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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-06-25 相關院校:北京航空航天大學
1986-1988加拿大Mc Master University材料科學與工程系,訪問學者,研究陶瓷材料
1988-1992荷蘭University of Twente機械工程系材料科學部,博士研究生,研究金屬陶瓷復合材料,于1992年獲該校博士學位;
Shujie Li, “Investigation of Powder Metallurgical Route for Manufacturing Al2O3/Ni Cermets with Interlayers”, Quick Service Drukkerijen Nederland b.v. 1992, ISBN 90-9005531-2.
【1】Chuanbao Wang, Shujie Li, Shuzhi Li, Ting Zhang, Chao Ma, Wettability and interfacial reactions for AlN/CuTi and AlN/SnTi systems, Ceramics International, 38 (2012), PP.1099-1104, (SCI收錄期刊), (IF: 1.471, 2010). (第一作者是本人的研究生)
【2】Chuanbao Wang, Shujie Li, Ting Zhang, Yang Pan, The effect of Si on the wettability and interfacial reaction in AlN/Cu alloy systems, Materials Science and Engineering B, 176 (2011) 53-59, (SCI收錄期刊),(IF:1.756,2009). (第一作者是本人的研究生)
【3】Xiaofei Chen, Shujie Li, Zhijun Chen, Joining of C/C-SiC using boron-modified phenolic resin with SiO2 and B4C additives, Materials at High Temperatures, 2011, Vol.28, No.1, PP.28-32,(SCI收錄期刊),(第一作者是本人的研究生)
【4】Shujie Li, Xiaofei Chen, Zhijun Chen, The effect of high temperature heat-treatment on the strength of C/C to C/C-SiC joints, Carbon 48(2010), Vol.48, No.11, PP.3042-3049. (SCI收錄),(IF: 4.504, 2009),(IF:4.893, 2010).
【5】Xiaofei Chen, Shujie Li, Zhijun Chen, Ning Wen, The Effect of High Temperature Heat-treatment on the Strength of C/C-SiC Joints, Journal of Materials Science, Vol.46, No.3, (2011) P707-714, (SCI收錄),(IF:1.855, 2010)(第一作者是本人的研究生)
【6】Shujie Li, Jianchun Wang, Minjian Song, Yuehui He and Yangwu Mao, Wettability of pressureless sintered SiC/liquid Ti with Cr additive system, 6th International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity (HTC2009), Athens, Greece, 6-9 May 2009, Abstracts P62.
【7】Yangwu Mao, Shujie Li, Yang Pan,Wetting behavior of graphite by Ti-78Cu and Ti-50Cu alloys, “International Journal of Modern Physics B”, Vol.24, Issues:15-16, 2010, PP.3029-3034, (SCI 收錄期刊). (第一作者是本人的研究生)
【8】Yangwu Mao,Shujie Li, Liansheng Yan, Joining of SiC ceramic to graphite using Ni-Cr-SiC powder as filler, Materials Science and Engineering A, 491 (2008) 304-308 (SCI收錄,EI收錄) (IF:1.901,2009)(第一作者是本人的研究生), 收錄號:SCI:000258236800039, EI:082711352304
【9】Yangwu Mao, Shujie Li and Liansheng Yan. Joining of SiC Ceramic to Graphite Using Ni-51Cr Powders as Filler. Key Engineering Materials, Vols.368-372 (2008) P1600-1602, (EI收錄,ISTP收錄),(第一作者是本人的研究生), 收錄號: EI: Accession number: 081311172470, UT ISIP: 000254883200500,The Fifth China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics(CICC-5), May, 2007, Changsha, China
【10】Shujie Li, Minjian Song,Yunling Xia, Yuehui He, and Yangwu Mao, Wettability of Graphite/Ni plus Cr System. Key Engineering Materials, Vols.368-372 (2008) P1621-1624 (EI收錄,ISTP收錄), 收錄號:EI: Accession number: 081311172477, UT ISIP: 000254883200507,The Fifth China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics(CICC-5), May, 2007, Changsha, China
【11】Shujie Li, Xiaokun Yuan, Ting Zhang, Yangwu Mao and Liansheng Yan, Joining of SiC Ceramic to High Strength Graphite Using Polysiloxane with Active Additive, Key Engineering Materials,2007,Vols.353-358,P2092-2095,(EI收錄,ISTP收錄), 收錄號:EI:074710927408,2006 Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength (APCFS’06),November 22-25, 2006, Sanya,China(分會主席,分會邀請報告).
【12】Yangwu Mao, Shujie Li and Yan Zhang, Joining of SiC ceramic by Hot Pressing Reaction Joining Process Using Ni-51Cr Powders as Filler, Key Engineering Materials, 2007, 336-338:2398-2401,(EI收錄,ISTP收錄)(第一作者是本人的研究生)EI:071210500404,ISTP:000246148002170 ,The Fourth China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-4), October 23-26, 2005, Chengdu, China.
【13】Shujie Li, Yangwu Mao and Yuehui He, Joining of SiC ceramic by High Temperature Brazing Using Ni-Cr-SiC Powders as Filler, Key Engineering Materials, 2007, 336-338:2394-2397(EI收錄,ISTP收錄)EI:071210500403,ISTP:000246148002169,The Fourth China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-4), October 23-26, 2005, Chengdu, China.
【14】Shujie Li, Hongying Dong, Wenbo Han and Yuping Li,“Joining of SiC ceramic by hot-pressing reaction joining process with in situ Ti3SiC2 ceramic”, The International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Processing Technology (RAMPT’05), 23-25, February, 2005, Tamil Nadu, India (大會特邀報告),Proceedings of RAMPT’05,P553-558
【15】Shujie Li,Hongli Liu and Jianjun Zhang,“Wettability of SiC/Ag plus Ti system”,Key Engineering Materials, Vol.280-283, 2005, P1795-1800, (SCI收錄, ISTP收錄), 收錄號: ISI:000227051400429
The Third China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-3),May 9-12 2004, Shenzhen, China. (分會主席)
【16】Hongying Dong, Wenbo Han and Shujie Li, Joining of SiC Ceramic with Ternary Carbide Ti3SiC2, Materials Science Forum, Vols.475-479, Part 2, P1255-1258, 2005,(SCI收錄, EI收錄, ISTP收錄),(第一作者是本人的研究生),收錄號:EI:05179061161, SCI: 000227494701093, The 5th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM-5), Nov.2-5, 2004, Beijing.
【17】Hongli Liu, Shujie Li and Zhijun Chen, Joining of Cf/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite Using SiC-Si3N4 Preceramic Polymer, Materials Science Forum, Vols.475-479, Part 2, P1267-1270, 2005, (SCI收錄, EI收錄,ISTP收錄),(第一作者是本人的研究生),收錄號:EI:05179061164, SCI: 000227494701096, The 5th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM-5), Nov.2-5, 2004, Beijing.
【18】Shujie Li, Hongying Dong, Xiaoming Zang, Yuping Li and Yan Zhang, “Diffusion welding of Ni-based superalloy to SiC ceramic with Zr/Ta multiple interlayers”, 2nd Brazil International Conference on Fatigue (Fatigue 2004), June 22-24, 2004, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
【19】Shujie Li, Jianjun Zhang, Xiaobo Liang, Huiping Duan, Yan Zhang,“Joining of Carbon Fiber Reinforced SiC(Cf/SiC) to Ni-based Superalloy with Multiple Interlayers”,International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2003, April, Vol.17, Nos.8&9, Part 2 of 2, P.1777-1781(SCI收錄, ISTP收錄), SCI:000183752800035,The Third International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance (AMDP 2002), October 16-19, 2002, Daegu, Korea, (大會國際組委會成員)
【20】Shujie Li ,Yuping Li ,Xiaoqiang Ji ,Yanyan Wang ,“Wettability in graphite/Cu plus Ti system”,Fifth International Scientific Conference (FISC), Cario, EGYPT, 25-27 March 2003, ed. A. El-Sharkawy, P.22, Al-Azhar University(特邀報告)
【21】Shujie Li, Ying Zhou, Huiping Duan, Jianhui Qiu, Yan Zhang,“Joining of SiC ceramic to Ni-based superalloy with functionally gradient material fillers and a tungsten intermediate layer”,Journal of Materials Science, 2003, Vol.38, P.4065-4070,(SCI收錄、EI收錄), EI:03467728127, SCI:000185963000020
【22】Shujie Li, Xiaoming Zang, Huiping Duan,“Wettability of SiC/Liquid Cu with Ti Additive System”,Key Engineering Materials, Vols.224-226 (2002) pp.749-754,(SCI收錄, EI收錄, ISTP收錄), SCI:000176367400159, EI: 02497254461
The Second China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-2), November 11-15, 2001, Kunming,,China. (分會主席)
【23】Shujie Li, Ying Zhou, Huiping Duan, “Wettability and Interfacial Reaction in SiC/Ni plus Ti System”,Journal of Materials Science , Vol.37, 2002, P 2575-2579,(SCI收錄,EI收錄), SCI:000175570100024, EI: 02277003285,
The Second International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance, (AMDP 1999) 23-26 November 1999, Tokushima, Japan, (大會國際組委會成員,論文集編輯委員會成員,分會主席)
【24】Shujie Li, Xiaobo Liang, Huiping Duan, Xiaoming Zang, Yan Zhang, “Joining of SiC ceramic to Ni-based superalloy with Cu intermediate layer”, Key Engineering Materials, 2002, Vol.217, pp101-110.(SCI收錄,EI收錄, ISTP收錄),EI:02086869889,SCI:000175042000018
The First Sino-Russian Workshop on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, September 21-24, 2000, Beijing, China. (分會主席)
【25】Shujie Li, Xiaoming Zang, Huiping Duan, Yan Zhang, “Joining of SiC ceramic to Ni-based Superalloy with Cu/Ta/Cu Multiple Interlayer”, Extended Abstracts of 13th International Conference on Composite Materials, (ICCM-13),June 25-29, 2001, Beijing, China, Edited by Yao Zhang, Scientific and Technical Documents Publishing House, P311,(論文集已經以光盤形式出版)(分會主席)
【26】Shujie Li, Shen Liu, Huiping Duan, Shuhua Li, “Reaction characteristics of the fillers for SHS welding of SiC ceramic to Ni-based superalloy”, International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, Vol.10, No.1, 2001, pp.99-107.
【27】Shujie Li, Huiping Duan,Shen Liu, Yonggang Zhang, Zijiu Dang, Yan Zhang, Chengang Wu, “Interdiffusion involved in SHS welding of SiC ceramic to itself and to Ni-based superalloy”, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 18 (2000) 33-37.(SCI收錄,EI收錄),EI:00095333616,SCI:000089038900005
【28】Shujie Li, Yuping Li, P.B.Khosrovabadi, B.H.Kolster, “Effect of the Hard Phase on the Densification and Properties of the Hard Materials Composed of Al2O3/TiN Interlayer/Ni”, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol.16, No.2, 1998, P119-126. (SCI收錄,EI收錄)
【29】Shujie Li, Yuping Li, J. H. Maas, J. Boeijsma, B. H. Kolster, “Interdiffusion at the TiN/Ni interface in the cermet composed of TiN and Ni”, Journal of Materials Science, 33 (1998) 4089-4093.(SCI收錄,EI收錄)
【30】Shujie Li, P. B. Khosrovabadi and B. H. Kolster, “New Compaction Equation for Powder Materials”, International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, Vol.30, No.1, Jan.1994, P47-57. (SCI收錄,EI收錄)
【31】Shujie Li, P.B.Khosrovabadi and B.H.Kolster, “A Study of the Compactibility of Metallized Ceramic Powder and Mixed Ceramic/Metallic Powders”, Proceedings of the 1992 Powder Metallurgy World Congress, June 21-26/ San Francisco, “Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials-1992”, Compiled by J.M.Capus and R.M.German, Published by Metal Powder Industries Federation, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, Vol.2, P185-205. ISBN 1-878954-21-0. (ISTP收錄,EI收錄),EI:93030728945
【32】Shujie Li, P.B.Khosrovabadi and B.H.Kolster, “Effect of a Titanium Nitride Interlayer on Densification, Properties and Microstructure of Cermets Based on Alumina and Nickel (Part 1: Densification and Properties)”, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 11 (1992) 181-192.(EI收錄),EI:93101105918
【33】Shujie Li, P.B. Khosrovabadi and B.H. Kolster, Effect of a Titanium Nitride Interlayer on Densification, Properties and Microstructure of Cermets Based on Alumina and Nickel (Part 2: Microstructure), “International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials”, 11 (1992) 193-200.(EI收錄),EI:93101105919
【34】 Li Shujie, Li Yuping, Chen Zhengqiu, “β-W in Brown Oxide and the Relationship betweenβ-W and Doping Effect”, International Journal of Refractory & Hard Metals, Vol.7, No.2, June 1988, P103-108.(EI收錄),收錄號:EI:88110150870
【35】Li Shujie and Lai Ho-Yi, “Control of Phases of Tungsten Blue Oxide and Their Effect on the Particle Size of Tungsten Powder”, International Journal of Refractory & Hard Metals, Vol.6, No.l, March 1987, P35-39.(EI收錄),EI:87070106451