曹薇薇: 副教授
女,法學博士。2002年9月-2006年7月湖南大學法學院本科,2006年9月-2007年9月英國Keele University,全額獎學金碩士, 2009年11月-2012年7月英國Keele University全額獎學金法學博士,研究方向為民法、醫藥法、人權法和比較法
主要工作經歷:1. June 2011 – July 2011 Research Assistant & Conference administrative assistant (work for Professor Marie Fox and Dr. Marie Jacob);2. July 2010- September 2010 Part-time Research Assistant (work for Dr. Rosie Harding to develop PECAN);3. November 2012 – present, Associate professor, Hunan University
主要科研項目:1.教育部人文社科一般項目“人工流產‘泛濫化’和‘低齡化’法律治理研究”(2013,主持);2.國家留學回國人員科研基金項目“后一孩政策時期人口管理和計劃生育法治問題研究”(2013,主持);3.‘Wellcome Trust’的‘Research with Living Beings’(2011,參加);4.英國文化部Postgraduate and Early Career Academics Network of Scholars (2010,參加)
主要學術成果:專著 《Regulating Reproductive Autonomy》 (North Staffordshire Press,2012論文(獨著) 1.“The Regulatory Model of Abortion in China through a Feminist Lens”,《Asian Women》,vol.29,No.2,2013;(SSCI來源刊物);2.“Abortion Law, One Child Policy and Women’s Reproductive Autonomy in Post-Maoist China”,《Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences》 (forthcoming)(SSCI來源刊物);3.‘How to apply feminist approaches to ethico-legal research’ by the LGS研究中心,Keele University, 2008;4。4.‘A feminist response to the law and practice of abortion in China’, by Postgraduate and Early Career Academics Network of Schools,Westminster University, 2009;5.‘How to understand reproductive autonomy in abortion legal and ethical debates’ by Institute of Law, Politics and Justice 2 Postgraduate Research Students Conference ,2010;6.‘A feminist response to the law and policy of abortion in England and China’ by British Association of Comparative Law,2010;7.‘The role of law in promoting women’s reproductive autonomy’ in <<Reshaping the Dynamics of Research into Gender, Development and Legal Pluralism in a Global Perspective>>, by by the Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick University,2010;8.‘Defending abortion decision-making autonomy on equality grounds – a comparative analysis of the English and Chinese abortion regulatory models’ in ‘Interrogating (In)Equality’ Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2011