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分類:導師信息 來源:華中科技大學機械學院 2018-09-06 相關院校:華中科技大學
黃正東(Huang Zhengdong,Professor),博士、教授、博士生導師,在華中科技大學機械科學與工程學院從事計算機圖形學、計算機輔助設計與制造、工程分析與優化設計等領域的教學和科研工作。黃正東同志于1983年在武漢大學獲得計算數學專業理學學士學位,1989年在浙江大學獲得應用數學專業、計算機圖形學方向理學碩士學位,1997年在華中理工大學 (現改名為華中科技大學) 獲得機械設計及理論專業、CAD/CAM方向工學博士學位,1998年至2002年在美國密歇根大學可重構制造系統工程研究中心作博士后研究。黃正東同志曾承擔的學術工作包括機械工業工藝工裝標準化技術委員會委員、《計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報》編委、CADDM雜志編委, 以及國際期刊Computer-Aided Design、ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering、Computer-Aided Design and Applications、Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 和國內《機械工程學報》、《計算機集成制造系統》、《航空學報》、《計算機研究與發展》等核心期刊的審稿人。另外,還是國家自然科學基金、北京自然科學基金和教育部博士點基金的課題評議專家。黃正東同志主持國家自然科學基金項目5項、國家863計劃項目2項,參加國家自然科學基金重點項目1項和國家863計劃重點項目1項,在國內外重要期刊雜志上發表學術論文70余篇。
1. 中國航天科技集團第一研究院技術開發項目“參數化CAD-CAE模型轉換工具”。
2. 國家自然科學基金項目(# 51475186)“基于資源配置空間區域分割的加工特征識別技術"。
3. 核武漢核電運行技術股份有限公司技術服務項目“蒸發器傳熱管泥渣可視化分析”。
4. 上海航天科技創新基金項目(#SAST201208)“虛擬環境下模型接觸狀態變遷關系分析與裝配工藝規劃”。
5. 國家自然科學基金項目(# 61173115)“基于復合配置空間的分層機械系統多行為設計優化技術”。
6. 國家自然科學基金項目(#50875092)“面向模型檢測與優化的機械系統CAD模型行為圖提取技術"。
7. 國家自然科學基金項目(#60573178)“離散三維實體集合的包含性結構與逆向參數化”。
8. 國家自然科學基金項目(#50275060)“可重構加工系統能力包集到零件設計空間的映射關系研究"。
9. 國家863 計劃課題(#2007AA04Z136)“面向設計的三維CAD模型搜索技術”。
10.國家863 計劃課題(#2003AA411230)“基于參數化產品模型的參變工藝規程設計技術研究及軟件開發”。
13.參加國家自然科學基金重點項目(#50935004)“機械系統集成設計中的知識流理論與建模” (第5完成人)。
1. 吳紫俊,黃正東,左兵權,劉清華,殷小亮,等幾何分析研究概述,機械工程學報,2014年,第23期。
2. Bing-Quan Zuo, Zhengdong Huang, Yan-Wei Wang, Zi-Jun Wu, Isogeometric analysis for CSG models,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 285 (2015) 102–124.
3. Zi-jun Wu Zhengdong Huang, Qing-hua Liu, Bing-quan Zuo, A local solution approach for adaptive hierarchical refinement inisogeometric analysis, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 283 (2015) 1467–1492.
4. Songqiao Tao, Zhengdong Huang, Lujie Ma, Shunsheng Guo, Shuting Wang,Youbai Xie, Partial retrieval of CAD models based on local surface region decomposition, Computer-Aided Design, 2013, 45:1239–1252.
5. Yanwei Wang, Zhengdong Huang, Ying Zheng and Shenggang Zhang, Isogeometric analysis for B-spline compound CAD surfaces, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2013, 261-262:1-15.
6. 康葳蕤,黃正東,彭揚平,多點曲面接觸運動副的自由度方向識別方法, 機械工程學報,2012,48(1):141-149。
7. 黃正東,康葳蕤 彭揚平,機械裝配模型的復合配置空間,機械工程學報,2011,47(13):113-122。
8. Tao Songqiao, Huang Zhengdong, Zuo Bingquan, Peng Yangping, Kang Weirui, Partial retrievlal of CAD models based on the gradient flows in Lie group, Pattern Recognition, 2012, 45(4):1721-1738.
9. Ma Lujie, Huang Zhengdong, Wang Yanwei, Automatic discovery of common design structures in CAD models, Computers & Graphics, 2010, 34(5):545-555.
10.Ma Lujie, Huang Zhengdong, Extracting common design patterns from a set of solid models. Computer-Aided Design, 2009, 41: 952-970.
11. 馬露杰,黃正東,基于面殼封閉的B-rep模型分解方法,計算機學報, 2009,32(6):1183-1195.
13. Zhao Ming, Huang Zhengdong, Chen Liping, Multidisciplinary design optimization of tool head for heavy duty CNC vertical turning mill, Engineering Computations, 2008, 25(7): 657-676.
14.Zhao Ming, Huang Zhengdong, Li Bin, Chen Liping, Hydrostatic pressure calculation and optimization for design of beam & slide-rest guideways in heavy duty CNC vertical turning mill, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 20:16-22, 2007.
15. Huang Zhengdong, Xie Bo, Ma Lujie, Wei Xin, Feature conversion based on decomposition and combination of swept volumes, Computer-Aided Design, 2006; 38:857-873.
16.Huang Zhengdong, Tian Shaopeng and Zhou Ji, Solving CSG equations for checking equivalency between two different geometry models, Computer-Aided Design, 36(10): 975-992, September 2004.
17. Huang Zhengdong and Derek Yip-Hoi, Parametric modeling of part family machining process plans from independently generated product data sets, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 3(3):231-242, September 2003.
18. Huang Zhengdong, Derek Yip-Hoi and Zhou Ji, A graph-based approach for capturing the capability envelope of a machining process, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125(2):272-288, 2003.
16.Huang Zhengdong and Derek Yip-Hoi, High-level machining feature recognition using feature relationship graph. Computer-Aided Design, 34(8):561-582, 2002.
20. Byung-Kwon Min, Zhengdong Huang, Zbigniew J. Pasek, Derek Yip-Hoi, Forbes Husted, and Stephen Marker, Integration of real-time control simulation to a virtual manufacturing environment, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 1(1):68-87, 2002.
21.Shaopeng Tian, Zhengdong Huang, Liping Chen and Qifu Wang, A Feature-based Approach for Optimal Workpiece Localization and Determination of Feasible Clamping Regions, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2006; 30(1-2):76-86.
22.Yongfu Chen, Zhengdong Huang, Liping Chen, Parametric Process Planning Based on Feature Parameters of Parts, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2006,28:727~736.
23.Qiuzhi Song, Zhengdong Huang, Liping Chen, et al., Generating parametric G2 non-four-sided blending surfaces, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 23(7-8): 475 - 488, April 2004.
24. Derek Yip-Hoi, Debasish Dutta and Zhengdong Huang, A customizable machining feature extraction methodology for turned components, SME Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 22(2):82-98, 2003.
25.Huang Zhengdong, Peng Qunsheng, Liang Youdong. 3D image synthesis for B-reps objects. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 1991, 6(2):113-120.
26.Huang Zhengdong, Zhou Ji. Volume modeling for mechanical parts. Computer Aided Drawing, Design and Manufacturing, 1993, 3(2):33-40.
27. Huang Zhengdong, Wang Qifu, Zhou Ji and Yu Jun. Integral smoothing method on N-sided surface regions. Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications,1996, 18(2):100-107.