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分類:導師信息 來源:武漢理工大學材料科學與工程學院 2019-06-04 相關院校:武漢理工大學
1998.09~2004.06: 武漢理工大學材料科學與工程(本碩連讀班), 碩士學歷;
2005.06~2010.01: 荷蘭代爾夫特理工大學(Delft University of Technology)道路與鐵道工程, 博士學歷。
道路建筑材料與工程,重點研究材料細觀-微觀數值模擬, 材料服役行為與長壽命化技術, 材料-結構-力學三位一體化研究
[1] 武漢市人事局回國留學人員擇優資助項目《瀝青混凝土細觀力學-材料-結構三位一體化研究》,項目負責人;
[2] 荷蘭交通部項目子課題《鋼橋面瀝青鋪裝層性能與數值模擬》, 項目負責人;
[3] 教育部高校博士點基金《多孔瀝青混凝土表面松散掉粒機理與延壽技術研究》,項目負責人;
[4] 武漢市科技局攻關項目《新型環氧橋面鋪裝材料開發與應用研究》, No. 201210320191,項目負責人;
[5] 廣東省教育部產學研結合項目《大伸縮量無縫橋面伸縮縫材料與結構設計關鍵技術研發與產業化》, 編號:粵財教[2012]392號2012B091000162,項目主要負責人
1.Liantong Mo, Xun Li, Xing Fang, M. Huurman, Shaopeng Wu. Laboratory investigation of compaction characteristics and performance of warm mix asphalt containing chemical additives, Construction and Building Materials, 37:239-247(2012).
2.Liantong Mo, Donglin Shu, Xun Li, M. Huurman, Shaopeng Wu. Experimental investigation of bituminous plug expansion joint materials containing high content of crumb rubber powder and granules, Materials and Design, 37 :137-143(2012).
3.L.T. Mo, X. Fang, D.P. Yan, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu. Investigation of mechanical properties of thin epoxy polymer overlay materialsupon orthotropic steel bridge decks, Construction and Building Materials 33: 41-47(2012).
4.L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Research of Bituminous Mortar Fatigue Test Method Based on Dynamic Shear Rheometer, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 40(1):84-90(2012).
5.L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Bitumen–stone adhesive zone damage model for the meso-mechanical mixture design of ravelling resistant porous asphalt concrete, International Journal of Fatigue, 33 :1490-1503(2011).
6.L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Investigation into material development and optimization of improved ravelling resistant porous asphalt concrete, Materials and Design,31 :3194-3206(2010).
7.L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Ravelling investigation of porous asphalt concrete based on fatigue characteristics of bitumen–stone adhesion and mortar, Materials and Design, 30(1):170-179 (2009).
8.L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. 2D and 3D meso-scale finite element models for ravelling analysis of porous asphalt concrete, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 44(4): 186-196 (2008).
9.L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Finite element analysis and experimental study on tensile fatigue behavior of asphalt-stone adhesion, Fatigue and Fracture Engineering Materials and Structure, 30:823-831 (2007).
10.L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Investigation into stress states in porous asphalt concrete on the basis of FE-modelling, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43:333-343 (2007)
2、E-mail:molt@whut.edu.cn; moliantong@gmail.com
1.Name: Liantong Mo
2.Brief introduction:
1)Date of birth: May 1979
2)Degree: Ph.D
3)Title: Associate Researcher
4)Working department: State Key Lay of Silicate Materials for Architectures
3.Education experience(after entering university):
1998.09~2004.06: Materials Science and Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, Master degree
2005.06~2010.01: Road and Railway Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Ph.D degree
4.Working experience:
Since 2010.05: State Key Lay of Silicate Materials for Architectures (Wuhan University of Technology)
5.Research field(no more than 3):
Road and Building Materials, focus on micro- and meso-scale simulation, performance evaluation, lifetime extension technique, the trinity of material, structure and mechanics.
6.Research project(no more than 5):
[1] Research on the trinity of material, structure and mesomechanics of asphalt concrete
[2] Performance and numerical simulation of asphalt overlay surfacing on steel bridge decks
[3] Ravelling mechanism and lifetime extension technique of porous asphalt concrete
[4] Development of innovative epoxy overlay materials on steel bridge decks
[5] Development of materials and structure for jointless bridge expansion joints with large movements
7.Representative papers and works(no more than 10):
[1]Liantong Mo, Xun Li, Xing Fang, M. Huurman, Shaopeng Wu. Laboratory investigation of compaction characteristics and performance of warm mix asphalt containing chemical additives, Construction and Building Materials, 37:239-247(2012).
[2]Liantong Mo, Donglin Shu, Xun Li, M. Huurman, Shaopeng Wu. Experimental investigation of bituminous plug expansion joint materials containing high content of crumb rubber powder and granules, Materials and Design, 37 :137-143(2012).
[3]L.T. Mo, X. Fang, D.P. Yan, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu. Investigation of mechanical properties of thin epoxy polymer overlay materialsupon orthotropic steel bridge decks, Construction and Building Materials 33: 41-47(2012).
[4]L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Research of Bituminous Mortar Fatigue Test Method Based on Dynamic Shear Rheometer, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 40(1):84-90(2012).
[5]L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Bitumen–stone adhesive zone damage model for the meso-mechanical mixture design of ravelling resistant porous asphalt concrete, International Journal of Fatigue, 33 :1490-1503(2011).
[6]L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Investigation into material development and optimization of improved ravelling resistant porous asphalt concrete, Materials and Design,31 :3194-3206(2010).
[7]L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Ravelling investigation of porous asphalt concrete based on fatigue characteristics of bitumen–stone adhesion and mortar, Materials and Design, 30(1):170-179 (2009).
[8]L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. 2D and 3D meso-scale finite element models for ravelling analysis of porous asphalt concrete, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 44(4): 186-196 (2008).
[9]L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Finite element analysis and experimental study on tensile fatigue behavior of asphalt-stone adhesion, Fatigue and Fracture Engineering Materials and Structure, 30:823-831 (2007).
[10] L.T. Mo, M. Huurman, S.P. Wu, A.A.A. Molenaar. Investigation into stress states in porous asphalt concrete on the basis of FE-modelling, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43:333-343 (2007)
8、Contact information:
1) Tel:
2) E-mail: molt@whut.edu.cn; moliantong@gmail.com
3) Location of lab: Room 517, Concrete building,State Key Lay of Silicate Materials for Architectures (Wuhan University of Technology), Wuhan 430070, China