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分類:導師信息 來源:內蒙古大學化學化工學院 2014-06-09 相關院校:內蒙古大學
張軍,北京大學博士,法國國立健康與醫藥研究院博士后,美國Nomadics,Inc. Research Scientist。目前為內蒙古大學國際合作與交流處副處長,化學專業教授,內蒙古大學生化與分子生物學專業博士生導師,內蒙古大學材料物理與化學專業碩士生導師,內蒙古大學學報(自然科學版)編委。
先后在內蒙古大學(1996-1999,碩士)、北京大學(1999-2002,博士)、法國國立健康與醫藥研究院(2003-2004,博士后)、美國Nomadics, Inc.(2004-2006,Research Scientist)學習和工作。發表期刊學術論文45篇,40篇論文被SCI收錄,受American Scientific Publisher、Nova Science Publishers和In-Tech Open Access Publisher邀請參編學術專著3部,發表會議論文30余篇,申請美國專利3項,中國專利3項(授權1項),其中多篇論文發表在Biomaterials,Chemical Communications,Chemistry of Materials,Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,Crystal Growth & Design,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,Langmuir,Applied Physics Letters,Nanotechnology,Advanced Materials等國外著名期刊,論文總引用率超過1100次,以第一作者發表在國際知名期刊Chemistry of Materials上有關半導體ZnO納米結構形貌控制的論文,自2002年發表以來,被Nano Lett., J. Am. Chem. Soc.等高水平期刊廣泛引用,單篇引用率超過389次,引起國內外的高度關注。
1. 1999.9 ~ 2002.7 北京大學化學與分子工程學院 理學博士 導師: 嚴純華教授
2. 1996.9 ~ 1999.7 內蒙古大學化學化工學院 理學碩士 導師: 胡襄教授,劉樹棠教授
3. 1991.9 ~ 1993.7 內蒙古大學化學化工學院 大學
1. 2009.4 ~至今 內蒙古大學國際合作與交流處 副處長
2. 2006.2 ~至今 內蒙古大學化學化工學院 教授 博士生導師
3. 2004.3 ~ 2006.1美國Nomadics, Inc. (Stillwater, OK, USA) Research Scientist
4. 2003.2 ~ 2004.2 法國國家健康與醫藥研究院(INSERM595,Strasbourg, France) 博士后 合作導師:Jean-Claude Voegel和Philippe Lavalle教授
1. 稀土材料與應用技術(本科生課程)
2. 材料化學研究法(本科生生課程)
3. 大學化學(本科生課程)
4. 計算機在化學中的應用(碩士生課程)
5. 材料現代分析技術(碩士生課程)
6. 納米材料與生物技術(博士生課程)
1. 納米發光材料
2. 納米催化材料
3. 納米光電器件
4. 納米生物材料
5. 納米生物技術與醫學治療
1. 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃):“高性能CeO2拋光液/粉關鍵制備技術及工藝開發”,[項目編號:2010AA03A407,2010.12-2012.12,主持人]
2. 國家自然科學基金:“稀土熒光及上轉換發光納米粒子的可控合成、表面功能化及其在生物熒光成像中的應用研究”,[項目編號:20961005,2010.1-2012.12,主持人]
3. 國家自然科學基金:“基于半導體量子點的高效藍、綠發光二極管器件 的組裝”,[項目編號:20601012, 2007.1-2009.12,主持人]
4. 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃、“草原英才”工程培養高層次人才、教育部重點、教育部留學歸國人員基金、教育部“春暉計劃”、內蒙古自治區科技攻關項目、內蒙古自治區高等學校科學研究項目等其他項目20項
1. 2011年內蒙古自治區青年科技獎
2. 2010年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃
3. 2010年入選“草原英才”工程培養高層次人才
4. 2009年“內蒙古十大杰出青年”提名獎
5. 2009年自治區引進科技杰出人才
6. 2009年內蒙古大學科技創新獎三等獎
7. 2008年內蒙古自治區自然科學獎一等獎
8. 內蒙古“新世紀321人才工程”第二層次人選
9. 2008年獲內蒙古大學青年科技創新獎
10. 2007年榮獲第九屆內蒙古自治區青年科技創新獎
12. 2001年榮獲北京大學“東港”獎
1. Jun Zhang, Changyan Li, Wenzhi Zhao, Baocang Liu, Yunxia, Liu, Aletan Gaole, “Biosensing Based on Luminescent Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Rare Earth Up-conversion Nanoparticles”, A Book Chapter in New Perspectives in Biosensors Technology and Application, Edited by Pier Andrea Serra, published by InTech Open Access Publisher, P127-148.
2. Changyan Li, Baocang Liu, Ying Jin, Jun Zhang*, “Macroporous Materials: Controlled Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Properties”, A Book Chapter in Catalysis: Principles, Types and Applications, published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc (In press).
3. Chun-Hua Yan, Jun Zhang, and Ling-Dong Sun, “Zinc Oxide Nanostructures,” A review chapter in The Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, edited by Dr. H. S. Nalwa, published by American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles (2004), Vol. 10, pp. 767-780.
4. Feng Gao, Caifeng Lv, Jiaxing Han, Xiyue Li, Qin Wang, Jun Zhang, Cheng Chen, Qun Li, Xiufeng Sun, Jincheng Zheng, Liru Bao, Xin Li, “CdTe-Montmorillonite Nanocomposites: Control Synthesis, UV Radiation-Dependent Photoluminescence and Enhanced Latent Fingerprint Detection,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, (In press, SCI收錄, 影響因子4.25)
5. Baocang Liu, Changyan Li, Yifei Zhang, Yang Liu, Wenting Hu, Qin Wang, Li Han, and Jun Zhang, “Investigation of Catalytic Mechanism of Formaldehyde Oxidation over Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous Au/CeO2 Catalyst”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, (In press, SCI收錄, 影響因子4.749)
6. Feng Gao, Jiaxing Han, Jun Zhang*, Qun Li, Xiufeng Sun, Jincheng Zheng, Liru Bao, Xin Li, Zhiliang Liu, “Synthesis of Newly Modified CdTe Quantum Dots and Their Application for Improvement of Latent Fingerprint Detection”, Nanotechnology, 2011, 22, 075705. (SCI收錄, 影響因子3.644).
7. Cheng Chen, Lingdong Sun, Zhenxing Li, Lele Li, Jun Zhang*, Yawen Zhang, Chunhua Yan, “Ionic Liquid-Based Route to Spherical NaYF4 Nanoclusters with the Assistance of Microwave Radiation and Their Multicolor Upconversion Luminescence”, Langmuir. 2010, 26 (11), 8797–8803. (SCI收錄, 影響因子4.268,引用2次)
8. Jun Zhang*, Eerdemutu, Chengxu Yang, Jianyong Feng, Xiaowei Di, Zhiliang Liu. and Gang Xu, “Size and Shape Controlled Synthesis of Monodisperse Vanadium Dioxide Nanocrystals”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2010, 10, 2092-2098. ( SCI收錄,影響因子1.351,引用1次)
9. Jun Zhang, Ying Jin, Changyan Li, Yuenian Shen, Li Han, Zhongxue Hu, Xiaowei Di, Zhiliang Liu, “Creation of Three Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous Au/CeO2 Catalysts with Controlled Pore Sizes and Their Enhanced Catalytic Performance for Formaldehyde Oxidation”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009, 91, 11.(SCI收錄,影響因子4.749)
10. Jun Zhang, Qian Li, Xiaowei Di, Zhiliang Liu, Gang Xu, “Layer-by-layer Assembly of Multicolored Semiconductor Quantum Dots towards Efficient Blue, Green, Red and Full Color Optical Films”, Nanotechnology. 2008, 19, 435606. (SCI收錄,影響因子3.644)
11.Li Liu, Jun Zhang, Xing Su and Ralph P. Mason, “In vitro and In vivo Assessment of CdTe and CdHgTe Toxicity and Clearance”, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2008, 4, 524. (SCI收錄,影響因子2.626, 引用1次) )
12. Jun Zhang, Junfeng Sun, Li Liu, Yalou Huang, and Ralph P. Mason, “Evaluation of red CdTe and NIR CdHgTe QDs by Fluorescent Imaging”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2008. 8. 1155. (SCI收錄,影響因子1.351, 引用9次)
13.Junfeng Su, Jun Zhang, Li Liu, Yalou Huang, and Ralph P. Mason, “Exploring Feasibility of Multicolored CdTe QDs for In Vitro and In Vivo Fluorescent Imaging” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2008. 8. 1174. (SCI收錄,影響因子1.351, 引用11次)
14. Xingping Zhou, Shanshan Li, Xiaoli Chen, Quan Zhu, Zhiqiang Wang, and Jun Zhang, “Formation of Nanocrystalline Matrix of Sodium Rare Earth Fluoride Up-Conversion Phosphors” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2008. 8. 1392. (SCI收錄,影響因子1.351)
15.Wei Chen, Sarach Wescott, Jun Zhang, “Dose Dependence of X-Ray Luminescence from CaF2:Eu2+, Mn2+ Phosphors” Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91, 211103. (SCI收錄,影響因子3.82,引用3次)
16. Jiaguang Han, Weili Zhang, Wei Chen, Sanith Ray, Jun Zhang, Mingxia He, Abul K Azad, Zhiyuan Zhu, “Terahertz dielectric properties and low-frequency phonon Resonances of ZnO nanostructures” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2007, 111 (35), 13000-13006. (SCI收錄,影響因子4.25,引用4次)
17.A .G. Joly, Wei Chen, Jun Zhang, Shaopeng, Wang, “Electronic Energy Relaxation and Luminescence Decay Dynamics of Eu3+ in Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ Phosphors”, Journal of Luminescence, 2007, 126, 491-496. (SCI收錄,影響因子1.795,引用4次)
18. Y. Zhang, W. Chen, Jun. Zhang, J. Pope, G. Chen, C. Pope, “In vitro and in vivo toxicity of CdTe Nanoparticles”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2007, 7, 497. (SCI收錄,影響因子1.351,引用39次)
19. Ming Fu, Ji Zhou, Qunfang Xiao, Bo Li, Ruilong Zhong, Wei Chen, Jun Zhang, “ZnO Nanosheets with Ordered Pore Periodicity via Colloid Crystal Template Assisted Electrochemical Deposition” Advanced Materials, 2006, 18,1001-1004. (SCI收錄,影響因子10.857,引用34次)
20. Wei Chen, Jun Zhang, “Using Nanoparticles to Enable Simultaneous Radiation and Photodynamic Therapies for Cancer Treatment”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2006, 6, 1159-1166. (SCI收錄,影響因子1.351,引用75次)
21. Wei Chen, Jun Zhang, Sarah Westcott, Alan G. Joly, Jan-Olle, Malm, Jan Olov, Bovin, “The Origin of X-ray Luminescence from CdTe Nanoparticles in CdTe/BaFBr:Eu2+ nanocomposite Phosphors” Journal of Applied Physics, 2006, 99, 034302. (SCI收錄,影響因子2.064,引用5次)
22. Jun Zhang, Fuhai Su, Wei Chen, Ramaswami Sammynaiken, Sarah L. Westcott, David E. McCready, Guohua Li, and Alan G. Joly, “Synthesis and Luminescence of ZnMgS:Mn2+ Nanoparticles”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2005, 5, 1. (SCI收錄,影響因子1.351,引用4次)
23. Wei Chen, Shaopeng Wang, Sarah Westcott, Jun Zhang, Kai Dou, Alan G. Joly, and David McCready, “Structure and Luminescence of BaFBr:Eu2+ and BaFBr:Eu2+, Tb3+ Phosphors and Thin Films” Journal of Applied Physics. 2005, 97, 083506. (SCI收錄,影響因子2.064,引用5次)
24. Jun Zhang, Bernard Senger, Diminique Vautier, Catherine Picart, Pierre Schaaf, Jean-Claude Voegel, and Philippe Lavalle “Natural polyelectrolyte films based on layer by layer deposition of collagen and hyaluronic acid” Biomaterials, 2005, 26, 3353-61. (SCI收錄,影響因子7.882,引用59次)
25. Jun Zhang, Ling-Dong Sun, Xiao-Cheng Jiang, Chun-Sheng Liao, Chun-Hua Yan “Shape-evolution of One-dimensional single-crystalline ZnO nanostructures in microemulsion system” Crystal Growth & Design, 2004, 4, 309. (SCI收錄,影響因子4.389,引用54次)
26. Jun Zhang, Lingdong Sun, Chunsheng Liao, Chunhua Yan “A simple route towards tubular ZnO” Chemical Communications, 2002, 262. (SCI收錄,影響因子5.787,引用151次)
27.Jun Zhang, Lingdong Sun, Huilan Su, Chunsheng Liao, Jialu Yin, Chunhua Yan “Control of ZnO morphology via a simple solution route” Chemistry of Materials, 2002, 14. 4172. (SCI收錄,影響因子6.397,引用318次)
28. Jun Zhang, Lingdong Sun, Huayong Pan, Chunsheng Liao, Chunhua Yan “ZnO nanowires fabricated by a convenient route” New Journal of Chemistry, 2002, 26, 33. (SCI收錄,影響因子2.631,引用119次)
29. 張軍,陳程,楊承旭,馮建勇,狄曉威,劉志亮, “一種摻雜型納米二氧化鈦光催化劑的制備方法”,中國專利,專利號:ZL 2008 101 32979.2
30. 張軍,高峰,孫秀峰,李倩,李群,包麗茹,鄭金成,李昕,王文勝,“一種印痕提取納米熒光粉的制備方法”,中國專利,申請號:200910250592.1