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張洪艷教授博士畢業于中科院長光所,先后在中科院物理所、中科院理化所從事研究工作,有在美國約翰霍普金斯大學醫學院訪問學者經歷。先后獲得北京科技新星和鄂爾多斯市“草原英才”,在Biosensor and Bioelectron、Analytical Chemistry,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical等國際期刊共發表文章100余篇(SCI收錄80余篇),其中一作和通訊作者文章40余篇,獲得授權專利30項,包括1項國際專利。主持了863計劃項目1項,中科院儀器研制項目2項,中國科學院儀器設備功能開發技術創新項目1項,主持國家自然基金面上項目2項,北京市自然基金面上項目1項及橫向項目1項,作為項目骨干參與國家重點研發計劃(973)項目、國家自然基金儀器專項項目、中科院儀器研制項目、國家自然基金面上項目等10余項。
1.L. He, H. Xiong, B. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, H. Zhang*, H. Li, Z. Yang, X. Song*, Rational Design of a Two-Photon Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe for Hypochlorous Acid with a Large Stokes Shift, Anal. Chem. 2020, DIO:10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00030(SCI, IF=6.785)
2.D. Bu,H.n Song, Z. Li*, L. Wei, H. Zhang*, M. Yu*,Carbon-dot-based ratiometric fluorescent probe of intracellular zinc ion and persulfate ion with low dark toxicity,2020,Luminescence, DIO:10.1002/bio.3894(SCI, IF=1.855)
3.Y. Hou, H. Liu, Z. Li,* H. Zhang,* L. Wei, M. Yu*,One-step synthesis of mitochondrion-targeted fluorescence carbon dots and fluorescent detection of silver ions, Anal. Methods, 2020, 12, 2835 –284. (SCI, IF=2.596)
4.Y. Li, J. Zhu, H. Zhang,*, W. Liu, J. Ge, J. Wu, P. Wang, High sensitivity gram-negative bacteria biosensor based on a small-molecule modified surface plasmon resonance chip studied using a laser scanning confocal imaging-surface plasmon resonance system, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 259, 492-497(SCI, IF=5.667)
5.Y. He, Z. Li,*, Q. Jia, B. Shi, H. Zhang,*, L. Wei, M. Yu, Ratiometric fluorescent detection of acidic pH in lysosome with carbon nanodots, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2017, 28, 1969-1974(SCI, IF=1.932)
6.X. Liu, Y. Su, H. Tian, L. Yang, H. Zhang*, X. Song* and James W. Foley, A Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe for Lysosomal pH Measurement and Imaging in Living Cells Using Single-Wavelength Excitation, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 7038–7045(SCI, IF=6.32)
7.H. Li, H. Dong, M. Yu, C. Liu, Z. Li, L. Wei, L. Sun,* and H. Zhang*, NIR ratiometric luminescence detection of pHfluctuation in living cells with hemicyanine derivative-assembled upconversion nanophosphors, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 8863-8869 (SCI, IF=6.32)
8.M. Yu *, W. Du, H. Li, H. Zhang*, Z. Lia*,Near-infrared ratiometric fluorescent detection of arginine in lysosome with a new hemicyanine derivative, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 92, 385–389(SCI, IF=7.78)
9.Z. Li , W. Zhang, C. Liu, M. Yu , H. Zhang,*, L. Guo, L. Wei, A colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescent probe for hydrazine and its application in living cells with low dark toxicity, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2017, 241,665–671(SCI, IF=5.667)
10.Q. Ma, H. Zhang,* W. Liu, J. Ge, J. Wu, S. Wang and P. Wang, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate based on cysteamine-modified gold nanoparticle aggregation for highly sensitive pentachlorophenol detection, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 85285–85292(SCI, IF=3.2877)
11. S. Liu, H. Zhang,* W. Liu, B. Zhou, Q. Ma, J. Ge, J. Wu and P. Wang, Investigation of biological cell–small molecule interactions with a gold surface plasmon resonance sensor using a laser scanning confocal imagingsurface plasmon resonance system, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 65930–65935(SCI, IF=3.2877)
12.M. Yu*, W. Du, W. Zhou, H. Li, C. Liu, L. Wei, Z. Li*, H. Zhang*, A 1,8-naphthalimide-based chemosensor with an off-on fluorescence and lifetime imaging response for intracellular Cr3+ and further for S2-, Dyes and Pigments, 2016, 126, 279-285(SCI, IF=4.055)
招生專業基礎: 材料、化工、環境化學、分析化學生物、通信等專業相關
(1)學費標準:碩士每生每學年 6000 元;
(2)補助信息:對于調劑到我們專業的研究生,新生入學即有 6000 元的獎金,另 外還有每月 700 元的生活補助,此外,學生所在的研究團隊將為每名研究生提供每 年不低于 5000 元的資助;學生入學報到后,補助外地學生來北京復試時的往返交通費(火車硬座、硬臥或高鐵二等座)
獎學金種類 資助金額 獎學金種類 資助金額
國家獎學金 20000 元/人·學年 國家助學金 7000 元/人·學年
學業獎學金 8000/6000/4000 元/人·學年
新生學業獎學金 8000/6000 元/人·學年
愛慕獎學金 2000 元/人·學年 紡織之光獎學金 8000 元/人·學年
桑麻獎學金 4000/3000/2000 元/人·學年
(4)學院積極創造良好的科研條件,鼓勵學生開展學術研究,注重對研究生 的學術訓練和培養,2019 年 3 名同學喜獲國家留學基金委資助去日本、法國及西班牙等國家攻讀博士學位。此外,本學科已與中科院化學所、中科院過程所、中科院理化所、中國紡織科學研究院、北京化工大學、總后軍需裝備研究所、北京航空航天大學等單位建立了合作關系,根據科研項目需要,每年選派優秀研究生進行聯合培養。
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