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分類:導師信息 來源:中國礦業大學(徐州) 2019-01-29 相關院校:中國礦業大學(徐州)
沈曉鵬,男,1974年3月出生,副教授,研究生。主要從事新型人工電磁材料、人工表面等離激元、光子晶體等領域的理論和實驗研究。主持國家自然基金面上項目一項,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金1項,參與國家自然基金多項。近年來開展了柔性、可共形的人工表面等離激元傳輸與局域特性、微波、太赫茲波段多波段超材料吸波器、可調太赫茲吸收器等方面的理論和實驗研究,在《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》 (PNAS,影響因子9.681)、Laser & Photonics Reviews(影響因子7.976)、Applied Physics Letters、Optics Express 等刊物上發表SCI檢索論文40余篇,被引用600余次;申請發明專利10余項,已授權2項。中國礦業大學第七批、第八批優秀青年骨干教師,獲本科畢業論文優秀指導教師、江蘇省大學生物理及實驗科技作品創新競賽優秀指導教師、校優秀教學成果獎、校優秀教學質量獎等多項獎勵。美國光學學會會員,擔任Optics Express、Chinese Physics Letters、物理學報等期刊的審稿人。
[1] 沈曉鵬,中國礦業大學優秀青年骨干教師, 中國礦業大學,2012
[2] 沈曉鵬,全國微波和太赫茲技術博士生學術論壇一等獎,2011
[3] 沈曉鵬,大學生物理實驗科技創新競賽優秀指導教師,江蘇省物理學會,2010
[4] 沈曉鵬,教書育人先進個人,中國礦業大學,2009
[5] 沈曉鵬,中國礦業大學優秀青年骨干教師,中國礦業大學,2008
美國光學學會會員,擔任Optics Express、Chinese Physics Letters、物理學報等期刊的審稿人。
主要從事新型人工電磁材料、人工表面等離激元、光子晶體等領域的理論和實驗研究。主持國家自然基金面上項目一項,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金1項,參與國家自然基金多項。近年來開展了柔性、可共形的人工表面等離激元傳輸與局域特性、微波、太赫茲波段多波段超材料吸波器、可調太赫茲吸收器等方面的理論和實驗研究,在《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》 (PNAS,影響因子9.681)、Laser & Photonics Reviews(影響因子7.976)、Applied Physics Letters、Optics Express 等刊物上發表SCI檢索論文40余篇,被引用600余次,申請發明專利10余項,已授權2項。
[1] 超薄結構人工表面等離激元傳輸與局域特性研究,批準號:61372048,國家自然科學基金面上項目,主持, 經費:80萬,2014.1至2017.12。
[2] 人工表面等離極化激元的理論和實驗研究,批準號:2013QNA39,中央高校基本科研業務費, 主持,經費:10萬,2013.1至2015.12。
[3] 硅納米結構聲子熱導率的理論研究,批準號:2013QNA34,中央高校基本科研業務費,參與,2013.1至2015.12。
[4] 新型幻覺光學器件的機理分析和實驗驗證,國家自然科學基金面上項目,批準號:61171026,第一參與人,2012.01至2015.12。
[5] 太赫茲三維隱身介質的基礎理論和關鍵技術研究,國家自然科學基金重點項目,批準號:61138001,第三參與人,2012.01至2016.12
[1] X. Shen and T. J. Cui, "Ultrathin plasmonic metamaterial for spoof localized surface plasmons,"Laser & Photonics Reviews, vol. 8, pp. 137-145, Jan 2014. [IF: 9.311, Times Cited: 2]
[2] H. F. Ma, X. Shen, Q. Cheng, W. X. Jiang, and T. J. Cui, "Broadband and high-efficiency conversion from guided waves to spoof surface plasmon polaritons," Laser & Photonics Reviews, vol. 8, pp. 146-151, Jan 2014. [IF: 9.311, Times Cited: 4]
[3] Z. Liao, J. Zhao, B. C. Pan, X. P. Shen, and T. J. Cui, "Broadband transition between microstrip line and conformal surface plasmon waveguide," Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, vol. 47, Aug 6 2014.
[4] Z. Liao, B. C. Pan, X. Shen, and T. J. Cui, "Multiple Fano resonances in spoof localized surface plasmons," Optics Express, vol. 22, pp. 15710-15717, Jun 30 2014. [IF: 3.525]
[5] H.-P. Li, X.-P. Shen, K. Han, and G. Tang, "Solvent effects on polarizability and hyperpolarizability of spirobifluorene derivative," Journal of Molecular Modeling, vol. 20, Feb 2014.
[6] P. A. Huidobro*, X. Shen* (* equeal contributions), J. Cuerda, E. Moreno, L. Martin-Moreno, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, et al., "Magnetic Localized Surface Plasmons," Physical Review X, vol. 4, Apr 3 2014. [IF: 8.385, Times Cited: 2]
[7] K. Han, H. Li, X. Shen, G. Tang, Y. Chen, and Z. Zhang, "Quantum chemistry study on nonlinear optical properties of hemicyanine dye derivatives with different electron donor groups,"Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, vol. 1044, pp. 24-28, Sep 15 2014.
[8] X. Wan, X. P. Shen, and T. J. Cui, "TE-mode coplanar imaging using weakly anisotropic metasurface," Optics Express, vol. 21, pp. 17531-17538, Jul 29 2013.
[9] X. Shen, T. J. Cui, D. Martin-Cano, and F. J. Garcia-Vidal, "Conformal surface plasmons propagating on ultrathin and flexible films," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 110, pp. 40-45, Jan 2 2013. [IF:9.809, Times Cited: 21]
[10] X. Shen and T. J. Cui, "Planar plasmonic metamaterial on a thin film with nearly zero thickness," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, May 27 2013. [IF: 3.515, Times Cited: 11]
[11] H.-P. Li, X.-P. Shen, K. Han, G. Tang, and Z.-H. Zhang, "Quantum chemistry study on the third-order nonlinear optical properties of spirobifluorene derivatives," Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, vol. 1023, pp. 95-98, Nov 1 2013.
[12] K. Han, J.-J. Wang, F. Zhou, X.-P. Shen, Y.-F. Shen, Y.-X. Wu, et al., "Goos-Hanchen shift of self-collimated beam in Kretschmann configuration based on photonic crystal," Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 62, Feb 2013.
[13] X. Gao, J. H. Shi, X. Shen, H. F. Ma, W. X. Jiang, L. Li, et al., "Ultrathin dual-band surface plasmonic polariton waveguide and frequency splitter in microwave frequencies," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, Apr 15 2013. [IF: 3.515, Times Cited: 13]
[14] X.-P. Shen, T.-J. Cui, and J.-X. Ye, "Dual band metamaterial absorber in microwave regime,"Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 61, Mar 2012. [Times Cited: 11]
[15] X. Shen, Y. Yang, Y. Zang, J. Gu, J. Han, W. Zhang, et al., "Triple-band terahertz metamaterial absorber: Design, experiment, and physical interpretation," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, Oct 8 2012. [IF: 3.515, Times Cited: 24]
[16] X. Shen and T. J. Cui, "Photoexcited broadband redshift switch and strength modulation of terahertz metamaterial absorber," Journal of Optics, vol. 14, Nov 2012. [IF: 2.0 Times Cited: 5]
[17] X. Tong, K. Han, X.-P. Shen, Q.-H. Wu, F. Zhou, Y. Ge, et al., "Equal intensity polarization-independent beam splitter based on photonic crystal self-collimation ring resonator," Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 60, Jun 2011.
[18] X. Shen, T. J. Cui, J. Zhao, H. F. Ma, W. X. Jiang, and H. Li, "Polarization-independent wide-angle triple-band metamaterial absorber," Optics Express, vol. 19, pp. 9401-9407, May 9 2011. [IF: 3.525 Times Cited: >90]
[19] H. Li, L. H. Yuan, B. Zhou, X. P. Shen, Q. Cheng, and T. J. Cui, "Ultrathin multiband gigahertz metamaterial absorbers," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 110, Jul 1 2011. [ Times Cited: 65]
[20] K. Han, Z.-Y. Wang, X.-P. Shen, Q.-H. Wu, X. Tong, G. Tang, et al., "Mach-Zehnder interferometer designed based on self-collimating beams and photonic band gap in photonic crystals," Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 60, Apr 2011.
[21] Q. Zhong, K. Han, X.-P. Shen, X. Tong, Q.-H. Wu, M.-X. Li, et al., "Polarization-independent self-collimation bends and beam splitters in 3(2),4,3,4 Archimedean photonic crystals," Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 59, pp. 7060-7065, Oct 2010.
[22] H.-P. Li, K. Han, G. Tang, M.-X. Li, X.-P. Shen, and Z.-M. Huang, "Theoretical studies on the anisotropy of the first hyperpolarizabilities of one- and two-dimensional charge-transfer molecules: role of solvent polarity," Molecular Physics, vol. 107, pp. 1597-1603, 2009 2009.
[23] Z. Wang, K. Han, X. Shen, and Ieee, Subminiature Gas Sensor Based on the Photonic Crystals, 2008.
[24] Y. Shen, J. Sun, X. Shen, J. Wang, L. Sun, K. Han, et al., "A compact T-branch beam splitter based on anomalous reflection in two-dimensional photonic crystals," Chinese Optics Letters,vol. 6, pp. 709-712, Oct 10 2008.
[25] X.-P. Shen, K. Han, F. Yuan, H.-P. Li, Z.-Y. Wang, and Q. Zhong, "New Configuration of Ring Resonator in Photonic Crystal Based on Self-Collimation," Chinese Physics Letters, vol. 25, pp. 4288-4291, Dec 2008.
[26] X.-P. Shen, K. Han, H.-P. Li, Y.-F. Shen, and Z.-Y. Wang, "Polarization beam splitter for self-collimated beams in photonic crystals," Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 57, pp. 1737-1741, Mar 2008.
[27] X. Shen, K. Han, H. Liu, H. Li, and G. Tang, Thermally Tunable Microring Resonator for Self-Collimated Beams in Photonic Crystals, 2008.
[28] H. Liu, X. Shen, H. Pu, C. Yin, and X. Miao, "Variation in Permeability of Nb-Poor Finemet Under Heating Annealing," Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, vol. 5, pp. 1661-1664, Aug 2008.
[29] H. Liu, Y. Du, X. Miao, K. Han, X. Shen, and W. Bu, "Effects of annealing condition and Al content on novel Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3-xAlx alloys," Rare Metals, vol. 27, pp. 545-549, Oct 2008.
[30] H.-P. Li, K. Han, C.-Y. Wang, X.-P. Shen, H.-T. Wang, and G. Tang, "Theoretical studies on the electronic structures and absorption spectra of substituted benzenes with one- and two-dimensional charge transfer character," Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem, vol. 870, pp. 49-52, Dec 15 2008.
[31] K. Han, H. Li, G. Tang, Y. Wu, H. Wang, and X. Shen, "Theoretical study of molecular aggregation in Langmuir-Blodgett films using a dipolar interaction model," Thin Solid Films, vol. 516, pp. 2138-2143, Feb 29 2008.
[32] X. Shen, K. Han, X. Yang, Y. Shen, H. Li, G. Tang, et al., "Polarization-independent self-collimating bends and beam splitters in photonic crystals," Chinese Optics Letters, vol. 5, pp. 662-664, Nov 10 2007.
[33] X. Shen, K. Han, Y. Shen, X. Yang, G. Tang, H. Li, et al., "Mach-Zehnder interferometer for auto-collimated beams in non-channel photonic crystals - art. no. 67241H," in Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Micro- and Nano-Optical Devices and Systems. vol. 6724, S. Han, T. Xing, Y. Li, and C. Zeng, Eds., ed, 2007, pp. H7241-H7241.
[34] X. Shen, K. Han, Y. Shen, H. Li, Y. Wu, and G. Tang, "Dispersion-based all photonic crystals polarization beam splitter," Physics Letters A, vol. 369, pp. 524-527, Oct 1 2007.
[35] Z.-P. Lu, K. Han, H.-P. Li, W.-T. Zhang, Z.-M. Huang, X.-P. Shen, et al., "Theoretical study of molecular vibrational hyperpolarizability of 4-N-methylstilbazonium salt derivatives," Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 56, pp. 5843-5848, Oct 2007.
[36] H.-P. Li, K. Han, G. Tang, X.-P. Shen, H.-T. Wang, Z.-M. Huang, et al., "Theoretical studies on anisotropy of the first hyperpolarizabilities in one- and two-dimensional charge transfer molecules: Role of frequency dispersion," Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 444, pp. 80-84, Aug 17 2007.
[37] X. P. Shen, K. Han, Y. F. Shen, H. P. Li, Z. W. Xiao, and J. Zheng, "Self-collimation of unpolarized electromagnetic waves in 2D photonic crystals," Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 55, pp. 2760-2764, Jun 2006.
[38] H. P. Li, K. Han, Z. P. Lu, X. P. Shen, Z. M. Huang, W. T. Zhang, et al., "Theoretical investigation on dispersion effect and two-photon resonance enhancement of molecular first hyperpolarizability," Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 55, pp. 1827-1831, Apr 2006.
[39] H. Li, K. Han, X. Shen, Z. Lu, Z. Huang, W. Zhang, et al., "The first hyperpolarizabilities of hemicyanine cationic derivatives studied by finite-field (FF) calculations," Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem, vol. 767, pp. 113-118, Aug 24 2006.
[40 ] K. Han, H. P. Li, Y. X. Wu, X. P. Shen, and Z. M. Huang, "The dipolar interaction model of the molecular aggregation in Langmuir-Blodgett films," Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 54, pp. 5778-5783, Dec 2005.
1. 一種基于人工表面等離激元的可調帶阻濾波器,發明人:沈曉鵬,李建東,付文悅,王昊深,李海鵬,韓奎,申請號:201510240420.1
2. 一種U型開槽式人工表面等離激元多波段帶阻濾波器,發明人: 沈曉鵬,蘇海,李建東,王昊深,何韋剛,李海鵬,韓奎,申請號:201510238962.5
3. 一種斜縫分離式人工表面等離激元多波段帶阻濾波器,發明人:沈曉鵬,蘇海,李建東,王昊深,何韋剛,李海鵬,韓奎,申請號:201510240735.6
4. 極化和寬角度入射不敏感三波段超材料帶通濾波器,發明人:沈曉鵬,付文悅,李建東,王昊深,李海鵬,韓奎, 申請號:201510230425.6
5. 一種基于人工表面等離激元的雙波段帶阻濾波器,發明人:沈曉鵬;李建東;付文悅;王昊深;李海鵬;韓奎; 公開(公告)號: CN104485495A
6. 基于人工電磁材料的太赫茲寬帶帶通濾波器,發明人:沈曉鵬;付文悅;李建東;何韋剛;余晴;李海鵬;韓奎;公開(公告)號: CN104409803A
7. 一種基于人工表面等離激元的插分濾波器,發明人:崔鐵軍;沈曉鵬;湯文軒;鮑迪;公開(公告)號: CN103259067A
8. 基于人工表面等離激元的環形諧振器,發明人:崔鐵軍;沈曉鵬;鮑迪;湯文軒;公開(公告)號: CN103280622A
9. 基于人工表面等離極化激元的定向耦合器, 發明人:崔鐵軍;沈曉鵬;趙沛;楊艷;公開(公告)號: CN102856622A
10. 調控彩虹局域器, 發明人: 崔鐵軍;楊艷;趙沛;沈曉鵬; 公開(公告)號:CN102842744A,已授權
11. 單、多頻段微波吸收器,發明人: 崔鐵軍;沈曉鵬; 公開(公告)日: 2011.12.21,已授權