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分類:導師信息 來源:清華大學環境學院 2018-05-17 相關院校:清華大學
姓 名: 陸文靜
所在單位: 固體廢物污染控制與資源化教研所
職 稱: 副高級
郵寄地址: 清華大學環境學院
辦公電話: 010-62796540
電子郵件: luwenjing@tsinghua.edu.cn
辦公地點: 北京清華大學環境節能樓401
1) 基于呼吸型覆蓋層技術的甲烷氧化菌氧氣響應機制研究,國家自然科學基金課題,項目負責人,2012-2014
2) 生活垃圾填埋場溫室氣體(甲烷)減排技術及工程示范,國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃)目標導向課題,項目負責人,2007-2010
3) 奧林匹克森林公園綠色廢物處理中心工藝設計研究,奧林匹克森林公園管理委員會委托項目,項目負責人,2006-2007
4) 奧林匹克森林公園生活排污源分離及資源化利用系統關鍵技術研究與示范,國家科技支撐計劃課題,子課題負責人,2007-2009
5) 秸稈制乙醇的超臨界亞臨界組合預處理與水解研究,國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃)探索導向課題,課題負責人,2006-2010
6) 固體廢棄物資源化環境安全評價技術研究,國家科技支撐計劃課題,子課題負責人,2007-2010
7) 生活垃圾生物反應器填埋技術系統與標準化研究,“十一五”國家科技支撐計劃,子課題負責人,2006-2010
8) 降解農村固體廢物木質纖維素組分的高效微生物菌種篩選和分離研究,清華大學校基礎研究基金,項目負責人,2001-2003
9) 加速花卉種植業廢棄物降解的功能微生物菌群選育研究,教育部留學回國人員科研基金,項目負責人,2001-2003
10) 固定化纖維素分解菌技術在堆肥中的應用研究,IFS國際科學基金,項目負責人,2003-2005
11) 美鋁 –清華國際合作項目:中國農村可持續發展研究,項目負責人,2005-2010
12) 深圳市下坪垃圾填埋場可持續填埋及腐熟垃圾利用項目可行性研究,項目負責人,2006-2007
13) 密云水庫流域水土流失綜合防治體系及示范推廣研究:黃土坎示范區建設方案研究,主要承擔者,2004-2007
14) 城市生活垃圾綜合處理處置規劃及理想化管理模式研究,國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃)課題,子課題負責人
15) 生活污水污泥堆肥化處置及工程示范,國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃)目標導向課題,主要承擔者,2006-2009
16) 滇池流域面源污染控制技術—固體廢物無害化處理技術,國家科技部與云南省聯合重大科技項目專題,主要承擔者,為“高效復合微生物菌種的選育、富集與應用技術”子專題負責人,2001-2003
17) 生物反應器填埋場水分運移的模擬分析,清華大學校基礎研究基金,主要承擔者,2003-2005
18) 圓明園東區湖底防滲工程環境影響評價,圓明園管理處,主要承擔者,2005
19) 深圳市清水河環境園區域惡臭污染控制技術及對策研究,深圳市城市管理局,項目負責人,2005
學術成果著作:王洪濤,陸文靜 主編,《農村固體廢物處理處置與資源化技術》,中國環境科學出版社,北京,2006.
1) Wenjing Lu, Wolfgang Reichardt, Changyong Huang 2001, Dynamic of phenol degrading-iron reducing bacteria in intensive rice cropping system. Pedosphere 11 (1):21-30
2) Wen-jing Lu, Hong-tao Wang, Chang-yong Huang and Wolfgang Reichardt, 2002 Communities of iron(III)-reducing bacteria in irrigated tropical rice field. Microbes and Environments, 17 (4): 170-178.
3) Wen-jing Lu, Hong-tao Wang, Wolfgang Reichardt. 2002. Characterization and seasonal patterns of phenol and benzoate degrading iron-reducing bacteria as affected by some agronomic practices in irrigated tropical paddy soils, In: Xth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, IUMS, Paris, pp 76.
4) Wen-jing Lu, Hong-tao Wang, Chang-yong Huang and Wolfgang Reichardt, 2003. Seasonal variation of phenol / benzoate degrading iron-reducing bacteria in irrigated tropical paddy soils as affected by some management practices. J. Gen Appl. Microbiol,. 49: 37-49.
5) Wen-jing Lu, Hong-tao Wang, De-yang Huang, Xiang-yang Qiu, Jin-chun Chen. 2004. Effect of inoculating flower stalks and vegetable waste with ligno-cellulolytic microorganisms on the composting process. The Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. B39 (5):871-887.
6) Wen-jing Lu, Hong-tao Wang, Ding-xi Huang, 2003. Isolation and characterization of cellulose decomposing bacteria and its application potential in vegetable waste compost. Proceeding of 3rd International Conference of Advances in Measuring Techniques in Energy and Environmental Engineering, Shanghai, pp 1713-1718.
7) Wen-jing Lu, Hong-tao Wang, ShijianYang,Zhichao Wang, and Yongfeng Nie. 2005. Isolation and characterization of mesophilic cellulose-degrading bacteria from flower stalks -vegetable waste co-composting system J. Gen and Appl. Microbiol. 51: 353-360.
8) Wen-jing Lu, Hong-tao Wang, Chang-yong Huang and Wolfgang Reichardt, 2008. Characterization of aromatic compounds degradation by iron reducing bacteria isolated from irrigated tropical paddy soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 20:1487-1493.
9) Wen-jing Lu, Hong-tao Wang. 2005. Isolation and characterization of cellulose-degrading bacteria from flower stalk -vegetable waste co-composting and their application potential. In: Abstracts of the XI International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, IUMS, San Francisco, California, USA, p129.
10) Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, 2008. Role of rural solid waste management in non-point source pollution control of Dianchi Lake Catchments, China. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China,2 (1):15-23.
11) Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu. 2005. Co-composting of Flower Stalks, Vegetable Waste and Animal Manure for Non-point Pollution Control in Dianchi Lake Catchment. The 9th-10th Joint Seminars of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment, October, 2005, Kunming, China.
12) Yan Zhao, Wen-Jing Lu, Hong-Tao Wang, Jin-Long Yang. Fermentable hexose production from corn stalks and wheat straw with combined supercritical and subcritical hydrothermal technology. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100(23): 5884-5889.
13) Yan Zhao, Wen-Jing Lu, Hong-Tao Wang. Supercritical hydrolysis of cellulose for oligosaccharide production in combined technology, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 150(2-3): 411-417.
14) Yan Zhao, Wen-jing Lu, Hong-tao Wang. Combined supercritical/subcritical pretreatment and hydrolysis of stalks for ethanol production, International ORBIT 2009 China Conference, 19-21 November, 2009, Beijing, China.
15) ZHAO Yan, LU Wen-Jing, WANG Hong-Tao, LI Dong. 2009. Combined supercritical and subcritical process for cellulose hydrolysis to fermentable hexoses, Environmental Science & Technology,43(5):1565-1570
16) ZHAO Yan, WANG Hongtao, LU Wenjing, LI Dong. Research Progress on Supercritical/Subcritical Technology for Pretreatment and Hydrolyzation of Stalks. Progress in Chemistry, 2007, 19(11): 1832-1838
17) ZHAO Yan, LI Dong, LU Wen-jing, WANG Hong-tao, PIAO Xue-song, Supercritical Pretreatment and Hydrolyzation of Cellulose. Acta Chimica Sinica. 2008, 66(20): 2295-2301.
18) Yan Zhao, Anders Damgaard, Hong-tao Wang, Wen-jing Lu, Thomas H. Christensen. Life cycle assessment of the municipal solid waste management system in Hangzhou, China (EASEWASTE), Waste Management and Research, 2009, 27(4): 399-406.
19) Zhao, Chenxi; O-Thong, Sompong; Karakashev, Dimitar; Angelidaki, Irini; Lu, Wenjing; Wang, Hongtao, High yield simultaneous hydrogen and ethanol production under extreme-thermophilic (70 C) mixed culture environment, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2009,34(14): 5657-5665
20) Zhao Chenxi, O-Thong Sompong, Karakashev Dimitar, Lu Wenjing, Wang Hongtao, Angelidaki Irini. Effects of substrate concentration, pH and nutrient on extreme-thermophilic hydrogen and ethanol production by mixed cultures. The 2008 Asian Biohydrogen Symposium, Harbin, China. 2008: 339-341.
21) Zhao Chenxi, Karakashev Dimitar, Lu Wenjing, Wang Hongtao. Xylose fermentation to biofuels (hydrogen and ethanol) by extreme thermophilic (700C) mixed culture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35:3415-3422.
22) Zhao Chenxi, Lu Wenjing, Wang Hongtao. Enhancement of fermentative hydrogen production under extreme thermophilic (700C) mixed culture environment by repeated batch cultivation. Current Microbiology(Under Review).
23) Lu WJ, Chi ZF, Mou ZS, Long YY, Wang HT, Zhu Y. Can a breathing biocover system enhance methane emission reduction from landfill? Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011.191:228-233.
24) Y Zhao, HT Wang, WJ Lu, H Wang. Combined supercritical and subcritical conversion of cellulose for fermentable hexose production in a flow reaction system. Chem. Eng. J., 2011, 166(3): 868-872. (SCI, 2009IF: 2.816)
25) Y Zhao, TH Christensen, WJ Lu, HY Wu, HT Wang. Environmental impact assessment of solid waste management in Beijing City, China. Waste Management, 2011, 31(4): 793-799. (SCI, 2009IF: 2.433)
26) HT Wang, R Han, Y Zhao, WJ Lu, YX Zhang. Stepwise superposition approximation approach for analytical solutions with non-zero initial concentration using existing solutions of zero initial concentration in contaminate transport. J. Environ. Sci., 2010 (Accepted, SCI, 2009IF: 1.412)
27) Long YY, Shen DS, Wang HT, Lu WJ. Migration behavior of Cu and Zn in landfill with different operation modes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010; 179(1-3):883-890. (SCI, IF=4.144)
28) YY Long, DS Shen, HT Wang, WJ Lu, Y Zhao. Heavy metal source analysis in municipal solid waste: Case study on Cu and Zn. J. Hazard. Mater., 2010, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.11.106. (In press, SCI, 2009IF: 4.144)
29) H Wang, HT Wang, WJ Lu, Y Zhao. Digestibility improvement of sorted waste with alkaline hydrothermal pretreatment. Tsinghua Sci. Technol., 2009, 14(3): 378-382. (EI)
30) Y Zhao, HT Wang, TH Christensen, ZF Chi, WJ Lu. Environmental impacts of different municipal solid waste systems in Xicheng, Beijing with a life cycle assessment model – EASEWASTE, The 5th International Conference on Waste Management & Technology, 15-17 Dec., 2010, Beijing, China. (ISTP, 國際會議)
31) ZF Chi, Y Zhao, WJ Lu, HT Wang, BJ Yang, ZS Mou. Aerogenic characters of cellulose digestion under simulated landfill condition, Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Healthy 2010, Wuhan,China.
32) Lu WJ, Chi ZF, Mou ZS, Long YY, Zhu Y, Zhao Y, Wang HT. 2011. Effect of bio-cover equipped with a novel passive air diffusion system on microbial methane oxidation and community of methanotrophs. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association (accepted).
33) Chi ZF, Lu WJ, Wang HT, Zhu Y, Long YY, Zhao Y. 2011. Diversity of methanotrophs in simulated landfill biocover reactor as revealed by PCR-DGGE. Journal of Environmental Sciences (Accepted).
34) HY Wu, Y Zhao, T Chen, HT Wang, WJ Lu. Application of Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy for assessment of degradation and stabilization of land-filled municipal solid waste, The 5th International Conference on Waste Management & Technology, 15-17 Dec., 2010, Beijing, China. (ISTP, 國際會議)
35) L Zhang, Y Zhao, HT Wang, WJ Lu. Experimental analysis on additivity of the biogas production from the digestion processes of starch, protein, cellulose and fat, The 5th International Conference on Waste Management & Technology, 15-17 Dec., 2010, Beijing, China. (ISTP, 國際會議)
36) ZF Chi, Y Zhao, WJ Lu, HT Wang, BJ Yang, ZS Mou. Aerogenic characters of cellulose digestion under simulated landfill condition, Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Healthy 2010, 10-11 Sep., 2010, Wuhan, China. (ISTP, 國際會議)
37) B Tang, WJ Lu, Y Zhao, BJ Yang, ZS Mou, L Zhang. Model development for anaerobic digestion of cellulose under simulated landfill conditions, The 5th International Conference on Waste Management & Technology, 15-17 Dec., 2010, Beijing, China. (ISTP, 國際會議)
38) JW Liu, WJ Lu, HT Wang, Y Zhu, YY Long, R Han, Y Zhao, BS Cui, ZQ Li. Characterization and comprehensive utilization analysis of exploited MSW based on landfill sustainability, The 5th International Conference on Waste Management & Technology, 15-17 Dec., 2010, Beijing, China. (ISTP, 國際會議)
39) JW Liu, R Han, WJ Lu, HT Wang, YY Long, Y Zhu, Y Zhao, BS Cui, ZQ Li. Stabilization process analysis of landfill units based on the carbon life cycle and the sustainable landfill model, The 5th International Conference on Waste Management & Technology, 15-17 Dec., 2010, Beijing, China. (ISTP, 國際會議)
40) 孫曉杰,王洪濤,陸文靜. 通風量對糞渣與樹葉共堆肥的影響. 農業工程學報.2009,25(9):249-253( Ei源刊)
41) 孫曉杰,王洪濤,陸文靜,張延鵬. 糞渣與樹葉靜態好氧共堆肥最佳配比研究. 清華大學學報. 2009, 49(12):1988~1991 (Ei源刊)
42) 孫英杰; 張延鵬; 王洪濤; 陸文靜; 孫曉杰. 不同通風方式對糞渣與樹葉共堆肥的影響 . 安徽農業科學, 2010, 38( 30) : 16899~16902.
43) 孫曉杰,王洪濤,陸文靜. 我國城市生活垃圾收集和分類方式探討. 環境科學與技術,2009,32(10):200-202
44) 孫曉杰,王洪濤,陸文靜. 上海城市生活垃圾集中分選資源化模式研究. 青島理工大學學報, 2009,30(1):71-76.
45) 陸文靜; 牟子申; 朱勇; 王洪濤; 趙晨曦。生活垃圾填埋場覆蓋層水分調控之保水劑篩選研究,環境科學,2010, 31(2): 534-540。
46) 趙巖, 陸文靜, 吳華勇, 劉晉文, 王洪濤. 秸稈制乙醇的超臨界亞臨界組合預處理與水解研究, 2010 中國可再生能源科技發展大會, 18-19, Dec., 2010, 北京, 中國. (ISTP, 國內會議)
47) 陽金龍, 趙巖, 陸文靜, 王洪濤. 玉米秸稈超臨界預處理與水解研究, 清華大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, 50(9): 1408-1411. (EI)
48) 牟子申,陸文靜,龍於洋, 楊若冰, 朱勇, 王洪濤. 2012. 一種呼吸型填埋場覆蓋層技術研究I:熱動力自充氧裝置開發. 環境科學學報 (待刊出)
49) 朱勇, 陸文靜,牟子申, 龍於洋, 莊原發, 王洪濤. 2012. 一種呼吸型填埋場覆蓋層技術研究II:呼吸型覆蓋層技術甲烷氧化性能研究. 環境科學學報(待刊出)
50) 陸文靜, 王洪濤, 邱向陽, 加速花卉種植業廢棄物降解的功能微生物菌群篩選研究, 2002, 第八屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會論文集,臺灣新竹交通大學出版社,pp1042-1046.
51) 邱向陽, 陸文靜, 黃鼎曦, 黃得揚, 王洪濤,2003. 蔬菜-花卉秸稈混合堆肥性狀表征及纖維素分解菌群選育研究,北京大學學報(自然科學版), 39(2):254-261.
52) 黃鼎曦, 陸文靜, 邱向陽, 王洪濤, 2003,農村蔬菜廢物分散化微生物處理技術研究, 清華大學學報(自然科學)43(10):1347-1350.
53) 黃鼎曦, 陸文靜, 邱向陽, 王洪濤, 2002, 農業蔬菜廢物處理方法研究進展和探討,環境污染治理技術與設備. 3 (11): 38-42.
54) 黃得楊, 陸文靜,王洪濤,2004. 有機固體廢物堆肥化處理的微生物學機理研究,環境污染治理技術與設備,5 (1): 12-18.
55) 黃得揚,陸文靜,王洪濤,周輝宇,王志超,2004. 高效纖維素分解菌在蔬菜-花卉秸稈聯合好氧堆肥中的應用,環境科學. 25 (2): 145-149.
56) 周輝宇,陸文靜,王洪濤,王志超,2005. 高效纖維素分解菌生物強化技術在工廠化好氧堆肥中的應用初探,農業環境科學學報. 24(1):182-186.
57) 王志超,陸文靜,王洪濤. 2006. 好氧堆肥中高溫纖維素分解菌的篩選及性狀研究. 北京大學學報(自然科學版)42(2):259-264.
58) 生駿,陸文靜,王洪濤, 2007. 粉煤灰對污泥堆肥過程和土地施用后交換態重金屬(Cu、Zn、Pb)的影響研究. 環境科學,28(6)1367-1371.
59) 生駿,陸文靜,王洪濤, 2007. 添加穩定化劑對污泥堆肥中重金屬(Cd、Cr、Pb)形態變化的影響研究. 環境保護科學 (排版中)
60) 王洪濤,陸文靜,張相鋒,2004. 蔬菜、花卉廢物和養殖糞便共堆肥試驗研究,環境科學與工程,1:48-54.
61) 王志超,陸文靜,王洪濤, 2005. 兩株高溫纖維素分解菌的性狀研究. 王繼明教授90壽辰慶賀文集.環境科學與工程:275-280.
62) 生駿,陸文靜,王洪濤, 2005.高溫木質纖維素分解菌篩選及應用研究進展. 王繼明教授90壽辰慶賀文集.環境科學與工程:269-274.
63) 趙巖,王洪濤,陸文靜,2007. 養殖廢物好氧發酵生產固液混合態肥料技術研究. 農業環境科學學報,26(1):339-343
64) 趙巖, 王洪濤, 陸文靜, 李冬. 秸稈超(亞)臨界水預處理與水解技術研究進展, 化學進展, 2007, 19(11): 1832-1838
65) 趙巖, 司繼濤, 田保國, 王洪濤, 陸文靜. 城市固體廢物處理處置技術政策方法I:模型研究, 北京大學學報(自然科學版), 2007, 43(6): 834-838
66) 趙巖, 司繼濤, 田保國, 王洪濤, 陸文靜. 城市固體廢物處理處置技術政策方法II:案例分析, 北京大學學報(自然科學版), (排版中)
67) 王昊,王洪濤,趙勇勝,陸文靜,2006. 不同緩沖劑調節pH值影響MSW反應器運行的對比. 環境工程,26 (6):52-55.
1) 一種微生物復合菌劑及其制備方法與應用(專利號:ZL200710065130.3),發明人:陸文靜,王洪濤,楊渤京,牟子申
2) 一種固定化細胞聚丙烯酰胺大孔凝膠載體及其制備方法 (專利號:ZL200710065019.4),發明人:陸文靜,王洪濤,趙巖,劉晉文
3) 一種直接用于測定固體廢物水力參數的設備(專利號:ZL200920107580.9),發明人:王洪濤,陸文靜,王昊。趙晨曦
4) 生物質超臨界亞臨界組合連續式預處理與水解設備及方法(公開號: CN 101613377A), 發明人: 趙巖, 王洪濤, 陸文靜
5) 一種采用可溶性纖維低聚糖制取六碳糖的亞臨界水解方法(公開號: CN 101845523A), 發明人: 趙巖, 王洪濤, 陸文靜
6) 生物質水熱處理獨立溶解和水解的半連續式反應系統(申請號: 201010203064.3), 發明人: 趙巖, 陸文靜, 王洪濤
7) 一種處理垃圾滲濾液的方法及其專用裝置(專利號:ZL200810102861.5),孫曉杰,王洪濤,陸文靜
8) 處理垃圾滲濾液的方法及其專用裝置(專利號:ZL200810102860.0),孫曉杰,王洪濤,陸文靜
9) 用于生活垃圾填埋場溫室氣體減排的覆蓋層自充氧系統(申請號:200910090356.8;公開號:CN101613657), 發明人:陸文靜,王洪濤,牟子申,遲子芳,朱勇
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