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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-28 相關院校:蘭州大學
姓 名: 謝小冬
Name: Xie Xiaodong
職 務:教授
Duty: full professor
Research Interests:
Genetic components of major polygenic disorders, including gastric cancer, rheumatoid, diabetes, hypertension, congenital heart disease and breast cancer in Northwest China and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region。
Human population genetics, focusing on the origin, migration, and evolution of ethnic groups from Northwest China and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region。
2012年“西北及青藏高原群體和臨床遺傳資源共享平臺建設與應用” 甘肅省科技進步二等獎;
2008年“類風濕關節炎相關基因NCF1單核苷酸多態性研究及臨床應用” 獲甘肅省科技進步三等獎。
2007年“類風濕關節炎相關基因NCF1單核苷酸多態性研究及臨床應用” 獲甘肅省教育廳高等學校科技進步二等獎。
2006 年“IL-B基因SNP及IL-1RN基因VNTR與中國西北人群胃癌易患性的關系研究”獲得甘肅醫學科技獎三等獎。
2007年“醫學生命學科教學改革創新與實踐” 獲甘肅省教學成果二等獎。
2000年“生物指示高技術在甘肅省刑偵司法中的應用” 獲得“蘭州市科技進步二等獎。
honors and awards:
New Century Excellent Talents in University, from Ministry of Education of P.R.China, 2005。
Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Outstanding Award for medical Sciences, from the Health Bureau of Gansu Province, China, 2012。
Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Awards, from the Government of Gansu Province, China, 2012。
Gansu Provincia good harvest Awards for farming, forestry, animal husbandry, side-line production and fishery, from the Agriculture Bureau of Gansu Province, China, 2013。
Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Awards for medicine, from the Health Bureau of Gansu Province, China, 2006。
Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Awards for High Education Institute, from the Education Bureau of Gansu Province, China, 2007。
Gansu Provincial Teaching Awards for High Education Institute, from the Education Bureau of Gansu Province, China, 2007。
Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Awards, from the Government of Gansu Province, China, 2008。
謝小冬 ,男, 回族 ,1969年1月生,博士,中共黨員,教授,博士生導師。蘭州大學遺傳學研究所常務副所長,蘭州大學遺傳醫學中心常務副主任;2005年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃,中國優生科學協會第六屆理事會常務理事,中國遺傳學會第九屆理事會理事,中國遺傳學會人類和醫學遺傳委員,國際基因變異組學中國區專家、甘肅省遺傳學會副理事長,甘肅省醫學遺傳學會副主任委員,甘肅省檢驗與診斷技術專業委員會副主任委員,甘肅省特色農產品產業聯盟副理事長,甘肅省食品藥品監督管理局醫療器械技術審評專家,甘肅省科技基礎條件平臺建設專家委員會專家,甘肅省干酪素工程技術研究中心主任、甘肅省酪蛋白工程研究中心主任、甘肅省新藥臨床前研究重點實驗室學術指導與專家決策小組專家,甘肅省證據科學技術研究與應用重點實驗室學術委員會成員,中央民族大學中國少數民族傳統醫學研究國家民委—教育部重點實驗室學術委員會成員,Association of Cambridge Studies理事,Journal of Cambridge Studies副主編,《中國優生與遺傳雜志》雜志副主編,《中華醫學遺傳學》雜志編委,《遺傳》雜志編委,《蘭州大學學報》(醫學版)編委,SCI雜志Molecular Biology Reports、Molecular Carcinogenesis,Rheumatology,Human Immunology和Journal of Genetics and Genomics審稿人。
2006年5月 至今,任蘭州大學基礎醫學院教授,博士生導師,蘭州大學遺傳學研究所常務副所長,蘭州大學遺傳醫學中心常務副主任工作。目前指導博士后2人,博士生11人,碩士生15人。
現為“985工程”蘭州大學基因工程制藥學科建設項目負責人;國家國際科技合作專項項目“先天性心臟病的轉化醫學國際合作研究”(2011DFA33120) 主持人;國家自然基金“中國人群中胃癌患者5-Fu化療敏感性相關miRNA的研究”(81272454)主持人;科技部國家科技基礎平臺工作重點項目“青藏高原地區人群先天性心臟病,胃癌易患性及遺傳與環境交互作用研究”(項目批準號:2006DKA21301)課題負責人;973《重離子束治癌關鍵科學技術問題》項目(2010CB834201)子課題“重離子束治癌個體基因組敏感性差異的分子機理研究”負責人;國家973項目《先天性心臟病形成、發展和干預的基礎研究》(項目編號:2010CB529500)分課題“先天性心臟病遺傳學的研究” 項目負責人 ;甘肅省科技攻關重點項目“利用植物反應器生產溶栓藥物的研究” (2GS042-A43-013-04)項目主持人。
1. 中國優生科學協會第六屆理事會常務理事;
2. 中國遺傳學會第九屆理事會理事;
3. 中華醫學會檢驗分會實驗室管理專業委員;
4. 中國遺傳學會人類和醫學遺傳專業委員;
5. 甘肅省科技基礎條件平臺建設專家委員會專家;
6. 甘肅省遺傳學會副理事長;
7. 甘肅省醫學遺傳學會副主任委員;
8. 甘肅省檢驗與診斷技術專業委員會副主任委員;
9. 甘肅省特色農產品產業聯盟副理事長,
22.Association of Cambridge Studies理事;
23.Journal of Cambridge Studies副主編;
28.SCI雜志“Molecular Biology Reports”審稿人;
29.SCI雜志“Molecular Carcinogenesis”審稿人;
30.SCI雜志Journal of Genetics and Genomics審稿人;
1998.09 to 2001.06: A Ph.D candidate at School of life science, Lanzhou University, and got my Ph.D. in ecology in Jun. 2001 from Lanzhou University。
1995.08 to 1998.06: Studied the courses of master’s degree of Environmental。
Biology at the Dept. of Biology, Lanzhou University in Lanzhou, China and got the Master’s degree。
1988.08 to 1992.06: Studied as undergraduate at the Dept. of Biology, Lanzhou University in Lanzhou, China and got the Bachelor’s degree。
2006.06 to the present: Professor, School of Basic Medical Science, Lanzhou University。
2003.05 to 2006.05: Associate Professor, School of Life Science, Lanzhou University。
2001.08 to 2003.05: postdoctoral in Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Science。
2009.04 to 2010.4: Visiting Fellow in Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies the University of Cambridge, UK
四、 發表論文
2013 H-Y Zhang, L Feng, H Wu, X-D Xie*. The association of IL-6 and IL-6R gene polymorphisms with chronic periodontitis in a Chinese population. Oral Diseases, doi:10.1111/odi.12075
2013 Zhen-Chang Zhang, Gang Su, Jiong Li, Hua Wu, Xiao-Dong Xie*. Two new neuroprotective phenolic compounds from Gastrodia elata. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research. DOI:10.1080/10286020.2013.791286
2013 Hua Pan, Jianfa Lan, Xin Luo, Jun Gao, Xiaodong Xie*, Hongyu Guo. Biological properties of gadolinium diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid and PKH26-labeled human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem Cells. Cytotherapy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcyt.2013.05.015
2012 Xiaowei Sun, Ying Meng, Tao You, Peiqiang Li, Hua Wu, Ming Yu, Xiaodong Xie*. Association of growth/differentiation factor 1 gene polymorphisms with the risk of congenital heart disease in the Chinese Han population. Molecular Biology Reports, DOI 10.1007/s11033 -012-2172-0
2012 Xinyue Liu, Tinghong Lv, Xiaodong Xie* , Jing Li, Gang Su, Hua Wu. Antitumour Effect of the Sesquiterpene Chabranol on Four Human Cancer Cells by Inducing Apoptosis and Autophagy. Journal of International Medical Research, 40 (4):1644-1651
2012 Ya-ling Liang, Hua Wu, Xi Shen, Pei-qiang Li, Xiao-qing Yang, Li Liang, Wei-hua Tian, Li-feng Zhang, Xiao-dong Xie*. Association of STAT4 rs7574865 polymorphism with autoimmune diseases: a meta-analysis. Molecular Biology Reports. DOI : 10.1007/s11033 -012-1754-1
2012 Sun, Lei, Cheng, Longfei, Dong, Hanquan, Wang, Binbin, Huang, Guoying, Li, Zhongzhi, Xie, Xiaodong, Shen, Adong, Li, Xiaotian, Wang, Jing, *Li, Hui, Ma, Xu. Novel Mutations of NODAL Gene in Chinese Patients with Congenital Heart Disease. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers,16(4):306-309 DOI:10.1089/gtmb.2011.0101
2011 Xi Shen, Rui-Min Liu, Lan Yang, Hua Wu, Pei-Qiang Li, Ya-Ling Liang, Xiao-Dong Xie*, Ting Yao, Ting-Ting Zhang, Min Yu. The CRISPLD2 gene is involved in cleft lip and/or cleft palate in a Chinese population, Birth Defects Research (Part A): Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 91(10):918-924. DOI: 10.1002/bdra.20840
2011 Ya-ling Liang, Hua Wu, Pei-qiang Li, Xiao-dong Xie*, Xi Shen, Xiao-qing Yang, Xuan Cheng, Li Liang. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 gene polymorphisms associated with rheumatoid arthritis in Northwestern Chinese Han population, Life Sci, 89(5-6):171-175. DOI:10.1016/j.lfs.2011.05.012
2011 Li Wei, Yong Zhao, Tian-kang Guo, Pei-qiang Li, Hua Wu, Han-bing Xie, Ke-jun Ma, Feng Gao, Xiao-dong Xie *. Association of mtDNA D-Loop polymorphisms with risk of gastric cancer in Chinese population. Pathology & Oncology Research, DOI: 10.1007/s12253-011-9378-7
2011 Ting Yao, Lan Yang, Pei-qiang Li, Hua Wu, Han-bing Xie, Xi Shen, Xiao-dong Xie *. Association of Wnt3A gene variants with non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate in Chinese population. Archives of Oral Biology,56:73-78
2010 Hua Wu, Li-Hua Yang, Ji Zuo, Ya-Ling Liang, Pei-Qiang Li, Wen Liu, Xiao-Dong Xie *. Fc receptor–like 3 gene polymorphisms confer susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis in a Chinese population. Human Immunology,71(12):1203–1208
2009 Wang B, Yan J, Peng Z, Wang J, Liu S, Xie X, Ma X. Teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1 (TDGF1) sequence variants in patients with congenital heart defect. Int J Cardiol. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2009.08.046
2009 Wang B, Wang J, Liu S, Han X, Xie X, Tao Y, Yan J, Ma X. CFC1 mutations in Chinese children with congenital heart disease. Int J Cardiol. Doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2009.07.034
2009 Wang B, Wen Q, Xie X, Liu S, Liu M, Tao Y, Li Z, Suo P, Shen A, Wang J, Ma X. Mutation analysis of Connexon43 gene in Chinese patients with congenital heart defects. Int J Cardiol. Doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2009.06.026
2009 Wang B, Yan J, Mi R, Zhou S, Xie X, Wang J, Ma X. Forkhead box H1 (FOXH1) sequence variants in ventricular septal defect. Int J Cardiol. Doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2009.05.030
2009 Wang B, Li L, Xie X, Wang J, Yan J, Mu Y, Ma X. Genetic variation of SAL-Like 4 (SALL4) in ventricular septal defect. Int J Cardiol. Doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2009.05.067
2009 Mian Zhao,Qing-Peng Kong, Hua-Wei Wang, Min-Sheng Peng,Xiao-Dong Xie, Wen-Zhi Wang, Jiayang,Jian-Guo Duan,Ming-Cui Cai, Shi-Neng Zhao, Cidanpingcuo, Yuan-Quan Tui, Shi-Fang Wu, Yong-Gang Yao, Hans-Jürgen Bandelt, Ya-Ping Zhang*. Mitochondrial Genome Evidence Reveals Successful Late Paleolithic Settlement on Tibetan Plateau. PNAS, 106: 21230-21235
2008 Ruixia Zhou, Daqun Yang, Hua Zhang, Weiping Yu, Lizhe An, Xilong Wang, Hong Li, Jiujin Xu, Xiaodong Xie*. Origin and evolution of two Yugur sub-clans in Northwest China: a case study in paternal genetic landscape. Annals of Human Biology, 35, (2) :198 - 211
2008 Ju-xiang Liu, Jing Liu, Pei-qiang Li, Xiao-dong Xie*, Qian Guo, Li-min Tian, Xiao-qin Ma , Ji-ping Zhang, Jia Liu, Jing-yuan Gao. Association of sterol regulatory element-binding proteins-1c gene polymorphism with type 2 diabtets mellitus, insulin resistance and blood lipid levels in Chinese population. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 82(10): 42-47
2008 Jing Liu, Jing-yuan Gao, Ji-ping Zhang, Pei-qiang Li, Ju-xiang Liu, Jia Liu, Xiao-dong Xie*. Evaluation of the association between retinal binding protein 4 polymorphisms and type 2 diabetes in Chinese by DHPLC. Endocrine, 34(1-3): 23-28
2008 Sun Litao,Zhou Zhongwei,Xie Xiaodong*,Bao Shilai. Purification and characterization of catalytically active human PRMT5 in Escherichia coli. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics,35(7): 801-806
2007 TK Guo, XH Zhao, XD Xie*, ZH Chen, CS Zhou, LL Wei , H Zhang. The Anti-proliferative Effects of Recombinant Human Lysozyme on Human Gastric Cancer Cells. Journal of International Medical Research, 35 (3):353-360
2007 You Chongge, Li Jianfeng; Xie Xiao-Dong*, Zhu Yan; Li Peiqiang; Chen Yirong. Association of Interleukin-1 Genetic Polymorphism with risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Chinese Population. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine,45(8):968?971
2007 Zhou Ruixia, An Lizhe, Wang Xilong, Wang Xunling, Shao Wei, Lin Gonghua, Yu Weiping,Yi Lin, Xu Shijian, Xu Jiujin, Xie Xiaodong*. Testing hypothesis of ancient Roman soldier origin of Liqian people in Northwest China: a Y chromosome perspective. Journal of Human Genetics,52:584-591
2007 C-G You,Y-S Yin, X-D Xie, J Ju, Z-P Wang, Y-R Chen. Sex Influences on the Penetrance of IL-1B and IL-1RN Genotypes for Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Chinese Population. Journal of International Medical Research, 35 (3):323-328
2007 Z. Li ,W. Yu, X. Xie*, P. Li, G. Tiankang, W. Zhang, L. An, X. Wang. Association of gastric cancer with tyrosine hydroxylase gene polymorphism in a northwestern Chinese population. Clin Exp Med 7(3):98-101
2006 L Yi, YH Gu, XL Wang, LZ An, XD Xie*, et al. Association of ACE, ACE2 and UTS2 Polymorphisms with Essential Hypertension in Han and Dongxiang Populations from Northwestern China. Journal of International Medical Research, 34 (3):272-28
2005 WH Zhang, XL Wang, J Zhou, LZ An, XD Xie*. Association of interleukin-1B (IL-1B) gene polymorphisms with risk of gastric cancer in Chinese population. Cytokine.30(6):378-381
2005 Yajun Yang, Xiaodong Xie et al. Allele Frequency Distribution at Seven Y-Chromosomal STR Loci Among Five Ethnic Groups from Northwest China. J Forensic Sci. 50(3):734-736
2002 Xie Xiaodong , “Studies of DNA polymorphism in Tibetan, Dongxiang, Hui and Han Ethnic Groups from the East Edge of Tibetan-Plateau”, HGM2002, 2002, Shanghai, Nature publishing group, pp239.
2001 Xie Xiaodong, Wang Xunling et al. Population study of three STR loci-HUMTH01,TPOX,and CSF1PO in Dongxiang, Hui, and Han from Northwest China. Forensic Science International. 119(2) : 258-259;
2001 Xie Xiaodong, Wang Xunling et al.Tibetan population data on the PCR-based loci: D16S539, D7S820, D13S317, HUMF13A01, FESFPS, vWA, HUMTH01,TPOX, andCSF1PO. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 114(6):349-351
2013馬海財,謝小冬*. “一種驗證孟德爾定律中F2性狀分離比的新方法——顯性觀察法”《遺傳》2013,35(1)107-110
2013文少卿, 謝小冬, 徐丹 “接觸與混合——從Y染色體的角度看東鄉人群及其語言的關系”.《遺傳》,35(6)761-770
2013謝小冬*,蘇剛,輦曉峰,馬國榮,賈宗平 .“硫酸軟骨素-A對X射線輻照損傷小鼠的影響” 《西北師范大學學報》, 49(1):1-6
2012謝海玉,紀銀莉,高維東,謝小冬*,何瀟. “鄰二氮菲-Fe2+法測定牦牛乳酪蛋白酶解產物的抗氧化性”《食品與發酵工業》,38(11):182-185
2012宋禮,何瀟,高維東,紀銀莉,謝小冬*. “米黑毛霉凝乳酶霉學性質研究”《食品工業科技》,33(23):192-197
2012丁建明,謝小冬,宋禮,紀銀莉*. “酶水解蛋白產物脫苦技術研究進展”《糧食與油脂》,(08):5-7
2012紀銀莉,高維東,宋禮,何瀟,丁建明,謝小冬*. 牦牛乳酪蛋白肽制備及乙酰化脫苦”《糧油加工》, 34(6):302-304
2012紀銀莉,宋禮,高維東,謝海玉,謝小冬*. “牦牛乳酪蛋白霉解工藝優化及抗氧化活性研究”《食品工業科技》, (11):106-109
2012蘇艷萍,紀銀莉,高維東,葛靜微,謝小冬*. 曲拉凝乳酶干酪素工業化生產的關鍵技術”《食品與發酵工業》, 38(11):105-108
2012紀銀莉,何瀟,高維東,宋禮,葛靜微,蘇艷萍,謝小冬*. “響應面法優化‘曲拉’凝乳酶干酪素凝乳工藝”《食品科學》 2012, 34(6):37-41
2012紀銀莉,何瀟,宋禮,蘇艷萍,高維東,葛靜微,謝小冬*. “曲拉凝乳酶干酪素生產工藝研究”《食品工業科技》,34(02):252-255
2012 謝小冬*,陳晶晶,于敏,李培強,姚宏兵. “甘肅省先天性心臟病環境因素病例調查分析”. 《中國優生與遺傳雜志》,20(4):9-12;
2010 楊蘭,謝小冬*,馬力揚,劉志壽,潘玉蘭,劉顏彬.白細胞介素-1基因多態性與甘肅回族、東鄉族人群慢性牙周炎的相關性.華西口腔醫學雜志,29(4):99-102
2010 尤崇革,王軼,謝小冬,李建鋒 “白細胞介素1B基因單倍型與類風濕關節炎易感性” 《蘭州大學學報》(醫學版),36(4): 11-15;
2010 李娟,謝小冬*,李培強,吳驊 “白介素-6基因多態性與急性淋巴細胞白血病的相關研究”《中國優生與遺傳雜志》,18(10):19-22;
2010 蘭詠梅、謝小冬*,賈云,裴淑艷、金龍、殷煒隆、王小恒“甘肅省裕固族自治縣居民血脂水平調查”《中國公共衛生》, 26(7):887-889;
2008 楊亞軍,安黎哲,謝小冬,徐玖瑾 “Genetic analysis of Y chromosomes in five ethnic group from Northwest China” 《蘭州大學學報》(自然科學版),2008,44(2):47-52;
2007 錢瑾,劉發央,謝小冬,賈彪 “紫花苜蓿高頻植株再生體系的建立”《甘肅農業大學學報》,2007,33(1):48-50;
2007 伊玲,顧遠暉,周瑞霞,謝小冬“東鄉族原發性高血壓血管緊張素轉換酶基因多態性”《蘭州大學學報》(醫學版),2007,42(1):77-81;
2006 周瑞霞,安黎哲,伊琳,楊亞軍,王勛陵,張偉華,郭茜,謝小冬*“中國甘肅三個特有少數民族、回族和漢族DYS287、DYS19的遺傳多態性研究”.《蘭州大學學報》(自然科學版),2006,42(2):38-42
2006 謝小冬,王希隆,周瑞霞,馬克君“回族學研究新視角?分子遺傳學和生物信息學在回族學研究中的應用初探” 《回族研究》,2006,(4): 27-30;
2006 何小玲, 王勛陵,謝小冬“甘肅省漢、藏族ApoB 位點遺傳多態性的初步研究”. 湛江師范學院學報,2006,27(3):62-65
2006 Xie Xiaodong , “A new vision of Hui Ethnological Evolution Analysis: application of molecular genetic and bioinformatics in the study of Hui origin”,第二屆回族學國際學術研討會,2006,寧夏,第二屆回族學國際學術研討會論文匯編,pp19-23
2005 楊亞軍,謝小冬,安黎哲“甘肅臨夏回族群體8個Y-STR基因座單倍型頻率調查”,《中國法醫學雜志》,2005,20(1):47-48;
2005 侯路珍,劉發央,謝小冬“啟動子actin的克隆及植物表達載體的構建”,《草原與草坪》,2005,(3):66-68;
2005 楊亞軍,安黎哲, 王勛陵,謝小冬*“Human Y-specific STR haplotypes in Dongxiang ethnic group from Northwest China”《蘭州大學學報》(自然科學版),2005,41(4):34-38;
2005 張偉華,張愛萍,劉玉琴,安黎哲, 謝小冬“IL-1B基因SNP與中國西北人群胃癌高發風險相關”《中國醫學理論與實踐》, 2005,15(10):1477-1479,1459
2004 侯路珍,劉發央,謝小冬“蘿卜抗菌肽基因AFP的克隆及其在大腸桿菌中的誘導表達”,《甘肅農業大學學報》,2004,39(3):245-248;
2004 楊亞軍,安黎哲,謝小冬“論生命科學與人類學研究的交叉和融合”,《西北民族研究》,2004(4)64-75;
2003 陜雪梅,謝小冬“怎樣正確表達英語倍數”,《甘肅農業大學學報》,2003,38(增刊):144-147;
2002 謝小冬,王勛陵等“從群體遺傳的DNA線索探討東鄉族族源問題”《民族研究》,2002,(1):35-39;(全國社科類權威刊物)
2002 謝小冬,陜雪梅 “回族起源的DNA證據”,《回族研究》,2002,(3):75-78;
2001 Xie Xiaodong, Wang Xunling et al. “Tibetan Population Data on the Multiplex Short Tandem Repeat Loci-D16S539,D7S820, and D13S317”,《遺傳學報》,2001,28(6):487-492;
2001 謝小冬,王勛陵等“甘肅回、漢族人群D1S80位點擴增片段長度多態性研究”,《蘭州大學學報》(自然科學版),2001,37(4):85-90;
2000 謝小冬,王勛陵等“甘肅漢族人群D1S80基因座多態性分析” 《中國法醫學雜志》,2000,15(2):93-94;
博士后:董治龍 李 炯
博士生: 黃 剛 潘 華 劉永琦 程 燕 郭 璐 馬建秀 張振昶 李 屹
碩士生: 文少卿 趙 昕 譚 沁 孔祥真
博士:周瑞霞 伊 玲 楊 蘭 張偉華 楊亞軍 沈 喜 梁亞玲 孫曉偉 劉欣躍
碩士:朱槿宏 李 娟 陳晶晶 任錦濤 周 燕 呂廷洪 張婷婷 于 敏 藺博超 孫志博 水小川 劉紅芳 蘭詠梅 何進鵬 魏 麗 李陽冰 馬旭升姚 婷 李 勇 李 靜 馬克君 馬國榮 輦曉峰 王曉妍 王 琳
張霖 馮 暄 孫立濤 邵 偉 蔣 凡 毛 娟 張 偉 肖 瑩 李 虹
李建峰 田曉玲 任振新 俞衛平