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本專業畢業生應獲得以下幾個方面的知識和能力: a.掌握電子技術和計算機組成與體系結構的基本原理、分析方法和實驗技能,能從事計算機硬件系統開發與設計。 b.掌握程序設計語言、算法與數據結構、操作系統以及軟件設計方法和工程的基本理論、基本知識與基本技能,具有較強的程序設計能力,能從事系統軟件和大型應用軟件的開發與研制。 c.掌握并行處理、分布式系統、網絡與通信、多媒體信息處理、計算機安全、圖形圖象處理以及計算機輔助設計等方面的基本理論、分析方法和工程實踐技能,具有計算機應用和開發的能力。 d.掌握計算機科學的基本理論,具有從事計算機科學研究的堅實基礎。 計算機專業人才應備的學科能力 a.科學型 計算思維能力 算法的設計與分析能力 b.工程應用型 程序的設計與實現能力 計算機系統的認知,分析,開發與應用能力 Peter J. Denning: must be skilled in four basic area Algorithmic thinking is an interpretation of the world in which a person understands and formulates actions in terms of step-by-step procedures that give unambiguous results when carried out by anyone Representation addresses the way in which data are stored so that the questions one will ask about them can be answered efficiently Programming enables people to take algorithmic thinking and representations and embody them in software that will cause a machine to perform in a prescribed way Design connects the other three skills to be concerns of people, though the medium of systems that serve them engineering tradeoffs, integrating available components, meeting time and cost constraints, and meeting safety and reliability requirements |
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