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分類:導師信息 來源:哈爾濱工業大學研究生院 2019-05-24 相關院校:哈爾濱工業大學
My Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Changguo Wang
Ph.D Supervisor in Engineering Mechanics
Deputy Director of Center for Composite Materials
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Composites in Special Environments
School of Astronautics
Harbin Institute of Technology
復合材料與結構研究所 副所長
哈工大 航天學院
作為項目負責人主持承擔國家自然科學基金、高分國家重大科技專項、科工局民用航天預研、國防863等項目。 獲得國防技術發明二等獎1項、軍隊科技進步二等獎3項、教育部技術發明二等獎1項,省高校科技獎一等獎1項,全國百篇優秀博士學位論文提名獎,入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃,國家萬人計劃青年拔尖人才。
電話 0451-86402368
郵箱 wangcg@hit.edu.cn
地址 哈市南崗區一匡街2號哈工大科學園A棟416室,150080
Changguo Wang is a tenured professor in Center for Composite Materials, National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Composites in Special Environments, School of Astronautics at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China.
Professor Wang was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China, in 1979. He received the B.S. degree in Engineering Management from Shenyang Jianzhu University, China in 2002; the M.E. and Ph.D degrees in Engineering Mechanics from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2004 and 2007, respectively. Wang was a visiting scholar in Institute of Lightweight Structures, Technische Universit?t München in Munich in 2009.
His current research interests include Mechanics of Flexible Structures, Flexible Composite Materials and Structures, Structural Lightweight and Optimization, Structural Buckling/Wrinkling and Vibration, Delamination of Composite Structures, Membrane Crease, Nanoscale Wrinkling Mechanics.
Professor Wang currently serves as a member of council in Society of Composite of Heilongjiang Province.
He is the senior member of CSTAM and CSFCM, a member of AIAA, IASS, and ShellBuckling.
He is the Editoral board of JACM, Front.Mech.Mater., Material Science: Adv. Compo. Struct. etc..
He has served as an organizing committee member, technical program committee member, or scientific committee member for several international conferences, such as MECHCOMP3, M2D2017, MDCE 2016, MEME2016, MSCE2016, and CAC2014, etc..
He was the keynote/session speakers for several international conferences, such as MME2016, MSCE2016, IAC2014, and TCIS2013, etc..
He is the author of over 80 papers in top academic journals such as JMPS, IJSS, Carbon, Proceedings A, IJES, APL, AIAA J., Nanoscale, IJMS, Compo Struct, Soft matter, TWS, Smart mater struct, APL, etc, with more than 800 SCI citations.
He is a referee for ~30 international journals, such as IJSS, IJMS, NC, Strain, JAE, MAMS, Carbon, NS, AIAA J., IJNME, AMS, etc.
2007.09, the second prize of military scientific and technological progress award
2008.09, 哈工大第十屆優秀博士學位論文;
2009.09, the nomination award of top 100 outstanding doctoraldissertations in China
2009.11, 哈工大第三屆青年教師教學基本功競賽一等獎;
2011.01, 航院2010年度何鴻燊獎教金(SHAFT);
2011.11, the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University
2012.07, 哈工大基礎研究杰出人才培育計劃III類;
2012.11, the third prize of military scientific and technological progress award
2012.12, 校優秀專兼職工作者;
2013.09, 哈爾濱工業大學教學新秀獎;
2013.11, the second prize of National Defense Technology Invention Award
2013.12, the outstanding youth talent plan of HIT
2014.10, the second prize of military scientific and technological progress award
2017.02, 黑龍江省高校科技獎一等獎;
2017.05, 全國創新爭先獎牌(團隊核心成員);
2018.01, 教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎技術發明獎二等獎;
CCMS, School of Astronautics, HIT
Post-doctorial Stations, School of Materials, HIT
Institute of Lightweight Structures, Technische Universit?t München, Munich, Germany (TUM-LLB)
2004.4-2007.4, Engineering Mechanics, HIT, Ph.D
2002.9-2004.4, Engineering Mechanics, HIT, M.E.
1998.9-2002.7, Engineering Management, SJU, B.S.
Research interests(研究方向)
Prof. Wang's major research direction is focused on the membrane materials and structural mechanics of aircrafts. His research interests include Membrane buckling/wrinkling and vibration; Load-carrying ability of inflated membrane structures; Mechanics of flexible composite materials and structures; Mechanics of membrane folding and unfolding; Space rigidization of membrane materials; Structural design theory and its application of space large-scale deployable antenna reflector; Tension-based shape stability of large-scale flexible structures; Light-weighted optimization and fine design of near-space airship structures; Thermal insulation and drag-reducing of envelope material of airship; Structural technology of mixed reinforced super-pressure envelope of light-than-air structures; Non-contact test technologies of static/dynamic perforcement of membrane structures; of Mechanics of graphene pseudo-membrane; Krigami/Origami mechanics of membrane materials and structures;
A 薄膜屈曲/褶皺與振動
B 充氣膜的承載失效行為
C 柔性復合材料與結構力學
D 膜結構折疊/展開力學
E 薄膜材料的空間剛化
F 空間展開天線反射器結構設計理論與應用
G 大型柔性結構的張力控型
H 臨近空間浮空器結構的輕量化與精細化設計
I 平流層飛艇蒙皮材料隔熱與減阻
J 復合增強超壓囊體結構技術
K 薄膜結構的非接觸靜動力性能測試技術
L 石墨烯擬膜結構的力學行為
M 薄膜材料與結構的Kirigami/Origami設計與分析
Undergraduate courses
Mechanic sof Deformable Solid (Elastic and Plastic Mechanics) (Autumn course).
Mechanics of Composite Materials (Spring course).
Flexible Materials and Structures (Autumn course).
Graduate courses
Mechanics of Composite Materials and structures (Master)
Advanced Composite Structures (Doctor)
High Temperature Solid Mechnics (Doctor)
《復合材料專業校內外實習基地建設的研究與實踐》. 省科技廳“黑龍江省高等教育教學改革項目”. (JG2012010177). 李金平, 韓杰才, 孟松鶴,張宇民, 王長國. 2012-2014.
《研究生實踐教學的研究》. 校“研究生教學改革項目”. 王榮國, 李金平, 孫躍, 王長國, 梁媛媛. 2010-2012.
The selected papers.
Y.P.Liu, K.Guo, C.G.Wang*, H.J.Gao*. Wrinkling and ratcheting of a thin film on cyclically deforming plastic substrate: mechanical instability of the solid-electrolyte interphase in Li-ion batteries. J. Mech. Phys. Solids. ,2019,123:103-118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2018.08.006
M. X. Liu, C. G. Wang, X. D. Li, Rigid-flexible contact analysis of an inflated balloon with various contact conditions. Int. J. Solids Struct., 2018, 144-145: 218-229. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.05.004
Z. M. Xia, C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan, Elastoplastic folding behavior of membrane ribbon based on plane strain beam theory. Int. J. Solids Struct., 2018,143:167-174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.03.004
C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, H. F. Tan, Global and local interactive buckling behavior of a stiff film/compliant substrate system. Int. J. Solids Struct., 2016, 102-103: 176-185. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.10.006
C. G. Wang, L. Lan, Y. P. Liu, H. F. Tan.Vibration characteristics of wrinkled single-layered graphene sheets. Int. J. Solids Struct., 2013, 50(10):1812-1823.
C. G. Wang, X. W. Du, H. F. Tan, X. D. He, A New Computational Method for Wrinkling Analysis of Gossamer Space Structures, Int. J. Solids Struct., 2009, 46(6):1516-1526.
C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan, X. W. Du and Z. M. Wan. Wrinkling Prediction of Rectangular Shell-Membrane under Transverse In-Plane Displacement. Int. J. Solids Struct., 2007, 44(20): 6507-6516.
Y.P. Liu, C.G. Wang, H. F. Tan. The interactive bending wrinkling behaviour of inflated beams. Proc. R. Soc. A. 2016, 472: 20160504.
C.G.Wang,Y.P.Liu,L.Lan and H.F.Tan.Free transverse vibration of a wrinkled annular thin film by using finite difference method. J. Sound Vib. 2016,363:272-284.
C.G.Wang, J.T.Kang, Z.M.Xue, H.F.Tan, Buckling induced delamination and microflow analysis of film/substrate system. Composite Structures. 2017,161:8-14.
Y. P. Liu, C.G.Wang, H .F. Tan. Growth from buckling to buckling-driven delamination in a film/substrate system with finite thickness. Composite Structures. 2017,174:292-300.
C.G.Wang,H.FMode jumping analysis of thin film secondary wrinkling. Int.J.Mech.Sci.2015,104:138-146.
C. G. Wang, L. Lan, H. F. Tan. Secondary Wrinkling Analysis of Rectangular Membrane under Shearing. Int. J. Mech. Sci., 2013,75:299-304.
C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, L. Lan, L. Li. H. F. Tan, Post-wrinkling analysis of a torsionally sheared annular thin film by using a compound series method. Int. J. Mech. Sci.,2016,110:22-33.
C.G.Wang, M. X. Liu, H. F. Tan. Bending wrinkling and kink behaviors of inflated beam under local uniform loadings. Int. J. Mech. Sci., 2017,120:136-148.
Q.X.Ji, C.G.Wang, H.F. Tan. Multi-scale wrinkling analysis of the inflated beam. Int. J. Mech. Sci., 2017(126):1-11.
H.F.Tan,J.T.Kang,and C.G.Wang.Study on grooved wall flow under rarefied condition using Lattice Boltzmann Method.Int.J.Mech.Sci.2015,90:1-5.
C. G. Wang, Z. M. Xia, H. F. Tan. An improved molecular structure mechanics method and its application for graphene wrinkling. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 2016, 106:168-178.
C.G.Wang,Y. P. Liu, J. Al-Ghalith, T. Dumitric?, M. K. Wadee, H .F. Tan. Buckling behavior of carbon nanotubes under bending: from ripple to kink, Carbon, 2016,102:224-235.
C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu. L. Lan, H. F. Tan. Graphene wrinkling: formation, evolution and collapse. Nanoscale, 2013, 5:4454-4461.
C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu. L. Li, H. F. Tan. Anisotropic thermal conductivity of graphene wrinkles. Nanoscale, 2014, 6:5703-5707.
C. G. Wang, Z. M. Xia, and H. F. Tan. InitialShape Design and Stability Analysis of Rib for Inflatable Deployable Reflector. AIAA J., 2015,53(2):486-492.
J.T.Kang, C.G. Wang, Z.M.Xue, M.X.Liu, H.F.Tan, Buckling Delamination Induced Microchannel: Flow Regulation in Microfluidic Devices. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2016,109:103503.
J.T. Kang, C.G. Wang*, H.F. Tan, Cavitation in inhomogeneous soft solids. Soft Matter, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C8SM01464G.
J.T.Kang, C.G.Wang, S.Q.Cai. Cavitation to Fracture Transition in a Soft Solid. Soft Matter. 2017,13:6372-6376.
C. G. Wang, J. Xie, H. F. Tan.The Modal Analysis and Modal Behavior Investigations on the Wrinkled Membrane Inflated Beam. ACTA Astronaut., 2012,81:660-666.
Q. Tao, C. G. Wang, Z. M. Xue, Z. M. Xie, H. F. Tan. Wrinkling and collapse of mesh reinforced membrane inflated beam under bending. Acta Astronautica. 2016,128: 551-559.
C.G.Wang, J.Xie and H.F.Tan.Vibration Simulations of Wrinkled Membrane Inflated Arch. J. Aerospace Eng. 2014,27(2):414-422.
C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan, X. W. Du. Wrinkling Analysis Method Based on Singular Displacement Component Modification for Membrane Structure. AIAA J. Spacecraft Rockets., 2010,47(1):210-213.
C. G. Wang, X. W. Du and L. M. Zhang. Evaluation of Characteristic and Degree of Wrinkles in Space Membrane Structures. AIAA J. Spacecraft Rockets., 2007,44(1):284-286.
C. G. Wang, X. W. Du and Z. M. Wan. Numerical Simulation of Wrinkles in Space Inflatable Membrane Structures. AIAA J. Spacecraft Rockets., 2006,43(5):1146-1149.
C. G. Wang, X. W. Du and Z. M. Wan. An Experimental Study on Wrinkling Behaviours and Characteristics of Gossamer Space Structures. Strain, 2007,43(4):332-339.
C. G. Wang and H. F .Tan. Experiment and numerical studies on wrinkling control of inflated beam using SMA wires. Smart Mater. Struct., 2010, 19(10):105019(9pages).
C.G.Wang, Y.F.Wang, The mechanical design of a hybrid intellegent hinge with shape memory polymer and spring sheet. Compos. Part.B: Engineering. 2018,134:1-8.
C. G. Wang, L. Lan, H. F. Tan. The physis of wrinkling in graphene membrane under local tension. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15(8):2764-2773.
J.T.Kang,C.G.Wang and H.F.Tan.Nanoscale crosslinking in thermoset polymers:A molecular dynamics study. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,2015,17,16519 -16524.
C. G. Wang, Z. Y. Du and H. F. Tan. Initial wrinkling and its evolution of membrane inflated cone in bending. Thin wall. struct., 2012,59:97-102.
Z.M.Xue, C.G.Wang, J.T.Kang, H.F.Tan. Buckling and wrinkling analysis of inflated arch based on Pseudo Curved Beam model. Thin-walled structures. 2018,131: 336-346.
L.Lan,C.G.Wang,and H.F.Tan.Experiment and evaluation of wrinkling strain in a corner tensioned square membrane. Acta Mech.Sinica. 2014,30(3):430-436.
C.G. Wang, M.X. Liu, H.F. Tan. Interactive buckling of inflated envelope under mechanical and thermal loads. Acta Mech. Sinica.. 2016. doi:10.1007/s10409-016-0615-x
C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan and X. D. He. Wrinkle-Crease Interaction Behavior Simulation of A Rectangular Membrane under Shearing. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2011,27(4): 550-558.
C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan and X. W. Du. Pseudo-Beam Method for Compressive Buckling Characteristics Analysis of Space Inflatable Load-Carrying Structures. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2009, 25(5):659-668.
C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan, X. W. Du and X. D. He. A New Model for Wrinkling and Collapse Analysis of Membrane Inflated Beam. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2010,26(4):617-623.
C.G. Wang, M.X. Liu, H.F. Tan. Interactive buckling of an inflated envelope under mechanical and thermal loads. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2017, 33(1): 159-172.
C.G.Wang,J.Xie,H.F.Tan.Vibration evaluation of wrinkled membrance inflated beam.Mech.Adv.Mater.Struc.2015,22(5):376-382.
C. G. Wang, L. N. Mao, X. W. Du, X. D. He. Influence Parameter Analysis and Wrinkling Control of Space Membrane Structures, Mech.Adv. Mater. Struct., 2010, 17(1):49-59.
C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan and X. W. Du. Wrinkling Behaviors of Gossamer Structure with Stretched Annulus-Shape under In-Plane Torsion. Mech.Adv. Mater. Struct., 2008, 15(2):157-164.
C. G. Wang, Z. Y. Du, H. F. Tan. An extremum method for bending-wrinkling predictions of inflated conical cantilever beam. Struct. Eng. Mech., 2013, 46(1): 39-51.
J.T.Kang, H.F.Tan, C.G.Wang, S.Q.Cai. Mechanics modeling of fern cavitation catapult. J. Appl. Phys. 2017,122: 225105.
Y. F. Wang,C. G. Wang, Y . C .Zhang, J .M . Guo, H . F . Tan. Dimensional variation of reconfigurable serpentine graphene nanoribbon under tension. J. Appl. Phys. 2018,125(8),082509.https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5050458
C. G. Wang, L. Lan, Y. P. Liu, H. F. Tan. Functional group-guided variable frequency characteristics of graphene resonator. RSC Adv., 2013,3(36):16095-16101.
C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, L. Li, L. Lan, and H. F. Tan. Abnormal Frequency Characteristics of Wrinkled Graphene. RSC Adv., 2014,4:9395-9400.
C. G. Wang, L. Lan; Y. P. Liu; H. F. Tan, Defect-guided wrinkling in graphene. Comp. Mater. Sci., 2013, 77:250-253.
Xia Z M, Wang C G, Tan H F. Strain-dependent elastic properties of graphene oxide and its composite. Comp. Mater. Sci., 2018, 150C:252-258.
Y. F. Wang , C. G. Wang , Y . C .Zhang, H . F . Tan. Graphene kirigami as reinforcement and interfacial bonding effect for toughness and strength of silicon-based nanocomposites. Comp. Mater. Sci., 2019, 159: 306-315.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.12.034
C. G. Wang, L. Lan, Y. P. Liu and H. F. Tan. Multiple component correlation model for elastic modulus of single layer graphene sheets. Physica E. 2014,56:372-376.
Xia Z M, Wang C G, Tan H F. Elastic properties of graphene: A pseudo-beam model with modified internal bending moment and its application. Physica E., 2018, 98C:45-52.
Y. P. Liu, C. G. Wang, L. M. Zhang, H. F. Tan. An evaluation method for nanoscale wrinkle. Physica E. 2016,80:191-194.
C. G. Wang, Y. L. Li, X. W. Du and X. D. He. Simulation Analysis of the Vibration Characteristics of Wrinkled Membrane Space Structure. Int. J. Space Struct., 2007,22(4):239-246.
王長國, 杜星文, 赫曉東. 空間充氣薄膜結構的褶皺分析. 力學學報. 2008.(40)3:331-338.
王長國, 杜星文, 萬志敏. 空間薄膜結構褶皺的數值模擬最新研究進展. 力學進展. 2007,37(3): 389-397.
杜星文, 王長國, 萬志敏. 空間薄膜結構的褶皺研究進展. 力學進展. 2006,36(2):187-199.
王長國, 杜星文, 萬志敏. 薄膜褶皺的非線性屈曲有限元分析. 計算力學學報. 2007,24(3):269-274.
C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, et al., A Novel Lattice-Based Design and Analysis of Inflatable Wing. 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures,Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference, Boston,Massachusetts, 8–11 April 2013. AIAA 2013-1882.
C. C. Wang, et al., A Numerical Algorithm for Eliminating the Singular Stiffness Matrix of Membrane Wrinkling. 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference,Boston, Massachusetts, 8–11 April 2013. AIAA 2013-1930.
C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan and X. D. He. Wrinkle-Crease Interaction Simulation Using Combined MT Model and DP Technique. 51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference, Orlando, Florida, 12–15 April 2010. AIAA 2010-2506.
C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan and X. W. Du. Modified Displacement Component Approach for Wrinkling Analysis of Gossamer Space Structures. 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference, Sheraton, Waikiki, Hawaii, 23-26 April, AIAA 2007-1822.
C. G. Wang, X. W. Du and Z. M. Wan. Numerical Analysis of Wrinkles in Space Inflatable Membrane Structures. 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference, Hyatt Regency Newport, Rhode Island, 1-4 May, AIAA 2006-1797.
C. G. Wang, Z. M. Xia, H. F. Tan. Buckling and wrinkling of inflatable support structure of deployable antenna. 65th International Astronautical Congress (IAC2014), Sep.29-Oct.3,2014.
C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, H. F. Tan. Torsional wrinkling behaviour of annular thin elastic sheets. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics-ICTAM 2016, Montréal, Canada from August 21-26, 2016.
C. G. Wang, Q. Tao, H. F. Tan. Bending capacity of inflated mesh-reinforced-membrane beam. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics-ICTAM 2016, Montréal, Canada from August 21-26, 2016.
Authorized invention patents
Patent list
ZL201010235077.9, 通過修正奇異位移分量消除褶皺計算時剛度矩陣奇異性的方法, 排名第1. 2012
ZL201310572194.8,薄膜拉剪耦合實驗測試裝置,排名第1. 2016
ZL201210187102.X,一種用于超薄柔性膜材拉伸性能測試用的夾具, 排名第1. 2013
ZL200810064518.6,一種可剛化充氣展開徑向肋支撐式偏饋拋物面天線,排名第1. 2012
ZL201310667740.6, 一種帶膜徑向肋,排名第1. 2016
ZL201310182550.5, 排陣式懸索控型剛柔混合式類翼傘柔性充氣機翼無人機,排名第1.2015
ZL201210478594.8,一種落絲陣式可充氣展開機翼,排名第1. 2016
ZL200810137344.1,保形高空氣球,排名第2. 2011
ZL201010208004.0,充氣骨架空中展開式飛艇,排名第2. 2012
ZL201310047872.9,編織充氣薄膜曲面限位網的模具及方法, 排名第2. 2014
ZL201310565499.6,徑向肋充氣展開天線的徑向肋定位裝置,排名第2. 2015
ZL201310038554.6,一種航天器用充氣式徑向肋天線尾桿連接件,排名第2. 2014
ZL201310106230.1,一種徑向可展開肋板結構的展開裝置,排名第2. 2014
ZL201310213705.7,一種用于徑向肋板展開和收起的裝置和方法,排名第2. 2015
ZL201310303691.8, 大口徑充氣經向肋天線檢測裝置,排名第2.2016
ZL201210334165.3,充氣環結構多點向心加載試驗裝置,排名第3. 2014
ZL201310583342.6,一種基于漸變厚度彈性板的星載拋物面反射天線的拋物面及其成形方法, 排名第3. 2015
ZL201310087915.6,一種由形狀記憶合金和壓電纖維復合材料組合驅動的可變后緣機翼,排名第3. 2015
ZL200810137379.5,一種折疊充氣展開式太陽能電池帆板同步展開機構,排名第4. 2011
ZL201110095479.8,碳纖維基準尺固定裝置, 排名第4. 2012
ZL201110120793.7,一種用于充氣衛星的體裝式拋物面天線, 排名第4. 2013
ZL201410071233.0, 一種充氣展開拋物柱面天線反射面, 排名第4. 2016
ZL201410082330.X, 徑向肋天線肋板及肋板與中心鼓的連接方法, 排名第4. 2016
ZL201410173379.6, 充氣支撐管與鉸鏈混合支撐展開星載拋物柱面天線, 排名第4. 2016
ZL201210168800.5,飛艇蒙皮用TPU薄膜減阻微溝槽的熱壓印制備方法, 排名第4. 2014
ZL201210168736.0,飛艇蒙皮用具有減阻微溝槽結構的PU或TPU薄膜, 排名第4. 2014
ZL201210168749.8,飛艇蒙皮用鍍AL型TPU薄膜減阻微溝槽的熱壓印制備方法, 排名第4. 2014
ZL201510012769.X, 大型空間充氣球萬向檢測底座, 排名第4. 2016
ZL201310713547.1, 一種徑向肋充氣展開天線用桅桿, 排名第4. 2016
ZL201410130083.6, 空間充氣展開支撐臂內支撐條打磨裝置, 排名第4. 2016
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