
    高校名稱 福建農林大學 所在省市 福建
    調劑專業 生物育種、生物技術與工程 是否有公費名額 未知
    發布時間 2024-03-11 截止時間 未注明




    明瑞光,男,博士、教授、博士生導師,基因組中心主任,國家重大人才計劃專家、美國科學促進會會士(AAAS, Fellow)。主要從事熱帶、亞熱帶作物分子遺傳和基因組演化相關基礎研究,已在國際期刊發表研究論文251篇,其中包括Nature(3篇)、Science(2篇)、Cell(1篇)、Nature Genetics(7篇)、Nature Communications(2篇)、PNAS(3篇)、Nature Plants(4篇)、Genome Research(6篇)、Genome Biology(6篇)。主持科研項目20余項。主編著作3部(Springer出版),參編著作9部。擔任Nature、Science、Cell、Nature Genetics、Nature Communications、PNAS、Nature Plants等國際主流期刊的審稿人。









    55. Deng, Y., L. Guo, L. Lin, Y. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Yuan, L. Ke, B. Xie, R. Ming. 2023. Meiosis in an asymmetric dikaryotic genome of Tremella fuciformis Tr01 facilitates new chromosome formation. Genome Biology. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-023-03093-7

    54. Yue, J., Krasovec, M., Kazama, Y., Zhang, X., Xie, W., Zhang, S., Xu, X., Kan, B., Ming, R. and Filatov, D.A., 2023. The origin and evolution of sex chromosomes, revealed by sequencing of the Silene latifolia female genome. Current Biology. 33:2504-2514

    53. Yao, Y., Fu, W., Yu, Y., Wan, S., Zhang, W. and Ming, R., 2023. The synthesis of papaya fruit flavor-related linalool was regulated by CpTPS18 and CpNAC56. Plant reproduction, 15:1-14.

    52. Huang, Y., He, J., Xu, Y., Zheng, W., Wang, S., Chen, P., Zeng, B., Yang, S., Jiang, X., Liu, Z., Wang, L., Wang, X., Liu, X., Lu, Z., Liu, Z., Yu, H., Yue, J., Gao, J., Zhou, X., Long, C., Zeng, X., Gao, Y.J., Zhang, W.F., Xie, Z., Li, C., Ma, Z., Jia, W., Zhang, F., Larkin, R.M., Krueger, R.R., Smith, M.W., Ming, R., Deng, X., Xu, Q. 2023. Pangenome analysis provides insight into the evolution of the orange subfamily and a key gene for citric acid accumulation in citrus fruits. Nature Genetics, 55:1964-1975.

    51. Wang, Y., C. Jiang, X. Zhang, H. Yan, Z. Yin, X. Sun, F. Gao, Y. Zhao, W. Liu, S. Han, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. Li, X. Xie, Q. Zhao, X. Wang, G. Ye, J. Li, R. Ming, Z. Li. 2023. Upland rice genomic signatures of adaptation to drought resistance and navigation to molecular design breeding. Plant Biotechnology Journal. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.14215

    50. Zhou, J., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Ling, W., Fan, X., Feng, Q., Ming, R. and Yang, F., 2023. Combined analyses of transcriptome and metabolome reveal the mechanism of exogenous strigolactone regulating the response of elephant grass to drought stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, p.1186718.

    49. Ma, X., Ju, S., Lin, H., Huang, H., Huang, J., Peng, D., Ming, R., Lan, S. and Liu, Z.J., 2023. Sex-Related Gene Network Revealed by Transcriptome Differentiation of Bisexual and Unisexual Flowers of Orchid Cymbidium tortisepalum. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(23), p.16627.

    48. Wei, H., Yang, Z., Niyitanga, S., Tao, A., Xu, J., Fang, P., Lin, L., Zhang, L., Qi, J., Ming, R. and Zhang, L., 2023. The reference genome of seed hemp (Cannabis sativa) provides new insights into fatty acid and vitamin E synthesis. Plant Communications, 4, 100718

    47. Ma, Y., Yu, H., Lu, Y., Gao, S., Fatima, M., Ming, R. and Yue, J., 2023. Transcriptome analysis of sugarcane reveals rapid defense response of SES208 to Xanthomonas albilineans in early infection. BMC Plant Biology, 23(1), pp.1-19.

    46. Contiliani, D.F., J.F.C.D.O. Nebó, R.V. Ribeiro, M.G.D.A. Landell, T.C. Pereira, R. Ming, A. Figueira, S. Creste. 2023. Drought-triggered leaf transcriptional responses disclose key molecular pathways underlying leaf water use efficiency in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, p.1182461.

    45. Zheng, H., B. Wang, X. Hua, R. Gao, Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Mei, Y. Huang, Y. Huang, H. Lin, X. Zhang, D. Lin, S. Lan, Z. Liu, G. Lu, Z. Wang, R. Ming, J. Zhang, Zhanxi Lin. 2023. A near complete allotetrapolyploid genome provides insight into the evolution and C4 photosynthesis characteristics of Cenchrus fungigraminus (JUJUNCAO). Plant Communications, 4, 100633.

    44. Wang, T., B. Wang, X Hua, H. Tang, Z. Zhang, R. Gao, Y. Qi, Q. Zhang, G. Wang, Z. Yu, Y. Huang, Z. Zhang, J. Mei, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang; Y. Li, X. Meng, Y. Wang, H. Pan, S. Chen, Z. Li, H. Shi, X. Liu, Z. Deng, B. Chen, M. Zhang; L. Gu, J. Wang, R. Ming, W. Yao, J. Zhang. 2023. A complete gap-free diploid genome in Saccharum complex and the genomic footprints of evolution in the highly polyploid Saccharum genus. Nature Plants 30:1-8.

    43. Zhou, Y., Pang, Z., Jia, H., Yuan, Z. and Ming, R., 2023. Responses of roots and rhizosphere of female papaya to the exogenous application of GA3. BMC Plant Biology, 23(1), pp.1-14. DOI: 10.1186/s12870-022-04025-6

    42. Ma, X., M. Fatima, P. Zhou, M. Zaynab, R. Ming, 2023. Post-pollination sepal longevity of female flower co-regulated by energy-associated multiple pathways in dioecious spinach. Frontiers in Plant Science-Plant Physiology. 13

    41. Jiang, Q., X. Hua, H. Shi, J. Liu, Y. Yuan, Z. Li, S. Li, M. Zhou, C. Yin, M. Dou, N. Qi, Y. Wang, M. Zhang, R. Ming, H. Tang, J. Zhang. 2022. Transcriptome dynamics provides insights into divergences of photosynthesis pathway between Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum. The Plant Journal. 113:1278-1294


    40. Kafkas, S., X. Ma, X. Zhang, H. Topçu, R. Navajas-Pérez, C. M. Wai, H. Tang, X. Xu, M.a Khodaeiaminjan, M. Güney, A. Paizila, H. Karcı, X. Zhang, J. Lin, H. Lin, R. de la Herrán, C. R. Rejón, J. A. García-Zea, F. Robles, C. del Val Muñoz, A. Hotz-Wagenblatt, X. J. Min, H. Özkan, E. Z. Motalebipour, H. Gozel, N. Çoban, N. E. Kafkas1, A. Kilian, H. Huang, X. Lv, K. Liu, Q. Hu, E. Jacygrad1, W. Palmer, R. Michelmore, R. Ming. 2022. The Pistachio Genomes Provide Insights into Nut Tree Domestication and ZW Sex Chromosome Evolution. Plant Communications. 100497

    39. Shearman, J.R., W. Pootakham, C. Sonthirod, C. Naktang, T. Yoocha, D. Sangsrakru, N. Jomchai, S. Tongsima, J. Piriyapongsa, C. Ngamphiw, N. Wanasen, K. Ukoskit, P. Punpee, P. Klomsa-ard, K. Sriroth, J. Zhang, X. Zhang, R. Ming, S. Tragoonrung, S. Tangphatsornruang. 2022. A draft chromosome-scale genome assembly of a commercial sugarcane. Scientific reports, 12, 20474.

    38. Carrasco B, Arévalo B, Perez-Diaz R, Rodríguez-Alvarez Y, Gebauer M, Maldonado JE, García-Gonzáles R, Chong-Pérez B, Pico-Mendoza J, Meisel LA, Ming R, Silva H0. 2022 Descriptive Genomic Analysis and Sequence Genotyping of the Two Papaya Species (Vasconcellea pubescens and Vasconcellea chilensis) Using GBS Tools. Plants. 11:2151. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11162151

    37. Zhou, Y., Z. Pang, Z. Yuan, N. Fallah, H. Jia and R. Ming. (2022) Sex-biased metabolic and microbiota differences in roots and rhizosphere soils of dioecious papaya (Carica papaya L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:991114. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.991114

    36. Zheng, P., Sun, H., Liu, J., Lin, J., Zhang, X., Qin, Y., Zhang, W., Xu, X., Deng, X., Yang, D. and Wang, M., Zhang, Y., Song, H., Huang, Y., Orozco-Obando, W., Ming, R., Yang, M. 2022. Comparative analyses of American and Asian lotus genomes reveal insights into petal color, carpel thermogenesis and domestication. The Plant Journal.110:1498-1515. doi: 10.1111/tpj.15753

    35. Zhang, Q., Qi, Y., Pan, H., Tang, H., Wang, G., Hua, X., Wang, Y., Lin, L., Li, Y., Yu, F., Yu, Z., Huang. Y., Wang, T., Ma, P., Dou, M., Sun, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, H., Zhang, X., Yao, W., Wang, Y., Liu, X., Wang, M., Wang, J., Deng, Z., Xu, J., Yang, Q., Liu, Z., Chen, B., Zhang, M., Ming, R., Zhang, J. 2022. Genomic insights into the recent chromosome reduction of autopolyploid sugarcane Saccharum spontaneum. Nature Genetics. 54:885–896. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-022-01084-1

    34. Zerpa-Catanho, D., S. J. Clough, R. Ming.2022. Characterization and analysis of the promoter region of monodehydroascorbate reductase 4 (CpMDAR4) in papaya. Plant Reproduction 35:233-264. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00497-022-00447-2

    33. Huang, X., Wang, W., Gong, T., Wickell, D., Kuo, L. Y., Zhang, X., Wen, J., Jim, H., Lu, F., Zhao, H., Chen, S., Li, H., Wu, W., Yu, C., Chen, S., Fan, W., Chen, Shuai, Bao, X., Zhang, D., Jiang, L., Yan, X., Liao, Z., Zhou, G., Guo, Y., Ralph, J., Sederoff, R.R., Wei, H., Zhu, P., Li, F.-W., Ming, R., Li, Q. 2022. The flying spider-monkey tree fern genome provides insights into fern evolution and arborescence. Nature Plants, 8:500-512.

    32. Yue, J., R. VanBuren, J. Liu, J. Fang,X. Zhang, Z. Liao, C.M. Wai, X. Xu, S. Chen, S. Zhang, X. Ma, Y. Ma, H. Yu, J. Lin, P. Zhou, Y. Huang, B. Deng, F. Deng, X. Zhao, H. Yan, M. Fatima, D. Zerpa-Catanho, X. Zhang, Z. Lin, M. Yang, N. J. Chen, E. Mora-Newcomer, P. Quesada-Rojas, A. Bogantes, V. M. Jiménez, H. Tang, J. Zhang, M.-L. Wang, R.E. Paull, Q. Yu, R. Ming. 2022. SunUp and Sunset genomes revealed impact of particle bombardment mediated transformation and domestication history in papaya. Nature Genetics 54:715-724.

    31. Ma, X., Yu, L.A., Fatima, M., Wadlington, W.H., Hulse-Kemp, A.M., Zhang, X., Zhang, S., Xu, X., Wang, J., Huang, H., Lin, J., Deng, B., Liang, Z., Yang, Z., Ma, Y., Tang, H., Van Deynze, A., Ming, R. 2022. The spinach YY genome reveals sex chromosome evolution, domestication, and introgression history of the species. Genome Biology, 23:1-30.

    30. Zhang, W., Zhou, Q., Lin, J., Ma, X., Dong, F., Yan, H., Zhong, W., Lu, Y., Yao, Y., Shen, X., Huang, L., Zhang, W., Ming, R. 2022. Transcriptome analyses shed light on floral organ morphogenesis and bract color formation in Bougainvillea. BMC plant biology, 22:1-13.

    29. Zhou, Y., W. Fang, Z. Pang, L.-Y. Chen, H. Cai, Ain, N., M.-C. Chang, R. Ming. (2022) AP1G2 Affects Mitotic Cycles of Female and Male Gametophytes in Arabidopsis. Fronteirs in Plant Science. 13:924417. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.924417

    28. Wang, B., Hu, W., Fang, Y., Feng, X., Fang, J., Zou, T., Zheng, S., Ming, R. and Zhang, J., 2021. Comparative Analysis of the MADS-Box Genes Revealed Their Potential Functions for Flower and Fruit Development in Longan (Dimocarpus longan). Frontiers in plant science, 12, pp.813798-813798.

    27. Ain, N.U., M. Fatima, Y. Zhou, H. Habiba, F.U. Haider, R. Ming. 2022 Genetic determinants of biomass in C4 Crops: Molecular and agronomic approaches to increase biomass for biofuels. Frontiers in Plant Science. 171

    26. Liao, Z., Dong, F., Liu, J., Xu, L., Marshall-Colon, A. and Ming, R., 2022. Gene regulation network analyses of pistil development in papaya. BMC genomics, 23(1), pp.1-14.

    25. Zhou, P., Zhang, X., Ma, X., Yue, J., Liao, Z. and Ming, R., 2022. Methylation related genes affect sex differentiation in dioecious and gynodioecious papaya. Horticulture Research. Jan. 20

    24. Hu, G., Feng, J., Xiang, X., Wang, J., Salojärvi, J., Liu, C., Wu, Z., Zhang, J., Liang, X., Jiang, Z., Liu, W., Ou, L., Li, J., Fan, G., Mai, Y., Chen, C., Zhang, X., Zheng, J., Zhang, Y., Peng, H., Yao, L., Wai, C.M., Luo, X., Fu, J., Tang, H., Lan, T., Lai, B., Sun, J., Wei, Y., Li, H., Chen, J., Huang, X., Yan, Q., Liu, X., McHale, L.K., Rolling, W., Guyot, R., Sankoff, D., Zheng, C., Albert, V.A., Ming, R., Chen, H., Xia, R., Li, J. 2022. Two divergent haplotypes from a highly heterozygous lychee genome suggest independent domestication events for early and late-maturing cultivars. Nature genetics, 54:73-83.

    23. Lin, J., Zhang, W., Zhang, X., Ma, X., Zhang, S., Chen, S., Wang, Y., Jia, H., Liao, Z., Lin, J., Zhu, M., Xu, X., Cai, M., Zeng, H., Wan, J., Yang, W., Matsumoto, T., Hardner, C., Nock, C.J., Ming, R. 2022. Signatures of selection in recently domesticated macadamia. Nature Communications, 13:1-12.


    22. Yu, L.A., Ma, X., Wadlington, W. and Ming, R., 2022. Identification of structural variation and polymorphisms of a sex co-segregating scaffold in spinach. Plant Reproduction, 35:19-30.

    21. Zhang, W., Lin, J., Li, J., Zheng, S., Zhang, X., Chen, S., Ma, X., Dong, F., Jia, H., Xu, X., Yang, Z., Ma, P., Deng, F., Deng, B., Huang, Y., Li, Z., Ma, Y., Liang, Z., Lin, Z., Lin, J., Zhang, S., Matrumoto, T., Xia, R., Zhang, J., Ming, R. 2021. Rambutan genome revealed gene networks for spine formation and aril development. The Plant Journal, 108:1037-1052.

    20. Pandey, N. and Ming, R., 2021. The SAGA of pineapple: genome-wide identification and tissue-specific expression of Spt-Ada-Gcn5-acetyltransferase (SAGA) complex. Euphytica, 217:1-12.

    19. Yu, H., Ma, Y., Lu, Y., Yue, J. and Ming, R., 2021. Expression profiling of the Dof gene family under abiotic stresses in spinach. Scientific reports, 11:1-13.

    18. Hu, W., Ji, C., Liang, Z., Ye, J., Ou, W., Ding, Z., Zhou, G., Tie, W., Yan, Y., Yang, J., Ma, L., Xiaoying Yang7, Yunxie Wei8, Jin, Z., Xie, J., Peng, M., Wang, W., Guo, A., Xu, B., Guo, J., Chen, S., Wang, M., zhou, Y., Li, X., Li, R., Xiao, X., Wan, Z., An, F., Zhang, J., Leng, Q., Li, Y., Shi, H., Ming, R., Li, K. 2021. Resequencing of 388 cassava accessions identifies valuable loci and selection for variation in heterozygosity. Genome biology, 22: 1-23.

    17. Ma, Y., Chen, S., Yu, H., Li, R., Lin, Z., Cai, M., Tang, M., Zhang, X. and Ming, R., 2021. Expression profiling of WRKY transcription factors in Spinach. Euphytica, 217:1-22.

    16. Zhang, L., Ma, X., Zhang, X., Xu, Y., Ibrahim, A.K., Yao, J., Huang, H., Chen, S., Liao, Z., Zhang, Q., Niyitanga, S., Yu, J., Liu, Y. Xu, X., Wang, J.,Tao, A., Xu, J., Chen, S., Yang, X., He, Q., Lin, L., Fang, P., Zhang, L., Ming, R., Qi, J., Zhang, L. 2021. Reference genomes of the two cultivated jute species. Plant biotechnology journal, 19:2235-2248.

    15. Liu, J., Chen, L.Y., Zhou, P., Liao, Z., Lin, H., Yu, Q. and Ming, R., 2021. Sex biased expression of hormone related genes at early stage of sex differentiation in papaya flowers. Horticulture research, 8.

    14. Hu, W., Ji, C., Shi, H., Liang, Z., Ding, Z., Ye, J., Ou, W., Zhou, G., Tie, W., Yan, Y., Yang, J., Yang, X., Wei, Y., Jin, Z., Xie, J., Peng, M., Wang, W., Guo, A., Xu, B., Guo, J., Chen, S., Ma, L., Wang, M., Zhou, Y., Li, X., Li, R., Guo, S., Xiao, X., Wan, Z., An, F., Zhang, J., Leng, Q., Li, Y., Ming, R., Li, K. 2021. Allele-defined genome reveals biallelic differentiation during cassava evolution. Molecular Plant, 14(6), pp.851-854.

    13. Zerpa-Catanho, D.P., Jatt, T. and Ming, R., 2021. Karyotype and genome size determination of Jarilla chocola, an additional sister clade of' Carica papaya. Plant Omics, 14:50-56.

    12. Liao, Z., Zhang, X., Zhang, S., Lin, Z., Zhang, X. and Ming, R., 2021. Structural variations in papaya genomes. BMC genomics, 22:1-13.

    11. Fatima, M., Ma, X., Zhou, P., Zaynab, M. and Ming, R., 2021. Auxin regulated metabolic changes underlying sepal retention and development after pollination in spinach. BMC plant biology, 21:1-15.

    10. Wang, G., Chen, L., Tang, W., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Wang, H., Zhou, X., Wu, H., Guo, L., Dou, M. Liu, L., Wang, B., Lin, J., Xie, B., Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Ming, R., 2021. Identifying a melanogenesis-related candidate gene by a high-quality genome assembly and population diversity analysis in Hypsizygus marmoreus. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 48:75-87.

    9. Dong, F., Lin, Z., Lin, J., Ming, R. and Zhang, W., 2021. Chloroplast genome of rambutan and comparative analyses in Sapindaceae. Plants, 10:283.

    8. Zhang, X., Chen, S., Shi, L., Gong, D., Zhang, S., Zhao, Q., Zhan, D., Vasseur, L., Wang, Y., Yu, J. Liao, Z., Xu, X., Qi, R., Wang, W., Ma, Y., Wang, P., Ye, N., Ma, D., Shi, Y., Wang, H., Kong, W., Lin, J., Wei, L., Ma, Y., Li, R., Hu, G., He, H., Zhang, L., Ming, R., Wang, G., Tang, H., You, M. 2021. Haplotype-resolved genome assembly provides insights into evolutionary history of the tea plant Camellia sinensis. Nature Genetics, 53:1250-1259.

    7. Wang, L., Huang, Y., Liu, Z., He, J., Jiang, X., He, F., Lu, Z., Yang, S., Chen, P., Yu, H. Zeng, B., Ke, L., Xie, Z., Larkin, R.M., Jiang, D., Ming, R., Buckler, E.S., Deng, X., Xu, Q. 2021. Somatic variations led to the selection of acidic and acidless orange cultivars. Nature plants, 7(7), pp.954-965.

    6. Zhang, G., Ge, C., Xu, P., Wang, S., Cheng, S., Han, Y., Wang, Y., Zhuang, Y., Hou, X., Yu, T. Xu, X., Deng, S., Li, Q., Yang, Y., Yin, X., Wang, W., Liu, W., Zhang, C., Sun, X., Wang, Z., Ming, R., Dong, S., Ma, J., Zhang, X., Chen, C. 2021. The reference genome of Miscanthus floridulus illuminates the evolution of Saccharinae. Nature plants, 7:608-618.

    5. Wang, R., Yang, Y., Jing, Y., Segar, S.T., Zhang, Y., Wang, G., Chen, J., Liu, Q.F., Chen, S., Chen, Y. and Cruaud, A., Ding, Y., Dunn, D., Gao, Q., Gilmartin, P.M., Jiang, K., Kjellberg, F., Li, H., Li, Y., Liu, J., Liu, M., Machado, C.A., Ming, R., Rasplu, J., Tong, X., Wen, P., Yang, H, Yang, J., Yin, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Yu, H., Yue, Z., Compton, S.G., Chen, X. 2021. Molecular mechanisms of mutualistic and antagonistic interactions in a plant–pollinator association. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5:974-986.

    4. Liu, J., Han, J., Sharman, A., Wai, C.M., Ming, R., Yu, Q. 2021 Transcriptional regulation of dosage compensation in Carica papaya. Scientific Report. 11:5854. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-85480-3

    3. Zerpa-Catanho, D., Zhang, X., Song, J., Hernandez, A.G., Ming, R. 2021. Ultra-long DNA molecule isolation from plant nuclei for ultra-long read genome sequencing. Star Protocols. 2:100343. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100343

    2. Dong, F., Z. Lin, J. Lin, R. Ming, W. Zhang. 2021. Chloroplast Genome of Rambutan and Comparative Analyses in Sapindaceae. Plants. 10:283. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10020283

    1. Gang, W., Zhang, X., Herre, E., McKey, D., Machado, D., Yu, W.B., Cannon, C., Arnold, M., Pereira, R., Ming, R., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Ma, D., Chen, J. 2021. Genomic evidence of prevalent hybridization throughout the evolutionary history of the fig-wasp pollination mutualism. Nature Communications. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-20957-3










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