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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2016-03-08 相關院校:北京理工大學
姓名 王曉琳
性別 女
職務職稱 講師、碩士生導師
電子郵件 wangxl614@bit.edu.cn
1999-2003年 吉林大學化學學院 學士
2003-2008年 吉林大學理論化學研究所 碩博連讀
2008-2010年 哈爾濱工業大學 講師、博士后
2011-至今 北京理工大學 講師、碩士生導師
[1]. X. L. Wang, Z. Y. Lu, Z. S. Li, C. C. Sun, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study on Adsorption and Diffusion Processes of a Hydrophilic Chain on a Hydrophobic Surface” J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109, 17644-17648.
[2]. 王曉琳,呂中元,李澤生,“親水鏈在疏水表面上的吸附和擴散過程的分子動力學模擬研究” 吉林大學首屆博士生學術論壇優秀論文獎,長春,2005.
[3]. X. L. Wang, Z. Y. Lu, Z. S. Li, C. C. Sun, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study on Controlling the Adsorption Behavior of Polyethylene by Fine Tuning the Surface Nanodecoration of Graphite” Langmuir, 2007, 23, 802-808.
[4]. J. Liu, X. L. Wang, L. Zhao, G. Zhang, Z. Y. Lu, Z. S. Li, “The Adsorption and Diffusion of Polyethylene Chains on the Carbon Nanotube: The Molecular Dynamics Study” J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys., 2007, 46, 272-280.
[5]. X. L. Wang, H. J. Qian, L. J. Chen, Z. Y. Lu, Z. S. Li, “Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation on the Polymer Membrane Formation by Immersion Precipitation” J. Membr. Sci., 2008, 311, 251-258.
[6]. Y. D. He, L. Y. You, X. L. Wang, Z. Y. Lu, Z. S. Li, “Structure and Dynamics of Confined Polymer Chain in Dilute Solution” Chem. J. Chin. Univ.-Chin., 2009, 30, 191-195.
[7]. X. L. Wang, Y. D. He, L. Y. You, Z. Y. Lu, Z. S. Li, “Monolayer and Multilayer Compact Film Formations on Different Substrates by Physical Deposition” J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys., 2009, 47, 353-365.
[8]. X. Zhang, Z. H. Yi, L. Y. Zhao, Q. Chen, X. M. Gu, J. Q. Xu, X. L. Wang, C. Yang, X. Z. Xu, W. J. Xia, “Steric Hindrance-dependent Rational Design and Synthesis of Three New Keggin-based
Supramolecular Networks” Dalton Trans., 2009, 42, 9198-9206.
[9]. X. Zhou, W. Q. Tian, X. L. Wang, “Adsorption Sensitivity of Pd-doped SWCNTs to Small Gas Molecules” Sens. Actuators, B, 2010, 151, 56-64.
[10]. X. Zhang, Z. H. Yi, L. Y. Zhao, Q. Chen, X. L. Wang, J. Q. Xu, W. J. Xia, C. Yang, “PH-dependent Assembly of a Series of Inorganic-organic Hybrid Molybdenum(v) Phosphate” CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 595-603.
[11]. Z. H. Yi, X. Y. Yu, W. J. Xia, L. Y. Zhao, C. Yang, Q. Chen, X. L. Wang, X. Z. Xu, X. Zhang, “Influence of the Steric Hindrance of Organic Amines on the Supramolecular Network based on Polyoxovanadates” CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 242-249.
[12]. X. L. Wang, H. B. Han, B. Guo, “The Effect of Seawater Concentration on Seawater’s Microstructure and Dynamics” Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2011, 43, 80-83.
[13]. X. L. Wang, K. Zhang, “Asymmetric Photochemical Reaction of 5-Methylbicyclo[1.1.1]-pentanyl Ketone” CHEM. RES. CHINESE UNIVERSITIES, 2012, 28, 703-706.
[14]. W. W. Liu, X. L. Wang, S. L. Chen, Y. H. Zhang, Z. S. Li, “Theoretical Study on Reaction Mechanism of Sulfuric Acid and Ammonia and Hydration of (NH4)2SO4” Theor Chem Acc, 2012, 131:1103.
[15]. J. H. Luo, A. M. Hu, X. L. Wang, Y. H. Zhang, Z. S. Li, “Adsorption of Water on NaNO3(001) Surface from First-principles Calculations” J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2013, 393, 340-346.
[16]. X. L. Wang, M. Wu, J. Ding, Z. S. Li, K. N. Sun, “Periodic Density Functional Theory Study on the Interaction Mode and Mechanism of Typical Additives with TiO2 Substrates for Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Applications”, J. Power Sources, 2014, 246, 10-18.
[17]. B. Guo, H. B. Han, X. L. Wang, F. Chai, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Magnetic Effect on the Water and Salt Transport in the Polyamide Membranes” revised by Desalination, 2013.
[18]. X. L. Wang, Z. H. Yi, X. Zhang, “Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Synthesis, Structure and Properties of a New One-dimensional Cobalt (II) Sulfate: [Co(N2H5)2(μ2-SO4)2]” revised by Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2013.
[19]. X. L. Wang, Y. Gao, W. Jiang, “Theoretical Investigations on Molecular Design, Explosive and Reaction Properties of Pure N8 Isomers as High Energy Density Materials” submitted to J. Phys. Chem. A, 2013.