- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
杜金榜 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787811341645
- 出版日期:2008-6-1
《法律英語閱讀教程》是《法律英語核心教程》的配套教材,共三冊,每冊20單元,每單元由兩篇課文和系統的語言、法律技能練習組成,練習的種類豐富,涵蓋面廣。本套教材保持了《核心教程》的系統性和循序漸進性,第一冊主要是關于英國法律的知識,第二冊介紹的是美國法律的知識,第三冊是關于美國商法的內容。本冊為第二冊,分20個單元,每單元含兩篇法律英語課文,Text Ⅰ系統介紹美國法律的基礎知識,內容涉及憲法、民商法、刑法、行政法、程序法;為了讓學生對法律知識有更廣泛的了解,Text Ⅱ是一篇快速閱讀文章,取材來自美國法和英國法及其他國家的法律,除了鞏固Text Ⅰ的學習以外,還可為學習第三冊奠定基礎。
UNIT 1 Jurisprudence
Text Ⅰ Law as the Union of Primary and Secondary Rules
Text Ⅱ Centralization and the Error of Reasoning
UNIT 2 Historical Development of Constitutional Law
Text Ⅰ The Historical Development of the Constitution of the United States
Text Ⅱ The Forgotten, Newest Amendment
UNIT 3 Doctrines of the Constitution
Text Ⅰ Basic Features of the Constitution
Text Ⅱ Iran-Contra Affair
UNIT 4 Division of Powers
Text Ⅰ Separation of Powers and the Constitution
Text Ⅱ Marbury v. Madison
UNIT 5 Individual Rights and Liberties
Text Ⅰ The Right to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press
Text Ⅱ The Challenge of Roe v. Wade
UNIT 6 Torts
Text Ⅰ Unintentional Torts : Negligence
Text Ⅱ Bethel v. New York Transit Authority
UNIT 7 The Sale of Goods
Text Ⅰ The Sale of Goods in the United States
Text Ⅱ DCA v. Better Homes Depot, Inc.
UNIT 8 The Law of Contracts
Text Ⅰ The Law of Contracts in the United States
Text Ⅱ Breach of Contract
UNIT 9 Government Regulation of Business
Text Ⅰ The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Text Ⅱ Government Regulation of Food Industry
UNIT 10 The Nature and Purpose of Criminal Law
Text Ⅰ The Nature and Purpose of Criminal Law
Text Ⅱ Tort or Crime?
UNIT 11 The General Principles of Criminal Liability
Text Ⅰ The General Principles of Criminal Liability
Text Ⅱ The O. J. Simpson Case
UNIT 12 Crime
Text Ⅰ Types and Degrees of Criminal Homicide
Text Ⅱ Broken Doll
UNIT 13 Punishment
Text Ⅰ Retribution and Prevention
Text Ⅱ Sing Sing Prison
UNIT 14 Concepts of Administrative Law
Text Ⅰ Administrative Law of the United States
Text Ⅱ Rules Review in North Carolina
UNIT 15 Liability, Supervision and Remedy of Administrative Law
Text Ⅰ Limits, Supervision and Liability of the U. S. Administrative Agencies
Text Ⅱ Shedding Light on Chevron
UNIT 16 Judicial Review
Text Ⅰ Judicial Review in the U.S.
Text Ⅱ FTC Provides U. S. House with an Overview of Antitrust Activities
UNIT 17 General Features of Civil Procedures
Text Ⅰ Civil Procedures of the A
Text Ⅱ Education Disputes
UNIT 18 General Features of Criminal Procedures
Text Ⅰ Criminal Procedures of the United States of America
Text Ⅱ Corporate Crimes
UNIT 19 The Criminal Court Process
Text Ⅰ Trial Process
Text Ⅱ Kobe Bryant's Court Appearance
UNIT 20 Administrative Procedure
Text Ⅰ The Function of Administrative Agencies
Text Ⅱ Collins v. State Department of Transportation
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法律英語閱讀與翻譯教程 | 屈文生,石.. | 上海人民出版社 | ¥49.00¥39.20 |
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劍橋法律英語 | (英)布朗.. | 人民郵電出版社 | ¥55.00¥44.00 |
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法律英語證書全國統一考試指定用書—法律英語閱讀教程 | 法律英語證.. | 中國法制出版社 | ¥33.00¥26.40 |
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英文合同閱讀與分析技巧 | 范文祥 著 | 法律出版社 | ¥59.00¥47.20 |
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法律術語翻譯要略:正確使用法律英語同義、近義詞語 | 宋雷 著 | 中國政法大學出版.. | ¥29.00¥23.20 |
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法律英語 (第三版) | 沙麗金 主.. | 中國民主法制出版.. | ¥38.00¥28.70 |
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