- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(英)迪格南(Dignen,B),弗林德斯(Flinders,S),斯威尼(Sweeney,S) 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787115195821
- 出版日期:2009-2-1
Thanksand acknowledgements
Student's Book Contents
1 Introduction to English365 Book 1
Course components
Organisation of the Student's Book
Starting up the course
2 Introduction to the Teacher's Book
Getting ready
Common elements
Teaching type 1 units
Teaching type 2 units
Teaching type 3 units
3 Teacher's notes: Units 1-30
1 Nice to meet you
2 Helping people to learn
3 Have a good weekend
4 North and south
5 Health care - public or private?
6 Downtown Barcelona
7 Changing workspace
8 The A Team
9 I love Chicago
10 Eating around the world
11 Nice work
12 Do you salsa?
13 Chanel
14 Medecins Sans Fronti~res
15 Trekking in Nepal
Revision 1 Units 1-15
16 Project Stockholm
17 Workplace communication
18 Slow food
19 Living in Hong Kong
20 Online
21 Beirut Intercontinental
22 Working for Rolls Royce
23 Start up
24 I buy money
25 Driving to Romania
26 Out of order
27 Teaching T'ai Chi
28 Perfect planning
29 A changing world
30 Jets and pets
Revision 2 Units 16-30
4 Extra classroom activities
Teacher's notes
1 Who am I?
2 Me and my organisation
3 A perfect weekend
4 Daily routines
5 Alphabet soup
8 The place where I live
7 My workplace
8 My ideal manager
9 London and New York
10 Big or small?
11 Job satisfaction
12 Sports quiz
13 Life stories
14 The merger
15 Holiday home
18 What are they doing?
17 Workplace communication
18 National dishes
19 Cultural rules and recommendations
20 Computers in your life
21 Dream hotel
22 Number work
23 It's my business
24 Shopping lists
25 A busy schedule
26 Problems at work
27 New Year resolutions
28 Executive star
29 Forecasting the future
30 Lifestyles
5 Better learning activities
Teacher's notes
1 Why do you want to learn English?
2 Your language learning background
3 Your level
4 Fixing targets
5 Making a plan
6 What makes a good language learner?
7 Learning to speak
8 Learning to read
9 Learning to listen
10 Learning vocabulary
Teacher's diary
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