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分類:導師信息 來源:武漢理工大學材料科學與工程學院 2018-09-06 相關院校:武漢理工大學
1、出生年月: 1975.2
1992.7 -1996.6,武漢工業大學,學士,無機非金屬材料專業
1999.7 -2002.6,武漢理工大學,碩士,材料學專業
2003.7 -2006.6,武漢理工大學,博士,材料學專業
2009.9 -2010.9,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,USA,訪問學者
1997.7 -1999.6,湖北省建材工業總公司, 助理工程師
2002.7 -2003.6,湖北省建材工業總公司,工程師
2006.7 -2007.1,武漢理工大學,講師
2013.9-至今, 武漢理工大學,教授
(1) 國家自然科學基金項目:基于電磁防護的功能集料設計制備原理及其混凝土應用基礎研究,項目負責人
(2) 國家自然科學基金項目: 導電功能集料及其復相水泥基材料技術原理與制備研究,項目負責人
(3) 國家科技支撐計劃項目子課題:協同處置城市垃圾水泥制成及其膠凝性能調控與應用技術,子課題負責人
(4) 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)項目:現代混凝土膠凝漿體微結構形成機理,子課題負責人
(5) 湖北省建設科技攻關項目: 利用廢棄混凝土制備高活性混凝土摻合料的研究,項目負責人
1) 鋼管高強混凝土膨脹控制與制備技術及其在大跨度結構的應用,國家科技進步二等獎,2010,排名第5.
2) 環保型功能集料設計與制備及其混凝土應用技術,湖北省技術發明二等獎,2011,排名第2.
3) 何永佳,胡曙光,呂林女,丁慶軍.一種用作導電混凝土集料的陶粒及其制備方法,國家發明專利,ZL200910060769.1.
4) 何永佳,胡曙光,呂林女,丁慶軍.一種廢棄混凝土組分分離的方法,國家發明專利,ZL200610019242.0.
5) Yongjia He, Linnu Lu, Shun Jin, Shuguang Hu. Conductive aggregate prepared using graphite and clay and its use in conductive mortar,Construction and Building Materials,2014,53:131-137. SCI、EI收錄
6) Yongjia He,Linnu Lu,Leslie J. Struble, Jennifer L. Rapp, Paramita Mondal, Shuguang Hu. Effect of calcium–silicon ratio
on microstructure and nanostructure of calcium silicate hydrate synthesized by reaction of fumed silica and calcium oxide at room temperature. Mater. Struct. 2014, 47:311–322. SCI、EI收錄
7) He Yongjia, Lu Linnu, Ma Jie, Ding Qingjun, Mu Tingmin, Hu Shuguang. Preparation of ultra-high-strength self-compacting concrete and its high drop casting construction in a pier structure, Magzine of Concrete Research. 2012, 64(12): 1049-1055. SCI、EI收錄
8) He Yong-jia , Jason Mote , David A. Lange. Characterization of microstructure evolution of cement paste by micro computed tomography, Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20(4): 1115−1121. SCI收錄
9) He Yongjia, Zhao Qiang, Lu Linnu, Hu Shuguang. Porous haydite used as waste water filter medium for lake sludge, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Material Science Edition, 2013, 28(3): 544-547. SCI、EI收錄
10)He Yongjia,Lu Linnu,Shang Zhanfei,Hu Shuguang. Effect of polyvinyl alcohol on nano- structure of calcium silicate hydrate prepared via precipitation method, 硅酸鹽學報, 2013,41(2): 218-223. EI收錄
1.Name: He Yongjia
2.Brief introduction:
1)Date of birth: 1975.02
2)Degree: PhD
3)Title: Professor
4)Working department: School of Materials Science and Engineering
3.Education experience(after entering university):
09/1992-07/1996: Bachelor’s Degree, Wuhan University of Technology.
09/1999-07/2002: Master’s Degree, Wuhan University of Technology.
09/2003-07/2006: Doctor’s Degree, Wuhan University of Technology.
09/2009-09/2010: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, visiting scholar
4.Working experience:
07/1996-06/1999: Building Materials Industry General Company of HuBei Province, Assistant engineer
07/2002-06/2003: Building Materials Industry General Company of HuBei Province, engineer
07/2006-12/2007: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Lecturer
01/2008-08/2013: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Associate research fellow
09/2013-now: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Professor
5.Research field(no more than 3):
High Performance Cement and Concrete, Smart Cement-based Materials, Recycling of Solid Waste
6.Research project(no more than 5):
(1) Natural Science Foundation of China: Design and Preparation of Functional Aggregate based on Electromagnetic Protection and Functional Aggregate Concrete Application Foundation Investigation,project leader
(2) Natural Science Foundation of China: Technology and Preparation of Conductive Functional Aggregate and Conductive Cement-based Composite Material,project leader
(3)National science and technology support sub-project: Preparation of co-processing Municipal Waste Cement and its Binding Property and Application Technology, sub-project leader
(4) National Basic Research Program of China (“973” program):Microstructure formation mechanism of modern cement paste,sub-project leader
(5)Hubei province construction of science and technology research projects: Investigation on preparation of concrete mineral admixture with high hydration activity using waste concrete, project leader
7.Representative papers and works(no more than 10):
1)Expansion Control and Preparation Technology of Steel-tube Confined High Strength Expansive Concrete and its application in
Long-span Arch-bridges”.The Second Award of National Science and Technology Progress in 2010. The Fifth Awardees.
2)Design and Preparation of Environmental Functional Aggregate and Application Technology of Environmental Functional Aggregate Concrete,The Second Award of Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Invention in 2011. The Second Awardees.
3)Yongjia He, Shuguang Hu, Linnu Lu, Qingjun Ding. A kind of conductive haydite used in conductive concrete and its preparation method,National Invention Patent,ZL200910060769.1.
4)Yongjia He, Shuguang Hu, Linnu Lu, Qingjun Ding. A method of seperating waste concrete components,National Invention Patent,ZL200610019242.0.
5)Yongjia He, Linnu Lu, Shun Jin, Shuguang Hu. Conductive aggregate prepared using graphite and clay and its use in conductive mortar,Construction and Building Materials,2014,53:131-137.
6)Yongjia He,Linnu Lu,Leslie J. Struble,Jennifer L. Rapp, Paramita Mondal, Shuguang Hu. Effect of calcium–silicon ratio on microstructure and nanostructure of calcium silicate hydrate synthesized by reaction of fumed silica and calcium oxide at room temperature. Materials and Structures. 2014, 47:311–322.
7)He Yongjia, Lu Linnu, Ma Jie, Ding Qingjun, Mu Tingmin, Hu Shuguang.Preparation of ultra-high-strength self-compacting concrete and its high drop casting construction in a pier structure, Magzine of Concrete Research. 2012,64(12): 1049-1055.
8)He Yong-jia , Jason Mote ,David A. Lange. Characterization of microstructure evolution of cement paste by micro computed tomography, Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20(4): 1115−1121.
9)He Yongjia, Zhao Qiang, Lu Linnu, Hu Shuguang. Porous haydite used as waste water filter medium for lake sludge, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Material Science Edition, 2013, 28(3): 544-547.
10)He Yongjia,Lu Linnu,Shang Zhanfei,Hu Shuguang. Effect of polyvinyl alcohol on nano- structure of calcium silicate hydrate prepared via precipitation method, Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2013,41(2): 218-223.
8.Contact information:
1) Tel:13307157315
2) E-mail:hyj@whut.edu.cn
3) Location of lab: Cement and Concrete Building 419, State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures