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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2016-06-24 相關院校:北京化工大學
姓名: 閆壽科 | 性 別: 男 | 院 系: 材料科學與工程學院 | |||||||||||||||
行政職務: 副院長 | 專業技術職稱: 教授 | 導師類別: 博士生導師 | |||||||||||||||
從事專業1: 高分子化學與物理 | 從事專業2: 材料科學與工程 | 從事專業3: 化學 | |||||||||||||||
從事專業4: | |||||||||||||||||
最后學歷: | 最后學位: 博士 | 任碩導年月: | |||||||||||||||
任博導年月: | 是否院士: 否 | 是否國務院學科評議組成員: 否 | |||||||||||||||
畢業院校: | 畢業專業: | 畢業時間: | |||||||||||||||
辦公電話: 010-64455928 | E-mail: skyan@mail.buct.edu.cn | 是否停招: 否 | |||||||||||||||
◇ 個人簡歷: | |||||||||||||||||
1) D. Sun, Q. Fu, Z. Ren,* W. Li, H. Li, D. Ma, S. Yan*, Carbazole-based Polysiloxane Hosts for Highly Efficient Solution-processed Blue Electrophosphorescent Devices, J. Mater. Chem. C. 1, 5344-5350 (2013).
2) C. Tu, S. Jiang, H. Li, S. Yan*, Origin of Epitaxial Cold Crystallization of Poly(L-lactic acid) on Highly Oriented Polyethylene Substrate, Macromolecules 46, 5215?5222 (2013).
3) X. Sun, Z. Chen, F. Wang, S. Yan*, I. Takahashi, The Influence of Poly(vinyl phenol) Sublayer on the Crystallization Behavior of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) Thin Films, Macromolecules 46 (4), 1573–1581 (2013).
4) B. He, Y. Shen, A. Lv, H. Zhou, L. Liu, S. Yan*, Z. Wang*, Z. Yu*, Defect-controlled synthesis of graphene based nano-size electronic devices using in-situ thermal treatment, Organic Electronics 15, 685–691 (2014).
5) Q. Liu, H. Li, S. Yan,* Structure and Properties of b-Polypropylene Reinforced by its Single Polymer Fiber and Polyamide Fiber, Chin. J. Polym. Sci., 32(4): 509-518 (2014).
6) T. Zhang, D. Sun, L. Liu, G. Wen, Z. Ren*, H. Li, S. Yan*, Synthesis and Properties of Siloxane Modified Perylene Bisimide Liquid Crystal, Soft Matter 9, 10739–10745 (2013).
7) Q. Liu, X. Sun,* H. Li, S. Yan*, Orientation-induced crystallization of isotactic polypropylene, Polymer, 54, 4404 - 4421 (2013).
8) H. Zhou, S. Yan*, What Structures of Semicrystalline Polymers Can We Control Through Interfacial Crystallographic Interaction? Macromol. Chem. Phys. 214, 639?653 (2013).
9) Z. Ren, D. Sun, J. Zhang,* S. Yan* Tetrachloroperylene diimide functionalized reduced graphene oxide sheets and their I–V behavior by current sensing atomic force microscopy, J. Mater. Chem. 22 (36), 18839 – 18846 (2012).
10) Z. Ren, D. Sun, H. Li, Q. Fu, D. Ma, J. Zhang*, S. Yan*Synthesis of Dibenzothiophene Containing Ladder Polysilsesquioxane as Blue Phosphorescent Host Materials,Chem. Eur. J. 18, 4115-4123 (2012).
11) X. Sun, A. Tokuda, Y. Oji, T. Nakatani, H. Tsuji, Y. Ozaki, S. Yan*, I. Takahashi*, Effects of Molar Mass of Poly(L-lactide) on the crystallization of Poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] in their ultrathin blend films, Macromolecules, 45 (5), 2485–2493 (2012).
12) M. Gao, Z. Ren, S. Yan,* J. Sun, X. Chen, An Optical Microscopy Study on the Phase Structure of Poly(L-lactide acid)/Poly(propylene carbonate) Blends, J. Phys. Chem. B, 116 (32), 9832–9837 (2012).
13) Z. Ren, H. Li, X. Sun, S. Yan,* Y. Yang,* Fabrication of High Toughness Poly (lactic acid) by Combining Plasticization with Cross-linking Reaction, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51, 7273?7278 (2012).
14) W. Jiang, Y. Zhou, H. Geng, S. Jiang, S. Yan, W. Hu, Z. Wang*, Z. Shuai*, J. Pei*,Solution-Processed, High-Performance Nanoribbon Transistors Based on Dithioperylene,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 1-3 (2011).
15) J. Yang, Q. Liao*, J. Zhou, X. Jiang, X. Wang, Y. Zhang, S. Jiang, S. Yan, L. Li*, What Determines the Lamellar Orientation on Substrates? Macromolecules, 44, 3511–3516 (2011).
16) H. Li, S. Yan*, Surface-induced Polymer Crystallization and the Resultant Structures and Morphologies, Macromolecules, 44, 417–428 (2011).
17) W. Fu, C. He, S. Jiang, Z. Chen, J. Zhang, Z. Li*, S. Yan*, R. Zhang*, Synthesis of A Polymeric Electron Acceptor Based on Perylenediimide-Bridged Ladder Polysiloxane, Macromolecules, 44, 203–207 (2011).
18) Z. Ren, Z. Chen, W. Fu, R. Zhang, F. Shen, F. Wang, Y. Ma*, S. Yan*, Ladder polysilsesquioxane for wide-band semiconductors: synthesis, optical properties and doped electrophosphorescent device, J. Mater. Chem., 21 (21), 11306–11311 (2011).
19) Z.J. Ren, R.B. Zhang, Y.G. Ma, F. Wang, S. Yan*, Synthesis of ring-structured polysiloxane as host materials for blue phosphorescent device, J. Mater. Chem., 21 (21), 7777 – 7781 (2011).
20) X. Sun, F. Pi, J. Zhang, I. Takahashi*, Y. Ozaki, F. Wang, S. Yan*, A Study on the Phase Transition Behavior of Poly(butylene adipate) in its Blends with Poly(vinyl phenol), J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 1950–1957 (2011).
21) H. Zhou, S. Jiang, S. Yan*, Epitaxial Crystallization of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) on a Highly Oriented Polyethylene Thin Film from Solution,J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 13449–13454 (2011).
22) T. Wang, H. Li, F. Wang, S. Yan,* J. Schultz,* Confined Growth of Poly(Butylene Succinate) in Its Miscible Blends with Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride): Morphology and Growth Kinetics, J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 7814–7822 (2011).
23) X. Sun, L. Guo, H. Sato, Y. Ozaki, S. Yan*, I. Takahashi*,A Study on the Crystallization Behavior of Poly(b-hydroxybutyrate) Thin Films on Si Wafers, Polymer, 52, 3865-3870 (2011).
24) Z. Ren, R. Zhang, F. Wang*, S. Yan*, A study on the hydrogen bonding interaction of the electrospun ladder polyphenylsilsesquioxane/polyisophthalamide composite fibers by ATR FT-IR, Polym. Chem. 2 (3), 608 – 613 (2011).
25) T. Wang, H. Li, F. Wang, J. M. Schultz, S. Yan*, Morphologies and deformation behavior of poly(vinylidene fluoride)/poly(butylene succinate) blends with variety of blend ratios and under different preparation conditions, Polym. Chem. 2, 1688-1698 (2011).
◇ 本人從事的主要研究方向: | |||||||||||||||||
均聚物、共聚物、共混高分子材料的熔體結晶;表面誘導、取向誘導的聚合物結晶及聚合物材料的結構與性能關系 | |||||||||||||||||
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