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分類:導師信息 來源:武漢理工大學材料科學與工程學院 2019-07-15 相關院校:武漢理工大學
姓 名
性 別
民 族
職 稱
職 務
1985.9-1989.7 華中理工大學(華中工學院)電子與信息工程系,獲工學學士學位
1994.9-1997.6 華中理工大學電子與信息工程系,獲工學碩士學位
1999.9-2002.1 武漢理工大學材料復合新技術國家重點實驗室,獲工學博士學位
1989.7-1994.9 武漢工業大學材料復合新技術國家重點實驗室 助教
1994.9-1998.9 武漢工業大學材料復合新技術國家重點實驗室 講師
1998.9-2002.6 武漢理工大學材料復合新技術國家重點實驗室 副教授
2000.9-2001.9 美國賓州州立大學材料研究實驗室 訪問學者
2002.6-至今 武漢理工大學材料復合新技術國家重點實驗室 教授
2003.1-至今 武漢理工大學 博士研究生導師
2008.9-2009.12 美國賓州州立大學材料研究所 高級研究學者
1.國家重點研發計劃重點專項課題,納米生物陶瓷制備工程化技術及燒結設備研發,執行期限 2017.07 – 2020.12;
2.市級科技攻關項目,金剛石調整器的研究開發,執行期限2018.01 – 2020.12;
3.橫向開發項目,湖北華鑫-武漢理工帶鋸復合技術研發中心技術開發,執行期限2014.01– 2018.12
4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,LiFePO4正極材料的微波合成機理及微波等離子改性研究,,執行期限2012.01 – 2015.12
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,管狀Nd:YAG透明陶瓷-單晶的微波固相轉化機理及性能,執行期限2011.01-2013.12
成果 |
(1) Gao Chao, Zhou Jian, Liu Guizhen, Wang Lin. Lithium-ions diffusion kinetic in LiFePO4/carbon nanoparticles synthesized by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition for lithium-ion batteries. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 433: 35 - 44.
(2) Gao Chao, Zhou Jian, Liu Guizhen, Wang Lin. Microwave-assisted synthesis and surface decoration of LiFePO4 hexagonal nanoplates for lithium-ion batteries with excellent electrochemical performance. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52: 1590 -1602.
(3) Gao Chao, Zhou Jian, Liu Guizhen, Wang Lin. Synthesis of F-doped LiFePO4/C cathode materials for high performance lithium-ion batteries using co-precipitation method with hydrofluoric acid source. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 727: 501-513.
(4) Xiao Ling, Zhou Jian, Liu Guizhen, Wang Lin. Luminescent properties of R+ doped Sr2MgSi2O7: Eu2+, Dy3+ (R+ = Li+, Ag+) phosphors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 712: 24-29.
(5)Wu Tingting, Zhou Jian, Wu Bolin. Effect of Y2O3 on acid resistance of alumina ceramic. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(6): 5102-5107
(6) Wu Tingting, Zhou Jian, Wu Bolin, Liu Junchang. Effect of rare-earth Lu2O3 on the wearresistance of alumina ceramics for grinding media. Powder Technology, 2016, 303: 27-32.
(7) Wu Tingting, Zhou Jian, Wu Bolin. Effect of Sc2O3 on the acid resistance of alumina ceramic. Materials Letters, 2016, 175: 82-85
(8) Wu Tingting, Zhou Jian, Wu Bolin, Li Wenjie. Effect of La2O3 content on wear resistance of alumina ceramics. Journal of Rare Earths, 2016, 34(3): 288-294
(9) Wu Tingting, Zhou Jian, Wu Bolin, Xiong Yuan. Effect of Y2O3 additives on the wet abrasion resistance of an alumina-based grinding medium. Wear, 2016, 356-357: 9-16
(10) Naik Amol,Gao Chao,Liu Guizhen,Wang Lin,Zhou Jian. Rapid and facile synthesis of Mn doped porous LiFePO4/C from iron carbonyl complex. Journal of the Energy Institute,2016, 89(1): 21-29
(11) Al-Naser Qusay A. H,Liu Guizhen,Wang Lin,Zhou Jian. ZnO single crystal microtubes: Synthesis, growth mechanism, and geometric structure using direct microwave irradiation. Ceramics International,2016, 42(1): 828-833
(12) Al-Naser Qusay A H, Liu Guizhen, Wang Lin,Zhou Jian. Investigation and characterization of ZnO single crystal microtubes. Materials Characterization,2016, 114:97-102
(13) Al-Naser Qusay A H, Wang Han,Liu Guizhen,Wang Lin, Zhou Jian. Synthesis, growth and characterization of ZnO microtubes using a traveling-wave mode microwave system. Materials Research Bulletin, 2015, 66: 65-70
(14) Wu Tingting, Zhou Jian, Wu Bolin. Effect of TiO2 content on the acid resistance of a ceramic proppant. Corrosion Science, 2015, 98:716-724
(15) Naik Amol, Gao Chao,Liu Guizhen,Wang Lin,Zhou Jian. Impact of incorporation of chromium on electrochemical properties of LiFePO4/C for Li-ion batteries. Materials Science-Poland, 2015, 33(4): 742-750
(16) Al-Naser Qusay A H, Wang Han,Liu Guizhen,Wang Lin, Zhou Jian. Synthesis and optical properties of MgO-doped ZnO microtubes using microwave heating. Optical Materials,2015, 46: 22-27
(17) Naik Amol, Gao Chao,Wang Lin,Zhou Jian. Microwave assisted solid state synthesis of LiFePO4/C using two different carbon sources. International Journal of Electrochemical Science,2014, 9(11): 6124-6133
(18) Naik Amol, Gao Chao,Wang Lin,Zhou Jian. Microwave synthesis of LiFePO4 fromiron carbonyl complex. Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 142:215-222
(19) 周建,郭麗玲,王琳,劉桂珍,劉韓星,陳文,張乃枝,姜宏舟,微波燒結新型金剛石-硬質合金復合材料制品的開發,湖北省科技進步一等獎, 2008年
(20) 周建,張云華,徐華中,周芳明,冷軍,陸才金,賀振華,余承勝,王強,精密硬質合金帶鋸齒自動加工關鍵技術,湖北省科技進步二等獎, 2017年
(21) 周建,王琳,劉桂珍,硅基三維結構磁場輔助電化學腐蝕的方法,專利號ZL201010170397.0,專利授權日2011年12月14日
(22) 周建,劉桂珍,王琳,硅基三維結構的雙面對準光刻加磁場輔助電化學腐蝕方法,專利號ZL201010186679.X,專利授權日2012年03月07日
(23) 周建,蔣玉榮,劉桂珍,王琳,大間距硅基三維結構電化學腐蝕的方法,專利號ZL201010170410.2,專利授權日2012年04月25日