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分類:導師信息 來源:河北大學 2020-02-29 相關院校:河北大學
1. 河北省杰出青年基金項目:設施土壤重金屬根際微界面過程及鈍化穩定性機制研究,2019-2021,主持
2. 京津冀共同建設專項:京津冀規模產區蔬菜重金屬復合污染高效管控及修復技術研究與示范,2019-2021,主持
3. 河北大學多學科交叉項目:京津冀設施菜地環境介質中典型污染物的遷移轉化規律與協同修復技術研究,2019-2021,主持
4. 國家自然科學基金項目:根際微域中納米蒙脫石鈍化鎘的轉化行為及微生物學機制,2016-2018,主持
5. 國家重點研發計劃子課題:農田重金屬污染阻隔和鈍化技術及材料示范應用,2016-2020,主持
10. 河北省教育廳項目:畜禽養殖廢棄物安全性功能堆肥資源化技術研究,2010-2012,主持
11. 國家重點實驗室開放基金:畜禽養殖廢棄物肥料化利用關鍵技術開發與集成,2010-2012,主持
12. 河北省國際合作項目:潮褐土鎘鉛鋅復合污染植物修復的綜合技術聯合研究,2014-2016,主持
13. 國家自然科學基金合作項目:蘆葦根際環境下氮素遷移轉化行為研究,2013-2015,協作
14. 河北省環保廳公益性行業項目:鉛污染土壤植物修復成套技術及示范,2013-2015,主研
15. 河北省建設廳項目:白洋淀溶解氧變化規律的研究,2013-2014,主研
1.Liu W et al. Adsorption of cadmium ions from aqueous solutions using nano-montmorillonite: kinetics, isotherm and mechanism evaluations, Res Chem Intermed, 2018
2. Zhao C,C, Liu W et al.Effect of nanohydroxyapatite on cadmium leaching and environmental risks under simulated acid rain, Science of the total environment. 2018
3. Liu W et al. Effects of biochar on nitrogen transformation and heavy metals in sludgecomposting, Bioresource Technology, 2017
4. Liu W et al. Nano-hydroxyapatite alleviates the detrimental effects of heavy metals on plant growth and soil microbes in e-waste-contaminated soil, Environ Sci Process Impacts, 2016
5.Liu W et al. Impact of nanometer hydroxyapatite on seed germination and root border cell characteristics, RSC advance, 2015.
6.Liu W et al. Response of CaCl2-extractable heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls, and microbial communities to biochar amendment in naturally contaminated soils, Journal of soils and sediments. 2015
7.Wang ST, Liu W et al. Ecological Evaluation Based on Improved Data Stream Classi cation Method. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015
8. Liu W et al. Biochar influences the microbial community structure during tomato stalk composting with chicken manure, Bioresource Technology, 2014
9. Liu W et al. Rhizosphere soil bacterial community composition and methanotrophic bacteria is influenced by landfill cover soil amelioration. The 5th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology, 2011.
10.Liu w et al. Transgenic Bt rice does not affect enzyme activities and microbial composition in the rhizosphere during crop development, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2008, 40:475-486
11. Weixiang Wu, Liu w et al. Use of 13C labeling to assess carbon partitioning in transgenic and nontransgenic (parental) rice and their rhizosphere soil microbial community, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2009
1.劉微,等. 好氧堆肥裝置,實用新型,授權
2.劉微,等. 可調節多隔層根箱,實用新型,授權
3.劉微,等. 納米改良劑對根際土壤環境中重金屬鈍化效果的評估方法,發明專利,申請