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分類:導師信息 來源:湖南師范大學生命科學學院 2018-05-16 相關院校:湖南師范大學
1994年開始,在美國耶魯大學分子、細胞及發育生物學系先后從事博士后和研究員工作。2000年回國受聘為湖南師范大學生命科學學院教授、博士生導師。2000年8月入選教育部“長江學者獎勵計劃” 特聘教授,同時獲國家杰出青年科學基金資助,2004年入選百千萬人才工程國家級人選和享受政府特殊津貼,并受聘為上海“模式生物”E-研究院特約研究員,上海第二醫科大學兼職博士生導師,F為湖南省衛生廳廳長、政協湖南省第十屆委員會常務委員、九三學社湖南省委副主委、全國青聯留學人員聯誼會理事、湖南省知識分子聯誼會副會長、國家遺傳工程小鼠資源庫第一屆技術委員會委員。
主要從事與人類疾病相關的基因及蛋白的鑒定和功能分析。主持國家863計劃、國家“973”計劃、國家杰出青年基金、國家自然科學基金、教育部創新團隊、教育部重點課題、湖南省教育廳重點項目、湖南省自然科學基金等多項課題等科研項目20余項;申請專利5項,已授權2項;在Nature、PNAS、Nucleic Acids Research等國際雜志上發表SCI論文30余篇;2001年獲得湖南省青年科技獎。
1.Yingli Zhong, Jiaolian Zhu, Yan Wang, Jianlin Zhou, Kaiqun Ren, Xiaofeng Ding, Xiang Hu, Jian Zhang*(2009) LIM domain protein TES changes its conformational states in different cellular compartments. Mol Cell Biochem. 320:85-92
2.Xiao-Feng Ding,Chang Luo,JianLin Zhou, Yingli Zhong, Xiang Hu, Fangliang Zhou,Kaiqun Ren,Lu Gan,Ailan He,Jiaolian Zhu,Xiang Gao,and Jian Zhang(2009)The interaction of KCTD1 with transcription factor AP-2alpha inhibits its transactivation, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 106(2): 285-95
3.Rushi Liu, Aidong Zhou, Daolong Ren, Wenfeng Zhang ,Liping Yang, Mingjun Liu, Hong Li,Jianlin Zhou,Jian Zhang(2009)Transcription Factor Specificity Protein1 (SP1) and Activating Protein 2alpha Regulate Expression of Human KCTD10 by Binding to Proximal Region of the Promoter,FEBS Letter, 276(4)1114 – 1124
4.Xiaoning Peng, Xiaomin Zeng,Sihua Peng, Defeng Deng, Jian Zhang(2009)The Association Risk of Male Subfertility and Testicular Cancer: A Systematic Review,PLOS One,4(5)e5591
5.Hong Li,Qian Liu,Xiang Hu,Du Feng,Shuanglin Xiang,Zhicheng He,Xingwang Hu,Jianlin Zhou,Xiaofeng Ding,Chang Zhou,Jian Zhang(2009)Human ZCCHC12 activates AP-1 and CREB signaling as a transcriptional co-activator, Acta Biochim Biophys Sin41(7)535–544
6.He Ailan, Xiao Xiangwen, Ren Daolong, Gan Lu,Ding Xiaofeng, Qiao Xi,Hu Xingwang,Liu Rushi,Zhang Jian,Xiang Shuanglin(2009) Identification of target genes of transcription factor activator protein 2 gamma in breast cancer cells, BMC Cancer, 11(9):279
7.Lu GAN,Dong-xing ZHU,Li-ping YANG,Ru-shi LIU,Feng YAN, Jian ZHANG(2008)Involvement of transcription factor activator protein-2α in doxazosin-induced HeLa cell apoptosis,Acta Pharmacol Sin ; 29 (4): 465–472
8.Xiao-Feng Ding,Chang Luo,Kai-Qun Ren,Jing Zhang,Jian-Lin Zhou,Xiang Hu,Ru-Shi Liu,Yan Wang,Xiang Gao,and Jian Zhang(2008)Characterization and Expression of a Human KCTD1 Gene Containing the BTB Domain, Which Mediates Transcriptional Repression and Homomeric Interactions, DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY,27(5):257-265
9.Yan Wang,Haining Peng,Yingli Zhong,Daiqiang Li,Mi Tang,Xiaofeng Ding,Jian Zhang(2008)Differential gene expression profiling of HER2-overexpressing mammary tumor.Acta Biophys Sin,40(5):365-373
10. Xiaofeng Ding,Changzheng Fan,Jianlin Zhou,Yingli Zhong,Rushi Liu, Kaiqun Ren,Xiang Hu,Chang Luo,Shunyong Xiao,Yeqi Wang,Du Feng and Jian Zhang* (2006) GAS41 interacts with transcription factor AP-2β and stimulates AP-2β -mediated transactivation. Nucleic Acid Res. 34(9):2570-78.
11. Zhou JL, Fan CZ, Zhong YL, Liu YH, Liu MJ, Zhou AD, Ren KQ, Zhang J*. (2005). Genomic organization, promoter characterization and roles of Sp1 and AP-2 in the basal transcription of mouse PDIP1 gene. FEBS Letters, 579(7):1715-17.
12.Zhou J.L., Ren K.Q., Liu X., Xiong X.W., Hu X.X., Zhang J.* (2005) A novel PDIP1 related protein–KCTD10 that interacts with proliferating cell nuclear antigen and DNA polymerase . BBA,1729:200-203.
13. Zhou JL, Xiong XW, Hu XX, Jiang TS, Zhang J*. (2005)Cloning of two rat PDIP1 related genes and their interactions with proliferating cell nuclear antigen,J. of Exp. Zoology, 303A(3):227-40.
14. ZHOU Jianlin, JIE Yucheng, JIANG Yanbo , ZHONG Yingli, LIU Yunhai and ZHANG Jian*(2005). Development of simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers of ramie and comparison of SSR and inter-SSR marker systems. Progress in Natural Science,15(2): 137-142.
15. Jiang TS, Minunni M, Zhang J, Mascini M(2005)Detection of TP53 mutation using a portable Surface Plasmon Resonance DNA-based Biosensor. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20 (10): 1939-1945.
16.Zhang J, Sun Y, Liu Y, Sun Y and Liao DJ(2004) Synergistic effects of androgen and estrogen on the mouse uterus and mammary gland. Oncology Reports,12(4):709-716
17.Zhang J, Brewer S, Huang J, Williams T(2003)Overexpression of transcription factor AP-2 alpha suppresses mammary gland growth and morphogenesis. Developmental Biology, 256(1):128-146
18.Zhang J and Williams T(2003)Identification and regulation of tissue-specific cis-acting elements associated with the human AP-2 gene. Developmental Dynamics, 228(2): 194-207.
19.Anand S, Wang WC, Powell DR, Bolanowski SA, Zhang J, Pawashe CL, Amemiya CT and Shashikant CS. (2003) Divergence of Hoxc8 early enhancer parallels diverged axial morphologies between mammals and fishes. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 100: 15666-15669.