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一、時間狀語從句 1. 譯成相應的時間狀語 1)與原文順序一致 While she spoke, the tearswere running down. 她說話時,淚水直流。 2)后置改前置 Please turn off the lightwhen you leave the room. 離屋時請關燈。 2.譯成“剛(一)……就……”的句式: When I reached the beach, Icollapsed. 我一游到海灘,就昏倒了。 3.譯成并列的分句: 1)譯文前置 They set him free when hisransom had not yet been paid. 他還沒有交贖金,他們就把他釋放了。 2)后置不變 I was about to speak whenMr. Smith cut in. 我正想講,史密斯先生就插嘴了。 二、原因狀語從句 1.譯成表“因”的分句: 1)“因”在“果”之前 The crops failed because theseason was dry. 因為氣候干旱,作物歉收。 2)“果”在“因”之前 She could get away withanything, because she looked such a baby. 她能渡過任何風險,因為她看上去簡直還像娃娃模樣。 2.譯成因果偏正復句中的主句: Pure iron is not used inindustry because it is too soft. 純鐵太軟,所以不用在工業上。 Because he was convinced ofthe accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his opinion. 他深信這件事正確可靠,因此堅持己見。 3.譯成無關聯詞的因果關系并列分句: Where there is sound, theremust be sound waves. 哪里有聲音,哪里就必有聲波。 After all, it did not matter much, because in24 hours,they were going to be free. 反正關系不大,24小時以后他們就自由了。 三、表示條件的狀語從句 1. 譯成表示條件的分句,漢語一般前置: When this question isanswered, even better and cheaper magnetic materials can be developed. 如果這一問題得到解決,就能研制出更好、更便宜的磁性材料。 2.譯成表示“假設”的分句,一般前置: If one of them collapsed, asthey often did, the guide used to carry him over the mountains. 如果其中一個人垮了,這種事常在他們中間發生,向導就要背著他過山, 3.譯成補充說明情況的分句,一般后置: You can drive tonight if youare ready. 你今晚就可以出車,如果你愿意的話。 四、表示讓步的狀語從句 1.譯成表示“讓步”的分句,一般前置: While this is true of some,it is not true of all. 雖有部分如此,但不見得全部如此。 I still think that you madea mistake while l admit what you say. 就算你說得對,我仍認為你做錯了。 1. 譯成表示“無條件”的條件分句,一般前置 Plugged into theintercommunication system, the man can now communicate with the rest of the crew no matterwhat noise is going on about him。 不管周圍是多么喧鬧,插頭一接上機內通話系統,他就能和同機其余的人通話。 五、表示目的的狀語從句 1.譯成表示“目的”的前置分句,常用“為了”、“省(免)得”、“以免”、“以便”、“生怕”等引導: They stepped into ahelicopter and flew high in the sky in order that they might have a bird’s eyeview of the city . 為了對這個城市作一鳥瞰,他們跨進直升機,凌空飛行。 1. 譯成表示“目的”的后置分句,常用“省(免)得”、“以免”、“以便”、“使得”、“生伯”等引導 The murderer ran away asfast as he could so that he might not be caught. 兇手盡快地跑開,以免被人抓住。 |
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