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1.長難句易出題 事實信息型細節題考察了原文字里行間的細枝末節,如果考生詞匯基礎較好,通過精讀題干定位處很容易推斷出原文的事實信息,那么這種題就過于容易解決了,也不符合閱讀理解的考試思路。閱讀理解中強調理解,閱讀只是基礎,核心目的是把握原文深刻的含義或隱含的信息。因此在出題思路上事實信息型細節題通常會將定位處的句式復雜化,從而考察學生的語法基礎和拆解長難句的技巧,并理解拆分完的句子所傳遞的信息。因此,長難句的拆分和理解則成為解答事實信息題的關鍵。 事實信息題細節題的解題思路正確答案是對題干定位處原文的事實信息做句子簡化,同義詞改寫(Paraphrase)或簡單的歸納總結(Induction)。 【真題對照】 2011年MBA/MPA/MPAcc聯考英語真題 We tend to think of the decades immediately following World War II as a time of prosperity and growth, with soldiers returning home by the millions, going off to college on the G. I. Bill and lining up at the marriage bureaus. But when it came to their houses, it was a time of common sense and a belief that less could truly be more. During the Depression and the war, Americans had learned to live with less, and that restraint, in combination with the postwar confidence in the future, made small, efficient housing positively stylish. The postwar American housing style largely reflected the Americans' . [A] prosperity and growth [B] efficiency and practicality [C] restraint and confidence [D] pride and faithfulness 【詞匯應用】 prosperity n. 興旺,繁榮 stylish adj. 時髦的,流行的 bureaus n. 局,辦事處 postwar adj. 戰后的 【解析】 The postwar American housing style largely reflected the Americans' . 戰后美國人的房屋設計風格大大地反映出了美國人的_______。 [A] prosperity and growth [A] 繁榮與發展 [B] efficiency and practicality [B] 效率和實用性 [C] restraint and confidence [C] 約束力和自信心 [D] pride and faithfulness [D] 驕傲和忠誠 題干中的postwar,American,housing style定位在原文第二段第二句,該句為長難句可以拆分為:During the Depression and the war, Americans had learned to live with less, and that restraint, in combination with the postwar confidence in the future, made small, efficient housing positively stylish。 During……war做時間狀語。句子主干是由兩個并列成分構成。第一個并列成分是Americans had learned to live with less。第二個并列成分是that restraint,in combination with the postwar confidence in the future,made small,efficient housing positively stylish。主語是that restraint,斜體部分插入語是restraint的后置定語,謂語是made,賓語是small,efficient housing,positively stylish做housing的賓語補足語。 該句的意思是在大蕭條和第二次世界大戰期間,美國人學會了簡約的居住方式,并且這種局限與戰后對未來的信心相結合促成了這種小巧節能房屋設計風格。 [A] 選項中的prosperity and growth在原文沒有提及。 [B] 選項中的practicality對應原文的Americans had learned to live with less,而efficiency指的是housing而不是美國人思想上的efficiency,因此對應錯誤。 [C] 選項中的restraint和confidence就是促成這種房屋設計風格的原因,直接對應原文。 [D] 選項中的pride and faithfulness在原文沒有提及。 2010年MBA/MPA/MPAcc聯考英語真題 Many Americans regard the jury system as a concrete expression of crucial democratic values, including the principles that all citizens who meet minimal qualifications of age and literacy are equally competent to serve on juries; that jurors should be selected randomly from a representative cross section of the community; that no citizen should be denied the right to serve on a jury on account of race, religion, sex, or national origin; that defendants are entitled to trial by their peers; and that verdicts should represent the conscience of the community and not just the letter of the law. The jury is also said to be the best surviving example of direct rather than representative democracy. In a direct democracy, citizens take turns governing themselves, rather than electing representatives to govern for them. From the principles of the US jury system, we learn that ______. [A] both literate and illiterate people can serve on juries [B] defendants are immune from trial by their peers [C] no age limit should be imposed for jury service [D] judgment should consider the opinion of the public 【詞匯應用】 concrete adj. 實在的,具體的 competent adj. 有能力的,能勝任的 democratic adj. 民主的 conscience n. 良心 【解析】 From the principles of the US jury system, we learn that ______. 從美國的陪審團系統的規則我們可以看出_______。 [A] both literate and illiterate people can serve on juries [A] 有文化的和沒有文化的人都可以擔任陪審員 [B] defendants are immune from trial by their peers [B] 被告可以免于被他的同族人審判 [C] no age limit should be imposed for jury service [C] 陪審員沒有年齡的限制 [D] judgment should consider the opinion of the public [D] 審判需要考慮公眾輿論 題干中的principles of the US jury system定位在原文的第一句,此句長難句拆分為:Many Americans regard the jury system as a concrete expression of crucial democratic values, including the principles that all citizens (who meet minimal qualifications of age and literacy) are equally competent to serve on juries; that jurors should be selected randomly from a representative cross section of the community; that no citizen should be denied the right to serve on a jury on account of race, religion, sex, or national origin; that defendants are entitled to trial by their peers; and that verdicts should represent the conscience of the community and not just the letter of the law。 該句的主語是Many Americans,謂語是regard,賓語是the jury system,as……principles做賓語補足語語。畫線部分由5個that引導的并列成分構成共同做principles的同位語從句。答案指向這5個并列的同位語從句。 [A] 選項中的literate對應第一個并列成分中的literacy,原文是minimal qualifications of literacy有最基本的文化水平,與[A]選項中的both literate and illiterate有文化與文盲意思相反。 [B] 選項中的defendants和trial by their peers對應第四個并列成分,原文是are entitled有權利,與[B]選項中的are immune from免除意思相反。 [C] 選項中的age對應第一個并列成分中的age,原文是minimal qualifications of age,與[C]選項中的no limit無限制意思相反。 [D] 選項中的opinion of the public是對原文第五個并列成分中的conscience of the community社區的良心的同義改寫。 2009年MBA/MPA/MPAcc聯考英語真題 Henric Ibsen ,author of the play“A Doll's House", in which a pretty, helpless housewife abandons Her husband and children to seek a more serious life, would surely have approved. From January 1st, 2008, all public companies in Norway are obliged to ensure that at least 40% of their board directors are women. Most firms have obeyed the law, which was passed in 2003. But about 75 out of the 480 or so companies it affects are still too male for the government's liking. They will shortly receive a letter informing them that they have until the end of February to act, or face the legal consequences——which could include being dissolved. A public company that fails to obey the new law could be forced to ______ . [A] pay a heavy fine [B] close down its business [C] change to a private business [D] sign a document promising to act 【詞匯應用】 abandon vt. 離開,丟棄;遺棄,拋棄 consequence n. 結果,后果;重要性,重大 oblige vt. 迫使;使感激 dissolve vt. 使溶解,使融化;解散,結束 obey vt. 服從,順從 【解析】 A public company that fails to obey the new law could be forced to ______ . 一家公共公司未能遵守新的法律要被迫使______。 [A] pay a heavy fine [A] 付高額的罰金 [B] close down its business [B] 關閉公司,停止營業 [C] change to a private business [C] 改為私營 [D] sign a document promising to act [D] 簽訂一份文件去執行 題干中的public company定位在原文的第二句,題干中的obey the new law定位在原文最后三句。因此題干中的failed定位在原文第四句but后面,第五句中的they指代第四句中的companies。因此答案指向第五句。該句為一個難句可拆分為:They will shortly receive a letter informing them that they have (until the end of February) to act, or face the legal consequences——which could include being dissolved。 句子主干的主語是they,謂語是will receive,賓語是a letter,informing……dissolved現在分詞短語做定語修飾letter,that……dissolved做inform的賓語從句。賓語從句中由包含了由or連接的兩個并列成分,第一個并列成分是they have (until the end of February) to act,括號中的until……February時間狀語做插入語,句子主干是they have to act。第二個并列成分是face the legal consequences——which could include being dissolved,省略了前句中they做主語,face是謂語,the legal consequences做賓語,which……dissolved定語從句legal consequences。 該句的意思是他們將很快收到一封信通知他們,他們在2月之前不得不行動(遵守上面頒布的法律)或者面臨可能包括解散的法律結果。 [A] 選項中的heavy fine原文沒有提到,原文只說是legal consequences法律結果,具體是不是罰款無從知曉,因此[A]選項屬于過度推理。 [B] 選項中的close down就是dissolve的同義改寫,因此[B]選項對應原文是正確選項。 [C] 選項中的private company是無中生有的概念。 [D] 選項中的to act對應第一個并列成分,但是原文沒有提到sign a document promising,具體采取行動的方式是簽訂文件承諾還是其他方式,原文根本沒有說。 2.轉折后易出題 從文章結構上講,轉折后作者會提出一個新的觀點對應舊觀點,或者作者對前面提出的內容加以否定,提出作者支持的真實觀點。因此轉折后是作者真實思想的體現,也是答案的指向所在。 轉折表示文章的論述方向發生了改變。轉折如果出現在文章開始部分,可能涉及文章主題;轉折出現在段落的首尾時,說明了段落之間的關系;轉折出現在文章的中間時,可能僅僅涉及兩個論述關系的對比。表示轉折關系的標志詞包括: 標志詞 用法 Yet, Rather, Instead,Though 放在句首和句末表示轉折(逗號可省略),放在句中有其特殊用法。 Yet, _____ . _____ , yet. Rather, _____ . _____ , rather. Instead, _____ . _____ , instead. Though, _____ . _____ , though. But, However, Nevertheless 與But表示轉折用法相同 (續) 標志詞 用法 Although, Though,While, Despite, In spite of 讓步狀語從句的主句表示轉折關系 Although_____,(but)______。盡管……但是…… 注意though在句首和句尾表示轉折,兩個分句的句中表示讓步 注意while既可以表示讓步也可以表示并列,多用于讓步 In fact, Actually, On the other hand 表面意思跟轉折沒有關系,但是它們的意思都是“實際”上,表示轉折 注意on the other hand既可以表示轉折也可以表示并列 Today, Now, Nowadays 表面意思跟轉折沒有關系,但是它們在閱讀中不是指具體的時間或現在的時態,而是它們表明作者闡述了一個新的觀點,它們之前所闡述的是舊觀點。作者論述的重點在新觀點上 【真題對照】 2011年MBA/MPA/MPAcc聯考英語真題 Ruth Simmons joined Goldman Sachs's board as an outside director in January 2000: a year later she became president of Brown University. For the rest of the decade she apparently managed both roles without attracting much eroticism. But by the end of 2009 Ms. Simmons was under fire for having sat on Goldman's compensation committee; how could she have let those enormous bonus payouts pass unremarked? By February the next year Ms. Simmons had left the board. The position was just taking up too much time, she said. According to Paragraph 1, Ms. Simmons was criticized for . [A] gaining excessive profits [B] failing to fulfill her duty [C] refusing to make compromises [D] leaving the board in tough times 【詞匯應用】 compensation n. 補償,賠償 bonus n. 紅利 【解析】 According to Paragraph 1, Ms. Simmons was criticized for . 根據第一段,Simmons小姐被批評是因為_______。 [A] gaining excessive profits [A] 獲得超額利潤 [B] failing to fulfill her duty [B] 無法履行職責 [C] refusing to make compromises [C] 拒絕妥協 [D] leaving the board in tough times [D] 在艱難時刻離開董事會 題干中的Ms. Simmons和was criticized定位在第三句but之后,題干的was criticized對應原文的under fire。因此答案指向轉折后,原文指出Ms.Simmons遭受批評是由于其在Goldman薪酬委員會工作期間,出現了大量沒有列入賬面的分紅而受到指責。 [A] 選項指出得到過多的利潤,原文提到的是compensation薪酬而非利潤,因此錯誤。 [B] 選項指出她沒有履行自己的職責就是對原文的同樣改寫。 [C] 選項中的compromises在原文中沒有體現。 [D] 選項中tough time在原文中沒有體現。 2010年MBA/MPA/MPAcc聯考英語真題 In my own research complaints from women about their husbands most often focused not on tangible inequities such as having given up the chance for a career to accompany a husband to his or doing far more than their share of daily life-support work like cleaning cooking social arrangements and errands. Instead they focused on communication: "He doesn't listen to me" "He doesn't talk to me". I found as Hacker observed years before that most wives want their husbands to be first and foremost conversational partners but few husbands share this expectation of their wives. What is most wives' main expectation of their husbands? [A] Talking to them. [B] Trusting them. [C] Supporting their careers. [D] Sharing housework. 【詞匯應用】 tangible adj. 可觸摸的,實際的,有形的,確鑿的 errand n. 差使,差事,跑腿 inequity n. 不公平待遇 【難句解析】 In my own research complaints from women about their husbands most often focused not on tangible inequities such as having given up the chance for a career to accompany a husband to his or doing far more than their share of daily life-support work like cleaning cooking social arrangements and errands. 該句的結構可拆分為:In my own research complaints from women about their husbands most often focused not on tangible inequities (such as having given up the chance for a career to accompany a husband to his or doing far more than their share of daily life-support work like cleaning cooking social arrangements and errands)。 本句比較長,但是我們一定要先找出句子主干,其他成分才能慢慢梳理清楚。首先,在句子開頭處in my own research是一個狀語成分,意為“在我的研究中”,complaints后面由介詞from引導的后置定語成分修飾complaints,表示“來自……的抱怨”,因此我們找到了句子的主語:complaints,most often focused not on……為句子的謂語部分,on的后面即為賓語,但on后面內容比較長,然而核心的內容即為tangible inequities,所以我們分析出句子的主干為:Complaints focused not on tangible equities。后面such as……是對具體的tangible inequities的舉例。作者在這里一共舉了兩個例子,兩個例子中間用連詞or連接,具體兩個例子的內容已用斜體標出。 【解析】 What is most wives' main expectation of their husbands? 絕大多數妻子對他們的丈夫的期望是什么? [A] Talking to them. [A] 和她們聊天 [B] Trusting them. [B] 信任她們 [C] Supporting their careers. [C] 支持她們的事業 [D] Sharing housework. [D] 幫忙做家務 題干中的most wives定位在第二句instead后一句。題干中的expectation對應原文的want。因此答案指向轉折后的第四句。 [A] 選項中的talking是對原文conversational partners同義改寫。 [B] 選項中的trusting原文沒有體現。 [C] 選項的supporting their careers定位在instead之前,對應原文的having given up the chance for a career to accompany a husband,因此錯誤。 [D] 選項的sharing housework也定位在instead之前,對應原文的doing far more than their share of daily life-support work like cleaning cooking social arrangements and errands。因此錯誤。 源自《2012年MBA、MPA、MPAcc聯考英語閱讀理解專項突破》 |
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