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發表于 2016-02-03 16:53
下面我們重點給大家分享一下考研復試中面試禮儀及注意事項,并為大家總結歸納了英語口語的經典60問: 考研面試的順序各個學校不同,有的是抽簽,有的是按成績排序。面試秘書會帶三個左右考生在門口等。此時要準時,穿著得體的衣服站在門口等,手機要關機或靜音。 一、男生和女生面試著裝注意事項 首先,我們說下男生面試著裝注意事項,男生相對女生來說簡單些: 服裝:相對正式就可以,不必西裝革履,不穿白襪子,不扎領帶結,也可以穿學生休閑裝,要求干凈大方。 頭發:不要太長,相對短的頭發,最好不要染色。 胡須:不要留有胡須。 鞋:皮鞋或相對正式就可以。 女生的面試著裝相對男生來說較復雜: 服裝:相對正式就可以,正裝、套裙為主裝,不要吊裝。也可以穿學生休閑裝,要求干凈大方。 妝:可以化淡妝或不化裝,可噴點淡淡的香水,不建議涂口紅,忌濃裝(流汗后成貓咪了)。 頭發:女生長發的話要扎起來,不要染紅或綠等等特別鮮艷的發色。 指甲:指甲不要染色。 鞋:皮鞋或相對正式就可以,有跟的話要低跟且跟穩的鞋,不要又細又高的跟鞋。 氣:這里的氣說的是氣質,不要趾高所昂,也不要灰頭喪氣,要不卑不亢。 二、面試禮儀及注意事項 準備好穿著后,輪到面試的考生要輕敲門,有應答后輕開輕關。然后深鞠躬,目光掃落各位老師并說“各位老師好”。老師說請坐后,我們考生要注意坐姿:坐椅子的三分之二左右,這樣比較穩,且有禮貌。進入面試房間要注意以下幾個問題: 1、言行禮貌:按老師順序回答問題,回答問題時注意目光禮貌:不要游離,不要看天花板或鞋,切忌只看一個導師。注意如果是抽題,勿忘讀題。 2、切忌不該有的言語及動作:避免口頭禪及習慣的小動作。 3、勇敢的面對導師,老師都很有學者風范,和藹可親。 4、端正回答問題的心態:一定要謙虛,不卑不亢,把問題引向對自己有利的一面,不會的問題要實事求是。例如(1)老師:請問漢字的特點對世界的影響?(學生本不會回答,但他背過法國米修的一首詩)。學生:這個問題我想從另一個角度來回答,用米修的一首詩來回答。這個學生就把詩背了下來,分析了一下)。結果:老師對他的印象很好,面試成功。這里給大家舉一個反面例子:例如(2):老師:請問對于MM的觀點怎么看?學生:MM啊(猥瑣的語氣)。對于傳媒專業的學生來說,要知道MM是指美國媒體,但這個學生回答的語氣讓老師很反感。 三、考研復試面試經典60問 1、What’s your name? 2、Does your name have any special meaning? 3、Where were you come from? 4、What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 5、What is the climate like in your hometown? 6、What is people’s favorite food in your region? 7、What do you do during the Spring Festival? 8、Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated ? 9、Tell me something about the customs of your hometown. 10、How long have you lived in XXX? 11、What place in XXX do you like best? Why? 12、Which is the best place you’ve been to China? 13、What is the biggest problem you will face? 14、Could you tell me something about your family? 15、When will you get married? 16、What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take? 17、What difficulties do your parents have concerning their old age? 18、Which kind of professor do you like best? 19、What does friendship mean to you? What kind of people do you make friend with? 20、What is your major? 21、How do you like your major? 22、When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained? 23、What impressed you most when you were at university? 24、What is the best university in your opinion? 25、Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points? 26、Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why? 27、What do you do for a living? 28、What are your job prospects? 29、If you had the opportunity to change your subject,what would you do with it? 30、What are your spare time interests? 31、How do you spend your weekends? 32、What is your favorite sport? What are the rules? 33、What kind of films do you like best? 34、What kind of music do you enjoy? 35、Where have you been traveling to? Which place interested you most? 36、Do you enjoy traveling? If yes、Where and why? 37、What kind of differences in the system of higher education between China and other countries? 38、What problem do you think you will have in XXX? 39、How will you overcome the difficulties? 40、Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program? 41、What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter inyour studies? 42、What do you intend to study? 43、Why did you choose our university? 44、Would you want to be a volunteer during Olympic Games? 45、If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do? 46、Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please. 47、What do you intend to do after you finish studying? 48、What do you think of the future of China keeps an open policy? 49、What do you regard as the most significant events in recent history? 50、What aspect of English do you find the most difficult? 51、How aware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issues? 52、How serious is unemployment among young people? 53、In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life? 54、What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5 years? 55、As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport? 56、How do you see yourself in ten years’ time? 57、What business do you hope to have? 58、What will do if you cannot find a job after graduation? 59、How do you afford your tuition? 60、Does your family supporty our decision on studying? What help do they offer? 以上便是我們的考研面試禮儀及注意事項,為了避免面試緊張,大家可以在面試前進行模擬面試,對于一些口語常見的經典問題,同學們也要早做準備避免到時候無話可說,希望考生在面試過程中多注意細節問題,確保面試順利進行,預祝各位考生考研復試面試成功! |
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