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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2016-07-08 相關院校:中國藥科大學
柳紅(兼職導師),女,現任中國科學院上海藥物研究所研究員、課題組長、博士生導師。國家杰出青年、中國科學院百人計劃、第八屆中國青年女科學家獲得者。1999年畢業于中國藥科大學藥物化學系,獲得理學博士學位;1999年至2001年期間在中國科學院上海藥物研究所從事博士后研究,后留所工作。分別于2002年、2005年在美國The University of Texas Medical Branchat Galveston進行訪問學習和研究工作。主要從事藥物化學、化學生物學和藥物設計研究。近年來緊扣“新藥先導化合物的發現和優化”這條主線,構建了“有機合成新方法促進藥物發現”新藥研究技術體系,主要針對感染性疾病、腫瘤、代謝疾病以及老年性癡呆等重大疾病進行新藥創制研究,發現了一批具有深入研究價值的候選化合物,有3個化合物正在進行全面的臨床前研究。圍繞藥物分子的優勢骨架,發展了一系列具有原始創新、高效的合成方法體系,構建了含有6000個分子的多樣性“優勢骨架雜環庫”。在Chemical Reviews、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Journal of Medicinal Chemistry、Chemistry & Biology、Organic Letters、Chemical Communications和Green Chemistry等國際學術期刊發表論文260篇,申請專利49項,獲得發明專利證書13項,參與9本專著的編寫。
作為課題負責人承擔863、973、國家自然科學基金重大研究計劃重點支持項目、國家杰出青年基金項目、國家科技重大專項、歐盟F7框架SILVER項目、科技部國際合作項目、上海市學術帶頭人計劃等項目。獲得第八屆中國青年女科學家獎、“國家自然科學”二等獎、中國化學會“青年化學獎”、上海市“科技進步一等獎”等多項獎勵,獲得第六屆全國優秀科技工作者、國家杰出青年、中科院百人計劃、全國“三八紅旗手”、上海市優秀“學術帶頭人”等榮譽稱號。擔任中國藥學會藥物化學專業委員會委員、上海藥學會藥物化學專業委員會委員、上海市婦聯婦代會執委委員等,任藥學學報、中國藥物化學雜志編委會成員;任國際刊物ACS Combinatorial Science,Organic Chemistry:Current Research,Current Microwave Chemistry,Current Green Chemistry編委等職務。
1.Jiang Wang, José Luis Aceña, Santos Fustero, Carlos del Pozo, María Sánchez-Roselló, Vadim A. Soloshonok,* Alexander E. Sorochinsky, Hong Liu*. Fluorine in Pharmaceutical Industry; Fluorinated Drugs Introduced to the Market in the Last Decade. Chemical Reviews. 2014, 114, 2432-2506. (IF=45.661)
2.Yong Nian, Jiang Wang, Shengbin Zhou, Shuni Wang, Hiroki Moriwaki, Aki Kawashima, Vadim A. Soloshonok* and Hong Liu*, Advanced Approach for Purely Chemical Dynamic Kinetic Resolution of Tailor-made α-amino Acids, Including Substrates Containing Tertiary and Unprotected Multifunctional Groups. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2015, in press. (IF=11.336)
3.Shengbin Zhou, Jiang Wang, Xia Chen, José Luis Aceña, Vadim A. Soloshonok,* and Hong Liu*. Chemical Kinetic Resolution of Unprotected b-Substituted-b-Amino Acids Using Recyclable Chiral Ligands. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2014, 53, 7883-7886. (IF=11.336)
4.Ryosuke Takeda, Akie Kawamura, Aki Kawashima, Tatsunori Sato, Hiroki Moriwaki,* Kunisuke Izawa, Kenichi Akaji, Shuni Wang, Hong Liu,* Jos Luis AceÇa, and Vadim A. Soloshonok*. Chemical Dynamic Kinetic Resolution and S/R Interconversion of Unprotected a-Amino Acids. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2014,53, 12214-12217. (IF=11.336)
5.Tingting Li, Shengbin Zhou, Jiang Wang, José Luis Aceña, Vadim A. Soloshonok,* and Hong Liu*. Asymmetric synthesis of α-(1-oxoisoindolin-3-yl)glycine: synthetic and mechanistic challenges. ChemComm. 2015, 51, 1624--1626. (IF=6.718)
6.Wei Zhu, Dengyou Zhang, Nan Yang and Hong Liu*. Copper-mediated C-H(sp2)/C-H(sp3) coupling of benzoic acid derivatives with ethyl cyanoacetate: an expedient route to isoquinolinone scaffold. ChemComm. 2014, 50, 10634 - 10636. (IF=6.718)
7.Fei Zhao, Dengyou Zhang, Yong Nian, Lei Zhang, Wei Yang, and Hong Liu*. Palladium-catalyzed Difunctionalization of Alkynes via C-N and S-N Cleavages: a Versatile Approach to Highly Functional Indoles. Organic Letters. 2014, 16, 5124−5127 .(IF=6.324)
8.Hao Cai, Yu Zhou, Dong Zhang, Jinyi Xu*, and Hong Liu*. A Mannich/Cyclization Cascade Process for the Asymmetric Synthesis of Spirocyclic Thioimida-zolidinexoindoles. ChemComm. 2014,50,14771-14774. (IF=6.718)
9.Manuel Jörres, Xia Chen, José Luis Aceña, Carina Merkens, Carsten Bolm,* Hong Liu,* and Vadim A. Soloshonok*. Asymmetric Synthesis of a-Amino Acids under Operationally Convenient Conditions. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2014, 356, 2203-2208. (IF=5.542)
10.Enguang Feng, Woo-Jin Shin, Xuelian Zhu, Jian Li, Deju Ye, Jiang Wang, Jian-Ping Zuo, Kyoung Tai No, Mingyue Zheng, Weiliang Zhu, * Wei Tang, * Baik-Lin Seong,* Hualiang Jiang, and Hong Liu* Structure-Based Design, Synthesis of C-1 and C-4 modified analogs of zanamivir as neuraminidase inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 56, 671-684. (IF=5.614)
11.Jiahui Wu, Dengyou Zhang, Lei Chen, Jianneng Li, Jianling Wang, Chengqing Ning,Niefang Yu, Fei Zhao,Dongying Chen,Xiaoyan Chen,Kaixian Chen, Hualiang Jiang, Hong Liu*,and Dongxiang Liu*, Discovery and Mechanism Study of SIRT1 Activators that Promote the Deacetylation of Fluorophore-Labeled Substrate Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 56,761-780. (IF=5.614)
12.Lei Zhang, Fei Zhao, Mingyue Zheng, Yun Zhai and Hong Liu* Rapid and selective access to three distinct sets of indole-based heterocycles from a single set of Ugi-adducts under microwave heating ChemComm 2013,49,2894-2896. (IF=6.378)
13.Daizong Lin, Jiang Wang, Xu Zhang, Shengbin Zhou, Jie Lian, Hualiang Jiang and Hong Liu* Highly diastereoselective synthesis of 3-indolylglycines ChemComm 2013,49,2575-2577. (IF=6.378)
14.Shengtao Xu, Yu Zhou, Jinyi Xu*, Hualiang Jiang, and Hong Liu* Gold-catalyzed Michael Addition/Intramolecular Annulation Cascade: an Effective Pathway for the Chemoselective- and Regioselective Synthesis of Tetracyclic Indole Derivatives in Water Green Chemistry. 2013,15,718-726. (IF=6.828)
15.Jinfang Wang, Yu Zhou,* Lei Zhang, Zeng Li, Xianjie Chen and Hong Liu*. Asymmetric Michael Addition of N-tert-Butanesulfinyl Imidates: an Efficient Strategy for the Synthesis of (R)-3-Substituted Indanone Derivertives. Organic Letters. 2013,15,1508-1511. (IF=6.142)
16.Xianjie Chen , Hui Chen, Xun Ji, Hualiang Jiang, Zhu-Jun Yao, and Hong Liu*. Asymmetric One-Pot Sequential Mannich/Hydroamination Reaction by Organo- and Gold Catalysts: Synthesis of Spiro [pyrrolidin-3, 2′-oxindole] Derivatives Organic Letters. 2013,15,1846-1849. (IF=6.142)
17.Dengyou Zhang, Haifeng Sun, Lei Zhang, Yu Zhou, Chunpu Li, Hualiang Jiang, Kaixian Chen, and Hong Liu.* An Expedient Pd/DBU Mediated Cyanation of Aryl/Heteroaryl Bromides With K4[Fe(CN)6]. ChemComm 2012, 48, 2909–2911. (IF=6.378)
18.Qian Ba, Miao Hao, He Huang, Junmei Hou, Shichao Ge, Zhuzhen Zhang, Jun Yin, Ruiai Chu, Liang Hua Jiang, Fudi Wang, Kaixian Chen, Hong Liu*, and Hui Wang* .Iron deprivation suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma growth in experimental studies. Clin. Cancer Res. 2011, 17, 7625-7633. (IF=7.837)