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分類:導師信息 來源:中國礦業(yè)大學(徐州) 2020-03-18 相關院校:中國礦業(yè)大學(徐州)
張金勇,男,2014年10月畢業(yè)于法國巴黎第六大學(Université Pierre et Marie CURIE),獲工學博士學位。現(xiàn)任職于中國礦業(yè)大學材料科學與工程學院。入選江蘇省“雙創(chuàng)人才”計劃、江蘇省“科技副總”、 江蘇省“蘇北發(fā)展特聘專家”、中國礦業(yè)大學青年教師“啟航計劃”培養(yǎng)對象。主要從事鈦基金屬材料的設計、力學性能與微觀機理研究等。主持國家自然科學青年基金,中國博士后科學基金,江蘇省雙創(chuàng)人才計劃項目,江蘇省產學研項目,北科大重點實驗室開放課題重點項目,西交大重點實驗室開放課題,華中科大重點實驗室開放課題,西工大重點實驗室開放課題和中央高校基本業(yè)務費等項目。目前在金屬材料領域期刊Acta Materialia, Materials Research Letters,Scripta Materialia,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Materials Science and Engineering: A,Materials Characterization等期刊發(fā)表論文30余篇。
(7)張金勇,西安交通大學金屬材料強度國家重點實驗室開放課題,20182008, 2018/01-2020/12,在研
(10)張金勇,西北工業(yè)大學凝固技術國家重點實驗室開放課題,SKLSP201501, 2015/06-2017/06,結題
目前在金屬材料領域期刊Acta Materialia, Materials Research Letters,Scripta Materialia,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Materials Science and Engineering: A,Materials Characterization等期刊發(fā)表論文30余篇。代表作如下:
(1)Zhang, J. Y., G.F. Chen, Y.Y. Fu, Y. Fan, Z. Chen, J. Xu, H. Chang, Z.H. Zhang, J. Zhou, Z. Sun, B.L. Shen, F. Sun, Strengthening strain-transformable β Ti-alloy via multi-phase nanostructuration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 799 (2019) 389-397. (SCI 一區(qū)IF=4.175)
(2) J.Y. Zhang, F. Sun, Z. Chen, Y. Yang, B.L Shen, J. Li, and F. Prima. Strong and ductile beta Ti-18Zr-13Mo alloy with multimodal twinning, Materials Research Letters, 7(6) (2019) 251-257 (SCI 一區(qū)IF=7.44,它引1次).
(3) J.Y. Zhang, J.S. Li, G.F. Chen, L. Liu, Z. Chen, Q.K. Meng, B.L. Shen, F. Sun, F. Prima, Fabrication and characterization of a novel β metastable Ti-Mo-Zr alloy with large ductility and improved yield strength, Materials Characterization (2018) 139, 421-427.(IF=3.22,它引5次)
(4) J.Y. Zhang, J.S. Li, Z. Chen, Q.K. Meng, P. Zhang, F. Sun, Shen BL. The development of new beta titanium alloys combined high strength, large ductility and improved strain-hardening behavior due to TRIP/TWIP effects. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,(2018)47:2787-2792
(5)Zhang JY, Li JS, Chen Z, Meng QK, Sun F, Shen BL. Microstructural evolution of a ductile metastable β titanium alloy with combined TRIP/TWIP effects. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017;699:775-82. (SCI 一區(qū)IF=4.175,它引13次)
(6)Sun F, Zhang JY, Vermaut P, Choudhuri D, Alam T, Mantri SA, et al. Strengthening strategy for a ductile metastable β-titanium alloy using low-temperature aging. Materials Research Letters, (2017) 5,547-553(SCI 一區(qū) IF=7.44,它引13次)
(7)Sun, F. , J. Y. Zhang, M. Marteleur, C. Brozek, E. F. Rauch, M. Veron, P. Vermaut, P. J. Jacques & F. Prima. A new titanium alloy with a combination of high strength, high strain hardening and improved ductility. Scripta Materialia, (2015) 94, 17-20. (SCI 一區(qū) IF=4.539,IF=它引80次)
(8)F. Sun, J.Y. Zhang, C. Brozek, M. Marteleur, P. Vermaut, C. Curfs, P. J. Jacques, F. Prima. The Role of Stress Induced Martensite In Ductile Metastable Beta Ti-alloys Showing Combined TRIP/TWIP Effects. Materials today: proceedings, (2015) 2, 505–510
(9)Sun, F. , J.Y. Zhang, M. Marteleur, T. Gloriant, P. Vermaut, D. Laillé, P. Castany, C. Curfs, P. J. Jacques & F. Prima. Investigation of early stage deformation mechanisms in a metastable β titanium alloy showing combined twinning-induced plasticity and transformation-induced plasticity effects. Acta Materialia, (2013) 61, 6406-6417. (SCI 一區(qū)IF=7.293,它引140次)
(10)Zhang, J. Y., F. Sun, Y. L. Hao, N. Gozdecki, E. Lebrun, P. Vermaut, R. Portier, T. Gloriant, P. Laheurte & F. Prima. Influence of equiatomic Zr/Nb substitution on superelastic behavior of Ti–Nb–Zr alloy. Materials Science And Engineering: A, (2013) 563, 78-85. (IF=4.081,它引50次)
(11)L.C. Feng, Z. Chen*, Y. Fan, J.Y. Zhang*, X.Q. Yang, B.L. Shen, Relation between undercooled solidification and solid-state grain growth accompanying dynamic segregation, Vacuum 161 (2019) 71-80. (IF=2.515,通訊作者)
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