《廢水厭氧生物處理技術原理及應用》,重慶大學出版社 2006
在國內外發表學術論文 40余 篇
DW Li . Process Characteristics Study of Organic Wastewater Treated by Two-Phase Anaerobic Biotechnology. Journal of Biotechnology 2008 Vol136 Issue 3S
J Liu, DW Li .Experimental Research on the Phase Separation of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR). Journal of Biotechnology 2008 Vol136 Issue 3S
XM He, DW Li. Application Research of Anaerobic Biotreatment in Cyclohexanone Processing Wastewater. Journal of Biotechnology 2008 Vol136 Issue 3S
T. Lan, DW Li . Salt Inhibition Effects in Biological Treatment of Monosodium L-glutamate Fermentation Wastewater. Journal of Biotechnology 2008 Vol136 Issue 3S
ZH XV, DW Li .Microbiological Characteristics of Acidogenic Phase during the Quick Start-up of Two-phase Anaerobi. Journal of Biotechnology 2008 Vol136 Issue 3S
蘭天,李東偉. 高氯離子味精尾母液廢水厭氧處理研究. 環境工程學報2008.8
李東偉,王克浩. 產甲烷UASB中顆粒污泥的快速培養及特性研究. 中國給水排水2008,9
李東偉. 王克浩、兩相厭氧處理有機廢水快速啟動實驗研究。環境科學研究.2008.5
李東偉,王克浩.兩相厭氧消化(TPAD)的研究現狀及展望 . 水處理技術 2007(12)
李東偉,何曉曼. 微電解-混凝預處理環己酮廢水實驗研究. 水處理技術 2007(10)
Dongwei Li,Guangzhi Yin . Study on Start Process of two-phase anaerobic reactor . IWA Proceedings and Special Journal Issues 2007
Dongwei LI , Zhonghui Xu. Experimental Study on Treatment of Wastewater from Coking Industry by Catalytic Oxidation of Fention Reagent. IWA Proceedings and Special Journal Issues 2007
Dongwei Li,Guangzhi Yin. Research on quick start of two-phase anaerobic reactor and its affecting factors. Journal of Asia Environmental Technology
尹光志,李東偉 ,李慶. 二相厭氧反應器快速啟動及影響因素研究.中國給水排水2003.19(13 ):83~84
李東偉、李斗等. 二相厭氧-好氧處理檸檬酸廢水. 水處理技術 2006(5)
李東偉、李斗等、二相厭氧應用于中藥廢水一級處理技術研究。水處理技術 2006(4)
李東偉,尹光志,李慶. 中藥生產廢水強化一級處理實驗研究.環境工程2003.(增)98~100
李東偉等,高濃度中藥廢水處理工程設計。重慶建筑大學學報2005.(5) (EI: 05489516930)
李東偉、王克浩等,苧麻脫膠廢水處理工程設計,水處理技術 2006(10)
李東偉、王克浩等, 兩相厭氧-SBR法處理啤酒廢水工程實踐,水處理技術 2007(4)
DW Li, XM He. Pretreatment of cyclohexanone manufacturing wastewater by iron-carbon micro-electrolysis. 第十二屆亞太化工聯盟國際會議(12thAPCChE)
Dongwei Li ,Xianping Gao . Experimental Study on Chinese Pharmacy Wastewater Treated
by Two-Phase Anaerobic .IWA 8th Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems
Dongwei Li, Guangzhi Yin. Characteristics Study of Organic Wastewater Treated by Two-Phase Anaerobic.IE2003(水資源與城市環境國際學術會議2003論文集) 306~309
Guangzhi Yin, Dongwei Li. Study on Treatment Technology & Impact about Wastewater of Chinese Traditional Medicine .IE2003(水資源與城市環境國際學術會議2003論文集) 225~227
Gun Huang,Guangzhi Yin, Dongwei Li. A Quickly Started Two-Phase Anaerobic Reactor. IE2003(水資源與城市環境國際學術會議2003論文集) 212~215
Dongwei Li, Guangzhi Yin. Application of Magnetorheological Fluids to Transmission,ICHMM2004
Dongwei Li, Yudong Lu. Study on Soil Erosion Dynamic Monitoring System, 7th Inter Conference on Environment and Water (ISTP收錄)
Dongwei Li, Guangzhi Yin. Experimental Study of Organic Wastewater Treated by Two-Phase Anaerobic, (世界工程師大會2004) WEC2004