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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-05-05 相關院校:北京航空航天大學
林允清,教授,博士生導師。1985年于中國礦業大學自動化系畢業后長期留學英國。在Essex大學計算機系師從邏輯學家Raymond Turner教授進行語言與思維推理研究,獲計算機科學(人工智能)碩士及博士。之后在Cardiff大學(1990-1996)與系統功能語法學家Robin Fawcett教授合作進行計算語言學研究,用系統功能語法進行語句生成和建造智能對話系統。其間對語言學理論產生濃厚興趣,遂于1996年入牛津大學語言學家及哲學家James Higginbotham教授門下專攻Noam Chomsky的語法學、Donald Davidson的語義學以及他們理論的哲學基礎;同時得到了哲學大師Peter F.Strawson爵士的指導并與之經常探討語言哲學問題。獲牛津大學語言學碩士及博士。后任教于倫敦大學(2000-2004),獲得永久教職。2004年夏受聘于北京師范大學外國語言文學學院,任語言學教授;同年被評為博士生導師,并入選教育部《新世紀優秀人才支持計劃》。2010年6月作為“杰出人文教授”調入北京航空航天大學外國語學院工作。2011年出任新建的語言科學與工程系的系主任。
1. Grammar, Meaning and Understanding: an inquiry into grammatical and semantic competence. DPhil Thesis, Faculty of Linguistics and Philology, University of Oxford, 2002.
2. Theories of Time for Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence. PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, 1992.
1. 林允清,喬姆斯基的語言自然觀剖析,《北航航空航天大學學報社會科學版》2010年第1期,84-86。
2. 林允清,緬懷彼得•斯特勞森爵士,見中國現代外國哲學學會分析哲學專業委員會(編)《中國分析哲學2009》,浙江大學出版社,2010,404-414。
3. 林允清,語言的魅力,見黃國文、常晨光、廖海青(主編)《系統功能語言學研究群言集》,高等教育出版社,2010,108-114。,
4. 林允清,《Paul Grice——哲學家及語言學家》評介,《現代外語》,2007年第1期,155-158。
1. Lin, F. Y. ‘Ordinary Logic vs. Propositional Logic’, 見熊學亮、曲衛國(主編)《語用學采擷》,高等教育出版社,242-252,2007。
2. Lin, F. Y. ‘英文生成系統GENESYS’,見黃國文、常晨光、丁建新(主編)《功能語言學的理論與應用(第八屆全國功能語言學研討會論文集)》,高等教育出版社,150-164,2005。
3. Lin, F. Y. ‘Towards a unified framework of syntax, semantics and logic',《中山大學學報》,第43卷, 邏輯與認知專刊(鞠實兒編), 20-33, 2003.
4. Lin, F. Y. 'On discovery procedures', in Bruce Nevin (ed.) The Legacy of Zellig Harris: Language and Information into the 21st Century Volume 1: Philosophy of science, syntax, and semantics, John Benjamins, 69-86, 2002.
5. Lin, F. Y. 'The transformations of transformations', Language and Communication 20 (3), 197-253, 2000.
6. Lin, F. Y. 'Events and time in a finite and closed world', Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 5 (1), 3-24, 2000.
7. Lin, F. Y. ‘Chomsky on the “ordinary language” view of language', Synthese 120, 151-192, 1999.
8. Lin, F. Y. ‘Grammar, convention, and language learning', in S. Efstathiadis and A. Tsangalidis (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 1997, 131-40
9. Zhou, X. and Lin, F. Y. ‘'Attributive clauses in Chinese: theory and implementation', in Proceedings of ROCLING X International Conference 1997, 282-286, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 1997.
10. Lin, F. Y. ‘The syntax, semantics, and inference mechanism of natural language', Working Notes on Knowledge Systems Based on Natural Language, AAAI-96 Fall Symposium Series, American Association of Artificial Intelligence, MIT, 1996, 101-105.
11. Lin, F. Y. and Fawcett, R. P. ‘Integrating the Systemic Flowchart Model of Discourse and the Rhetorical Structure Theory', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Brighton, July 1996, 41-44.
12. Lin, F. Y. and Fawcett, R. P. `Anaphoric reference and logical form', Proceedings of the International Symposium on Discourse and Anaphora, Lancaster, March 1996, 366-373.
13. Lin, F. Y. `A common-sense theory of time', in G. Lakemeyer and B. Nebel (eds.) Foundations of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 216-228, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.
14. Lin, F. Y., Fawcett, R. P. and Davies, B. L. `GENEDIS: the discourse generator in COMMUNAL', in A. Sloman et al (eds.) Prospects for Artificial Intelligence, 148-57, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1993.
15. Fawcett, R. P., Tucker, G. H. and Lin, F. Y. `The role of realisation in realisation: how a systemic functional grammar works', in Horacek, H. and Zock, M. (eds) From Planning to Realisation in Natural Language Generation, 114-86, Pinter, London, 1993.
16.Lin, F. Y. `Representing and reasoning about quantification: a linguistic approach', presented at The Third Bar-Ilan Symposium on the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Israel, 1993.
17. Fawcett, R. P., Tucker, G. H. and Lin, F. Y. `How to get from semantics to syntax', Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 1992.
18. Lin, F. Y. `Two theories of time', Journal of Applied Non-classical Logics, 1(1), 37-63, 1991.