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分類:導師信息 來源:對外經濟貿易大學國際經濟貿易學院 2019-07-05 相關院校:對外經濟貿易大學
1995年畢業于美國得克薩斯大學奧斯汀總校,獲經濟學博士學位。目前任職對外經濟貿易大學經濟系教授、博導,研究領域包括產業組織,金融,反壟斷、規制、競爭政策和國際貿易等。龔炯是位多產學者,在經濟學和電子工程領域均有國際一流期刊論文發表。他曾是英國Emerald出版社發行的中國國際貿易權威英文期刊Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies (JCEFTS) 的執行主編。他也是多家亞洲英文報紙的評論版特約專欄作家,包括為South China Morning Post, Global Times, 央視新媒體CGTN等固定撰寫政經文章,同時也是央視多套節目的經常嘉賓。
龔教授是中國經濟學界的反壟斷、專利糾紛專家,是美國Global Economics Group的學界聘請專家(academic affiliate),該公司是一家全球領先的經濟學咨詢公司。同時擔任中國世界貿易組織研究會兼并反壟斷研究中心副主任。他還是商務部反壟斷局特約專家,曾負責國家競爭數據庫的總體設計工作。曾受商務部反壟斷局委托,主持、參與了多起跨國公司并購案的全球反壟斷審查,包括美國Seagate公司收購韓國三星電子硬盤業務的中國反壟斷審查,美國Western Digital公司收購日本Hitachi GST公司的中國反壟斷審查,加拿大薩省鉀肥收購加陽鉀肥的中國反壟斷審查,滴滴收購Uber的中國反壟斷申報。在中國第一例縱向壟斷協議訴訟案“北京涌和銳邦訴強生醫療”中擔任原告方專家證人,出庭作證。此案是中國第一起縱向壟斷協議訴訟案,也是中國歷史上第一起原告勝訴的反壟斷訴訟案。此后作為專家證人成功參與多起反壟斷訴訟,包括云南盈頂訴中石化、松下電器和經銷商糾紛、寧波的日立金屬的專利拒絕授權案、網易訴華多著作權侵權案、海能達訴摩托羅拉濫用市場支配地位案、華為專利糾紛等。龔教授也曾經為世界銀行做國家競爭政策方面的咨詢工作,例如代表世界銀行為哈薩克斯坦國和納米比亞咨詢競爭政策。
在2009年回國加入對外經濟貿易大學之前,龔炯是美國有線電視實驗室 (Cable Television Laborotries, Inc.) 的高級研究員。在此之前,他在貝爾實驗室通信研究所(Bell Communications Research)工作了七年。主要做關于規制經濟學、競爭政策和新經濟關系的研究,參與美國前副總統戈爾的國家信息基礎設施 (NII) 的項目。龔炯在程控交換式電視領域里是兩項美國專利局專利的發明者,專利號No. 8,332,902和No. 8,566,888。
Dr. John Gong is professor of economics at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), where he teaches and researches in areas of finance, industrial organization, and antitrust and competition policies. Dr. Gong is a prolific researcher and writer with a list of publications in leading international academic journals. He was the executive editor of the Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies (JCEFTS) published in UK. He is also a renowned op-ed columnist for several leading English newspapers and medias in Asia, including the South China Morning Post, Global Times and CGTN (China Global Television Network), writing extensively on economic and political issues.
Dr. Gong is one of the recognized antitrust and patent dispute authorities in China, serving as an academic affiliate with Global Economics Group, a leading global economics consulting firm based in the US. He serves as an expert consultant with the Ministry of Commerce’s (MOFCOM) Antitrust Bureau in China, and acted as the chief architect of the Bureau’s national competition database project. He has been regularly hired by the Bureau to help examine numerous merger reviews of high profile multinational merger applications filed with competition authorities in multiple countries, e.g. Western Digital acquiring Hitachi’s, Seagate acquiring Samsung’s storage businesses and the meger between PCS and Agrium Potash. He also participated in the antitrust filing petition for the merger between Didi and Uber. He played a vital expert witness role in successfully appealing the lawsuit Beijing Rainbow vs. Johnson & Johnson, which is the first anti-monopoly lawsuit in China won by a plaintiff in history. Since then he has served as an expert witness in abuse of dominance and monopoly agreement lawsuits to successfully defend notable multinational defendants in the court of law, including Panasonic, Hitachi, Sinopec, Motorola and Netease.
Dr. Gong has extensive consulting experiences for renowned international organizations. He works regularly for the World Bank Group to advise countries on competition policies, including Kazakhstan and Namibia. He has advised Caincross Foundation regarding China’s competition policies, and the World Bank regarding China’s SOE reform. He is also the principal author for the China section of the policy position paper by the BRICS New World Bank’s steering committee during its foundation time.
Prior to joining UIBE in 2009, Dr. Gong had an industrial consulting and research experiences of over 14 years, first as a Research Scientist at Bell Communications Research (Morristown, New Jersey) for over 7 years and later as Senior Advisor of Strategic Assessment at the Cable Television Laboratories Inc. (Louisville, Colorado) for another 7 years. He is the inventor of two US patents (US patent No. 8,332,902 and US patent No. 8,566,888) in switched broadcast television technologies, one of which has been widely deployed in spectrum allocation algorithms in cable QAM modulation equipment in the US. Dr. Gong played an important contributing role in US ex-Vice President Al Gore’s National Information Infrastructure (NII) project.
龔炯 (Jiong Gong), Ph.D
北京惠新東街10號, 郵編100029
電郵: johngong@gmail.com
University of Texas at Austin, 1990-1994
Ph.D. in Economics /Industrial Organization, Econometrics
德克薩斯大學奧斯汀總校; 經濟學博士,計量經濟/產業經濟方向
New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1996- 1998
Graduate studies in Electric Engineering
新澤西理工學院; 電子工程專業研究生學習
University of International Business & Economics, 1985-1989
B.A. in Economics / International Finance
對外經濟貿易大學; 學士,國際貿易系國際金融專業
Work Experience工作經歷
University of International Business and Economics, Bejing, China
Professor of Economics
• 教授、博導,微觀經濟學、產業組織、戰略管理、信息管理科學方面的教學科研任務,發表論文
Research and lecturing in areas of microeconomics, industrial organization, strategic management, and information systems
• 電信信息與傳媒經濟學研究中心主任
Dirctor, Center of Telecommunications, Information and Media Economics Research
• 國際期刊《Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies》執行主編
Executive editor for Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies
• 商務部反壟斷局外聘專家,參與多起跨國并購案的反壟斷審查
Expert consultant for the Ministry of Commerce’s Antitrust Bureau, chief architect of China’s anti-monopoly database project; regular expert consultant to review multinational antitrust filings for MOFCOM
• 英文媒體、報紙《CGTN》,《South China Morning Post》和《Global Times》評論版特約專欄作家
Op-ed columnist for leading English newspapers in Asia, including CGTN, South China Morning Post and Global Times
Accenture Institute for High Performance (AIHP) – China Research Center (Beijing, China)
Senior Manager (part time)
• 負責AIHP北京研究中心工作,領導一個7人研究團隊
Responsible for AIHP’s Beijing Office daily operations, managing a staff of 7 business researchers
• 研究中國企業創新,提出“canine”創新理論
Research in innovation in China, proposed the canine theory of innovation
Cable Television Laboratories, Inc., Louisville, Colorado
Senior Advisor-Strategic Assessment
• 負責對有線電視有關的新技術新產品進行分析論證,財務評估,商業模式的研討,作為對各大有線電視公司最高層管理人員的商業咨詢一部分
Responsible for assessing emerging new technologies related to the cable industry, analysis of business models, as part of CableLabs’ CEO level consulting activities
• 建立模型,計量分析,研究各種財務金融等融資手段,定期發表面向有線電視行業的白皮書
Issue industry white papers, econometric modeling, quantitative analysis and other financial modeling work
• 有關有線電視網絡產能和資源優化分配的基本科研,所創頻寬調度算法廣泛用于有線電視QAM調制系統,在程控交換電視數字廣播領域共有兩項專利
Research in optimalization of the cable network, capacity planning algorithms; invented a scheduling algorithm that is widely used in QAM modulation equipment in the US; two patents in switched digital broadcast television
Bell Communications Research, Morristown, New Jersey
Research Scientist – Applied Research Lab
• 研究網絡經濟學新興現象,最早發表網絡多層結構經濟學特點,這篇論文廣為引用
Research in Internet economics, first proposed the concept of economics of layered nework
• 參與美國戈爾副總統提出的全國信息基礎建設計劃(NII)的研究和討論
Participated in Vice President Al Gore’s National Information Infrastructure project
• 建立經濟學模型用于政府對壟斷行業管理的公共政策研究,包括網絡對接和結算等問題
Regulatory economics modeling for public policy issues, such as interconnection and settlement
• 研究通訊發展趨勢,英特網對傳統電話以及無線通訊對固線通訊的替代作用
Research in long-term trend in telecommunications, impact of substitution effect of Internet for telephony
• 建立經濟學模型,研究數據通訊流量在電話網絡主干線的影響
Econometric analysis of the impact of Internet dial-up traffic on telephone trunking networks
McGee & McGee Associates, Austin, Texas
Litigation Consultant (part time)
• 訴訟咨詢師,為專家證人法庭證詞提供支持,涵蓋反壟斷、專利侵權等民事訴訟,涉案公司有西屋電氣、埃克森石油公司等
Provided economic analysis used in depositions in antitrust, patent infringement and other civil litigations involving Exxon and Westinghouse.
Peer-reveiwed Journal Publications發表英文學術期刊
“Antitrust fines: experience from China,” with Ran Jing and Fang Yi, Review of Industrial Economics, revised and resubmitted.
“Fund flows and performance: understanding distribution channel,” with Ping Jiang and Shu Tian, Applied Economics, forthcoming.
“Build brand community to expand the market,” with Yong Cao, International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research, forthcoming.
“Compensation convexity without utility restriction,” with Ping Jiang and Xiaochuan Xing, Australian Economic Papers, v57(3), 2018 September: 238-249.
“Economic Thucydides trap between China and US," Turkish Policy Quarterly, v17(2), 2018 Summer: 117-125
“Country-of-origin and brand image in global outsourcing adjustment”, Journal of Finance and Economics, v10(1), 2018: 36-46.
“Customer centrality in China,” with Yong Cao, Journal of International Management Studies, v18(1), 2018: 19-26.
“Taxation on e-commerce: evidence from China’s retail sector,” with Ping Jiang and Xiangyang Zhang, Journal of Business and Economics, v8(9), 2017.
“The tradeoff of the commons under stochastic use,” with Xiaoyong Cao, Journal of Public Economics, 145, 2017: 150-161.
“Fraud cycles,” with R. Preston McAfee and Michael Williams, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 172(3), 2016: 544-572.
“Contractual mutual fund governance: the case of China,” with Ping Jiang and Shu Tian, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 46, 2016: 543-567.
“The Little Divergence: evidence from cotton textiles exports in Japan and China 1868-1930,” with Baomin Dong et al, Review of Development Economics, 19(4), 2015: 776–796.
“Contracting for infrastructure projects as credence goods,” with Uwe Dulleck and Jianpei Li, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 17(3), 2015: 328-345.
“Velocity of money and economic development in medieval China: the case of Northern Song,” with Baomin Dong, Review of Development Economics, 18(2), 2014: 203–217.
“Split award contracting with investment,” with Jianpei Li and R. Preston McAfee, Journal of Public Economics, 96 (2012): 188–197.
“FDI and environmental regulation: pollution haven or a race to the top?” with Baomin Dong and Xin Zhao, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 41, 2012(2), April, 216-237.
“Transfer pricing under a dynamic tariff scheme,” with Zhongxiu Zhao, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems, Vol. 18, 2011.
“Knowledge sharing in online communities,” with Zhaoli Meng et al, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2009, Conference Proceedings, June 2009
“Competition and adoption of search engine software,” with Zhaoli Meng et al, International Journal of U- and E- Service, Science and Technology, Vol. 2 , No. 1, January 2009
“Simulation study of the spectral capacity requirements of switched digital broadcast,” with Daniel Vivanco et al, IEEE Broadnets 2007, Conference Proceedings, September 2007
“QAM resource allocation in mixed-format VoD systems,” with David Reed et al, Journal of Communications, Vol. 2, No. 1, January, 2007.
“QAM resource allocation,” with Jim Martin et al, IFIP-Networking 2006 Conference Proceedings, May 2006.
“Optimal QAM allocation in the presence of mixed HD and SD streams,” with Yasser Seyed, NCTA Conference Proceedings, 2005.
“Modeling switched broadcast video services,” with Joe Weber, NCTA Conference Proceedings, 2004.
“Pretrial negotiation, litigation and procedural rules,” with R. Preston McAfee, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 38, No.2, April 2000.
“Network competition and industry structure,” with P. Srinagesh, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 5, No.4, 1997.
“General double auction mechanism,” with R. Preston. McAfee, Advances in Applied Microeconomics, Vol.6, 1996
“An economic analysis of network architectures,” with P. Srinagesh, IEEE Network, Vol.10, No.2, 1996.
Journal Papers under Review 正在評審論文
“State aid in government procurement,” with Xiaoyong Cao and Guoqiang Tian, World Economy, under review.
“Industrializatin in China: past and future,” with Zhongxiu Zhao and Xiuxiu Zheng, African Development Review, under review.
“Guaranteed return regulation for resource conservation,” with Michael Crew, Baomin Dong and Siyu Chen, Journal of Regulatory Economics, under review.
“Understanding location choice of venture capital,” with Ping Jiang, Economic Modeling, under review.
Book Chapters and Other Publications英文書籍章節
“The economic characteristics of data competition in China’s digital economy,” with Vanessa Yanhua Zhang, CPI Antitrust Chronicle, March, Vol. 1, 2018.
“Vertical restraints versus horizontal agreements in the manufacture-distributor relationship,” with Vanessa Yanhua Zhang, CPI Antitrust Chronicle, March, Vol. 1, 2017.
“Challenges in GVC and ODI development – What can China do?” in From World Factory to Global Investor, Routledge, London, 2017.
“Market dominance under the anti-monopoly law,” with Vanessa Yanhua Zhang and Amanda Jing Yang, CPI Antitrust Chronicle, December, Vol. 1, 2016.
“VoD QAM Resource Allocation Algorithms,” in Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications Systems, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg-Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3976, 2006.
“The Economics of Layered Networks,” with P. Srinagesh, Internet Economics, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997.
1. “System for updated channel lineup for broadcasting and switched digital broadcasting services”, granted on 10/22/2013, US Patent No. 8,566,888
2. “Method and system of providing switch broadcast television”, granted on 12/11/2012, US Patent No. 8,332,902
Journal Publications in Mandarin Chinese 中文學術期刊
與易芳, “轉售價格維持行為的競爭影響分析,” 《中國物價》2013年7月號總第291期
與崔璐、David Thomlinson,“包容性創新,”《商業評論》2012年12月號總第124期
“中國汽車自主品牌可以跳代發展,”《新智囊》,2009年,7月號, P66-71
“3G發牌誰受益 ,”《商學院》,2009年3月號,總第57期,P78
Professional Serivces學術任職
Executive editor (2010-2012): Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies
Associate editor: Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
Referee for: American Economic Review, Journal of Public Economics, Economic Inquiry, Games and Economic Behavior, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Neteconomics,
Consulting Clients 咨詢客戶
Southwestern Bell, Ameritech, Comcast, Rogers Communications, Samsung Economic Research Institute, China Ministry of Commerce, Kopenhagen Fur, Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, Accenture Institute for High Performance, China National Bureau of Taxation, World Bank Group, Cairncross Economic Research Foundation, Anjie Law Firm, Zhong Lung Law Firm, Netease, Huawei