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分類:導師信息 來源:中國礦業大學(徐州) 2019-06-03 相關院校:中國礦業大學(徐州)
目前主要從事復雜不等價半導體合金材料低溫有序結構和高溫無序結構及相關性質的研究,在Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Physical Review B,Applied Physics Letters,Europhysics Letters,Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.,Journal of Applied Physics等期刊發表SCI論文50余篇,第一(通訊)作者32余篇,SCI引用610余次(單篇最高54次)。主持在研國家自然科學基金面上項目(11774416),校學科前沿科學研究專項面上項目。主持完成國家自然科學基金2項,江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目1項,各類校基金8項。參與(完成)國家自然科學基金3項,校學科前沿科學研究專項重點項目1項。
[1] 2017年 校青年學術帶頭人(第九批)
[2] 2014年 校青年學術帶頭人(第八批)
[3] 2012年 江蘇省“青藍工程”優秀青年骨干教師
[4] 2013年 徐州市學習型教師
[5] 2011年 中國礦業大學科研攻關標兵
[6] 2015年 校百佳本科教學教師
[7] 2011年 校百佳本科教學教師
[8] 2011年 校級優秀青年骨干教師(第八批)
[9] 2010年 校級優秀教學獎二等獎
[10] 2010、2013和2015年 校教職工年度考核優秀
[11] 2009年 校“啟航計劃”(首批)
(1). 鐵電材料鐵電性和壓電效應。
(2). 半導體材料結構演化及相變機理。
(3). 外延應變與半導體材料光學性質。
(4). 復雜不等價半導體合金有序和無序結構及相關性質。
[1] 復雜不等價半導體合金有序和無序結構及新物性的研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(11774416),2018.1-2021.12, 主持人。
[2] 外力和電場作用下鐵電超晶格的研究, 國家自然科學基金青年基金(11004242), 2011.1-2013.12, 主持人。
[3] 纖鋅礦半導體材料新物性的研究, 江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目(批準號:BK20151138), 2015.7-2018.6, 主持人。
[4] 鐵電超晶格力電耦合行為的研究, 國家自然科學基金主任基金項目/應急管理項目(10947119), 2010.1-2010.12, 主持人。
[5] 光解水中光電陽極材料能帶結構的理論研究,校學科前沿科學研究專項面上項目(2015XKMS081), 2015.9-2018.9, 主持人。
[6] 新型仿人體植入材料的研發及性能研究,校學科前沿科學研究專項重點項目(2017XKZD08), 2017.01-2020.12 ,參加(2), 200萬。
[7] 半導體合金電子結構的調制, 校創新人才科研基金(2013RC19), 2013.1-2015.12, 主持人。
[8] 應變對纖鋅礦結構半導體性質的影響, 校青年科技基金(2013QNA30), 2013.1-2015.12, 主持人。
[9] 電場作用下鐵電超晶格力學行為和壓電效應研究, 校理科專項基金( 2010LKWL02), 2010.9-2013.9, 主持人。
[10] 高壓下纖鋅礦半導體雜化密度泛函理論的研究, 校高水平論文專項基金(2012LWB54), 2012.7-2014.5, 負責人。
[11] 鐵電超晶格力電耦合行為的研究, 校青年科研基金(2009A040), 2010.1-2012.12,主持人。
[01] J. Gao, Yifeng Duan*, C. Zhao, W. Liu, H. Dong, D. Zhang and H. Dong, Prediction of new ZnS-CaS alloys with anomalous electronic properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7, 1246 (2019) (2019 JMCC Hot Paper).
[02] C. Zhao, Yifeng Duan*, J. Gao, W. Liu, H. Dong, H. Dong,† D. Zhang, and Artem R. Oganov‡, Unexpected Stable Phases of Tungsten Borides, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 24665-24670 (2018) (2018 PCCP Hot Paper).
[03] A. G. Kvashnin, H. A. Zakaryan, C. Zhao, Yifeng Duan, Y. A. Kvashnina, C. Xie, H. Dong, and Artem R. Oganov, New Tungsten Borides, their Stability and Outstanding Mechanical Properties, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9, 3470-3477 (2018).
[1] Yifeng Duan*, Lixia Qin, Gang Tang and Liwei Shi, First-principles study of ground- and metastable-state properties of XO (X=Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn and Cd), European Physical Journal B 66, 201 (2008). (67 Citations; One of the most-cited Papers of EPJB)
[2] Yifeng Duan*, Lixia Qin, Liwei Shi, Gang Tang and Hongliang Shi, Hybrid density functional theory study of band gap tuning in AlN and GaN through equibiaxial strains, Applied Physics Letters 100, 022104 (2012). (18 Citations)
[3] Yifeng Duan*, Gang Tang, Changqing Chen, Tianjian Lu and Zhigang Wu, First-principles investigations of ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity in BaTiO3/PbTiO3 superlattices, Physical Review B 85, 054108 (2012). (15 Citations)
[4] Yifeng Duan*, Lixia Qin and Hanyu Liu, Metadynamics investigations of the AlN/GaN superlattice, Europhysics Letters(EPL) 114, 46002 (2016).
[5] Yifeng Duan*, Lixia Qin and Hanyu Liu, Different evolutionary pathways from B4 to B1 phase in AlN and InN: metadynamics investigations, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28, 205403 (2016). (5 Citations)
[6] Yifeng Duan*, Dong Lv, Kun Liu, Hongbo Wu, Lixia Qin, Liwei Shi and Gang Tang, Strain-induced structural, band-structure and piezoelectric evolutions in Al0.5Ga0.5N alloy, Journal of Applied Physics 117, 045711 (2015).(3 Citations)
[7] Yifeng Duan*, Lixia Qin, Liwei Shi, Gang Tang and Hongliang Shi, Anomalous structural transformation, spontaneous polarization, piezoelectric response, and band structure of semiconductor aluminum nitride under hydrostatic pressure, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 103712 (2011).(12 Citations)
[8] Yifeng Duan*, Lixia Qin, Gang Tang and Changqing Chen, Influence of in-plane biaxial stress on the structural properties, ferroelectric response, and piezoelectricity of tetragonal PbTiO3, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 033706 (2009).(7 Citations)
[9] Yifeng Duan, Jingbo Li, Shu-shen Li and Jian-Bai Xia, Elasticity, band-gap bowing and polarization of AlxGa1-xN alloys, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 023705 (2008). (40 Citations)
[10] Yifeng Duan, Jingbo Li, Shu-shen Li, Jian-Bai Xia and Changqing Chen, Abnormal ferroelectric response and enhancement of piezoelectricity of PbTiO3 under uniaxial compression, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 083713 (2008). (14 Citations)
[11] Yifeng Duan*, Lixia Qin, Liwei Shi, Gang Tang and Hongliang Shi, Phase transition and band-structure tuning in InN through uniaxial and biaxial strains, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 , 025501 (2014). (8 Citations, Labtalk論文)
[12] L. Qin, Yifeng Duan*, et. al, Hybrid density functional theory studies of AlN and GaN under uniaxial strain, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 045801 (2013).(21 Citations)
[13] Yifeng Duan*, Hongliang Shi and Lixia Qin, Studies of tetragonal PbTiO3 subjected to uniaxial stress along the c axis, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 175210 (2008). (19 Citations)
[14] Yifeng Duan*, Hongliang Shi and Lixia Qin, Elasticity, band structure and piezoelectricity of BexZn1-xO alloys, Physics Letters A 372, 2930 (2008). (31 Citations)
一、研究生:趙博濤(2011級), 呂東(2012級), 劉坤(2013級),吳宏博(2014級),趙昌明(2015級),高杰(2016級),劉文杰(2017級), 陳茜(2018級)
1. Jie Gao, Yifeng Duan*, Changming Zhao, Wenjie Liu, Haiming Dong, Dekun Zhang and Huafeng Dong, Prediction of new ZnS-CaS alloys with anomalous electronic properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7, 1246 (2019).
2. Changming Zhao, Yifeng Duan,∗ Jie Gao, Wenjie Liu, Haiming Dong, Huafeng Dong,† Dekun Zhang, and Artem R. Oganov‡, Unexpected Stable Phases of Tungsten Borides, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 24665-24670 (2018).
3. Changming Zhao, Yifeng Duan*, Jie Gao, and Huafeng Dong, Crystal and band structures of ZnS, MgS, and ZnS-MgS alloys, Journal of Applied Physics 121, 235705 (2017).
4. Hongbo Wu, Yifeng Duan*, Kun Liu, Dong Lv, Lixia Qin, Liwei Shi, Gang Tang, First-principles study of phase transition and band structure of ZrO2 under pressure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 645, 352-357 (2015).
5. Dong Lv, Yifeng Duan*, Botao Zhao, Lixia Qin, Liwei Shi, Gang Tang and Hongliang Shi, Comparing the effects of uniaxial and biaxial strains on the structural stability and electronic structure in wurtzite ZnS, Journal of Applied Physics 114, 023514 (2013).
6. Hongbo Wu, Yifeng Duan*, Changming Zhao, Kun Liu and Lixia Qin,First-Principles Investigations of Pb0.5Ba0.5TiO3 Alloys Based on Structure Predictions, Chinese Physics Letters 33(4), 047701 (2016).
7. Hongbo Wu, Yifeng Duan*, Kun Liu, Dong Lv, Lixia Qin, Liwei Shi and Gang Tang, Dynamic Investigations of Pressure-Induced Abnormal Phase Transitions in PbTiO3, Chinese Physics Letters 32(5), 057701 (2015).
8. Kun Liu, Yifeng Duan*, Hongbo Wu, Lixia Qin, Liwei Shi and Gang Tang, Pressure-Induced Cubic-to-Hexagonal Phase Transition in Cu2O, Chinese Physics Letters 31(11), 117701 (2014).
9. Botao Zhao, Yifeng Duan*, Hongliang Shi, Liwei Shi and Gang Tang, A Hybrid Density Functional Theory Study of Band Gap Tuning in ZnO through Pressure Chinese Physics Letters 29(11) 117104 (2012).
六、校優秀碩士畢業生:呂東 (2015年),吳宏博(2016年)
在讀研究生:高杰(2016級),劉文杰(2017級), 陳茜(2018級)
畢業研究生:趙博濤(2011級,南京中電熊貓), 呂東(2012級,中國銀行遵義分行), 劉坤(2013級,安徽省公務員),吳宏博(2014級,提前一年畢業,北京理工大學博士), 趙昌明(2015級,南方科技大學博士)