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分類:導師信息 來源:中國礦業大學(徐州) 2019-06-04 相關院校:中國礦業大學(徐州)
姓 名 | 郭三棟 | 性 別 | 男 |
出生年月 | 1984年10月 | 籍貫 | 呂梁 |
民 族 | 漢族 | 政治面貌 | 群眾 |
最后學歷 | 博士研究生 | 最后學位 | 理學博士 |
技術職稱 | 講師 | 導師類別 | 碩導 |
行政職務 | sandongyuwang@163.com | ||
工作單位 | 中國礦業大學理學院 | 郵政編碼 | 221116 |
通訊地址 | 江蘇省徐州市大學路1號中國礦業大學南湖校區 | ||
單位電話 | 83591580 | ||
個人主頁 |
2007.9-2012.6 中國科學院物理研究所 碩博連讀
2003.9-2007.6 西安電子科技大學 本科
通過第一性原理計算,研究與半導體相關的材料,包括普通半導體,半金屬,鐵磁絕緣體,熱電材料等。研究它們的電子結構,磁性,彈性性質,光學性質,以及結構相變。并且理論預言性能良好的半金屬,鐵磁絕緣體和熱電材料等。發表SCI文章45篇,被引用280次,單篇最高75次, h-index: 10, 其中以本人或者學生為第一作者SCI文章37篇。主持國家自然科學青年項目一項,校青年一項, 校學科前沿科學研究專項面上項目一項。
為Nanoscale, Applied Surface Science, JMMM, Computational Materials Science,Physics Letters A 等國內外十幾種期刊審過稿件
1: 項目名稱:鐵電相關材料的第一性原理研究, 來源:校基本科研業務費項目,經費:10萬元,主要承擔工作:主持
3:項目名稱:熱電材料的理論計算和設計, 來源:校基本科研業務費項目, 經費:20萬元,主要承擔工作:主持
37. Guo San-Dong,Wang Yue-Hua and Lu Wan-Li,Elastic and transport properties of topological semimetal ZrTe,New J. Phys.(2017). https://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/aa96f7 (通訊作者)
36. Guo San-Dong , Anisotropic lattice thermal conductivity in three-fold degeneracy topological semimetal MoP: a first-principles study,Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,29, 435704 (2017) (通訊作者)
35: Guo San-Dong, Zhang Ai-Xia (學生)and Li Hui-Chao, Potential 2D thermoelectric materials ATeI (A=Sb and Bi) monolayers from a first-principles study, Nanotechnology 44, 445702 (2017). (通訊作者)
34:Guo San-Dong and Li Hui-Chao, Monolayer enhanced thermoelectric properties compared with bulk for BiTeBr, Computational Materials Science 139, 361 (2017). (通訊作者)
33. Zhang Ai-Xia (學生), Liu Jiang-Tao (學生), Guo San-Dong and Li Hui-Chao, Strain effects on phonon transport in antimonene from a first-principles study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 14520 (2017).(通訊作者)
32.Guo San-Dong and Wang Yan, Small compressive strain-induced semiconductor–metal transition and tensile strain-enhanced thermoelectric properties in monolayer PtTe2, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 32, 055004 (2017).(通訊作者)
31. Zhang Dong-Chen (學生), Zhang Ai-Xia (學生), Guo San-Dong and Duan Yi-feng, Thermoelectric properties of β-As, Sb and Bi monolayers,RSC Adv. 7, 24537 (2017).(通訊作者)
30. Guo San-Dong and Zhang Ai-Xia (學生), Phonon transport in Na2He at high pressure from a first-principles study,Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 172104 (2017). (通訊作者)
29. Guo San-Dong and Wang Yue-Hua,Thermoelectric properties of orthorhombic group IV–VI monolayers from the firstprinciples calculations, Journal of Applied Physics 121, 034302 (2017).
28. Guo San-Dong and Liang Qiu, Thermoelectric properties of topological insulator BaSn2, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 , 015101 (2017). (通訊作者)
27. Guo San-Dong and Jian-Li Wang ,Potential thermoelectric materials CsMI3 (M=Sn and Pb) in perovskite structures from firstprinciples calculations, RSC Adv. 6, 101552 (2016). (通訊作者)
26. Guo San-Dong, Biaxial strain tuned thermoelectric properties in monolayer PtSe2, J. Mater. Chem. C 4, 9366 (2016). (通訊作者)【被引11次】
25. Guo San-Dong and Jian-Li Wang, Spin–orbital coupling effect on the power factor in semiconducting transition-metal
dichalcogenide monolayers, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 31, 095011 (2016). (通訊作者)
24. Guo San-Dong, Importance of spin-orbit coupling in power factor calculations for half-Heusler ANiB (A=Ti, Hf, Sc, Y; B=Sn, Sb, Bi), Journal of Alloys and Compounds 663, 128 (2016). (通訊作者)【被引17次】
23. Guo San-Dong, Potential thermoelectric material Cs2PdCl4I2: a first-principles study, Materials Research Express 3, 085903 (2016). (通訊作者)
22. Guo San-Dong and Jian-Li Wang ,Pressure enhanced thermoelectric properties in Mg2Sn, RSC Adv. 6, 31272(2016). (通訊作者)【被引16次】
21. Guo San-Dong, Pressure induced magnetic and semiconductor–metal phase transitions in Cr2MoO6, , Chinese Physics B, 25, 057104 (2016). (通訊作者)
20. Guo San-Dong and Jian-Li Wang , Interesting pressure dependence of power factor in BiTeI, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 , 215107 (2016). (通訊作者)
19. Guo San-Dong, Improved half-metallic gap of zincblende half-meta lsuperlattices with the Tran–Blaha modified Becke–Johnson densityf unctional, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 412, 156 (2016). (通訊作者)
18. Guo San-Dong, Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of (Mg2X)2/(Mg2Y)2 (X, Y = Si, Ge, Sn) superlattices from first-principle calculations, Eur. Phys. J. B 89: 134 (2016). (通訊作者)
17. Guo San-Dong,Thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler ZrNiPb by using first principles calculations, RSC Adv. 6, 47953 (2016). (通訊作者)【被引10次】
16. Guo San-Dong,Spin-orbit and strain effect on power factor in monolayer MoS2, Computational Materials Science 123, 8(2016). (通訊作者)【被引11次】
15.Guo San-Dong, X-ray emission spectra and gaps of CuFeO2 with the modified Becke–Johnson potential, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 377, 226 (2015). (通訊作者)
14. Guo San-Dong, Pressure-induced semiconductor-to-metal transition in Mg2Sn with the modified Becke-Johnson potential, Europhysics Letters 109, 57002 (2015). (通訊作者)
13. Guo San-Dong, Electronic structures of the ferrimagnetic double-perovskites Sr2XReO6 (X = Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni) with the modified Becke-Johnson potential, Eur. Phys. J. B 88: 82 (2015). (通訊作者)
12. Guo San-Dong, A stable 4f half-metallic ferromagnetism Eu4O3N predicted from GGA+U calculations, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393, 20 (2015). (通訊作者)
11. Guo San-Dong, Predicted ferromagnetic insulator CrO2 / TiO2 superlattice with the modified Becke–Johnson potential, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 , 445004 (2015). (通訊作者)
10.Guo San-Dong, Density-Functional Theory Investigation of Sr2CrOsO6 with Cubic Symmetry Using Modified Becke–Johnson Potential, Chinese Physics Letter, 31, 017101 (2014). (通訊作者)
9.Guo San-Dong, Electronic structures and elastic properties of X3Sb (X = Li, K, Cs) from the first-principles, Materials Research Express 1, 015906 (2014). (通訊作者)
8. Guo San-Dong and Liu Bang-Gui, Electronic structures and structural phase transition mechanism of Sr2MgWO6 from first-principles calculations, Physica B-Condensed Matter, 408, 110 (2013). (通訊作者)
7. Guo San-Dong, Density-functional theory investigation of electronic structure, elastic properties, optical properties, and lattice dynamics of Ba2ZnWO6, Chinese Physics B, 22, 067102 (2013). (通訊作者)
6. Guo San-Dong and Liu Bang-Gui, Density functional theory investigation of pressure induced semiconductor-metal transitions in ferromagnetic semiconductor HgCr2Se4, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,24, 045502 (2012) (通訊作者)【被引26次】
5.Guo San-Dong and Liu Bang-Gui, Density functional theory investigation of energy gaps and optical properties of Hg1-xCdxTe and In1-xGaxAs, Chinese Physics B, 21, 017101 (2012) (通訊作者)
4. Guo San-Dong and Liu Bang-Gui, Energy gaps and optical properties of ferromagnetic semiconductors CdCr2S4 and CdCr2Se4: Improved density functional theory study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,324, 2410 (2012). (通訊作者)【被引14次】
3. Guo San-Dong and Liu Bang-Gui, Improved half-metallic ferromagnetism of transition-metal pnictides and chalcogenides calculated with a modied Becke-Johnson exchange potential, Europhysics Letters 93, 47006 (2011). 【被引75次】
2. Guo San-Dong and Liu Bang-Gui, Electronic structures and optical dielectric functions of room temperature phases of SrTiO3 and BaTiO3, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 073525 (2011).【被引19次】
1. Guo San-Dong and Liu Bang-Gui, Stable half-metallic ferromagnetism in nonstoichiometric cubic binary chromium chalcogenides, Europhysics Letters 88, 67007 (2009).