- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
金利 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787030347015
- 出版日期:2012-6-1
前言 Valentines Day cards情人節(jié)賀卡 Speed Lumt速度限制 An Advertisement一則廣告 Dog and Violin狗和小提琴 Skunk臭鼬 Five HundredTimes 500遍 A Hasty Interruption匆忙的打斷 Voluntee?志愿者? churchill and George Bernard Shaw丘吉爾和喬治蕭伯納 Saving Lires救人 The Problem of Two Flounde兩條比目魚的問題 Tightfisted Till the End本性難移 Who Should Be Given the Present?禮物應該給誰? Visual Training視力訓練 Excellent Skills絕妙的技巧 Three Men in a Boat三人同舟 An Old Couple's Quarrel老夫妻吵架 AgeEyesight老人的視力 Attended One Thing and Lost Sight ofAnother撿了芝麻丟了西瓜 A Chimpanzee and a Norwegian黑猩猩與挪威人 I'll carty You Down我能把你背下去 Two Hunte兩個獵人 I Hung Him Up to Dry我把他吊起來晾干 I Am Acting Like a Lady我要表現(xiàn)得像位女士 A Mysterious Letter神秘來信 Does Your Dog Bite你的狗咬人嗎? Buckle up請系好安全帶 Bet賭博 A Fishy Story魚的故事 I'll See to the Rest其余的事由我負責 Mental Deficiency智力缺陷 A Jealous Wife吃醋的妻子 No Cavities我沒有蛀牙 My Wife Will Exchange Them反正我太太明天會來換的 I'm theGroom我就是新郎 A Blind Beggar醉漢和盲人乞丐 On Miracle談奇跡 New Year Resolution新年決心書 He Was Only Wrong by Two他的答案只比正確答案多二 Alexander the Grear亞歷山大大帝 Hunting Skills打獵技巧 Who is This Calling?請問您是誰? Zoo Visit參觀動物園 Where Am l Come From?我從哪里來? Restaurant Rules就餐規(guī)則 It Hurts疼死了 So’Gifts to Mother兒子送給媽媽的禮物 surgery外科手術 Another Engine ls Down Again叉壞了一個引擎 They Are All Drowned他們?nèi)佳退懒?One Blonde to Another一個金發(fā)女郎對另一個金發(fā)女郎 Blonde in Trouble不幸的金發(fā)女郎 The Most Difficult Case最棘手的病例 LikeAttracts Like物以類聚 Blondes and the News金發(fā)女郎和新聞 A Blonde with a Gun持槍的金發(fā)女郎 BuyingaHat買帽子 A Brain Traplant腦移植手術 Beware ofDog小心有狗 The Smell ofFresh Blood鮮血的味道 Excited'Remark激動的話 The Anthill蟻丘 Police Dog警犬 Boss's Idea老板的主意 How Could Anyone Stoop So Low?誰的腰能彎那么低啊?