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      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Xiaofeng Liao, Jianqiu Cao, Generalized matching networks and their properties, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 22(3) (2007) 185-192. (EI 071410531788)
      Xiaofan Yang, Maobin Yang, Huaiyi Liu, A part-metric-related inequality chain and application to the stability analysis of difference equation, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2007 (2007), Article ID 19618, 9 pages. (SCI 151GD)
      Xiaofan Yang, Yuan Yan Tang, A (4n ? 9)/3 diagnosis algorithm for hypercube networks, Information Sciences 177(8) (2007) 1771-1781 (SCI 144PS, EI 070510406314)
      Lidan Wang, Xiaofan Yang, Generation of multi-scroll delayed chaotic oscillator, Electronics Letters 42(25) (2006) 1439-1441 (SCI 123JZ, EI 065110316335)
      Shidu Dong, Xiaofan Yang, Bo He, Guojin Liu, A transplantable compensation scheme for the effect of the radiance from the interior of a camera on the accuracy of temperature measurement, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 27(11) (2006) 1517-1528. (SCI 122KZ)
      Xiaofan Yang, Jun Luo, Shuangqing Li, Fault-tolerant Hamiltonicity in a class of faulty meshes, Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(1-2) (2006) 1697-1708. (SCI 122CE, EI 064910288626)
      Xiaofan Yang, Yuan Yan Tang, Qing Lu, Zhengyu He, Optimal doublecast path in hexagonal honeycomb mesh, Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(1-2) (2006) 1267-1279. (SCI 122CE, EI 064910288589)
      Xiaofan Yang, Xiaofeng Liao, Yuan Yan Tang, David J. Evans, Guaranteed attractivity of equilibrium points in a class of delayed neural networks, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 16(9) (2006) 2737-2744. (SCI 115AI, EI 064910283378)
      Xiaofan Yang, Xiaofeng Liao, Chuandong Li, On a difference equation with maximum. Applied Mathematics and Computation 181(1) (2006) 1-5. (SCI 108ZB, EI 064110170289)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, An oblivious shortest-path routing algorithm for fully connected cubic networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 66(10) (2006) 1294-1303. (SCI 095LZ, EI 063610100980)
      Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao, Xiaofan Yang, Switch control for piecewise affine chaotic systems, Chaos (2006) 16(Article ID: 033104) 9 pages. (SCI 089JH)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Jianqiu Cao, Jun Luo, A lower bound on the size of k-neighborhood in generalized cubes, Applied Mathematics and Computation 179(1) (2006) 47-54. (SCI 088LZ, EI 063510086223)
      Xiaofan Yang, Global asymptotic stability in a class of generalized Putnam equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 322(2) (2006) 693-698. (SCI 098GW)
      Xiaofeng Liao, Xiaofan Yang, Wei Zhang, Delay-dependent asymptotic stability for neural networks with time-varying delays, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2006 (Article ID 91725) 25 pages. (SCI 078XZ)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Yongkang Xing, David J. Evans, A novel radix-3/9 algorithm for type-III generalized discrete Hartley transform, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 15(2) (2006) 301-312. (SCI 078OJ, EI 063310065084)
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Graham M. Megson, On two rational difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 176(2) (2006) 422-430. (SCI 058IG, EI 063510090309)
      Yu Zhang, Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, On the system of rational difference equations , , Applied Mathematics and Computation 176(2) (2006) 403-408. (SCI 058IG, EI 063510090310)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, Pancyclicity of M?bius cubes with faulty nodes, Microprocessors and Microsystems 30(3) (2006) 165-172. (SCI 033IF, EI 06139793845)
      Xiaofan Yang, Yaoxin Liu, Sen Bai, A numerical solution of second-order linear partial differential equations by differential transform, Applied Mathematics and Computation 173(2) (2006) 792-802. (SCI 022PP, EI 06089713856)
      Xiaofan Yang, Jianqiu Cao, Graham M. Megson, Jun Luo, Minimum neighborhood in a generalized cube, Information Processing Letters 97(3) (2006) 88-93. (SCI 001FV, EI 05529611178)
      Xiaofan Yang, Xiaofeng Liao, Chuandong Li, New estimate on the domains of attraction of equilibrium points in continuous Hopfield neural networks, Physics Letters A 351(3) (2006) 361-366. (SCI 015QT)
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Graham M. Megson, Global attractivity in a class of Putnam-type equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 64(1) (2006) 42-50. (SCI 998EZ, EI 05499526540)
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Graham M. Megson, On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices (III), International Journal of Computer Mathematics 83(1) (2006) 27-38. (SCI 002SY, EI 06049659318)
      Wei Deng, Xiaofan Yang, Zhongfu Wu, A t/k-diagnosis algorithm for BC graphs. Chinese Journal of Electronics 34(4) (2006) 698-701. (EI 06289996247)
      Xiaofan Yang, On the global asymptotic stability of the difference equation , Applied Mathematics and Computation 171(2) (2005) 857-861. (SCI 015GM, EI 06059668740)
      Xiaofan Yang, Yaoxin Liu, Sen Bai, On the system of high order rational difference equations , . Applied Mathematics and Computation 171(2) (2005) 853-856. (SCI 015GM, EI 06059668739)
      Xiaofan Yang, Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao, David J. Evans, Graham M. Megson, Global exponential periodicity of a class of bidirectional associative memory networks with finite distributed delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation 171(1) (2005) 108-121. (SCI 002AM, EI 05509540593)
      Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao, Xiaofan Yang, Tingwen Huang, Impulsive stabilization and synchronization of a class of chaotic delay systems, 2005 Chaos 15(Article ID 043103) 9 pages. (SCI 998SI)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Yuan Yan Tang, David J. Evans, Diameter of parallelogramic honeycomb torus, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 50(8-9) (2005) 1477-1486. (SCI 981GK, EI 05519594576)
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Graham M. Megson, On a non-autonomous difference equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 168(1) (2005) 180-188. (SCI 973CU, EI 05409404970)
      Xiaofan Yang, Xiaofeng Liao, Sen Bai, David J. Evans, Robust exponential stability and domains of attraction in a class of interval neural networks, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 26(2) (2005) 445-451. (SCI 933SW, EI 05219114875)
      Xiaofan Yang, Xiaofeng Liao, David J. Evans, Yuan Yan Tang, Existence and stability of periodic solution in impulsive Hopfield neural networks with finite distributed delays, Physics Letters A 343(1-3) (2005) 108-116. (SCI 946QH)
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Graham M. Megson, Maximum induced subgraph of a recursive circulant, Information Processing Letters 95(1) (2005) 293-298. (SCI 934GS, EI 05229127600)
      Xiaofan Yang, On the system of rational difference equations , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 307(1) (2005) 305-311. (SCI 929MG)
      Xiaofan Yang, Xiaofeng Liao, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, Global exponential periodicity of a class of neural networks with recent-history distributed delays, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 25(2) (2005) 441-447. (SCI 919GN, EI 05088849982)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, A comparison-based diagnosis algorithm tailored for crossed cube multiprocessor systems, Microprocessors and Microsystems 29(4) (2005) 169-175. (SCI 927OV, EI 05189072667)
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Graham M. Megson, Yuan Yan Tang, On the path-connectivity vertex-pancyclicity and edge-pancyclicity of crossed cubes. Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations 13(1) (2005) 107-118.
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Graham M. Megson, The locally twisted cubes, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 82(4) (2005) 401-413. (SCI 893WN, EI 05489509799)
      Xiaofan Yang, Weifeng Su, Bill Chen, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, On the recursive sequence , Applied Mathematics and Computation 162(3) (2005) 1485-1497. (SCI 895KL, EI 05048808925)
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Yuan Yan Tang, Existence and stability of periodic solution in a class of impulsive neural networks, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Neural Networks, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, pp. 265-270. (SCI BCN38, EI 05399382224)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Shaoming Zhang, Xiaoping Liu, A solution to the three disjoint path problem on honeycomb tori, Parallel Processing Letters 14(3-4) (2004) 411-422. (EI 05279196084)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Shaoming Zhang, Xiaoping Liu, A solution to the three disjoint path problem on honeycomb meshes, Parallel Processing Letters 14(3-4) (2004) 399-410. (EI 05279196083)
      Xiaofan Yang, Lai HJ, Evans DJ, Graham M. Megson, Global asymptotic stability in a rational recursive sequence, Applied Mathematics and Computation 158(3) (2004) 703-716. (SCI 865MQ, EI 04438419970)
      Xiaofan Yang, Bill Chen, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, Global attractivity in a recursive sequence, Applied Mathematics and Computation 158(3) (2004) 667-682. (SCI 865MQ, EI 04438419968)
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Graham M. Megson, On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices (II), International Journal of Computer Mathematics 81(10) (2004) 1175-1185. (SCI 864FP, EI 05499529565)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, David J. Evans, Locally twisted cubes are 4-pancyclic, Applied Mathematics Letters 17(8) (2004) 919-925. (SCI 849WY, EI 04468460864)
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Hongjian Lai, Graham M. Megson, Generalized honeycomb torus is Hamiltonian. Information Processing Letters 92(1) (2004) 31-37. (SCI 853PH, EI 04378352991)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Fault tolerance of M?bius cubes under two forbidden fault set models, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 81(8) (2004) 909-916. (SCI 846IA, EI 05499529583)
      Xiaofan Yang, A fast diagnosis algorithm for hypercube multiprocessor systems under the pessimistic one-step diagnosis, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 64(4) (2004) 546-553. (SCI 828GU, EI 04268235556)
      Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, On the double-vertex-cycle -connectivity of crossed cubes, Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 19(1) (2004) 1-9. (EI 04208162631)
      Xiaofan Yang, David J. Evans, Bill Chen, Graham M. Megson, Hongjian Lai, On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 81(5) (2004) 515-525. (SCI 819CX, EI 05499529616)
      Xiaofan Yang, The diameter of honeycomb rhombic tori, Applied Mathematics Letters 17(2) (2004) 167-172. (SCI 774HN, EI 04098042588)
      Qibin Hou, Xiaofan Yang, Yangsheng Wang, Xiangsheng Huang, An image scrambling algorithm based on wavelet transform and knight’s tour. Computer Research and Development, 41(2) (2004) 369-375. (EI 04198157022)
      Xiaofan Yang, Qibin Hou, Xiangsheng Huang, Hengnong Xuan, 2003. On the difference between the domination number and the minus domination number of a cubic graph. Applied Mathematics Letters 16(7) 1089-1093. (SCI 738WG, EI 03467724619)
      Xiangsheng Huang, Xiaofan Yang, Yangsheng Wang, The construction of multidimensional morphological wavelets based on lifting scheme. Chinese Journal of Automation 29(5) (2003) 726-732. (EI 04078020757)
      Xiangsheng Huang, Xiaofan Yang, Yangsheng Wang, The construction of median morphological wavelet based on lifting scheme, In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003. (EI 04108047063)
      Shuyu Chen, Siqing Chen, Zhihua Lv, Xiaofan Yang, Tinghuai Chen, Zhongfu Wu, System-level probabilistic distributed fault diagnosis for local networks, Chinese Journal of Computers, 23(5) (2000) 516?522. (EI 01015501604)
      Graham M. Megson, Xiaofan Yang, Xiaoping Liu, Honeycomb tori are Hamiltonian, Information Processing Letters 72(3-4) (1999) 99-103. (SCI, EI 00035085166)
      Graham M. Megson, Xiaoping Liu, Xiaofan Yang, Fault-tolerant ring embedding in a honeycomb torus with nodes failures, Parallel Processing Letters 9(4) (1999) 551-561. (EI 00065226285)
      Xiaofan Yang, Tinghuai Chen, Bing Cai B, A system-level fault diagnosis algorithm, Chinese Journal of Computers, 20(4) (1997) 342?349. (EI 97123978862)
      Xiaofan Yang, Tinghuai Chen, Liuding Zhou, Bing Cai, Minimum number of tests under the system-level probabilistic fault diagnosis, Chinese Journal of Computers, 18(8) (1995) 604?610. (EI 98014015840)
      Bing Cai, Xiaofan Yang, Tinghuai Chen, System-level fault diagnosis under the symmetric comparison model, Chinese Journal of Computers, 18(11) (1995) 858?866. (EI 98014015840)
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