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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-14 相關院校:華中農業大學
石 磊,男,1974年10月生,教授,博士,碩士和博士生導師,在華中農業大學作物遺傳改良國家重點實驗室從事油菜根系發生發育與磷、硼等養分高效利用的遺傳學研究。主持完成的課題主要有國家自然科學基金和湖北省自然科學基金各1項,國際合作項目1項,973和863子課題各1項。目前,主要主持國家自然科學基金2項,教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃1項,湖北省自然科學基金杰出青年基金1項,參加973項目1項。
2012年12月 - 今,華中農業大學 資源與環境學院土壤與植物營養系 教 授
2006年12月 - 2012年11月,華中農業大學 資源與環境學院土壤與植物營養系 副教授
2004年7月 - 2006年11月,華中農業大學 資源與環境學院土壤與植物營養系 講 師
期間,2009年9月至2010年9月赴英國華威大學(The University of Warwick)開展油菜根系形態構型與磷高效吸收利用的合作研究。英國合作者:華威大學國際園藝作物研究所(Warwick HRI)John P. Hammond博士。
1998年9月 - 2004年6月,華中農業大學 資源與環境學院植物營養學專業研究生,在作物遺傳改良國家重點實驗室開展甘藍型油菜硼高效的生理機制及硼高效基因定位的研究,獲農學博士學位。導師:王運華教授、孟金陵教授。
1994年9月 - 1998年6月,華中農業大學 資源環境與農業化學系農業化學專業,本科,獲農學學士學位。
5.劉 薇,石磊。(2008)創設問題情境,探索研究性教學。高等農業教育,6(總204):48-50.
石磊。2014年 華中農業大學2014年度研究生指導教師“教書育人獎”
石磊。2014年 華中農業大學第九屆“十大青年崗位能手”
石磊。2012年 華中農業大學2012年度教學質量優秀一等獎
石磊。2011年 華中農業大學2011年度教學質量優秀三等獎
石磊。2008年 華中農業大學第八屆青年教師講課競賽三等獎
1.國家重點基礎研究發展規劃(973計劃):“油料作物優異親本形成的遺傳基礎和優良基因資源合理組配與利用” 第2課題:油菜雜種品種優異親本形成的遺傳解析與利用(2011CB109302,2011-2015)課題參加人(經費90.0萬元)
2.國家重點基礎研究發展規劃(973計劃):“作物高效利用氮磷養分的分子機理” 第5課題:優異種質氮、磷高效關鍵基因調控途徑聚合效應(2005CB120905,2005-2009),主持子課題“油菜磷氮營養突變體的篩選(經費30.0萬元)
4.國家自然科學基金:油菜磷高效QTL LRNLP-A3的精細定位和克隆(31471933,2015-2018)(經費90.0萬元)(主持人)
8.湖北省自然科學基金杰出青年人才項目:油菜磷高效相關QTL LRLLP-A3的精細定位(2011CDA090,2012-2013)(經費20.0萬元)(主持人)
10.國際合作:評估兩種特殊性質硼肥滿足中國缺硼地區養分需要(2007-2009)(經費4.0 萬美元,29.0萬元))(主持人)
11.橫向合作:智利硼肥Ulexite Granular作物生長效應評估(2007-2009)(經費5.5萬)(主持人)
14. 國家自然科學基金:利用硼同位素研究不同甘藍型油菜基因型硼吸收效率差異機理(2006-2008,30500311)(主要參加人)
1.徐芳森、魯劍巍、魯明星、耿明建、石磊、吳禮樹、徐輝、趙竹青等。(2010) 油菜硼高效利用機制與硼肥優化施用技術研究。湖北省科學技術進步獎二等獎.
1.丁廣大、楊美、胡一帆、廖原、石磊等。(2012)Quantitative trait loci for seed yield and yield-related traits, and their responses to reduced phosphorus supply in Brassica napus。湖北省第十四屆自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎.
2.曾長英、韓燕來、石磊、彭李順、王運華等。(2010)Genetic analysis of the physiological responses to low boron stress in Arabidopsis thaliana。湖北省第十三屆自然科學優秀學術論文一等獎.
1.徐芳森,楊廣哲,石 磊。甘藍型油菜缺磷特異誘導表達的啟動子,2013.07,中國,ZL 2010 1 0595755.2. (發明專利)
2.石 磊,袁 盼,張 瑛,丁廣大,蔡紅梅,徐芳森。農作物根系動態觀察試驗裝置,2014.02,中國,ZL 201320482649.2.(實用新型專利)
86.Wang Nian, Shi Lei. (2015) Screening of mutations by TILLING in plants. Jacqueline Batley (Ed.). Plant Genotyping: Methods and Protocols in Molecular Biology, vol. 1245, 193-203. Springer Science+Business Media New York. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1966-6_15.
85. Zhang Didi, Hua Yingpeng, Wang Xiaohua, Zhao Hua, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen* (2014) A high-density genetic map identifies a novel major QTL for boron efficiency in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). PLoS ONE, 9(11): e112089. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0112089.
84. Bao Aili, Zhao Zhuqing, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen, Cai Hongmei* (2014) Accumulated expression level of cytosolic glutamine synthetase 1 gene (OsGS1;1 or OsGS1;2) alter plant development and the carbon-nitrogen metabolic status in rice. PLoS ONE, 9(4): e95581. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0095581.
83. Ding Guangda, Zhao Zunkang, Wang Lin, Zhang Didi, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen* (2014) Identification and multiple comparisons of QTL and epistatic interaction conferring high yield under boron and phosphorus deprivation in Brassica napus. Euphytica, 198(3): 337-351. DOI: 10.1007/s10681-014-1110-8.
82. Zhang Didi, Zhao Hua, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen *(2014) Physiological and genetic responses to boron deficiency in Brassica napus: A review. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60(3): 304-3013. DOI: 10.1080/00380768.2014.893537.
81. 李東霞,石桃雄,袁盼,馮燕妮*,石磊(2014)甘藍型油菜根系突變體lrn1、prl1和野生型根系顯微結構的差異. 植物科學學報,2014,32(4):406-412. DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1142.2014.40406.
80. 張瑛,丁廣大,蔡紅梅,徐芳森,石磊*(2014)不同栽培方式對油菜根系形態構型和產量的影響. 華中農業大學學報,33(4):25-32.
79.Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Zhao Hua, Cai Hongmei, Liu Kede, Xu Fangsen*. (2013) Genetic analysis of seed mineral accumulation affected by phosphorus deprivation in Brassica napus. Euphytica. 193(2): 251-264.DOI: 10.1007/s10681-013-0933-z (IF 1.554)
78. Yang Lu, Zhang Quan, Dou Jina, Li Ling, Guo Longfei, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*.(2013) Characteristics of root boron nutrition confer high boron efficiency in Brassica napus cultivars. Plant Soil. 371:95?104. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-013-1669-1. (IF 2.773)
77. Shi Taoxiong, Li Ruiyuan, Zhao Zunkang, Ding Guangda, Long Yan, Meng Jinling, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei*. (2013) QTL for yield traits and their association with functional genes in response to phosphorus deficiency in Brassica napus. PLoS ONE, 8(1): e54559. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0054559. (IF4.092)
76. Shi Lei, Shi Taoxiong, Broadley MR, White PJ, Long Yan, Meng Jinling, Xu Fangsen, Hammond JP*. (2013) High-throughput root phenotyping screens identify genetic loci associated with root architectural traits in Brassica napus under contrasting phosphate availabilities. Annals of Botany. 112:381-389. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcs245. (IF 4.03)
75. Wang Yi, Xu Heng, Kou Jiaojiao, Shi Lei, Zhang Chunyu, Xu Fangsen*. (2013) Dual effects of transgenic Brassica napus overexpressing CS gene on tolerances to aluminum toxicity and phosphorus deficiency. Plant and Soil. 362: 231-246. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-012-1289-1. (IF 2.733)
74. 丁廣大,陳水森,石磊,蔡紅梅,葉祥盛. (2013)植物耐低磷脅迫的遺傳調控機理研究進展. 植物營養與肥料學報,19(3):733-744.
73. Shi Lei, Yang Jinpeng, Liu Jia, Xu Fangsen*, Li Ruiyuan, Long Yan, Meng Jinling. (2012) Identification of quantitative trait loci that regulate shoot and root growth of Brassica napus seedlings response to low B stress. Molecular Breeding. 30: 393-406. DOI: 10.1007/s11032-011-9629-z. (IF 2.852)
72. Shi Taoxiong, Zhao Dongyue, Li Dongxia, Wang Nian, Meng Jinling, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei*. (2012) Brassica napus root mutants insensitive to exogenous cytokinin show phosphorus efficiency. Plant and Soil. 358: 61-74. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-012-1219-2. (IF 2.733)
71. Zeng Xiangming, Han Baoji, Xu Fangsen, Huang Jianliang, Cai Hongmei, Shi Lei*. (2012) Effects of modified fertilization technology on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of midseason rice. Field Crops Research. 137: 203-212. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2012.08.012. (IF 2.474)
70. Sun, Jinhua, Shi Lei, Zhang Chunyu, Xu Fangsen*.(2012)Cloning and characterization of boron transporters in Brassica napus Molecular Biology Report. 39: 1963-1973. DOI 10.1007/s11033-011-0930-z. (IF 2.929)
69. Feng Ji, Long Yan, Shi Lei, Shi Jiaqin, Barker Guy and Meng Jinling*. (2012) Characterization of metabolite quantitative trait loci and metabolic networks that control glucosinolate concentration in the seeds and leaves of Brassica napus. New Phytologist. 193: 96-108. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03890.x (IF6.645)
68. Yang Guangzhe, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Cai Hongmei, Xu Fangsen*. (2012) Characterization of phosphorus starvation-induced gene BnSPX3 in Brassica napus. Plant and Soil. 350: 339-351. DOI 10.1007/s11104-011-0913-9. (IF2.733)
67. Peng Lishun, Zeng Changying, Shi Lei, Cai Hongmei, Xu Fangsen*. (2012) Transcriptional profiling reveals the adaptive responses to boron deficiency stress in Arabidopsis. Z Naturforsch C. 67: 510-524. (IF0.772)
66. Ding Guangda, Zhao Zunkang, Liao Yuan, Hu Yifan, Shi Lei, Long Yan, Xu Fangsen. (2012) Quantitative trait loci for seed yield and yield-related traits, and their responses to reduced phosphorus supply in Brassica napus. Annals of Botany. 109: 747-759. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcr323. (IF 4.03)
65. Pan Yuan, Wang Zhenhua, Yang Lu, Wang Zhifang, Shi Lei, Naran Radnaa, Azadi parastoo, Xu Fangsen. (2012) Differences in cell wall components and allocation of boron to cell walls confer variations in sensitivities of Brassica napus cultivars to boron deficiency. Plant and Soil. 354: 383-394. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-011-1074-6. (IF2.733)
64. Zhao Zunkang, Wu Likun, Nian Fuzhao, Ding Guangda, Shi Taoxiong, Zhang Didi, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Meng Jinling. (2012) Dissecting quantitative trait loci for boron efficiency across multiple environments in Brassica napus. PLoS ONE. 7(9): e45215
63. 曾祥明,韓寶吉,徐芳森,黃見良,蔡紅梅,石磊*.(2012)不同基礎地力土壤優化施肥對水稻產量和氮肥利用率的影響. 中國農業科學,45(14): 2886-2894. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2012.14.011.
62. 韓寶吉,石磊*,徐芳森,黃見良,曾祥明,馬欣,郭龍飛. (2012) 湖北省水稻施肥現狀分析及評價. 湖北農業科學,51(12): 2430-2435.
61. 田飛,徐芳森,石桃雄,趙尊康,石磊,蔡紅梅*,馬朝芝,孟金陵. (2012) 白菜型、芥菜型和甘藍型油菜對低氮低磷脅迫反應差異的評價. 華中農業大學學報,31(6): 725-730.
60. Yang Mei, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Meng Jinling. (2011) Detection of QTL for phosphorus efficiency at the seedling stage in Brassica napus. Plant and Soil. 339:97-111. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-010-0516-x. (IF2.773)
59. Wang Zhenhua, Wang Zhifang, Chen Shuisen, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2011) Proteomics reveals the adaptability mechanism of Brassica napus to short-term boron deprivation. Plant and Soil. 347:195-210. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-011-0838-3. (IF2.773)
58. Ding Guangda, Liao Yuan, Yang Mei, Zhao Zunkang, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2011) Development of gene-based markers from functional Arabidopsis thaliana genes involved in phosphorus homeostasis and mapping in Brassica napus. Euphytica. 181: 305-322. DOI 10.1007/s10681-011-0428-8. (IF 1.554)
57. 韓寶吉,曾祥明,卓光毅,徐芳森,姚忠清,肖習明,石磊*. (2011) 氮肥不同施用技術對湖北中稻產量、品質和氮肥利用率影響的研究. 中國農業科學,44(4): 842-850. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2011.04.024.
56. 馬欣,石桃雄,武際,魯劍巍,石磊*,徐芳森. (2011)不同硼肥對油菜產量和品質的影響及其在油稻輪作中的后效. 植物營養與肥料學報,17(3): 761-766.
55. 王振華,王志方,陳水森,石 磊,徐芳森. (2011) 甘藍型油菜根系可溶性蛋白提取方法的對比和雙向電泳體系的優化.華中農業大學學報,30(2): 13-18.
54. Wang Nian, Shi Lei, Tian Fang, Ning Huicai, Wu Xiaoming, Long Yan, Meng Jinling*. (2010) Assessment of FAE1 polymorphisms in three Brassica species using EcoTILLING and their association with differences in seed erucic acid contents. Journal of BMC Plant Bio.10:137. DOI: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/10/137. (共同第一作者) (IF 4.085)
53. Ding Guangda, Yang Mei, Hu Yifan, Liao Yuan, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Meng Jinling. (2010) Quantitative trait loci affecting seed mineral concentrations in Brassica napus grown with contrasting phosphorus supplies. Annals of Botany. 105:1221-1234. DOI:10.1093/aob/mcq050. (IF 4.03)
52. Wang Zhifang, Wang Zhenhua, Shi Lei, Wang Lijun, Xu Fangsen*. (2010) Proteomic alterations of Brassica napus root in response to boron deficiency. Plant Mol Biol. 74:265-278. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-010-9671-y. (IF4.15)
51. Yang Mei, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Feng Ji, Xu Fangsen, Meng Jinling*. (2010) Quantitative trait loci for root morphology in response to low phosphorus stress in Brassica napus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 121:181-193. DOI: 10.1007/s00122-010-1301-1. (IF3.297)
50. Ye Xiangsheng, Hong Juan, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2010) Adaptability mechanism of N-efficient germplasm of natural variation to low nitrogen stress in Brassica napus. J of Plant Nutrition, 33: 2028-2040. DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2010.512211. (IF0.641)
49. Hu Yifan, Ye Xiangsheng, Shi Lei, Duan Haiyan, Xu Fangsen*. (2010) Genotypic differences in root morphology and phosphorus uptake kinetics in Brassica napus under low phosphorus supply. J of Plant Nutrition, 33(6): 889-901. DOI: 10.1080/01904161003658239. (IF0.641)
48. Zhao Hua, Liu Jia, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Wang Yunhua. (2010) Development of boron-efficient near isogenic lines of Brassica napus and their response to low boron stress at seedling stage. Russian Journal of Genetics, 46:57-63.(IF0.427)
47. 石桃雄, 王少思, 石磊*, 孟金陵, 徐芳森. (2010)不同氮、磷水平對“雙高”油菜品種寧油7號和“雙低”油菜品種Tapidor生長和品質的影響. 植物營養與肥料學報. 16(4): 959-964.
46. 丁廣大, 劉 佳, 石 磊, 徐芳森*. (2010) 植物離子組學:植物營養研究的新方向. 植物營養與肥料學報. 16(2):479-484
45. 郭麗麗,趙竹青,石 磊,朱端衛,耿明建*. (2010)硼對不同硼效率甘藍型油菜嫁接植株下部葉片礦質養分含量的影響.中國油料作物學報,32(1):089-093.
44. 徐芳森*, 曾長英, 彭李順, 石磊. (2010) 擬南芥應答低硼脅迫的基因表達譜分析. 江西農業大學學報, 32(5):1004-1009.
43. 王志方, 王振華, 陳水森, 石 磊, 徐芳森*. (2010) 油菜根系蛋白雙向電泳技術體系的建立. 中國科技論文在線(www.paper.edu.cn). 7, 16.
42. Shi Lei, Wang Yunhua, Nian Fuzhao, Lu Jianwei, Meng Jinling, Xu Fangsen*. (2009) Inheritance of boron efficiency in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Pedosphere, 19(3):403-408.(IF 1.161)
41. Duan Haiyan, Shi Lei, Ye Xiangsheng, Wang Yunhua, Xu Fangsen*. (2009)Identification of phosphorous efficient germplasm in oilseed rape. J. of Plant Nutrition. 32: 1148-1163. DOI: 10.1080/01904160902943171. (共同第一作者) (IF 0.641)
40. Yang Mei, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Lu Jianwei, Wang Yunhua. (2009) Effects of B, Mo, Zn, and their interactions on seed yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Pedosphere. 19(1): 53-59. (IF 1.161)
39. Yang Mei, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Wang Yunhua. (2009) Effect of boron on dynamic change of seed yield and quality formation in developing seed of Brassica napus. J. of Plant Nutrition. 32(5): 785-797. DOI: 10.1080/01904160902787883 (IF0.641)
38. Liu Jia, Yang Jinpeng, Li Ruiyuan, Shi Lei, Zhang Chunyu, Long Yan, Xu Fangsen*, Meng Jinling. (2009) Analysis of genetic factors that control shoot mineral concentrations in rapeseed (Brassica napus) in different boron environments. Plant and Soil, 320: 255-266. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-009-9891-6. (IF2.733)
37. Zhang Haiwei, Huang Yu, Ye Xiangsheng, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2009) Genotypic differences in phosphorus acquisition and the rhizosphere properties of Brassica napus in response to low phosphorus stress. Plant and Soil, 320: 91-102. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-008-9873-0. (IF2.733)
36. Wang Jin, Long Yan, Wu Baoduo, Liu Jia, Jiang Congcong, Shi Lei, Zhao Jianwei, Graham J King and Meng Jinling* (2009) The evolution of Brassica napusFLOWERING LOCUS Tparalogues in the context of inverted chromosomal duplication blocks. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9: 271. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-9-271. (IF 3.521)
5. 耿明建*,郭麗麗,趙竹青,石 磊,朱端衛. (2009)甘藍型油菜品種間相互嫁接及對其生長發育的影響.中國油料作物學報,31(2):185-189.
34. Zhao Hua, Shi Lei, Duan Xiaoli, Xu Fangsen*, Wang Yunhua, Meng Jinling. (2008) Mapping and validation of chromosome regions conferring a new boron-efficient locus in Brassica napus. Molecular Breeding. 22: 495-506. DOI: 10.1007/s11032-008-9193-3 (IF2.852)
33. Zen Changying, Han Yanlai, Shi Lei, Peng Lishun, Wang Yunhua, Xu Fangsen*, Meng Jinling. (2008) Genetic analysis of the physiological responses to low boron stress in Arabidopsis thaliana .Plant, Cell and Environment, 31: 112-122. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2007.01745.x (IF5.215)
32. Wang Nian, Wang Yajie, Tian Fang, Graham J. King, Zhang Chunyu, Long Yan, Shi Lei, Meng Jinling*. (2008) A functional genomics resource for Brassica napus: development of an EMS mutagenized population and discovery of FAE1 point mutations by TILLING. New Phytologist, 180, 751-765. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02619.x. (IF6.645)
31. 石磊,梁宏玲,徐芳森*,王運華。(2008)甘藍型油菜幼苗體內磷組分差異與磷高效關系的研究。植物營養與肥料學報,14(2):351-356.
30. 楊 美,石 磊,徐芳森*,王運華。(2008)不同硼水平對雙低油菜華雙4號產量和品質的影響。植物營養與肥料學報,14(2):1118-1122.
29. 年夫照,胡承孝,徐芳森,呂 芬,石 磊,王運華*。(2008)硼對不同硼效率甘藍型油菜葉片6-磷酸葡萄糖脫氫酶活性和可溶性糖含量的影響。云南農業大學學報, 23(1):47-51.
28. Long Yan, Shi Jiaqin, Qiu Dan, Li Ruiyuan, Zhang Chunyu, Wang Jin, Hou Jinna, Zhao Jianwei, Shi Lei, Lim YP, Choi SR, Beom-Seok park, Meng Jinling*. Flowering time quantitative trait loci analysis of oilseed Brassica in multiple environments and genomewide alignment with Arabidopsis. Genetics, 2007, 177, 2433-2444. (IF4.087)
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