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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2014-05-17 相關院校:中國海洋大學
E-mail: duling@ouc.edu.cn
2005.9-2006.1 物理海洋學
2006-2009 海洋要素計算
1. “北太平洋副熱帶海洋環流年際變異對東中國海海平面季節和年際變化的影響”,自然科學基金,主持
2. “中國近海海平面變化對沿岸風暴潮的影響”,開放基金,主持
3. “西北太平洋區域海平面變化的影響因素”,開放基金,主持
4. “沿海關鍵脆弱地區適應氣候變化技術示范”,科技支撐項目子專題,第二負責人
5. “近海及鄰近大洋動力環境低頻變異的可預測性研究”,973項目子課題,參加
6. “極區海冰與海洋過程遙感監測技術”,863計劃子課題,參加
7. “北極環極邊界流的結構及其對氣候變化貢獻的研究”,NSFC重點基金,參加
8. “海洋環流對太平洋海平面季節和年際變化的影響”,自然科學基金,參加
L. Du, L. Li, P.L. Li, J.C. Zuo, M.X. Chen, 2007. The Calculation of Check Water Levels in the Jiaozhou Bay and Adjacent Sea. ISOPE-2007 conference. Portugal, Lisbon, July 1-6, 2007, 2370-2376.
Du Ling, Zuo Juncheng, Li Lei,Li Peiliang, 2005. The response of tidal wave and engineering water level to long-term sea level variation in the Jiaozhou Bay. Proceeding of the fifteenth Int
ernational Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE-2005) Conference, Korea, Seoul, June 19-24, 713-719. 杜凌,左軍成,張建立,沈春,2005。臺灣海峽潮汐潮流的有限元模擬。海洋湖沼通報,4,1-9。
Zuo Juncheng, Du Ling*, Alvaro Peliz, A. Miguel Santos, Yu Yifa, 2007. The characteristic of near-surface velocity during upwelling season on the northern Portugal shelf. Journal of Ocean University of China, 6(3), 213-225.
Zuo Juncheng, Du Ling, LI Lei and LI Peiliang, 2007. Advances in tide and sea level research in China from 2002 to 2006. China National Report on Physical Sciences of the Oceans (2003-2006), Report No.4. page12.
Li Lei, Du Ling, Zhao Jinping, Zuo Juncheng, Li Peiliang, 2005. The fundamental characteristics of current in the Bering Strait and the Chukchi Sea from July to September 2003. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 24 (6), 1-11.
Zuo Juncheng, Zhang Jianli, Du Ling, Li Peiliang and Li Lei, 2009. Global sea level change and thermal contribution. Journal of Ocean University of China, 8(1), 1-8. DOI 10.1007/s11802-009-0001-4.
M.X. Chen, J.C. Zuo, L. Du, et al., 2008. Distribution of the engineering water levels along the coast of China sea under sea level variation. ISOPE-2008 conference. Vancouver, Canada, July 6-11, 740-747
M. Yan, J.C. Zuo, L. Du, L. Li, P.L. Li, 2007. Sea level variation/change and steric contributions in the East China Sea. ISOPE-2007 conference. Portugal, Lisbon, July 1-6, 2007, 2377-2382.