擔任中國科學院虛擬經濟與數據科學研究中心虛擬商務研究室客座研究員,中國系統工程學會青年工作委員會委員,中國運籌學學會決策科學分會常務理事,北京運籌學會理事,中國物流學會理事,國際期刊International Journal of Engineering and Industries、Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences 編委。為多個國際期刊(包括Omega、International Journal of Production and Economics、Naval Research Logistics)和國內期刊(包括《管理科學學報》、《系統工程理論與實踐》)等進行論文評審。
2005年起多次前往香港理工大學進行訪問研究,2014年4月-9月前往加拿大溫莎大學進行訪問研究。多次在國內外學術會議上作報告,如分別在POMS2013年會、第2屆和第3屆POMS-HK International Conference、中國物流學會2010年會上做分論壇報告。
2004/09 – 2007/06,中國科學院,數學與系統科學研究院,管理學博士
1998/09 – 2001/06,武漢大學,數學與統計學院,理學碩士
1994/09 – 1998/06,曲阜師范大學,數學科學學院,理學學士
2014年/04-2014/09, 加拿大溫莎大學,訪問學者
2013/07 – 現在,北京化工大學,經濟管理學院,博士生導師,教授
2011/12 – 現在,北京化工大學,經濟管理學院,碩士生導師,教授
2007/07 – 2011/11,北京化工大學,經濟管理學院,碩士生導師,講師,副教授
2001/07 – 2004/08,曲阜師范大學,數學科學學院,助教,講師
2010/09 – 2010/12,香港理工大學,應用科學與紡織學院,Research Associate
2010/07 – 2010/08,香港理工大學,商學院,Research Associate
2009/07 – 2009/08,香港理工大學,商學院,Research Associate
2008/07 – 2008/08,香港理工大學,應用科學與紡織學院,Research Associate
2006/12 – 2006/12,香港理工大學,商學院,Research Assistant
2005/06 – 2005/07,香港理工大學,商學院,Research Assistant
1. Jian Li, Jia Chen, Shouyang Wang, Risk Management of Supply and Cash Flows in Supply Chains, Springer, New York, Sep, 2011.(ISBN 978-1-4614-0510-8)
2. Cheng, T.C.E., Li., J., Wan, J. and Wang, S.Y., Postponement Strategies in Supply Chain Management, Springer, New York, May 2010. (ISBN 978-1-4419-5836-5)
3. Fengmei Yang, Meng Li, Anqiang Huang, Jian Li*. 2014. Forecasting time series with genetic programming based on least square method. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity , 27,1, 117-129. (SCI)
4. Jian Li, Tsan-Ming Choi, T.C.E. Cheng, Mean Variance Analysis of Fast Fashion Supply Chains with Returns Policy. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Systems, (DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2013.2264934), published online, 2013.(SCI)
5. Tsan-Ming Choi, Jian Li, Ying Wei, 2013. Will a supplier benefit from sharing good information with a retailer? Decision Support Systems, 56, 131-139.(SCI)
6. Jian Li, Shouyang Wang and T.C. Edwin Cheng, 2010. Competition and cooperation in a single-retailer two-supplier supply chain with supply disruption, International Journal of Production Economics, 124, 1, 137-150. (SCI)
7. Jian Li, Shouyang Wang and T.C. Edwin Cheng, 2008. Analysis of postponement strategy by EPQ-based models with planned backorder, OMEGA, the International Journal of Management Science, 36, 5, 777-788. (SCI & SSCI)
8. Jian Li, T.C. Edwin Cheng, Shouyang Wang, 2007. Analysis of postponement strategy for perishable items by EOQ-based models, International Journal of Production Economics, 107, 1, 31-38. (SCI)
9. JunWu, Jian Li, ShouyangWang, T.C.E. Cheng, 2009. Mean–variance analysis of the newsvendor model with stockout cost, OMEGA, the International Journal of Management Science, 37, 3, 724-730. (SCI & SSCI)
10. Xiaoshan Lu, Jian Li, Fengmei Yang. 2010, Analyses of Location-Price Game on Networks with Stochastic Customer Behavior and its Heuristic Algorithm. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 23, 4, 701-714. (SCIE)
11. Jian Li, Tianjing Deng, Fengmei Yang, 2013. Research on Contingency Plans of Supply Chain Disruption Based on Maximum Entropy. Advances in information Sciences and Service Sciences, 5(7), 469-477.
12. ZHOU Rong-xi, MA Xin, LI Shou-rong, LI Jian* , 2012, The green supplier selection method for chemical industry with analytic network process and radial basis function neural network. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 5(4), 147-158. (EI)
13. Jun Wu, Jian Li*, Jia Chen, Yinxue Zhao and Shouyang Wang, 2011. Risk Management in Supply Chains, International Journal of Revenue Management, Vol.5.(2/3),157-204.
14. 李敏,袁文燕,楊豐梅,李健, 2012, 非對稱信息條件下銷售商的采購策略, 北京化工大學學報(自然科學版), 5,(3), 105-108. (CSCD)
15. 李健,王偉,楊豐梅*,2011. 基于三方回購契約的供應鏈庫存調度協調研究,系統科學與數學,Vol. 31, No.10: 1363-1374.