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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-08 相關院校:蘭州大學
1990年畢業于四川大學, 獲化學工程學士學位;1992年,作為甘肅省第一批直播板塊節目主持人選拔優勝者進入甘肅人民廣播電臺第一個直播板塊節目《經濟大世界》, 擔綱直播節目主持人,次年獲優秀節目主持人一等獎。1996年作為優秀畢業生畢業于中國傳媒大學播音主持藝術學院,師從吳郁教授。畢業后分配到甘肅電視臺工作,擔任臺內標志性欄目《今日聚焦》的節目主持人,策劃,編導,記者, 欄目的創始人之一。
2002年—2004年,在英國倫敦留學深造。在英國留學期間,2003年5月應聘出任全英發行的華文報紙《英中時報》總編,該報的創始人之一,該報宗旨:“與祖國共飛翔”,該報送發中國駐英國大使館等多家中國官方機構。同時出任英國倫敦大學中國學生學者聯合會外交部長,主席助理,在和國際友人溝通上得到了很好的鍛煉。2009年7月,正式引進蘭州大學新聞傳播學院,任副教授, 碩士生導師,現為國際新聞傳播研究所副所長。
連續獲得兩屆國家級中國節目主持人最高獎“金話筒”獎(1997年第三屆,1999年第四屆)。《論節目主持人思維品質的提高》獲國家級銀獎,并獲“中國播音主持作品獎”等數十項國家級,省級獎項。資料圖片已收錄在《中國節目主持人 20 年》中。2008年, 獲中國播音主持“金話筒”愛心傳播者榮譽。《我們的視野》;《英中未來》; 《合作外交, 展示中國魅力》等多篇作品發表在《英中時報》頭版。2008年7月----2009年7月,參與 2008年度中國廣播電視協會媒介素養專項立項課題《重要媒體在公眾媒介素養教育中的作用研究》, 排序第二。(廣協辦字(2008)87號)項目已完成。期間曾先后在中央人民廣播電臺經濟部,中央電視臺《新聞30’》欄目,中央電視臺經濟部《對話》欄目中實習工作。
In the past ten years, Professor Nan Zhao have been closely associated with mass media. Majoring in news presenter in her university study( She graduated from Communication University of China (CUC)—the top academic institution of information and communication in China) , she has been working as a presenter of Economy Programme in both China Central Television—CCTV and Gansu Provincial Television Stations.
Over the years, Professor Nan Zhao has established amicable relations with over a dozen of honored guests not only in China, but also the world. In 1999, after she best effort and good personal judgement, she proposed and made carefully the program of'Protecting Mother River—Yellow River”—promoting people’s attention to the environmental protection. Due to her brilliant and gifted performance, she was rewarded 'The National Golden Mike Award”—the highest reward for a presenter in China. Her name and photograph has been included in a specialist book 'Presenters 20 Years”. Professor Nan Zhao is the full member of the China Presenters Research Committee (CPRC). She is also the full member of the Western Returned Scholars Association Chinese Overseas.
2004, Professor Nan Zhao finished her postgraduate degree at London South Bank University. In London, also she was working for the student union based in the University of London responsible for Foreign Affairs of Chinese Students and Scholars Association. At the same time, as one of the originators, she worked part-time as the chief editor of the Chinese newspaper 'UK-Chinese Times” published by UK Chinese Business Consultants Ltd.. All this makes her well know that a good understanding of different cultures is very important in the world.
From July 2009, Nan Zhao has been working as associate professor, supervisor at School of Journalism and Communication ofLanZhou University.