness on the Web.窺探到網上的一些漏洞。
    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    72. lay a good foundation for the future為將來奠定堅實的基礎

    73. lack of awareness of time’s passage不能意識到時光的流逝

    74. go sightseeing出去觀光 75. remain fresh in one’s memory讓某人記憶猶新

    76. It turned out that結果表明…(接從句)

    77. lengthen people’s life expectancy延長人們的壽命

    78. If science is properly used, it will benefit mankind, while if it is misused, it will lead to tragic result.如果正當利用,科學將造福人類,如果利用不當,科學將引發災難。

    79. So it’s up to us to make science a blessing rather than a curse to mankind.讓科學造福而非引發禍端,這是我們的責任。

    80. propagate endangered animal species促進瀕危動物種群的繁衍。

    81.produce replacement organs for transplant patients 為病人制造可用于移植的替代器官。

    82. The same applies to robots.機器人也存在著相同的問題。

    83. The concern is good for it calls for adequate attention to the problems of modern technology and the steps to be taken to guide the direction of its development.此類想法不無裨益,它能喚起人們對現代科技技術帶來的問題的足夠重視,同時促使人們采取措施引導技術的發展方向。

    84. come up with 想出,找出(答案,計劃等)

    85. Tools are the milestones of technology as well as human being’s progress.工具是科技進步和人類進步的里程碑。

    86. medical breakthrough醫學上的重大突破 87. eradicate根除

    88.(be) popular with…受到……的歡迎 89.(be) enslaved使淪為奴隸

    90. greenhouse effect 溫室效應 91. decisive factor決定因素 

    92. serve the interests of… 服務于…利益的需要

    93. I miss very much our traditional culture whose loss is too high a price to pay.傳統文化令我十分留戀,它的缺失意味著高昂的代價。

    94. Gone forever are not only…, but…永遠失去的不僅是……,還有…… 

    95. I treasure traditional culture, for it embodies the very customs and values that sustain our friendship, family and spiritual life.我珍惜傳統文化,因為它代表了維系我們的友誼,家庭和精神生活的固有方式及價值觀。

    96. lift intellectual property竊取知識產權 97. e-commerce電子商務

    98. cause great financial losses導致巨大的經濟損失

    99. It is high time for us to take all the effective measures to battle against hackers.我們應立即采取有效措施,制止黑殼犯罪。

    100. Spot some weakness on the Web.窺探到網上的一些漏洞。
    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    101. Enhance the management on the web 加強對網絡的監管力度。

    102. Put what we have learned into practice將我們所學附諸實踐 

    103. We should take advantage of science to serve our society.我們應利用科學服務社會。

    104. desirable滿足需要的

    105. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet.在網上,商品的形狀,大小和顏色一目了然。

    106. click the mouse 點擊鼠標

    107. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.所訂商品立刻送到。

    108. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.一旦上當,投訴無

    109. abuse 濫用

    110. an indispensable part in modern life現代生活不可或缺的一個方面。

    111. mass education大眾教育 112. a two-edged sword一把雙刃劍

    113. a national long-distance educational system全國遠程教育系統

    114. provide educational opportunities via Internet通過網絡提供教育機會

    115. So I think people should use cell phones as little as possible and turn them off on important occasions.因此,我認為人們應盡量少用手機,在重要場合要關掉手機。

    116. Of course, cyber games also have their negative effects.當然,網絡游戲也有負面效應。

    117. It is strongly suggested that we should not indulge in them. 我們千萬不能沉迷

    118. prohibit 禁止

    119. pour all their pocket into cyber games把全部的零用錢都花在網絡游戲上。

    120. skip school逃學 121. lead students astray 將學生引入歧途

    122. enhance the punishment of the illegal owner of the cyberbars加強對不良網吧業主的懲罰力度。

    123. In this way, children will become very lazy and unwilling to use their mind 這樣,學生就變得非常懶惰,不喜歡用腦。

    124. E-mail, an entirely new way of communication by means of computers, is becoming so popular nowadays that it’s difficult to imagine modern life without it.電子郵件作為一種全新的通信方式日益普及,我們很難想象若無電子郵件,現代生活會是什么樣子。

    125. language barrier語言障礙

    126. But after all, computer is computer, it can never replace a human brain.但不管怎樣,電腦終究是電腦,它永遠不可能取代人腦。

    127. for the sake of relaxation為了達到放松的目的。

    128. Participate in social activities參與社會活動

    129. Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between the audience and the general directors of the annual spring festival galas.如今,觀眾和春節晚會導演組之間常缺乏相互理解。

    130. take the first step邁出第一步 131. unethical不道德的

    132. Ecologists point out that a cluster of high-rise buildings in a city often overburden public transportation and parking-lot capacities.生態學家指出,城市里的高層建筑群使公共交通和停車容量負擔過重。

    133. interfere with干涉,影響

    134. In order to protect the only earth for ourselves and for our children, let’s work together and keep our cities from growing further in height!我們只有一個地球,為了我們自身及后代著想,興建摩天大樓風不可漲!

    135. Have more say in the international affairs在國際事務中有更多的發言權

    136. try to give up their absolute power in family to give a better image to their children盡量放棄他們(父母)在家中的絕對權利,在孩子面前樹立良好的形象。

    137. laid-off workers下崗工人

    138. call on the efforts from all sides號召各個方面做出努力

    139. job vacancy就業空位,就業機會

    140. seize every chance to begin a new career抓住一切機會來開創新的事業

    141. new post新的崗位 142. social transformation era社會轉型階段

    143. a rational system of setting prices合理的定價體系

    144. improve the quality提高質量 145. lower the cost降低成本

    146. cheap in price and high in quality質優價廉

    147. Generally speaking, the advantages of urbanization can be listed as follows. 一般說來,城市化可以帶來下列好處。

    148. quicken our pace加快我們的步伐

    149. improve the standards of living提高生活水平

    150. lottery tickets of social welfare, sports industry and football games福利彩票,體育彩票和足球彩票

    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    101. Enhance the management on the web 加強對網絡的監管力度。

    102. Put what we have learned into practice將我們所學附諸實踐 

    103. We should take advantage of science to serve our society.我們應利用科學服務社會。

    104. desirable滿足需要的

    105. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet.在網上,商品的形狀,大小和顏色一目了然。

    106. click the mouse 點擊鼠標

    107. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.所訂商品立刻送到。

    108. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.一旦上當,投訴無

    109. abuse 濫用

    110. an indispensable part in modern life現代生活不可或缺的一個方面。

    111. mass education大眾教育 112. a two-edged sword一把雙刃劍

    113. a national long-distance educational system全國遠程教育系統

    114. provide educational opportunities via Internet通過網絡提供教育機會

    115. So I think people should use cell phones as little as possible and turn them off on important occasions.因此,我認為人們應盡量少用手機,在重要場合要關掉手機。

    116. Of course, cyber games also have their negative effects.當然,網絡游戲也有負面效應。

    117. It is strongly suggested that we should not indulge in them. 我們千萬不能沉迷

    118. prohibit 禁止

    119. pour all their pocket into cyber games把全部的零用錢都花在網絡游戲上。

    120. skip school逃學 121. lead students astray 將學生引入歧途

    122. enhance the punishment of the illegal owner of the cyberbars加強對不良網吧業主的懲罰力度。

    123. In this way, children will become very lazy and unwilling to use their mind 這樣,學生就變得非常懶惰,不喜歡用腦。

    124. E-mail, an entirely new way of communication by means of computers, is becoming so popular nowadays that it’s difficult to imagine modern life without it.電子郵件作為一種全新的通信方式日益普及,我們很難想象若無電子郵件,現代生活會是什么樣子。

    125. language barrier語言障礙

    126. But after all, computer is computer, it can never replace a human brain.但不管怎樣,電腦終究是電腦,它永遠不可能取代人腦。

    127. for the sake of relaxation為了達到放松的目的。

    128. Participate in social activities參與社會活動

    129. Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between the audience and the general directors of the annual spring festival galas.如今,觀眾和春節晚會導演組之間常缺乏相互理解。

    130. take the first step邁出第一步 131. unethical不道德的

    132. Ecologists point out that a cluster of high-rise buildings in a city often overburden public transportation and parking-lot capacities.生態學家指出,城市里的高層建筑群使公共交通和停車容量負擔過重。

    133. interfere with干涉,影響

    134. In order to protect the only earth for ourselves and for our children, let’s work together and keep our cities from growing further in height!我們只有一個地球,為了我們自身及后代著想,興建摩天大樓風不可漲!

    135. Have more say in the international affairs在國際事務中有更多的發言權

    136. try to give up their absolute power in family to give a better image to their children盡量放棄他們(父母)在家中的絕對權利,在孩子面前樹立良好的形象。

    137. laid-off workers下崗工人

    138. call on the efforts from all sides號召各個方面做出努力

    139. job vacancy就業空位,就業機會

    140. seize every chance to begin a new career抓住一切機會來開創新的事業

    141. new post新的崗位 142. social transformation era社會轉型階段

    143. a rational system of setting prices合理的定價體系

    144. improve the quality提高質量 145. lower the cost降低成本

    146. cheap in price and high in quality質優價廉

    147. Generally speaking, the advantages of urbanization can be listed as follows. 一般說來,城市化可以帶來下列好處。

    148. quicken our pace加快我們的步伐

    149. improve the standards of living提高生活水平

    150. lottery tickets of social welfare, sports industry and football games福利彩票,體育彩票和足球彩票

    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    101. Enhance the management on the web 加強對網絡的監管力度。

    102. Put what we have learned into practice將我們所學附諸實踐 

    103. We should take advantage of science to serve our society.我們應利用科學服務社會。

    104. desirable滿足需要的

    105. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet.在網上,商品的形狀,大小和顏色一目了然。

    106. click the mouse 點擊鼠標

    107. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.所訂商品立刻送到。

    108. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.一旦上當,投訴無

    109. abuse 濫用

    110. an indispensable part in modern life現代生活不可或缺的一個方面。

    111. mass education大眾教育 112. a two-edged sword一把雙刃劍

    113. a national long-distance educational system全國遠程教育系統

    114. provide educational opportunities via Internet通過網絡提供教育機會

    115. So I think people should use cell phones as little as possible and turn them off on important occasions.因此,我認為人們應盡量少用手機,在重要場合要關掉手機。

    116. Of course, cyber games also have their negative effects.當然,網絡游戲也有負面效應。

    117. It is strongly suggested that we should not indulge in them. 我們千萬不能沉迷

    118. prohibit 禁止

    119. pour all their pocket into cyber games把全部的零用錢都花在網絡游戲上。

    120. skip school逃學 121. lead students astray 將學生引入歧途

    122. enhance the punishment of the illegal owner of the cyberbars加強對不良網吧業主的懲罰力度。

    123. In this way, children will become very lazy and unwilling to use their mind 這樣,學生就變得非常懶惰,不喜歡用腦。

    124. E-mail, an entirely new way of communication by means of computers, is becoming so popular nowadays that it’s difficult to imagine modern life without it.電子郵件作為一種全新的通信方式日益普及,我們很難想象若無電子郵件,現代生活會是什么樣子。

    125. language barrier語言障礙

    126. But after all, computer is computer, it can never replace a human brain.但不管怎樣,電腦終究是電腦,它永遠不可能取代人腦。

    127. for the sake of relaxation為了達到放松的目的。

    128. Participate in social activities參與社會活動

    129. Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between the audience and the general directors of the annual spring festival galas.如今,觀眾和春節晚會導演組之間常缺乏相互理解。

    130. take the first step邁出第一步 131. unethical不道德的

    132. Ecologists point out that a cluster of high-rise buildings in a city often overburden public transportation and parking-lot capacities.生態學家指出,城市里的高層建筑群使公共交通和停車容量負擔過重。

    133. interfere with干涉,影響

    134. In order to protect the only earth for ourselves and for our children, let’s work together and keep our cities from growing further in height!我們只有一個地球,為了我們自身及后代著想,興建摩天大樓風不可漲!

    135. Have more say in the international affairs在國際事務中有更多的發言權

    136. try to give up their absolute power in family to give a better image to their children盡量放棄他們(父母)在家中的絕對權利,在孩子面前樹立良好的形象。

    137. laid-off workers下崗工人

    138. call on the efforts from all sides號召各個方面做出努力

    139. job vacancy就業空位,就業機會

    140. seize every chance to begin a new career抓住一切機會來開創新的事業

    141. new post新的崗位 142. social transformation era社會轉型階段

    143. a rational system of setting prices合理的定價體系

    144. improve the quality提高質量 145. lower the cost降低成本

    146. cheap in price and high in quality質優價廉

    147. Generally speaking, the advantages of urbanization can be listed as follows. 一般說來,城市化可以帶來下列好處。

    148. quicken our pace加快我們的步伐

    149. improve the standards of living提高生活水平

    150. lottery tickets of social welfare, sports industry and football games福利彩票,體育彩票和足球彩票

    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    151. lottery citizens“彩民”

    152. sponsor charities or athletic development扶持慈善事業與體育發展

    153. try one’s luck碰運氣 154.make easy money輕松賺錢

    155. great temptation巨大的誘惑

    156. In my mind, lottery is much the same as gambling in nature and it certainly brings more negative effects than positive effects, if any.在我看來,購買彩票與賭博在性質上并無二致,它有很多負面作用,而正面作用卻微乎其微。

    157. earning-quick-buck mentality迅速暴富的思想

    158. Secondly, not a few people, being indulged in lottery, lose not only initiative for work but also interest in life.第二,不少人對彩票癡心不改,對工作失去了積極性,對生活失去了興趣。

    159. Wishful thinking如意算盤 160. fall into four categories歸結為四類

    161. addiction to drugs吸毒成癮 162. habitual drug-takers(吸毒)癮君子

    163. First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.首先,通過大眾傳媒,我們對世界風云變幻了如指掌,否則我們就會一無所知。

    164. They must make great efforts to meet the satisfaction of the adults, and at the same time go out of their way to avoid imposing bad influence on the children.他們既要努力滿足成年觀眾的需求,又要避免影片對兒童產生不利影響。

    165. Films and TV series ought to educate the young but not to ruin them.影片和電視節目應對未成年人起到教化作用而不是教唆作用。

    166. combine book knowledge with practice將書本知識與實踐結合

    167. Though it does good to college students in many ways, the golden week can never be said to bring no problems.對大學生而言,盡管黃金周好處多多,但其負面效應也是客觀存在的。

    168. cherish time珍惜時間

    169. Nowadays we have heard too much about piracy here and there.今天,盜版現象隨處可見  pirated videos and pornographic publications盜版影碟或淫穢出版物

    170. make great fortune overnight一夜暴富

    171. authentic copyright holders版權合法持有者 172. prosecute起訴

    173. employ more scientific and advanced inspection methods利用更多科學,先進的檢測手段

    174. only attach importance to superficial characteristics只注重產品的外在特征

    175. tell the authentic copy from the false one將正版與盜版區分開來

    176. Actions speak louder than words.行動勝于空談。

    177. The early 1990’s witnessed an unprecedented tide of rural workers flooding into big cities.20世紀90年代初期,農民工開始如潮水般地涌入大城市。

    178. No one denies the important contribution rural workers have made to urban development.沒有人能否認農民工為城市建設做出的重要貢獻。

    179. An indispensable part of urban life城市生活中不可或缺的一部分

    180. Yet an anti-migrant attitude runs consistently through the mainstream of urbanization.然而,反對農民工進城的態度一直貫穿于城市化主流進程之中。 

    181. They also blame them for the sharp rise in urban crime rate.他們還把城市犯罪率的急劇上升歸罪于農民工。 

    182. Most of the government officials are honest and hardworking, but cases of dishonesty and corruption in government are frequently reported in recent years.大多數政府官員是誠實敬業的。但近年來官員瀆職,腐敗案件時有發生。

    183. seek ease and comfort貪圖安逸享樂 184. neglect one’s duty玩忽職守  

    185. They abuse the power entrusted to them by the people.他們濫用人民賦予的權利。 

    186. government at all levels各級政府

    187. launch a nationwide campaign against all forms of corruption在全國范圍內開展反腐敗斗爭。

    188. serve the people whole-heartedly全心全意為人民服務。

    189. expose and denounce the offenders 曝光和揭發違法犯罪者

    190. supervisory authorities監督部門

    191. a guarantee to strengthen the economic construction促進經濟建設的保證

    192. take strict and effective measures采取嚴厲,有效的手段

    193. Honesty can earn government high prestige among people, and maintain the close ties between government and its people.誠實守信能為政府贏得威信,加強政府與人民的密切聯系。

    194. a dramatic increase急劇的增長

    195. shortsightedness短視的行為,無遠見的行為 196. quit school輟學

    197. earn one’s living謀生

    198. make the farmers fully aware of the importance of the young generation’s education使農民充分認識到青少年教育的重要性。

    199. lighten their financial burden減輕他們的經濟負擔

    200. one-child policy獨生子女政策

    201. the treasure of the whole family全家的寶貝

    202. satisfy the child’s need滿足孩子的需要

    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    151. lottery citizens“彩民”

    152. sponsor charities or athletic development扶持慈善事業與體育發展

    153. try one’s luck碰運氣 154.make easy money輕松賺錢

    155. great temptation巨大的誘惑

    156. In my mind, lottery is much the same as gambling in nature and it certainly brings more negative effects than positive effects, if any.在我看來,購買彩票與賭博在性質上并無二致,它有很多負面作用,而正面作用卻微乎其微。

    157. earning-quick-buck mentality迅速暴富的思想

    158. Secondly, not a few people, being indulged in lottery, lose not only initiative for work but also interest in life.第二,不少人對彩票癡心不改,對工作失去了積極性,對生活失去了興趣。

    159. Wishful thinking如意算盤 160. fall into four categories歸結為四類

    161. addiction to drugs吸毒成癮 162. habitual drug-takers(吸毒)癮君子

    163. First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.首先,通過大眾傳媒,我們對世界風云變幻了如指掌,否則我們就會一無所知。

    164. They must make great efforts to meet the satisfaction of the adults, and at the same time go out of their way to avoid imposing bad influence on the children.他們既要努力滿足成年觀眾的需求,又要避免影片對兒童產生不利影響。

    165. Films and TV series ought to educate the young but not to ruin them.影片和電視節目應對未成年人起到教化作用而不是教唆作用。

    166. combine book knowledge with practice將書本知識與實踐結合

    167. Though it does good to college students in many ways, the golden week can never be said to bring no problems.對大學生而言,盡管黃金周好處多多,但其負面效應也是客觀存在的。

    168. cherish time珍惜時間

    169. Nowadays we have heard too much about piracy here and there.今天,盜版現象隨處可見  pirated videos and pornographic publications盜版影碟或淫穢出版物

    170. make great fortune overnight一夜暴富

    171. authentic copyright holders版權合法持有者 172. prosecute起訴

    173. employ more scientific and advanced inspection methods利用更多科學,先進的檢測手段

    174. only attach importance to superficial characteristics只注重產品的外在特征

    175. tell the authentic copy from the false one將正版與盜版區分開來

    176. Actions speak louder than words.行動勝于空談。

    177. The early 1990’s witnessed an unprecedented tide of rural workers flooding into big cities.20世紀90年代初期,農民工開始如潮水般地涌入大城市。

    178. No one denies the important contribution rural workers have made to urban development.沒有人能否認農民工為城市建設做出的重要貢獻。

    179. An indispensable part of urban life城市生活中不可或缺的一部分

    180. Yet an anti-migrant attitude runs consistently through the mainstream of urbanization.然而,反對農民工進城的態度一直貫穿于城市化主流進程之中。 

    181. They also blame them for the sharp rise in urban crime rate.他們還把城市犯罪率的急劇上升歸罪于農民工。 

    182. Most of the government officials are honest and hardworking, but cases of dishonesty and corruption in government are frequently reported in recent years.大多數政府官員是誠實敬業的。但近年來官員瀆職,腐敗案件時有發生。

    183. seek ease and comfort貪圖安逸享樂 184. neglect one’s duty玩忽職守  

    185. They abuse the power entrusted to them by the people.他們濫用人民賦予的權利。 

    186. government at all levels各級政府

    187. launch a nationwide campaign against all forms of corruption在全國范圍內開展反腐敗斗爭。

    188. serve the people whole-heartedly全心全意為人民服務。

    189. expose and denounce the offenders 曝光和揭發違法犯罪者

    190. supervisory authorities監督部門

    191. a guarantee to strengthen the economic construction促進經濟建設的保證

    192. take strict and effective measures采取嚴厲,有效的手段

    193. Honesty can earn government high prestige among people, and maintain the close ties between government and its people.誠實守信能為政府贏得威信,加強政府與人民的密切聯系。

    194. a dramatic increase急劇的增長

    195. shortsightedness短視的行為,無遠見的行為 196. quit school輟學

    197. earn one’s living謀生

    198. make the farmers fully aware of the importance of the young generation’s education使農民充分認識到青少年教育的重要性。

    199. lighten their financial burden減輕他們的經濟負擔

    200. one-child policy獨生子女政策

    201. the treasure of the whole family全家的寶貝

    202. satisfy the child’s need滿足孩子的需要

    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    151. lottery citizens“彩民”

    152. sponsor charities or athletic development扶持慈善事業與體育發展

    153. try one’s luck碰運氣 154.make easy money輕松賺錢

    155. great temptation巨大的誘惑

    156. In my mind, lottery is much the same as gambling in nature and it certainly brings more negative effects than positive effects, if any.在我看來,購買彩票與賭博在性質上并無二致,它有很多負面作用,而正面作用卻微乎其微。

    157. earning-quick-buck mentality迅速暴富的思想

    158. Secondly, not a few people, being indulged in lottery, lose not only initiative for work but also interest in life.第二,不少人對彩票癡心不改,對工作失去了積極性,對生活失去了興趣。

    159. Wishful thinking如意算盤 160. fall into four categories歸結為四類

    161. addiction to drugs吸毒成癮 162. habitual drug-takers(吸毒)癮君子

    163. First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.首先,通過大眾傳媒,我們對世界風云變幻了如指掌,否則我們就會一無所知。

    164. They must make great efforts to meet the satisfaction of the adults, and at the same time go out of their way to avoid imposing bad influence on the children.他們既要努力滿足成年觀眾的需求,又要避免影片對兒童產生不利影響。

    165. Films and TV series ought to educate the young but not to ruin them.影片和電視節目應對未成年人起到教化作用而不是教唆作用。

    166. combine book knowledge with practice將書本知識與實踐結合

    167. Though it does good to college students in many ways, the golden week can never be said to bring no problems.對大學生而言,盡管黃金周好處多多,但其負面效應也是客觀存在的。

    168. cherish time珍惜時間

    169. Nowadays we have heard too much about piracy here and there.今天,盜版現象隨處可見  pirated videos and pornographic publications盜版影碟或淫穢出版物

    170. make great fortune overnight一夜暴富

    171. authentic copyright holders版權合法持有者 172. prosecute起訴

    173. employ more scientific and advanced inspection methods利用更多科學,先進的檢測手段

    174. only attach importance to superficial characteristics只注重產品的外在特征

    175. tell the authentic copy from the false one將正版與盜版區分開來

    176. Actions speak louder than words.行動勝于空談。

    177. The early 1990’s witnessed an unprecedented tide of rural workers flooding into big cities.20世紀90年代初期,農民工開始如潮水般地涌入大城市。

    178. No one denies the important contribution rural workers have made to urban development.沒有人能否認農民工為城市建設做出的重要貢獻。

    179. An indispensable part of urban life城市生活中不可或缺的一部分

    180. Yet an anti-migrant attitude runs consistently through the mainstream of urbanization.然而,反對農民工進城的態度一直貫穿于城市化主流進程之中。 

    181. They also blame them for the sharp rise in urban crime rate.他們還把城市犯罪率的急劇上升歸罪于農民工。 

    182. Most of the government officials are honest and hardworking, but cases of dishonesty and corruption in government are frequently reported in recent years.大多數政府官員是誠實敬業的。但近年來官員瀆職,腐敗案件時有發生。

    183. seek ease and comfort貪圖安逸享樂 184. neglect one’s duty玩忽職守  

    185. They abuse the power entrusted to them by the people.他們濫用人民賦予的權利。 

    186. government at all levels各級政府

    187. launch a nationwide campaign against all forms of corruption在全國范圍內開展反腐敗斗爭。

    188. serve the people whole-heartedly全心全意為人民服務。

    189. expose and denounce the offenders 曝光和揭發違法犯罪者

    190. supervisory authorities監督部門

    191. a guarantee to strengthen the economic construction促進經濟建設的保證

    192. take strict and effective measures采取嚴厲,有效的手段

    193. Honesty can earn government high prestige among people, and maintain the close ties between government and its people.誠實守信能為政府贏得威信,加強政府與人民的密切聯系。

    194. a dramatic increase急劇的增長

    195. shortsightedness短視的行為,無遠見的行為 196. quit school輟學

    197. earn one’s living謀生

    198. make the farmers fully aware of the importance of the young generation’s education使農民充分認識到青少年教育的重要性。

    199. lighten their financial burden減輕他們的經濟負擔

    200. one-child policy獨生子女政策

    201. the treasure of the whole family全家的寶貝

    202. satisfy the child’s need滿足孩子的需要

    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    203. the spoiled child被寵壞的孩子

    204. Moreover, too much praise makes the children proud, which further spoils them and renders them liable to develop all kinds of bad habits in the long run另外一點是,從長遠看來,對孩子過度的贊揚會助長其驕傲心理,他們依仗父母的寵愛,可能會染上各種壞習慣。

    205. ensure their normal growth and development促進他們的健康成長與發展

    206. the harmful effect of indulgence放任(孩子)的危害

    207. the inevitable by-products of the diploma craze文憑熱的必然產物

    208. lay too much emphasis on their candidates’ educational background過于看重應聘者的教育背景

    209. win the employer’s favor獲得顧主的青睞

    210. Therefore, fake diplomas disturb the normal order of job markets and do great harm to society. 因此,假文憑破壞就業市場的正常秩序,對社會造成極大危害。

    211. anti-forgery technology防偽技術 212. fabricate偽造(文書)

    213. We should not only expose the fabricators through media but also punish them severely by law.對造假者不僅應該通過媒體將其曝光,還應該用法律手段嚴加懲罰。

    214. Some children become so addicted to the foreign snacks that they will go eating whenever possible.有些孩子對洋快餐迷戀到了極點,一有可能就要去吃。

    215. junk food垃圾食品

    216. Through their contact with animal, children learn how to take care of those dependent on them, which helps them develop a sense of responsibility and cultivate their patience as well.通過與動物相處,孩子們能學會如何照顧好那些需要關愛的動物,有助于培養他們的責任感和耐心。

    217. However, for a few people, keeping pets is an ostentatious display of their wealth.然而,對某些人而言,飼養寵物只是炫耀財富的一種手段。

    218. cause serious hygiene problems 引發嚴重的衛生問題

    219. The barking of dogs and mewing of cats can also be an annoyance to the neighbors 狗和貓的叫聲會影響鄰里。

    220. As the saying goes, women can hold up half the sky.俗話說得好,婦女能頂半邊天。

    221. They compete with men in many fields and contribute significantly to society.她們在許多領域與男子一起開展工作,為社會做出了重要貢獻。

    222. They are no longer tied to the household chores and the job of bringing up their children.她們的工作不再僅限于家務瑣事和養兒育女。

    223. Although women’s status has changed considerately, their complete liberation if far from being realized.盡管婦女的地位有了很大程度的提高,但她們的徹底解放依然任重道遠。

    224. Their work is often undervalued and underpaid.她們的工作通常不被重視,薪酬較低。

    225. The elimination of such injustice requires the concern and efforts of the whole society.要消除這種不平等還需要全社會的關注與努力。

    226. face the danger of extinction (生物等)面臨滅絕的危險

    227. (be) confronted with 面臨(危險,困難等),面對

    228. They are an indispensable part of ecosystem and natural beauty.它們(野生動物)是生態系統和自然美中不可缺少的一部分。

    229. wild life reserve 野生動物保護區

    230. Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.只有采取果斷措施,野生動物才能得以保護。

    231. narrow the gap between…縮小……之間的差距(分歧)

    232. In this way, both parental hopes and personal ideals will come true.這樣,父母的期望與個人的理想都能實現。

    233. The expansion of deserts must be stopped if we are to survive on this planet.如果我們想在這個星球上生活下去,沙漠擴張的勢頭必須得到遏止。

    234. a green belt of trees綠化帶

    235. We hope that man can make great efforts to develop better ways to bring the spreading deserts under control.我們希望人類能竭盡全力來控制沙漠的蔓延。

    236. It is not difficult to explain the reason for their surprising amount of interest in famous people’s lives.記者對名人生活如此熱衷,其原因不難解釋。

    237. satisfy one’s curiosity 滿足某人的好奇心

    238. lead a normal life 過正常人的生活

    239. Famous people are also citizens. They have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people---- the basic right which should be respected, protected and guaranteed by our laws in whatever circumstances. 名人也是人。 他們有權像普通人一樣擁有自己的隱私,這種權利在任何情況下都應該得到尊重,保護和保證。

    240. relieve us of the fatigue from work使我們從工作的疲憊中解脫出來。

    241. balance one’s budget(收入)預算平衡 242. on one’s own獨自,靠自己

    243. adapt to college life適應大學生活

    244. Only in this way can we lead a meaningful and fruitful college life.只有這樣,我們的大學生活才更有意義,更有收獲。

    245. peer group同齡人群體 246. stay up late熬夜

    247. self-image自身形象 248. cultivate our other interests培養各方面的興趣

    249. development in an all-around way全面發展

    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    203. the spoiled child被寵壞的孩子

    204. Moreover, too much praise makes the children proud, which further spoils them and renders them liable to develop all kinds of bad habits in the long run另外一點是,從長遠看來,對孩子過度的贊揚會助長其驕傲心理,他們依仗父母的寵愛,可能會染上各種壞習慣。

    205. ensure their normal growth and development促進他們的健康成長與發展

    206. the harmful effect of indulgence放任(孩子)的危害

    207. the inevitable by-products of the diploma craze文憑熱的必然產物

    208. lay too much emphasis on their candidates’ educational background過于看重應聘者的教育背景

    209. win the employer’s favor獲得顧主的青睞

    210. Therefore, fake diplomas disturb the normal order of job markets and do great harm to society. 因此,假文憑破壞就業市場的正常秩序,對社會造成極大危害。

    211. anti-forgery technology防偽技術 212. fabricate偽造(文書)

    213. We should not only expose the fabricators through media but also punish them severely by law.對造假者不僅應該通過媒體將其曝光,還應該用法律手段嚴加懲罰。

    214. Some children become so addicted to the foreign snacks that they will go eating whenever possible.有些孩子對洋快餐迷戀到了極點,一有可能就要去吃。

    215. junk food垃圾食品

    216. Through their contact with animal, children learn how to take care of those dependent on them, which helps them develop a sense of responsibility and cultivate their patience as well.通過與動物相處,孩子們能學會如何照顧好那些需要關愛的動物,有助于培養他們的責任感和耐心。

    217. However, for a few people, keeping pets is an ostentatious display of their wealth.然而,對某些人而言,飼養寵物只是炫耀財富的一種手段。

    218. cause serious hygiene problems 引發嚴重的衛生問題

    219. The barking of dogs and mewing of cats can also be an annoyance to the neighbors 狗和貓的叫聲會影響鄰里。

    220. As the saying goes, women can hold up half the sky.俗話說得好,婦女能頂半邊天。

    221. They compete with men in many fields and contribute significantly to society.她們在許多領域與男子一起開展工作,為社會做出了重要貢獻。

    222. They are no longer tied to the household chores and the job of bringing up their children.她們的工作不再僅限于家務瑣事和養兒育女。

    223. Although women’s status has changed considerately, their complete liberation if far from being realized.盡管婦女的地位有了很大程度的提高,但她們的徹底解放依然任重道遠。

    224. Their work is often undervalued and underpaid.她們的工作通常不被重視,薪酬較低。

    225. The elimination of such injustice requires the concern and efforts of the whole society.要消除這種不平等還需要全社會的關注與努力。

    226. face the danger of extinction (生物等)面臨滅絕的危險

    227. (be) confronted with 面臨(危險,困難等),面對

    228. They are an indispensable part of ecosystem and natural beauty.它們(野生動物)是生態系統和自然美中不可缺少的一部分。

    229. wild life reserve 野生動物保護區

    230. Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.只有采取果斷措施,野生動物才能得以保護。

    231. narrow the gap between…縮小……之間的差距(分歧)

    232. In this way, both parental hopes and personal ideals will come true.這樣,父母的期望與個人的理想都能實現。

    233. The expansion of deserts must be stopped if we are to survive on this planet.如果我們想在這個星球上生活下去,沙漠擴張的勢頭必須得到遏止。

    234. a green belt of trees綠化帶

    235. We hope that man can make great efforts to develop better ways to bring the spreading deserts under control.我們希望人類能竭盡全力來控制沙漠的蔓延。

    236. It is not difficult to explain the reason for their surprising amount of interest in famous people’s lives.記者對名人生活如此熱衷,其原因不難解釋。

    237. satisfy one’s curiosity 滿足某人的好奇心

    238. lead a normal life 過正常人的生活

    239. Famous people are also citizens. They have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people---- the basic right which should be respected, protected and guaranteed by our laws in whatever circumstances. 名人也是人。 他們有權像普通人一樣擁有自己的隱私,這種權利在任何情況下都應該得到尊重,保護和保證。

    240. relieve us of the fatigue from work使我們從工作的疲憊中解脫出來。

    241. balance one’s budget(收入)預算平衡 242. on one’s own獨自,靠自己

    243. adapt to college life適應大學生活

    244. Only in this way can we lead a meaningful and fruitful college life.只有這樣,我們的大學生活才更有意義,更有收獲。

    245. peer group同齡人群體 246. stay up late熬夜

    247. self-image自身形象 248. cultivate our other interests培養各方面的興趣

    249. development in an all-around way全面發展

    • 積分:5145
    • 注冊于:
    203. the spoiled child被寵壞的孩子

    204. Moreover, too much praise makes the children proud, which further spoils them and renders them liable to develop all kinds of bad habits in the long run另外一點是,從長遠看來,對孩子過度的贊揚會助長其驕傲心理,他們依仗父母的寵愛,可能會染上各種壞習慣。

    205. ensure their normal growth and development促進他們的健康成長與發展

    206. the harmful effect of indulgence放任(孩子)的危害

    207. the inevitable by-products of the diploma craze文憑熱的必然產物

    208. lay too much emphasis on their candidates’ educational background過于看重應聘者的教育背景

    209. win the employer’s favor獲得顧主的青睞

    210. Therefore, fake diplomas disturb the normal order of job markets and do great harm to society. 因此,假文憑破壞就業市場的正常秩序,對社會造成極大危害。

    211. anti-forgery technology防偽技術 212. fabricate偽造(文書)

    213. We should not only expose the fabricators through media but also punish them severely by law.對造假者不僅應該通過媒體將其曝光,還應該用法律手段嚴加懲罰。

    214. Some children become so addicted to the foreign snacks that they will go eating whenever possible.有些孩子對洋快餐迷戀到了極點,一有可能就要去吃。

    215. junk food垃圾食品

    216. Through their contact with animal, children learn how to take care of those dependent on them, which helps them develop a sense of responsibility and cultivate their patience as well.通過與動物相處,孩子們能學會如何照顧好那些需要關愛的動物,有助于培養他們的責任感和耐心。

    217. However, for a few people, keeping pets is an ostentatious display of their wealth.然而,對某些人而言,飼養寵物只是炫耀財富的一種手段。

    218. cause serious hygiene problems 引發嚴重的衛生問題

    219. The barking of dogs and mewing of cats can also be an annoyance to the neighbors 狗和貓的叫聲會影響鄰里。

    220. As the saying goes, women can hold up half the sky.俗話說得好,婦女能頂半邊天。

    221. They compete with men in many fields and contribute significantly to society.她們在許多領域與男子一起開展工作,為社會做出了重要貢獻。

    222. They are no longer tied to the household chores and the job of bringing up their children.她們的工作不再僅限于家務瑣事和養兒育女。

    223. Although women’s status has changed considerately, their complete liberation if far from being realized.盡管婦女的地位有了很大程度的提高,但她們的徹底解放依然任重道遠。

    224. Their work is often undervalued and underpaid.她們的工作通常不被重視,薪酬較低。

    225. The elimination of such injustice requires the concern and efforts of the whole society.要消除這種不平等還需要全社會的關注與努力。

    226. face the danger of extinction (生物等)面臨滅絕的危險

    227. (be) confronted with 面臨(危險,困難等),面對

    228. They are an indispensable part of ecosystem and natural beauty.它們(野生動物)是生態系統和自然美中不可缺少的一部分。

    229. wild life reserve 野生動物保護區

    230. Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.只有采取果斷措施,野生動物才能得以保護。

    231. narrow the gap between…縮小……之間的差距(分歧)

    232. In this way, both parental hopes and personal ideals will come true.這樣,父母的期望與個人的理想都能實現。

    233. The expansion of deserts must be stopped if we are to survive on this planet.如果我們想在這個星球上生活下去,沙漠擴張的勢頭必須得到遏止。

    234. a green belt of trees綠化帶

    235. We hope that man can make great efforts to develop better ways to bring the spreading deserts under control.我們希望人類能竭盡全力來控制沙漠的蔓延。

    236. It is not difficult to explain the reason for their surprising amount of interest in famous people’s lives.記者對名人生活如此熱衷,其原因不難解釋。

    237. satisfy one’s curiosity 滿足某人的好奇心

    238. lead a normal life 過正常人的生活

    239. Famous people are also citizens. They have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people---- the basic right which should be respected, protected and guaranteed by our laws in whatever circumstances. 名人也是人。 他們有權像普通人一樣擁有自己的隱私,這種權利在任何情況下都應該得到尊重,保護和保證。

    240. relieve us of the fatigue from work使我們從工作的疲憊中解脫出來。

    241. balance one’s budget(收入)預算平衡 242. on one’s own獨自,靠自己

    243. adapt to college life適應大學生活

    244. Only in this way can we lead a meaningful and fruitful college life.只有這樣,我們的大學生活才更有意義,更有收獲。

    245. peer group同齡人群體 246. stay up late熬夜

    247. self-image自身形象 248. cultivate our other interests培養各方面的興趣

    249. development in an all-around way全面發展

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