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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網(wǎng) 2015-06-01 相關院校:北京航空航天大學
Computational Solid Mechanics(留學生)
還曾主講多門其他課程,如Finite element methods(留學生),Dynamics(留學生),,變分與有限元原理,有限元中的數(shù)值方法,高等結構動力學。
9. Yufeng Xing and Lingxi Qian, A Mathematical Convergence Analysis of DEORCT,J. Num. Math. & Appl.,18(2),1996
10. 邢譽峰,曹雪利,結構多點彈性正撞問題的解法,力學學報,29(5),1997
11. 邢譽峰,諸德超,復合材料疊層梁的固有振動特性,應用力學學報,14(SI),1997
12. Yufeng, Xing and Dechao, Zhu, Analytical Solutions of Impact Problems of Rod Structures with springs, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,160,1998
13. 邢譽峰,諸德超,喬元松,復合材料梁和金屬梁的固有振動特性,力學學報,30(5),1998
14. 邢譽峰,諸德超,桿和梁在鎖定過程的響應,計算力學學報,15(2),1998
15. 邢譽峰,梁結構線彈性碰撞的解析解,北京航空航天大學學報,24(6),1998
16. 邢譽峰,諸德超,兩桿縱向非線性彈性碰撞的瞬間響應,北京航空航天大學學報,24(1),1998
17. 諸德超、邢譽峰、李敏. 結構彈性碰撞問題注. 工程力學進展,北京大學出版社,1998:175-180.
18. 諸德超、邢譽峰、李敏. 結構彈性碰撞問題討論. 航天器工程,1998,7(3): 59-65
19. 邢譽峰,有限長Timoshenko梁碰撞接觸瞬間的動態(tài)特性,力學學報,31(1),1999
20. Yufeng Xing, Abdulatif M.R.Milad. The Wave Propagation Characteristics of Laminated Beam Subjected to Impact of Particle With A Lower Velocity, 13th International Conference on Composite Materials(ICCM-13), Beijing, June 25-29, 2001
21. Xing Yufeng. Wave Propagation Of Impacted Laminated Beam, ICVE5(5th International Conference on Vibration Engineering), Nanjing, China, September 18-20, 2002
22. Yufeng Xing, Yuansong Qiao, Dechao Zhu and Guojiang Sun. Elastic Impact Problems of Finite Timoshenko Beam,ACTA MECHANICA SINACA(English Series), 2002,18(3):252-263
23. 謝文劍,邢譽峰,諸德超. 具有任意邊界的彈性力學梁固有特性的解法,航空學報,2003,24(6),507-511
24. 邢譽峰,王麗娟. 桿-梁組合結構中的波動現(xiàn)象分析,北航學報,2004, 30(6):520-523
25. 史海文,邢譽蜂. 飛機起落架機輪水平載荷的測量方法. 北航學報, 2004, 30(7):593-596
26. 邢譽峰,謝文劍,諸德超,厚度效應對梁沖擊響應的影響,力學學報,36(2):184-190, 2004年
27. 邢譽峰,錢志英,Hamilton體系中Timoshenko梁沖擊問題的描述和求解,振動工程學報,2005, 18(3):266-271
28. 田金梅,邢譽峰,謝文劍,復合材料疊層梁的沖擊響應特性,振動與沖擊學報,2006,第4期
29. Yufeng Xing, Jinmei Tian, DeChao Zhu and WenJian Xie. The Homogenization Method Based on Eigenvector Expansions for Woven Fabric Composites, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 2006,4(1):197-206
30. 邢譽峰,楊蓉,動力學平衡方程的Euler中點辛差分求解格式,力學學報,2007,39(1):100-105
31. 邢譽峰,楊蓉,單步辛算法的相位誤差分析及修正,力學學報,2007,39(5):668-671
32. 田金梅,邢譽峰,一種新的三維四步編織復合材料幾何模型及其在宏觀彈性性能預測中的應用,航空學報,2007,28(1):130-134
33. 邢譽峰,田金梅,三維正交機織復合材料的單胞特征單元及其應用,航空學報,2007,28(4):881-885
34. 邢譽峰,馮偉,李級數(shù)法與Runge-Kutta法,振動工程學報,2007年第5期
35. 邢譽峰,楊陽,形函數(shù)分段定義的彎矩梁特征單元,力學學報,2008,40(2):1-7
36. 楊蓉,邢譽峰,動力學方程的辛兩步求解算法,計算力學學報,2008,26(5):882-886
37. 羅務揆,邢譽峰,辛算法在隨機振動響應求解中的應用,航空動力學報,2008,23(1):37-43
38. 邢譽峰,馮偉,李級數(shù)算法和顯式辛算法的相位分析,計算力學學報,2009,26(2):167-171
39. Yufeng Xing,Bo Liu. New exact solutions for free vibrations of rectangular thin plates by symplectic dual method, Acta Mech Sin (2009) 25:265–270
40. Yufeng Xing,Bo Liu. Closed-Form Solutions for Free Vibrations of Rectangular Mindlin Plates, Acta Mech Sin,2009, 25(5):689-698
41. Yufeng Xing,Bo Liu. Characteristic equations and closed form solutions for free vibrations of rectangular Mindlin plates, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2009, 22( 2):125-136
42. Y.F. Xing,B. Liu. New exact solutions for free vibrations of thin orthotropic rectangular plates,Composite Structures 89 (2009) 567–574
43. Y.F. Xing,B. Liu. Exact solutions for the free in-plane vibrations of rectangular plates, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 51 (2009) 246–255
44. Yufeng Xing, Xingming Wang. An eigenelement method and two homogenization conditions. Acta Mechanica Sinica 2009; 25(3):345-351
45. Yufeng, Xing and Bo, Liu. High-Accuracy Differential Quadrature Finite Element Method and Its Application to Free Vibrations of Thin Plate with Curvilinear Domain. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 2009; 80:1718–1742
46. YUFENG XING, BO LIU and GUANG LIU, A DIFFERENTIAL QUADRATURE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2010) 207–227
47. Y.F. Xing, Y. Yang, X.M. Wang. A Multiscale Eigenelement Method and Its Application to Periodical Composite Structures, Composite Structures, 92 (2010) 2265–2275
48. Y.F. Xing, Y. Yang. An eigenelement method of periodical composite structures, Composite Structures, 93 (2011) 502–512(SCI)
49. Bo Liu, Yufeng Xing,Comprehensive exact solutions for free in-plane vibrations of orthotropic rectangular plates, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 30 (2011) 383-395
50. Yufeng Xing, Bo Liu, A differential quadrature analysis of dynamic and quasi-static magneto- thermo-elastic stresses in a conducting rectangular plate subjected to an arbitrary variation of magnetic field, International Journal of Engineering Science 48 (2010) 1944–1960
51. PAN ZhongWen, XING YuFeng, ZHU LiWen, DONG Kai & SUN Mu, Liquid propellant analogy technique in dynamic modeling of launch vehicle, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2010, Vol.53 No.8: 2102–2110
52. Bo Liu, Yufeng Xing, Exact solutions for free vibrations of orthotropic rectangular Mindlin plates, Composite Structures 93 (2011) 1664–1672
53. B. Liu, Y.F. Xing, M.S. Qatu, A.J.M. Ferreira, Exact characteristic equations for free vibrations of thin orthotropic circular cylindrical shells, doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2011.08.012
54. B. Liu, Y.F. Xing, EXACT SOLUTIONS FORFREE IN-PLANE VIBRATIONS OFRECTANGULAR PLATES,Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, Vol. 24, No. 5, 2011
55. 汪星明, 邢譽峰. 三維編織復合材料研究進展. 航空學報, 2010, 31: 914–927
56. 潘忠文,王 旭,邢譽峰,董鍇, 基于梁模型的火箭縱橫扭一體化建模技術, 宇航學報, 2010,31(5):1310-1316
57. 潘忠文,邢譽峰,楊陽,蒙皮加筋圓柱殼扭轉頻率的三種計算模型,北京航空航天大學學報,2011,37(9):1156-1159
58. 邢譽峰*,潘忠文,楊陽,蒙皮加筋圓柱殼彎曲頻率的三種計算模型,北京航空航天大學學報, 38(4), 438-443,2012
60. 金晶,邢譽峰,鐵木辛柯梁固有振動頻率的邊界元解法,北京航空航天大學學報,2012
61. Xing YF, Guo J, A Newmark Method with Zero phase error, ISCMIII-CSEII,5-7Dec, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, National Taiwan University press,400-401
62. Xing YF, Liu B, Exact characteristic equations for some of classical BCs of vibrating thin orthotropic circular cylinder shells, ICCS16, 28-39, 2011, Jun Porto, Portugal
63. Y.F. Xing, L. Chen,Accuracy of multiscale asymptotic expansion method,Composite Structures 112 (2014) 38–43
64. B. Liu, Y.F. Xing, M. Eisenbergerb, A.J.M. Ferreira,Thickness-shear vibration analysis of rectangular quartz plates by a numerical extended Kantorovich method,Composite Structures 107 (2014) 429–435
65. Yufeng Xing, Bo Liu, Tengfei Xu,Exact solutions for free vibration of circular cylindrical shells with classical boundary conditions,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 75 (2013) 178–188
66. Y.F. Xing, T.F. Xu,Solution methods of exact solutions for free vibration of rectangular orthotropic thin plates with classical boundary conditions,Composite Structures 104 (2013) 187–195
67. 邢譽峰,謝珂,潘忠文,變質量系統(tǒng)振動分析的兩種方法,北京航空航天大學學報, 39(7)858-862,2013
68. 邢譽峰,謝珂,潘忠文,縱向過載環(huán)境下變質量歐拉梁動態(tài)特性的分析方法,北京航空航天大學學報,39(8)999-1003,2013
69. 潘忠文,曾耀祥,廉永正,邢譽峰,運載火箭結構動力學模擬技術研究進展,力學進展,42(4) 406-415,2012
70. 劉瀅瀅,邢譽峰,超彈性橡膠材料的改進Rivlin模型,固體力學學報,33(4)408-414,2012
71. 邢譽峰,郭靜,與結構動特性協(xié)同的自適應Newmark方法,力學學報, 44(5), 904-911, 2012
72. 郭靜,邢譽峰, 微分求積時間單元方法, 振動工程學報, 25(1), 84-89, 2012
73. Xing Yufeng, Guo Jing,Differential quadrature time element method for structural dynamics,Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28(3), 782-792, 2012
74. B. Liu, Y.F. Xing, M.S. Qatu, A.J.M. Ferreira, Exact characteristic equations for free vibrations of thin orthotropic circular cylindrical shells, Composite Structures, 94: 484–493, 2012
75. Yufeng Xing, Bo Liu, Research advances of exact solutions for free vibrations of plates and shells, XXIII ICTAM, 19-24 August 2012, Beijing, China
76. Y.F. Xing, L. chen, Accuracy of multiscale asymptotic expansion method,Composite Structures 112 (2014) 38–43
77. Y.F. Xing, L. chen, Physical interpretation of multiscale asymptotic expansion method, Composite Structures 116 (2014) 694–702
78. YF Xing, C.Y. DU, An improved multiscale eigenelement method of periodical composite structures, Composite Structures 118 (2014) 200–207
79. B. Liu, Y.F. Xing, M. Eisenberge, A.J.M. Ferreira, Thickness-shear vibration analysis of rectangular quartz plates by a numerical extended Kantorovich method, Composite Structures 107 (2014) 429–435
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