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1999年獲重慶市科技進步二等獎 2002年、2003年兩次作為教練員帶隊參加國際大學生數學建模競賽,均獲一等獎著作及論文 共計發表論文120余篇。已被SCI檢索論文48篇、EI檢索論文53篇。 論文及著作 Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Xiaofeng Liao, Jianqiu Cao, Generalized matching networks and their properties, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 22(3) (2007) 185-192. (EI 071410531788) Xiaofan Yang, Maobin Yang, Huaiyi Liu, A part-metric-related inequality chain and application to the stability analysis of difference equation, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2007 (2007), Article ID 19618, 9 pages. (SCI 151GD) Xiaofan Yang, Yuan Yan Tang, A (4n ? 9)/3 diagnosis algorithm for hypercube networks, Information Sciences 177(8) (2007) 1771-1781 (SCI 144PS, EI 070510406314) Lidan Wang, Xiaofan Yang, Generation of multi-scroll delayed chaotic oscillator, Electronics Letters 42(25) (2006) 1439-1441 (SCI 123JZ, EI 065110316335) Shidu Dong, Xiaofan Yang, Bo He, Guojin Liu, A transplantable compensation scheme for the effect of the radiance from the interior of a camera on the accuracy of temperature measurement, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 27(11) (2006) 1517-1528. (SCI 122KZ) Xiaofan Yang, Jun Luo, Shuangqing Li, Fault-tolerant Hamiltonicity in a class of faulty meshes, Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(1-2) (2006) 1697-1708. (SCI 122CE, EI 064910288626) Xiaofan Yang, Yuan Yan Tang, Qing Lu, Zhengyu He, Optimal doublecast path in hexagonal honeycomb mesh, Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(1-2) (2006) 1267-1279. (SCI 122CE, EI 064910288589) Xiaofan Yang, Xiaofeng Liao, Yuan Yan Tang, David J. Evans, Guaranteed attractivity of equilibrium points in a class of delayed neural networks, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 16(9) (2006) 2737-2744. (SCI 115AI, EI 064910283378) Xiaofan Yang, Xiaofeng Liao, Chuandong Li, On a difference equation with maximum. Applied Mathematics and Computation 181(1) (2006) 1-5. (SCI 108ZB, EI 064110170289) Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, An oblivious shortest-path routing algorithm for fully connected cubic networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 66(10) (2006) 1294-1303. (SCI 095LZ, EI 063610100980) Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao, Xiaofan Yang, Switch control for piecewise affine chaotic systems, Chaos (2006) 16(Article ID: 033104) 9 pages. (SCI 089JH) Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Jianqiu Cao, Jun Luo, A lower bound on the size of k-neighborhood in generalized cubes, Applied Mathematics and Computation 179(1) (2006) 47-54. (SCI 088LZ, EI 063510086223) Xiaofan Yang, Global asymptotic stability in a class of generalized Putnam equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 322(2) (2006) 693-698. (SCI 098GW) Xiaofeng Liao, Xiaofan Yang, Wei Zhang, Delay-dependent asymptotic stability for neural networks with time-varying delays, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2006 (Article ID 91725) 25 pages. (SCI 078XZ) Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Yongkang Xing, David J. Evans, A novel radix-3/9 algorithm for type-III generalized discrete Hartley transform, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 15(2) (2006) 301-312. (SCI 078OJ, EI 063310065084) Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Graham M. Megson, On two rational difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 176(2) (2006) 422-430. (SCI 058IG, EI 063510090309) Yu Zhang, Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, On the system of rational difference equations , , Applied Mathematics and Computation 176(2) (2006) 403-408. (SCI 058IG, EI 063510090310) Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, Pancyclicity of M?bius cubes with faulty nodes, Microprocessors and Microsystems 30(3) (2006) 165-172. (SCI 033IF, EI 06139793845) Xiaofan Yang, Yaoxin Liu, Sen Bai, A numerical solution of second-order linear partial differential equations by differential transform, Applied Mathematics and Computation 173(2) (2006) 792-802. (SCI 022PP, EI 06089713856) 科研項目 1項教育部新世紀人才資助課題 1項科技部863課題 4項教育部博士點基金課題 1項重慶市科委攻關課題 3項重慶市自然科學基金課題的研究 |
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