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分類:導師信息 來源:湖南師范大學生命科學學院 2018-05-25 相關院校:湖南師范大學
湖南師范大學生科院微生物系主任。1982年畢業于湖南師范大學獲理學士學位; 1985年獲武漢大學碩士學位。1996年獲湖南大學理學博士學位;1998 — 2000年在美國印第安那大學和加州州立大學洛杉磯分校從事博士后研究工作; 2007.7— 2007.12在英國倫敦帝國理工學院訪問學習。2002年被湖南省確定為學科帶頭人培養對象。先后主持國家863計劃項目、國家自然科學基金項目等省部級課題二十多項。已在BIOSENS BIOELECTRON, APPL MICROBIOL BLOT, ENZYME MICROB TECH,BIORESOURCE TECHNOL等國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文80余篇, SCI他人引用1200余次。已培養博士碩士50多人。
研究及招生方向:病原菌及分子診斷技術;納米生物技術; 環境微生物技術
學術兼職: 湖南省微生物學學會副理事長,《生命科學研究》編委
教學:微生物學、 現代生物技術專題
1.鄧樂, 彭智輝, 李會東 (2009) 生物功能化磁性粒子的構建及其應用,湖南省自然科學獎二等獎
2. 丁興華, 鄧樂(指導教師)基于碳納米管技術的快速檢測病原菌方法的研究, 湖南省優秀碩士學位論文,2013
5. 雷涵, 鄧樂(指導教師) 微納米生物功能磁性材料的構建及其在酶固定化中的應用, 湖南省優秀碩士學位論文,2005
6. 寧毅, 鄧樂(指導教師)高特異性碳納米生物傳感器快速檢測沙門氏菌的研究,湖南師范大學優秀博士學位論文,2015
1. Keyi Liu, Xing Yan, Biyao Mao, Sheng Wang, Le Deng* Aptamer-based detection of Salmonella enteritidis using double signal amplification by Klenow fragment and dual fluorescence,Microchimica Acta,183:643–649, 2016
2. Xing Yan,Wenkai Li,Keyi Liu,Le Deng* Highly sensitive fluorescent aptasensor for Salmonella paratyphi A via DNase I-mediated cyclic signal amplification, Analytical methods,7(24), 10243-10245, 2015
3. Yi Ning, Lijuan Cheng, Min Ling, Xinru Feng, and Le Deng*Efficient suppression of biofilm formation by a nucleicacid aptamer, FEMS Pathogens and Disease, 73(6), 1-8, 2015
4. Zhongjie Li,Yang Song, Wenhui Zhu and Le Deng*A terminal protectionsystem for the detection of adenosine triphosphate via enzyme-assisted signal amplification, Analytical Methods, 7, 970 - 975,2015
5. Xinru Feng, Keyi Liu, Yi Ning, Lijuan Chen and Le Deng*A Label-free Aptasensor for Rapid Detection of H1N1 Virus based onGraphene Oxide and Polymerase-aided Signal Amplification,J Nanomed Nanotechnol, 6:3,1000288,2015
6. Wenhui Zhu, Zhongjie Li, Xinxing Liu, Le Deng*,Determination of Shigella Flexneri by a NovelFluorescent Aptasensor, Anal letters, 48(18), 2870-2881,2015
7. Min Ling, Zhihui Peng, Lijuan Cheng, Le Deng*Rapid Fluorescent Detection of Enterotoxigenic Escherichiacoli (ETEC) K88 Based on Graphene Oxide-DependentNanoquencher and Klenow Fragment-Triggered TargetCyclic Amplification, Applied Spectroscopy, 69(10):1175-1181,2015
8.Yang Song , Wenkai Li , Yingfen Duan , Le Deng*Nicking enzyme-assisted biosensor for Salmonella enteritidis detection based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 55, 400-404, 2014
9. Pingdao Mao, Yi Ning, Wenkai Li, Zhihui Peng, Le Deng*Novel strategy combining SYBR Green I with carbon nanotubes for highly sensitive detection of Salmonella typhimurium DNA. Enzyme & Microbial Tech, 54: 15-19, 2014
10. Yinfen Duan, Yi Ning, Yang Song, Le Deng* Fluorescent aptasensor for the determination of Salmonella typhimurium based on a graphene oxide platform. Microchim Acta, 181(5): 647-653, 2014
11. Yi Ning, WenKai Li, YingFen Duan, Ming Yang, Le Deng* High specific DNAzyme-aptamer sensor for Salmonella paratyphi A using single-walled nanotubes based dual fluorescence-spectrophotometric methods. J. Biomolecular Screening, 19: 1099-1106, 2014
12. Yi Ning,Yingfen Duan,Yunyi Feng,Le Deng*Label-Free Fluorescent Aptasensor based on a Graphene Oxide Self-Assembled Probe for the Determination of Adenosine Triphosphate. Analytical Letters, 47(14), 2350-2360, 2014
13. Zhihui Peng, Min Ling, Yi Ning, Le Deng*Rapid Fluorescent Detection of Escherichia coli K88 Based on DNA Aptamer Library as Direct and Specific Reporter Combined With Immuno-Magnetic Separation.J of Fluorescence, 24(4):1159-1168, 2014
14. Yi Ning, Zhong Jie Li, Yin Fen Duan, Zhi Hui Peng and Le Deng*A novel biosensor for detection of S. typhimurium carrying SSeC gene based on the secondary qurnching effect of carbon nanotubes, Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotech, 2: 5-9, 2013
15. Ming Yang, Zhihui Peng, Yi Ning, Le Deng *(2013) Highly Specific and Cost-Efficient Detection of Salmonella Paratyphi A Combining Aptamers with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Sensors, 13, 6865-6881
16. Guang Li, Fushuang Li, Le Deng * Increased yield of biotransformation of exemestane with β-cyclodextrin complexation technique, Steroids, 78(11): 1148-1151, 2013
17. Qin Zhou, Yongzhe Chen, Ming Yang, Wenkai Li, Le Deng* Enhanced bioremediation of heavy metal from effluent by sulfate-reducing bacteria with copper-iron bimetallic particles support. Bioresource Technology, 136, 120-127, 2013 (IF5.039, 1區)
18. Hui Chen, Dan Wang,Le Deng *Oligonucleotide-Based Fluorescence Probe for sensitive and selective detection of Ag(I) ions in Aqueous Solution. Water science & Technology, 85.3:444-458, 2012
19. Xinghua Ding, Hua Li, Le Deng* A novel homogenous detection method based on the self-assembled DNAzyme labeled DNA probes with SWNTs conjugates and its application in detecting pathogen [J] Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 26, 4596-4600,2011
20. Dan Wang, Hui Chen, Hua Li,Le Deng*Detection of Staphylococcus aureus carrying the gene for toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 by quantum-dot-probe complexes,J of Fluorescence, 21:1525-1530, 2011
21. Fang Liu, Jiang Zhang, Rong Chen, Lingli Chen, Le Deng* Highly Effective Colorimetric and Visual Detection of ATP by DNAzyme-Aptamer Sensor, Chemistry & Biodiversity, 8(2): 311-316, 2011
22. Hua Li, Xinghua Ding, Zhihui Peng, Le Deng* Aptamer selection for the detection of Escherichia coli K88, Canadian journal of microbiology, 57:453-459,2011
23. 賀氣志,陳輝,鄧樂﹡ 混合硫酸鹽還原菌與Cu/Fe顆粒協同處理含鉻廢水的研究, 環境科學, 32(7): 2000-2006,2011
24. 周明霞,陳勇喆,王輝,陳智,鄧樂*發光細菌PB-P3.9的鑒定與gyrB、luxA基因系統發育分析, 食品科學, 32(15): 220-224,2011
25. JunFeng Jiang, ZhiHui Peng, Le Deng*Detection of Bifidobacterium Species-specific 16S rDNA Based on QD FRET Bioprobe. J of Fluorescence, 20(1): 356-369,2010
26.Wenkai Li, Xinru Feng, Xing Yan, Keyi Liu, Le Deng*A DNA aptamer against influenza A virus: an effective inhibitor to the hemagglutinin-glycan interactions. Nucleic Acid Therapeutics, 2016 (in press)
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