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分類:導師信息 來源:天津大學 2020-04-01 相關院校:天津大學
2004 年6月畢業于西安交通大學管理學院電子商務系,獲學士學位,保送至天津大學管理學院;2006 年9月畢業于天津大學管理學院信息管理系,獲碩士學位;2009 年9月畢業于天津大學管理學院管理科學與工程系,獲博士學位。2007至2008 年獲國家留學基金資助赴美國密歇根大學商學院參加聯合培養博士項目,師從Claes Fornell 教授,從事服務質量測評、美國顧客滿意度指數研究。2014至2015為香港浸會大學營銷系訪問學者。中共中央黨校哲學社會科學教學科研骨干研修班第68期學員。現任天津大學管理與經濟學部工商管理系副教授。研究方向:數據分析方法, 消費者行為,營銷戰略。講授課程:應用統計學、多元統計分析、工商管理研究方法論。
[1]Bai, Y., & Chang, T.-S. (2016). Effects of class size and attendance policy on university classroom interaction in Taiwan. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 53(3), 316-328
[2]Liu, Y., & Bai, Y. (2014). An exploration of firms’ awareness and behavior of developing circular economy: An empirical research in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 87, 145–152.
[3]Bai, Y., & Liu, Y. (2013). An exploration of residents’ low-carbon awareness and behavior in Tianjin, China. Energy Policy, 61, 1261–1270.
[4]Chang, T.-S., Bai, Y., & Wang, T.-W. (2013). Students’ classroom experience in foreign-faculty and local-faculty classes in public and private universities in Taiwan. Higher Education, 68(2), 207–226.
[5]Bai, Y, Yuan, J, & Pan, J, Why SMEs in emerging economies are reluctant to provide employee training: evidence from China. International Small Business Journal (accepted)
[6]Wang, D., Bai,Y. and Ma,X.(2013) .A CPLS-based Customer Satisfaction Model. Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management(ICSSSM2013).
[7]Yu,Q., Bai,Y. and Shan X. A research on customer satisfaction with household appliances industry service. Proceedings of 2011 IEEE 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management(IE&EM2011).(EI: 20114514486779)
[8]Liu, J., Bai,Y., Li, B. A new approach to forecast crude oil price based on fuzzy neural network. Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2007. (EI檢索號碼:082211281962)
[9]Liu, J., Bai,Y., Yu,Y. Risk analysis for oil and gas exploration project. Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, jointly with 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Agents Web Technologies, 2007. (EI檢索號碼:080711092166)
[10]Liu, J., Bai,Y., Kang,J., An,N. A new approach to hierarchical clustering using partial least squares. Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,2006. (EI檢索號碼:071210502257)
[11]Liu, J., Wang M., Bai,Y. Using DEA and Grey Markovian model to measure the goal cost of petroleum enterprise. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, Vol.4489. (EI檢索號碼:080411044734)
[12]Liu, J., Kang,J., Bai,Y., Xin Zhang. The study of customer complaints management based on system dynamics: Modeling and simulation. Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,2006. (EI檢索號碼:071210502422)
[13]An,N., Liu, J., Bai,Y. Fuzzy influence diagrams: An approach to customer satisfaction measurement. Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2007. (EI檢索號碼:082211282145)
[14]An,N., Liu, J., Wang, L., Bai,Y. Employee satisfaction as an important tool in human resources management. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing,2008. (EI檢索號碼:090111834539)
[1]2010年 獲校研究生數字化教學平臺建設二等獎
[2]2011年 獲校研究生開放課程建設一等獎
[3]2012年 《應用統計學》獲天津大學“首批開放課程”資格
[4]2013年 獲天津大學優秀教學成果二等獎
[5]2013年 獲“天津大學優秀畢業設計指導教師”稱號
[6]2014年 獲天津大學青年教師講課大賽三等獎
[7]2014年 獲“北洋學者-青年骨干教師”
[8]2015年 獲“天津大學青年教工先鋒崗”
[9]2016年 獲 “學術研究優秀共產黨員”。
[6]教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金,項目編號:20110032120032,項目名:非盈利顧客評價、激勵和放棄理論與方法研究,執行時間 2012.1~2014.12,項目負責人
[1]擔任Energy Policy, MIS- Quarterly, Higher Education, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Journal of Cleaner Production,《系統工程學報》等期刊審稿人