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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-05-05 相關院校:北京工業大學
·2010年-2012年,University of Duisburg-Essen,Chair for Mechanics and Robotics,德國洪堡學者
[2]Zhen Huang,Qinchuan Li,Huafeng Ding.Theory of Paralle Mechanisms. 2012, Springer,(Springer出版社英文專著).
[1]Huafeng Ding*, Weijuan Yang, Peng Huang, Andrés Kecskeméthy, Automatic Structural Synthesis of Planar Multiple Joint Kinematic Chains. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2013, 135(9): 091007-1-12. (SCI、EI檢索)
[2]Huafeng Ding*, Peng Huang, Jingfang Liu, Andrés Kecskeméthy, Automatic Structural Synthesis of the Whole Family of Planar 3-DOF Closed Loop Mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2013, 5(4): 041006-1-10. (SCI、EI檢索)
[3]Huafeng Ding*, Bin Zi, Peng Huang, Andrés Kecskeméthy, Zhen Huang. The Whole Family of Kinematic Structures for Planar 2- and 3-DOF Fractionated Kinematic Chains. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2013, 70: 74-90.(SCI、EI檢索)
[4]Wenao Cao, Huafeng Ding*, Bin Zi, Zimin Cheng. New Structural Representation and Digital-design Platform for Symmetrical Parallel Mechanisms, 2013, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2013, 207(10): 1-11.(SCI、EI檢索)
[5]Huafeng Ding*, Weijuan Yang, Peng Huang, Li Ma, Andrés Kecskeméthy, Zhen Huang (2013): Automatic Synthesis of Planar Multiple Joint Kinematic Chains. ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, OREGON, USA, DETC2013-12915. (EI檢索)
[6]Huafeng Ding*, Wenao Cao, Zimin Cheng, Shipei Zhao, Zhen Huang (2013): Automatic Analysis for the Full-Cycle Mobility of Parallel Mechanisms. ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, OREGON, USA, DETC2013-12923. (EI檢索)
[7]Zimin Cheng, Huafeng Ding, Wenao Cao, Zhen Huang (2013): Axodes Analysis of the Multi DOF Parallel Mechanisms and Parasitic Motion. ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, OREGON, USA, DETC2013-12838. (EI檢索)
[8]Huafeng Ding*, Fengmao Hou, Andrés Kecskeméthy, Zhen Huang. Synthesis of the Whole Family of Planar 1-DOF Kinematic Chains and Creation of their Atlas Databases. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2012, 47(1): 1-15. (SCI、EI檢索)
[9]Huafeng Ding*, Wenao Cao, Andrés Kecskeméthy, Zhen Huang, Complete Atlas Database of 2-DOF Kinematic Chains and Creative Design of Mechanisms, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2012, 134(3): 0310061-03100610.(SCI、EI檢索)
[10]Huafeng Ding*, Peng Huang, Bin Zi, Andrés Kecskeméthy, Automatic Synthesis of Kinematic Structures of Mechanisms and Robots Especially for those with Complex Structures, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012, 36(12): 6122-6131. (SCI、EI檢索)
[11]Bin Zi, Sen Qian, Huafeng Ding, Andrés Kecskeméthy, Design and analysis of cooperative cable parallel manipulators for multiple mobile cranes, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2012, 9, 207: 1-10. (SCI、EI檢索)
[12]Shuxian Xia, Huafeng Ding, Andrés Kecskeméthy. A Loop-Based Approach for Rigid Subchain Identification in Spatial Mechanisms. Advanced Robotic Kinematics, 2012, Accepted.
[13]Huafeng Ding*, Fengmao Hou, Andrés Kecskeméthy, Zhen Huang. Synthesis of a Complete Set of Contracted Graphs for Planar Non-Fractionated Simple-Jointed Kinematic chains with All Possible DOFs. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2011, 46(11):1588-1600. (SCI、EI檢索)
[14]Huafeng Ding*, Andrés Kecskeméthy, Zhen Huang (2011): Atlas Database of 2-DOF Kinematic Chains and its Application to the Creative Design of Mechanisms. ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computer and Information in Engineering Conference, August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA, DETC2011- 47264. (EI檢索)
[15]Shuxian Xia, Huafeng Ding, Andrés Kecskeméthy (2011): Rigid Sub chain Identification of Multi-Loop Kinematic Chains with the Method of Kinematical Transformers. Kolloquium Getriebetechnik, September 07-09, 2011, Chemnitz, Germany.
[16]Huafeng Ding*, Jing Zhao, Zhen Huang. Unified Structural Synthesis of Planar Simple and Multiple Joint Kinematic Chains. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2010, 45(4):555-568. (SCI、EI檢索)
[17]Huafeng Ding*, Jing Zhao, Zhen Huang. The establishment of edge-based loop algebra theory of kinematic chains and its applications. Engineering with Computers, 2010, 26(2): 119-127. (SCI、EI檢索)
[18]Huafeng Ding*, Jing Zhao, Zhen Huang, Unified topological representation models of planar kinematic chains, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2009, 131(11): 114503. (SCI、EI檢索)
[19]Huafeng Ding*, Zhen Huang. Isomorphism Identification of Graphs: Especially for the Graphs of Kinematic Chains. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2009, 44(1):122-139. (SCI、EI檢索)
[20]Huafeng Ding*, Jing Zhao, Zhen Huang. (2009): The Establishment of Novel Structure Representation Models for Several Kinds of Mechanisms. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 2009, DETC2009-86074. (EI檢索)
[21]Huafeng Ding*, Jing Zhao, Zhen Huang. (2009): Computer-aided Edge Loop Theory of Kinematic Structure of Mechanisms and Its Applications. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 2009, DETC2009-86073. (EI檢索)
[22]Huafeng Ding*, Zhen Huang. Loop Theory and Applications to Some Key Problems of Kinematic Structure of Kinematic Chains. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China, Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag, 2009, 4(3):276-283.
[23]丁華鋒, 黃真. 平面機構統一拓撲描述模型的建立及其同構判別. 機械工程學報, 2009, 45(3):99-103. (EI檢索)
[24]Huafeng Ding*, Zhen Huang, Dejun Mu. Computer-aided Structure Decomposition Theory of Kinematic Chains and Its Applications. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2008, 43(12):1596-1609. (SCI、EI檢索)
[25]Huafeng Ding*, Zhen Huang. Loop Theory of Kinematic Chains and Its Application to Essential Problems of Mechanism Topology. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Sept. 23~26, 2008, Tianjin, China.
[26]Huafeng Ding*, Zhen Huang. A New Theory for the Topological Structure Analysis of Kinematic Chains and Its Applications. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2007, 42(10):1264-1279. (SCI、EI檢索)
[27]Huafeng Ding*, Zhen Huang. The Establishment of the Canonical Perimeter Topological Graph of Kinematic Chains and Isomorphism Identification. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2007, 129(9): 915-923. (SCI、EI檢索)
[28]Huafeng Ding*, Zhen Huang. A Unique Representation of the Kinematic Chain and the Atlas Database. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2007, 42(6):637-651. (SCI、EI檢索)
[29]Sijun Zhu, Zhen Huang, Huafeng Ding. Forward /Reverse Velocity and Acceleration Analysis for a Class of Lower-Mobility Parallel Mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2007, 129(4):390-396. (SCI、EI檢索)
[30]Zhen Huang, Huafeng Ding. Theory of Loop Algebra on Multi-Loop Kinematic Chains and Its Application. Science in China, 2007, 50(4):437-447. (SCI、EI檢索)
[31]丁華鋒, 黃真. 基于環路特性的運動鏈拓撲圖及特征描述的計算機自動生成. 機械工程學報, 2007, 43(11):40-44. (EI檢索)
[32]Huafeng Ding*, Zhen Huang. A Unique Matrix Representation for the Kinematic Chain. In:Proceedings of the 12th IFToMM World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, June 17-21, 2007, Besançon, French.
[33]Huafeng Ding*, Zhen Huang. Loop-Structure Decomposition of Kinematic Chains, Application to Rigid Sub-Chain Detection. ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2007, MECH-34147. (EI檢索)
[34]Huafeng Ding*, Zhen Huang. Isomorphism Identification of Graphs of Kinematic Chains. ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2007, MECH-34148. (EI檢索)
[35]Yi Cao, Zhen Huang, Huafeng Ding. Property identification of singularity loci of Gough-Stewart manipulator. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2006, 19(1):41-44(EI檢索)
[36]丁華鋒, 黃真, 曹毅. 基于運動鏈特征描述代碼的拓撲圖自動生成及其圖譜庫的建立. 機械工程學報, 2006, 42(4):32-36(EI檢索)
[37]Cao, Yi, Zhang Qiuju, Zhou Hui and Ding Huafeng. Orientation-Workspace Analysis of the Stewart-Gough Manipulator. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing, Computing and Automation, Chongqing, China, Watam Press, May 8-11, 2006, 646-652.
[38]Zhen Huang, Huafeng Ding, Yi Cao. The Novel Characteristic Representations of Kinematic Chains and Their Applications. Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2005: ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Long Beach, California, USA,2005, MECH-84282 (EI檢索)
[39]Huafeng Ding, Zhen Huang, Yi Cao. The Systemic Research on Loop Characteristics of Kinematic Chains and Its Applications. Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2005: ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Long Beach, California, USA,2005, MECH-84283 (EI檢索)
[1]Mechanism and Machine Theory審稿人
[2]ASME Journal of Mechanical Design審稿人
[3]ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics審稿人
[4]IEEE Transactionson Robotics審稿人
[5]Engineering with Computers審稿人
[6]Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology審稿人
[7]International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology審稿人