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分類:導師信息 來源:武漢理工大學材料科學與工程學院 2019-06-25 相關院校:武漢理工大學
1989—1993. 武漢工業大學(現武漢理工大學)獲工學學士學位
1997—2000 武漢理工大學獲工學碩士學位
2001—2008 武漢理工大學獲工學博士學位
1993— 武漢工業大學(現武漢理工大學)工作
1)201101PT03 軍工項目國家級,排名第一,總經費100萬元
2)201101PT04 軍工項目國家級,排名第二,總經費249萬元
5)201101HX03 軍工橫向項目排名第一,總經費24.5萬元
1)Xiang Wang﹡,The Influence of Fiber Type and Conformation on the Damping Property of FRP Composite, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology ,2012 Vol.27 No.3 (SCI收錄)
2)WANG Xiang﹡, LIU Hanxing, OUYANG Shixi. Damping properties of Flexible Epoxy Resin. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 2008 Vol.23 No.3. (SCI收錄)
3) Hong Zhen, WANG Xiang﹡. Study on Glass Fiber/Epoxy Gradient Damping Composites; Asian Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 25, No. 7 (2013), 3831-3834. (SCI收錄)
4)王翔﹡,黃威,李進,基于ANSYS的復合材料齒輪的有限元分析,武漢大學學報(理學),2012 Vol.58 No.3;
6) Wang Xiang﹡, Study on Epoxy Based Magnetorheological Elastomers, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 306-307 (2011) pp 852-856 ISSN: 662-8985
7) Xiaoli Dai, Xiang Wang﹡,Jun Wang. Study on Processes and Properties of Continuous Woven Roving Reinforced Polyurethane Composites. Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 306-307 (2011) pp 852-856
8) 王翔﹡,劉韓星,環氧樹脂彈性體的制備及性能研究,武漢理工大學學報,2008 Vol.30. No.4 P16-18
9) 尚呈元,王翔﹡,柔性側鏈改性環氧樹脂的低溫增韌研究,武漢理工大學學報,2009 Vol.31. No.19 P41-44。
10) 洪珍,王翔﹡,端氨基聚醚固化環氧樹脂的阻尼性能研究,武漢理工大學學報,2009 Vol.31. No.21 P101-104。
1.Name: Xiang Wang
2.Brief introduction:
1)Date of birth: 04/1972
2)Degree: Doctor Degree
3)Title: Associate Professor
4)Working department: Department of polymer and composites
School of Materials Science and technology
3.Education experience(after entering university):
1)1989—1993. Wuhan University of Technology, bachelor's degree
2)1997—2000 Wuhan University of Technology, Master's degree
3)2001—2008 Wuhan University of Technology, Doctor's degree
4.Working experience:
1)1993— Wuhan University of Technology
2)1998 Associate Lecturer
3)2005 Associate Professor
5.Research field(no more than 3):
Polymer Matrix Composites,
Functional and Structural composites
6.Research project(no more than 5):
1)201101PT03 national military project.
2)201101PT04 national military project.
3)PU based composites and continuous pipes. Funded by enterprise
4)Research on high performance epoxy resins used for prepregs, Funded by enterprise.
5)201101HX03 Funded by enterprise
7.Representative papers and works(no more than 10):
1)Xiang Wang﹡,The Influence of Fiber Type and Conformation on the Damping Property of FRP Composite, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology ,2012 Vol.27 No.3 (SCI)
2)WANG Xiang﹡, LIU Hanxing, OUYANG Shixi. Damping properties of Flexible Epoxy Resin. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 2008 Vol.23 No.3. (SCI)
3)Hong Zhen, WANG Xiang﹡. Study on Glass Fiber/Epoxy Gradient Damping Composites; Asian Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 25, No. 7 (2013), 3831-3834. (SCI)
4)WANG Xiang﹡, Finite Element Analysis of Composite Gear based on ANSYS, Journal of Wuhan University(Nature Science Edition),2012 Vol.58 No.3;
5)Wu fei,WANG Xiang﹡,Research on torsion properties of composite pipes, Journal of Wuhan University(Nature Science Edition),2011Vol57No.2
6)Wang Xiang﹡, Study on Epoxy Based Magnetorheological Elastomers, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 306-307 (2011) pp 852-856 ISSN: 662-8985
7)Xiaoli Dai, Xiang Wang﹡,Jun Wang. Study on Processes and Properties of Continuous Woven Roving Reinforced Polyurethane Composites. Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 306-307 (2011) pp 852-856
8)WANG Xiang﹡, Research on preparation and characterizing of epoxy elastomers, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology,2008 Vol.30. No.4 P16-18
9)SHANG Chengyuan,WANG Xiang﹡,Research on Low temperature properties and toughness of epoxy resin Modified of flexible side chain, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology,2009 Vol.31. No.19 P41-44。
10)Hong zhen, WANG xiang﹡,Research on damping properties of epoxy curing by Amino-terminal polyamine,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology,2009 Vol.31. No.21 P101-104。
8.Contact information:
2)E-mail: sightsee@126.com
3)Location of lab: Room 201, The building of composite materials, East campus