- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(英)穆爾,(英)坎寧安 編著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787560067803
- 出版日期:2007-7-1
Module 1
Names and countries
Personal information: be
Is or are
Negative sentences
Personal questions: be
Short answers
Possessive adjectives
Indefinite article: a/an
Vocabulary: jobs
Vocabulary booster: countries and nationalities
Listen and read
Punctuation: capital letters
Improve your writing: addresses in English
Pronunciation: /a/, /ei/ and /ai/
Module 2
Identifying objects: this, that, these, those
Alan or o with objects and plurals
Have/has got
Questions and short answers
's = is or has?
Adjectives and nouns
Vocabulary booster: more everyday objects
Vocabulary: relationship vocabulary
Listen and read
Spelling: plurals
Pronunciation: /s/ and /z/
Improve your writing: writing about people in your family
Module 3
Present Simple
Positive and negative
Questions and short answers
Subject and object pronouns
Vocabulary: collocations with common verbs
Vocabulary booster: buildings
Listen and read
Prepositions: in, at or to
Pronunciation: the letter/
Improve your writing: commas, full stops, and and but
Too, both and neither
Module 4
Present Simple: spelling
Present Simple with helshelit
Short answers
Positives and negatives
Adverbs of frequency
Activity verbs
Word order: frequency adverbs, auxiliaries
Vocabulary booster: everyday activities
Like, love, hate + -ing
Listen and read
Pronunciation: plural nouns with Is/, Izl and hzl
Improve your writing: a paragraph about a friend
Module 5
Short answers
Articles: a and the
Most, a lot of, some, not many
Listen and read
Vocabulary: means of transport
Vocabulary booster: travel
Pronunciation: the letter a
Improve your writing: completing an immigration form
Module 6
Countable and uncountable nouns
Vocabulary: food
There is/there are
Short answers
Some and any
Some, any, alan and no
Vocabulary booster: things to eat
Listen and read
Questions with how much and how many
Vocabulary: containers: a cup of, a g/ass of, a bottle of
Pronunciation: sentence stress
Improve your writing: describing food from your country
Module 7
Past Simple: was/were
Short answers
Past Simple
Spelling of -ed endings
Regular verbs
Irregular verbs
Regular and irregular verbs
Past time phrases
Prepositions of time
Pronunciation: past tense endings
Vocabulary booster: common verbs
Listen and read
Ordinal numbers
Improve your writing: time linkers: before, offer, then
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12
Module 13
Module 14
Module 15
Answer Key
Pronunciation table
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