網(wǎng)站介紹 關(guān)于我們 聯(lián)系方式 廣告業(yè)務(wù) 幫助信息
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分類:導(dǎo)師信息 來源:中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)(徐州) 2019-06-03 相關(guān)院校:中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)(徐州)
姓 名 | 王建利 | 性 別 | 男 |
出生年月 | 1980年12月 | 籍貫 | 河南省南樂縣 |
民 族 | 漢族 | 政治面貌 | 中共黨員 |
最后學(xué)歷 | 博士研究生 | 最后學(xué)位 | 理學(xué)博士 |
技術(shù)職稱 | 副教授 | 導(dǎo)師類別 | 碩導(dǎo) |
行政職務(wù) | 無 | jlwang@cumt.edu.cn | |
工作單位 | 物理學(xué)院 | 郵政編碼 | 221116 |
通訊地址 | 江蘇省徐州市中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)物理學(xué)院 | ||
單位電話 | 83591580 | ||
個人主頁 | http://phys.cumt.edu.cn/89/e6/c9673a362982/page.htm |
主要從事半導(dǎo)體光電子材料與器件研究,包括半導(dǎo)體材料及其異質(zhì)結(jié)的電子結(jié)構(gòu)、界面調(diào)控及光電磁熱功能特性。在EPL(3篇), J. Appl. Phys.(4篇), Appl. Surf. Sci., J. Mater. Sci., Phys. Lett. A, Vacuum(7篇), Thin Solid Films, Eur. Phys. J. B(2篇), Chem. Phys., J. Cryst. Growth(4篇), Solid State Commun.(4篇), Phys. Status Solidi (b), Surf. Interface Anal., Physica B(2篇)和AIP Adv.國際學(xué)術(shù)期刊發(fā)表34篇第一(通訊)作者SCI論文,在Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B(7篇), Appl. Phys. Lett., Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., J. Phys. Chem. C, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Semicond. Sci. Technol., Mater. Chem. Phys., Surf. Sci.和RSC adv.(2篇)國際學(xué)術(shù)期刊合作發(fā)表18篇SCI論文。主持結(jié)題國家自然科學(xué)基金理論物理專款 “合作研修項目” 一項,國家自然科學(xué)基金理論物理專款 “博士研究人員啟動項目”一項。承擔本科生的《儲能材料與制備技術(shù)》、《大學(xué)物理》和《大學(xué)物理實驗》等課程。
2010.6- 中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)物理學(xué)院教師 。
2015.9-2016.7 南京大學(xué)物理學(xué)院訪問學(xué)者。
2017.3-2018.3 The University of Sydney物理學(xué)院訪問學(xué)者。
1 半導(dǎo)體異質(zhì)結(jié)界面調(diào)控;
2 半導(dǎo)體異質(zhì)結(jié)光電特性;
3 半導(dǎo)體異質(zhì)結(jié)量子輸運特性;
4 半導(dǎo)體自旋電子器件。
10. 2019.1-2021.12 中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)學(xué)科前沿科學(xué)研究專項:新型超薄二維半導(dǎo)體異質(zhì)結(jié)光電子器件的理論研究。
9. 2018.6-2020.5 南京大學(xué)固體微結(jié)構(gòu)物理國家重點實驗室開放課題(M31001):MOS-HEMT器件界面能帶工程研究。
8. 2017.1-2019.12 中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)學(xué)科前沿科學(xué)研究專項(2017XKQY092):高K氧化物絕緣柵MOS-HEMT器件的理論研究。
7. 2014.1-2016.12 國家自然科學(xué)基金理論物理專款“合作研修項目” (11347016):氮化銦基半導(dǎo)體異質(zhì)生長和摻雜的數(shù)值模擬研究。
6. 2014.1-2016.12 中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)青年科技基金(2014QNA65):半導(dǎo)體/鈣鈦礦氧化物異質(zhì)表面與界面數(shù)值模擬研究。
5. 2012.1-2012.12 國家自然科學(xué)基金理論物理專款 “博士研究人員啟動項目” (11147126):Ⅲ族氮化物半導(dǎo)體/鈣鈦礦氧化物異質(zhì)界面微結(jié)構(gòu)與物性研究。
4. 2012.1-2013.12 南京大學(xué)固體微結(jié)構(gòu)物理國家重點實驗室開放課題(M25010):絕緣氧化物/半導(dǎo)體氮化物異質(zhì)界面微結(jié)構(gòu)與物性。
3. 2010.9-2013.12 中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)青年科技基金(2010QNA35):半導(dǎo)體氮化銦的摻雜研究。
2. 2010.9-2012.8 中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)“啟航計劃”,半導(dǎo)體氮化銦摻雜的理論研究。
1. 2010.7- 中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)“人才引進”科研啟動基金,CdS/CdTe太陽能電池中界面S擴散影響。
52. Jianli Wang(*), Mengmeng Xue, Hao Liu, Mengqi Yuan, Dongmei Bai(*), Gang Tang, Junting Zhang, and C. Stampfl(*), Stability and band offsets between GaAs semiconductor and CeO2 gate dielectric, AIP Adv., 9 (2), 025117-1-7 (2019).
51. Jianli Wang(*), Xinfeng Chen, Aixia Zhang, Dongmei Bai, Gang Tang, Junting Zhang, and C. Stampfl(*), Band alignment of nonpolar (10ī0) ZnO on (112) LaAlO3, Solid State Commun. 287, 23-26 (2019).
50. Jiangtao Liu(劉江濤), Hao Liu, Jianli Wang(*),Haohao Sheng, Gang Tang, Junting Zhang, Dongmei Bai(*), Optical and electronic properties of dichalcogenides WX2 (X=S, Se, and Te) monolayers under biaxial strain, Physica B, 568, 18–24 (2019).
49. Xinfeng Chen(陳新鋒), Aixia Zhang, Jianli Wang(*), Qunyong Luo, Gang Tang, Junting Zhang, Dongmei Bai(*), Band alignments and polarization properties in ZnO (110)/PbTiO3 (001) heterostructures, Vacuum, 166, 264-269 (2019).
48. Jiangtao Liu(劉江濤), Mengmeng Xue, Jianli Wang(*), Haohao Sheng, Gang Tang, Junting Zhang, and Dongmei Bai(*), Tunable electronic and optical properties of arsenene/MoTe2 van der Waals heterostructures, Vacuum, 163, 128-134 (2019).
47. Chenxiang Wang, Yan Wang, Zixin Yang, Jianli Wang(*), and X.S. Wu(*), Interface properties of nonpolar LiAlO2/SrTiO3heterostructures, Vacuum, 161, 98–102 (2019).
46. Jianli Wang(*), Xinfeng Chen, Shuyin Wu, Gang Tang, Junting Zhang, and C. Stampfl(*), Stability and band offsets between c-plane ZnO semiconductor and LaAlO3 gate dielectric, J. Appl. Phys. 123 (11), 115302-1-9 (2018). (Selected as Editor's Pick)
45. Jianli Wang(*), Xinfeng Chen, Shuyin Wu, Dongmei Bai(*), Gang Tang, Junting Zhang, and C. Stampfl(*), Stability and band offsets of nonpolar (110) ZnO on (001) LaAlO3, Vacuum, 150, 29-34 (2018).
44. Dongmei Bai, Hao Liu, Aixia Zhang, Jianli Wang(*), Gang Tang, Junting Zhang, and C. Stampfl(*), Effect of an Al-adlayer in the c-plane ZnO/AlN heterostructure, EPL, 122 (2), 26003-1-6 (2018).
43. Junting Zhang(*), Chao Ji, Yanyan Shangguan, Bixiang Guo, Jianli Wang, Fengzhen Huang, Xiaomei Lu, and Jinsong Zhu, Strain-driven magnetic phase transitions from an antiferromagnetic to a ferromagnetic state in perovskite RMnO3 Films, Phys. Rev. B 98 (19), 195133-1-9 (2018).
42. J. T. Zhang(*), C. Ji, J. L. Wang, W. S. Xia, X. M. Lu, and J. S. Zhu, Stabilization of E-type magnetic order caused by epitaxial strain in perovskite manganites, Phys. Rev. B 97 (8), 085124-1-11 (2018).
41. Jianli Wang(*), Long Pu, Yujia Han, Shuyin Wu, Gang Tang, Sandong Guo, and C. Stampfl(*), Stability and band offsets between Si and LaAlO3, Eur. Phys. J. B 90 (9), 178-1-8 (2017).
40. Dongmei Bai, Jianli Wang(*), C. Stampfl(*), Shuyin Wu, Hao Liu, and Gang Tang, Band offsets in La2O3/InN heterostructure, Solid State Commun. 265, 19–22 (2017).
39. J. T. Zhang(*), C. Ji, J. L. Wang, W. S. Xia, B. X. Guo, X. M. Lu, and J. S. Zhu, Spin-induced ferroelectricity in a triangular-lattice antiferromagnet studied by magnetoelectric coupling tensors, Phys. Rev. B 96 (23), 235136-1-8 (2017).
38. J.T. Zhang(*), J.L. Wang, C. Ji, B. X. Guo, W. S. Xia, X. M. Lu, and J. S. Zhu, Magnetism and spin-driven ferroelectricity in the multiferroic material α−Cu2V2O7, Phys. Rev. B 96 (16), 165132-1-8 (2017).
37. J.T. Zhang(*), J.L. Wang, X.Q. Yang, W.S. Xia, X.M. Lu, and J.S. Zhu, Magnetic properties and spin-driven ferroelectricity in multiferroic skyrmion host GaV4S8, Phys. Rev. B 95 (8), 085136-1-8 (2017).
36. Jianli Wang(*), Mengqi Yuan, Gang Tang, Huichao Li, Junting Zhang, and Sandong Guo, Two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs/SrHfO3 heterostructure, J. Appl. Phys. 119 (23), 235304-1-7 (2016).
35. Jianli Wang(*), Chenxiang Wang, Gang Tang, Junting Zhang, Sandong Guo, and Yujia Han, Interface properties of Ge on cubic SrHfO3 (001), J. Cryst. Growth, 443, 66–74 (2016).
34. Mengqi Yuan(袁夢奇), Jianli Wang(*), Long Pu, Gang Tang, and Sandong Guo, Metallic Behavior of GaAs/BaTiO3Heterostructure, EPL 115 (1), 16001-1-5 (2016).
33. Chenxiang Wang(王陳翔), Jianli Wang(*), Mengqi Yuan, Junting Zhang(*), Gang Tang, Yujia Han, and X.S. Wu, The structure and electronic properties of Ge/SrZrO3, Vacuum, 130, 165-173 (2016).
32. J. T. Zhang, X. M. Lu(*), X. Q. Yang, J. L. Wang, and J. S. Zhu, Origins of ↑↑↓↓ magnetic structure and ferroelectricity in multiferroic Lu2CoMnO6, Phys. Rev. B, 93 (7), 075140-1-6 (2016).
31. San-Dong Guo(*) and Jian-Li Wang, Spin–orbital coupling effect on the power factor in semiconducting transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 31 (9), 095011-1-8 (2016).
30. San-Dong Guo(*) and Jian-Li Wang, Interesting pressure dependence of power factor in BiTeI, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 (21), 215107-1-7 (2016).
29. San-Dong Guo(*) and Jian-Li Wang, Potential thermoelectric materials CsMI3 (M = Sn and Pb) in perovskite structures from first-principles calculations, RSC adv., 6 (103), 101552-101559 (2016).
28. San-Dong Guo(*) and Jian-Li Wang, Pressure enhanced thermoelectric properties in Mg2Sn, RSC adv., 6 (37), 31272-31276 (2016).
27. Jianli Wang(*), Long Pu, Gang Tang, and Junting Zhang, Electronic and structural characterization of InN heterostructures grown on β-LiGaO2 (001) substrates, Vacuum, 119, 106-111 (2015).
26. Long Pu(蒲龍), Jianli Wang(*), Gang Tang, and Junting Zhang, Structural properties of Ge on SrTiO3 (001) surface and Ge/SrTiO3 Interface, J. Appl. Phys. 117 (10), 105307-1-8 (2015).
25. Yan Yin, Jianli Wang(*), Huiping Zhu, Kai Lv, and X.S. Wu(*), Structural distortion and charge redistribution in SrTiO3 (111) polar surfaces, Vacuum, 120, 83-88 (2015).
24. Jianli Wang(*), Gang Tang, X.S. Wu, and Long Pu, Structural properties of InN on PbTiO3 (111) surfaces, J. Mater. Sci. 49 (14), 4715–4721 (2014).
23. Jianli Wang(*), Gang Tang, Long Pu, and X.S. Wu, InN growth on BaTiO3 (111) substrates: A first-principles study, J. Cryst. Growth, 395, 98–103 (2014).
22. H.P. Zhu, M.Q. Gu, L. Huang, J.L. Wang, and X.S. Wu(*), Structural and electronic properties of CdTe:Cl from first-principles, Mater. Chem. Phys. 143 (2), 637-641 (2014).
21. Q.Y. Xie, W.M. Xie, J.L. Wang, H.P. Zhu, J.H. Yang, L. Sun, and X.S. Wu(*), Detecting p-type conduction in Ba-doped InN, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 (4), 042109-1-4 (2013).
20. Jianli Wang, Gang Tang, X.S. Wu(*), and Mingqiang Gu, The adsorption of O on (001) and (111) CdTe surfaces: a first-principles study, Thin Solid Films, 520 (11), 3960-3964 (2012).
19. Jianli Wang(*), Gang Tang, X.S. Wu, and Mingqiang Gu, The structure and electronic properties of AlN/SrTiO3 (111) interfaces, J. Cryst. Growth, 353 (1), 134-139 (2012).
18. Jianli Wang, Gang Tang, X.S. Wu(*), and Mingqiang Gu, InN doped with Zn: Bulk and surface investigation from first principles, Solid State Commun. 152 (13), 1168-1171 (2012).
17. Jianli Wang, Gang Tang, X.S. Wu(*), and Mingqiang Gu, Stable structure and effects of sulfur in CdTe/CdS heterojunctions, Surf. Interface Anal., 44 (4), 434-438 (2012).
16. Jianli Wang, Gang Tang, and X.S. Wu(*), Thermodynamic stability of BaTiO3 (110) surfaces, Phys. status solidi (b) 249 (4), 796-800 (2012).
15. M. Gu, Jianli Wang, X. S. Wu(*), and G. P. Zhang, Stabilities of the Intrinsic Defects on SrTiO3 Surface and SrTiO3/LaAlO3Interface, J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (47), 24993-24998 (2012).
14. M. Gu, Q. Xie, X. Shen, R. Xie, Jianli Wang, G. Tang, D. Wu, G. P. Zhang, and X. S. Wu(*), Magnetic ordering and structural phase transitions in strained ultrathin SrRuO3/SrTiO3 superlattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (15), 157003-1-5 (2012).
13. Dongmei Bai(*) and Jianli Wang, The time-splitting Fourier spectral method for the coupled Schrödinger-Boussinesq equations, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 17 (3), 1201-1210 (2012).
12. Jianli Wang, Dongmei Bai, Gang Tang, X.S. Wu(*), and Mingqiang Gu, Stable structure and effects of oxygen on InN (10-10) and (11-20) surfaces, J. Cryst. Growth, 327 (1), 233-236 (2011).
11. Jianli Wang, X.S. Wu(*), Xianqi Dai, and Dongmei Bai, First-principles study of Sr adsorption on InN (0001), Eur. Phys. J. B 73 (1), 75-78 (2010).
10. Mingqiang Gu, Jianli Wang, Q.Y. Xie, and X.S. Wu(*), Structural and electronic properties of PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices from first principles, Phys. Rev. B 82 (13), 134102-1-9 (2010).
9. Jianli Wang, X.S. Wu(*), and Dongmei Bai, Stable structure and effects of the substrate Ti pretreatment on the epitaxial growth of SrTiO3 on GaAs, EPL 86 (4), 46008-1-6 (2009).
8. Jianli Wang, Min Fu, X.S. Wu(*), and Dongmei Bai, Surface structure of strontium titanate, J. Appl. Phys. 105 (8), 083526-1-8 (2009).
7. Jianli Wang, X.S. Wu(*), J. Zhou, and J.M. Dong, Surface structure for Au on (001) SrTiO3, Chem. Phys. 360 (1-3), 79-84 (2009).
6. Jianli Wang, X.S. Wu(*), Xianqi Dai, and Dongmei Bai, Atomic structure for Mg on InN(0001) surface, Phys. Lett. A 373 (20), 1796-1799 (2009).
5. Jianli Wang, X.S. Wu(*), and Dongmei Bai, Structural and electronic properties of Zn on CdTe(001) surface, Solid State Commun. 149 (25-26), 982-985 (2009).
4. Jianli Wang, X.S. Wu(*), and Dongmei Bai, The adsorption of In on the surface of (001) CdTe, Physica B, 404 (20), 3530-3533 (2009).
3. Jianli Wang, X.S. Wu(*), J.M. Dong, Dongmei Bai, and Xianqi Dai, The adsorption of Be on the surface of (0001) InN, Appl. Surf. Sci. 255 (5), 2533-2537 (2008).
2. X.Q Dai(*), H.J. Yan, Jianli Wang, Y.M. Liu, Z.X. Yang, and M H Xie, The effect of Cu on O adsorption on a ZnO(0001) surface: a first-principles study, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 20 (9), 095002-1-4 (2008).
1. X.Q Dai(*), Jianli Wang, H.J. Yan, X.H. Wu, and M.H. Xie, Structural properties of oxygen on InN(0001) surface, Surf. Sci. 601 (10), 2161-2165 (2007).
蒲 龍: 2014級研究生,國家獎學(xué)金,重點高校教師。
劉 昊:2016級本科生。
網(wǎng)站介紹 關(guān)于我們 聯(lián)系方式 廣告業(yè)務(wù) 幫助信息
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